Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 59: The love between ghosts and ghosts 2


Hu Shuai was startled, and shook his head again and again, "No, as long as the two of us are willing, it's fine. I don't care, and she doesn't care."

"It's not a matter of indifference or indifference," Ye Shaoyang patiently explained: "After a person dies, the soul will go to the Yin Division to report, cross the Wangchuan River, and go to the Naihe Bridge. Reincarnation, six reincarnations, this is the road of heaven and earth, no one can avoid it, otherwise It is a violation of the law of heaven, and the consequences will be very serious."

Hu Shuai fell down on the bed, protecting Liao Qingqing with both hands. He was stunned for a while, then shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "No, no, I don't want her to be reincarnated. Brother Shaoyang, isn't there a lot of ghosts wandering in the world? What a green one, why can't she stay in the world, I can stay with her for the rest of my life, until I die, and go to reincarnation together."

Ye Shaoyang became angry, and reprimanded: "After death, a person can only stay in the world for seven days, one more day, and after going to the underworld, he will be tortured in hell for one more year. If you live to be seventy and eighty before you die, you are fine. I will go to Yin Division again when the time comes, what are the consequences? Have you thought about it for others?"

Hu Shuai was taken aback, and blurted out: "Then we won't report, and just keep wandering in the world, being a pair of lonely ghosts!"

Ye Shaoyang sneered, "It's easy to say, first, all ghosts who linger in the world will suffer catastrophe every hundred years, and if they can't survive, they will be wiped out. Second, you are a human and she is a ghost, so you can't go to bed. You can't give her a title, I don't believe that you can withstand the pressure and never marry for the rest of your life, which will cut off your family's incense."

Hu Shuai resolutely said: "First, after a hundred years, I will die too. I will accompany her to endure the catastrophe. If I can't bear it, my soul will be scattered together. Second," Hu Shuai smiled, "There is no problem, as long as there is With Qingqing here, I will not marry for the rest of my life, I can do it."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, and stretched out three fingers to him, "Third, I am a mage, a judge in the world. All wandering souls I meet must be sent to the underworld. A criminal, no matter how wronged he is, is still a criminal. If the police don't catch him, That is the policeman's dereliction of duty. To me, a ghost is a ghost and must be saved. There is no human kindness at all. Do you understand?"

Ye Shaoyang raised his right hand, with a piece of five emperors' money between his two fingers, and said coldly: "Everyone is friends, and I don't want to be Fa Hai, but it's my duty, don't force me to do it."

Hu Shuai gritted his teeth, picked up a fruit knife from the bedside, pointed it at Ye Shaoyang, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Shaoyang, don't force me!"

"Fuck, it's against you!" Xiao Ma immediately lifted a three-legged stool and stood in front of Ye Shaoyang, "Little Yezi took such a big risk to rescue Qingqing, isn't it for her own good, in exchange for you pointing a knife at him? How dare you try to move him!"

Li Duo also persuaded: "Xiao Shuai, put down the knife and speak slowly if you have something to say, you haven't reached the point yet."

Hu Shuai sighed, shook his head, put the fruit knife across his neck, and smiled wryly: "In this case, I have no choice but to reincarnate with Qingqing..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Duo rushed over and snatched the fruit knife from his hand.

Hu Shuai didn't resist, and smiled at Ye Shaoyang: "It's okay, it's the same if I die when I go back. If a person wants to die, he can always find a chance. Brother Shaoyang, remember to send us away together, so that we won't find each other below." .”

"I don't care if you die or not, I'll take it if you become a ghost!"

Ye Shaoyang pushed Hu Shuai away, came to Liao Qingqing, looked at her intently, sighed in his heart, took out a magic talisman, and was about to do it, suddenly his arm was hugged by someone, and when he looked back, it was Li Duo.

"Brother Shaoyang," Li Duo looked at him pleadingly, "Can you let Liao Qingqing go?"

"Let her go? I'm helping her!" Ye Shaoyang was furious, "Leaving her in the world is harming her. I have no obligation to explain to you, get out of the way!"

"Little Ye Zi, this..." Xiao Ma put down the stool and also came to intercede.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Xiao Ma and Li Duo had never seen him get so angry, and they were stunned for a moment.

Ye Shaoyang shook off Li Duo's arm, put the talisman on Liao Qingqing's forehead, and began to recite the mantra of rebirth. Hu Shuai watched all this decisively, without stopping him, and was ready to commit suicide and reincarnate with Liao Qingqing.

Liao Qingqing's body became weaker and weaker, like a wisp of light smoke, being sucked into the talisman until the whole body was sucked in, and the last word of the rebirth mantra was finished, Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, threw the talisman away, and said : "Liao Qingqing, life and death are destiny, go to rebirth..."

According to the procedure, the talisman should fly north and enter the ghost domain. However, after a couple of flops, the talisman fell to the ground. Qingqing jumped out, fell on the bed, and asked, "What did you do?"

Liao Qingqing smiled miserably and did not speak.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed Liao Qingqing's hand, sensed it, and suddenly trembled like an electric shock, startled and angry: "You have refined a strand of your own soul!"

"Yes, Brother Shaoyang, I am a half-soul ghost now, and the Yin Division will not accept it. If you force me to send me to the ghost domain, I can only enter Taiyin Mountain..."

Ye Shaoyang fell to his feet and sighed deeply. The Yin Division does not accept half-soul ghosts. The reason is very simple: the book of life and death corresponds one by one, just like an ID card in the yang world. Only when the soul is united can you prove that you are yourself. , in the future your remaining soul will come again, without identity, how to deal with it, even if it is just a wisp of soul, there is no way to arrange it.

Because of this, the two souls and four souls detained by Ye Shaoyang were not distributed on the spot, but the current situation is more serious: if the soul is lost, you can find it, even if it becomes a fine soul, there will be a day to gather, but the current situation is, Liao Qingqing refined her own soul, where can she find it

If she can't find it for a day, she won't be able to enter the netherworld for a day. There are many ghosts in the yang world, and because of incomplete souls, they wander around the world, looking for lost souls, and become lonely ghosts.

It is very rare for a ghost to refine a wisp of her own soul, and there is a remedy. As long as she gathers her own soul again, usually in three to five years, the soul can be restored, but... Ye Shaoyang looked at Liao Qingqing, knowing that she was fighting What kind of idea is it? The decision is in her own hands. She can gather souls for three to five years, or thirty-five years. What can you do to her? Your mage can catch ghosts and destroy souls, but the soul gathering is her own People don't want to gather souls, so what can you do

"Really, really... I'm so mad!" Ye Shaoyang was furious, and had the urge to beat Liao Qingqing to death with a palm.

Liao Qingqing knelt down in front of Ye Shaoyang with a plop, and begged with tears streaming down her face: "Brother Shaoyang, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but this is my own choice. Now that the matter has come to an end, you can help us."

Hu Shuai also came back to his senses, knelt down with Liao Qingqing, hugged Ye Shaoyang's legs, and kept begging.

Xiao Ma scratched his scalp, "Little Ye Zi, why don't I kneel down too?"

"I can't bear it, get out, get out!" He told others to get out, but he slammed the door and walked out of the room, sat down on the sofa, his eyes were burning with anger. But when she was angry, she was still shocked. Liao Qingqing would rather refine her soul and become a half-ghost than to be with Hu Shuai.

That's all, in this situation, I have nothing to do, I can't really beat Liao Qingqing to death, can I? Ye Shaoyang leaned on the sofa, took a few minutes to calm down, and said in a deep voice, "Liao Qingqing, come out."

Liao Qingqing came to him obediently, and was about to kneel down. Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "Don't kneel, since you're looking for your own death, I can't care about it anymore. What do you want? Will you die in the future? It is your own business to be met by other mages and destroy your soul."

Originally, he warned her not to harm others, but after thinking about it, it seemed unnecessary. Ye Shaoyang was very relieved about this, and waved his hand: "You go, don't let me see you again."

"Brother Xie Shaoyang is perfect," Liao Qingqing bowed deeply, but her face showed joy, she returned to the room, looked at Hu Shuai affectionately, and said quietly: "Take me home." On the talisman paper.

Hu Shuai put away the talisman paper carefully, came to the living room, and wanted to say something to thank Ye Shaoyang, but Xiaoma gave him a slap, waved at him, and pushed him out the door.

Li Duo also left contentedly.

Xiao Ma returned to the living room, smiled at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Little Ye Zi, let's eat."

Ye Shaoyang let out a long sigh, untied a celadon vial from his backpack, and handed it to Xiao Ma. "You go and give it to Liao Qingqing. This porcelain bottle has my seal. Most people can't open it. There are many mages outside. You let her stay here to practice if she has nothing to do. As long as she doesn't meet a mage who is stronger than me, no one can do anything to her. Then tell her that if Hu Shuai gets tired of her in the future and has a new love, don't interfere with her marriage and childbirth, come to me and I'll make arrangements."

Xiao Ma smiled happily, took the porcelain vase, ran out in big strides, came back a few minutes later, and smiled at Ye Shaoyang: "It's done, little Ye Zi, I knew you wouldn't do nothing."

Ye Shaoyang leaned weakly on the sofa, was silent for a moment, then turned to look at him: "Do you think I'm quite impersonal?"

"No, no," Xiao Ma hurriedly waved his hands and smiled, "It's just a little... Of course, this is your principle."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Tell me, why did Fahai arrest Bai Suzhen?"

Xiao Ma rolled his eyes, "Fa Hai likes Bai Suzhen, he is jealous."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless. "Because Fahai is a sorcerer, so the sorcerer wants to catch ghosts and subdue demons. When encountering ghosts, they don't catch them. Instead, they allow them to stay in the human world and marry them. , Qingqing is a ghost and cannot appear in front of others, Hu Shuai is a human being, if he does not have a girlfriend for a long time, does not marry and have children, how much pressure will he have to bear

It can be supported in three years or five years, but what about ten or twenty years later? Can you guarantee that he will always be the same? On the day when he said to break up, Liao Qingqing's love turned into hatred, thinking that she had paid such a high price in exchange for this result, what would she do? Don't forget, she is a ghost, and at that time, she will still be a ghost with cultivation. "

Xiao Ma was stunned, frowned, then shook his head, and said firmly: "I believe Hu Shuai, Qingqing has given so much for her, he will cherish it, I believe he will never change his mind."

"I hope, otherwise my crime will be great." Ye Shaoyang sighed.