Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 115: Shock mage


Follow the steps that the old man said. Xia Yan carefully and solemnly crushed several expensive medicinal materials into powder, or squeezed out some liquid.

These medicinal materials were finally put into the porcelain without a speck of dust by Xia Yan.

Although there are not many types of medicinal materials, more than an hour has passed since Xia Yan finished all this. As for Xia Yan himself, he didn't feel the passage of time at all. He has already concentrated all his energy on preparing the potion. I'm afraid that even if there is thunder in his ears, it won't affect Xia Yan.

After everything was done, Xia Yan's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat.


Xia Yan exhaled lightly, with a hint of joy on his face. The long and narrow white fingers were still slightly trembling. Although the old man of the Holy Emperor was teaching him hand in hand, Xia Yan still felt uneasy. You know, besides the pipa grass, Xia Yan also spent more than 30,000 gold coins for these kinds of medicinal materials.

What's more important is not the gold coins, but whether you can rely on the prepared potion to condense the spirit-gathering acupoint in one fell swoop and achieve the realm of a spiritual master! At this time, Xia Yandao didn't know whether the effect of the spiritual liquid he prepared met the requirements.

At this time, a slight mist slowly rose from the potion, and the mist gradually formed colorful clouds above the porcelain. A faint fragrance. Floating all over the kitchen. Xia Yan sniffed lightly with the tip of his nose, then closed his eyes, feeling the subtle sensations all over his body.

Seeing Xia Yan's performance at this time, the old man Shenghuang pursed his mouth, and his eyes showed kindness and kindness.

"Xia Yan, Xia Yan, you are indeed a genius. Not only is your talent in martial arts extremely high, but you also have such an accurate feeling in preparing medicines. Although I have guided you, if ordinary people want you to prepare this medicine so easily Planting potions is extremely difficult. Xia Yan, you will definitely become the focus of everyone's attention in the future." The old man Shenghuang nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, his nose twitched, and he did not make any sound to disturb Xia Yan .

After a while, the colorful clouds in the potion gradually dissipated.

Elixir, showing a colored halo, in porcelain, very beautiful.

"It's time to pretend!" Xia Yan woke up from the shock and said excitedly.

"It's just..." Suddenly, Xia Yan looked at the potion and felt a little disappointed. "It seems that the potion prepared this time is not as much as last time! Last time I filled a total of 12 bottles. I don't know how many bottles I can fill this time."

Xia Yan muttered, looking at the liquid in the porcelain. While shaking his head.

The old man Shenghuang was still beside Xia Yan, when he heard this, his eyes darkened and he almost passed out.

Although this elixir is not a elixir, its value is definitely much stronger than ordinary elixir, but Xia Yan is not satisfied with the amount of elixir prepared at one time, too little! Ordinary people, even if they succeed, I am afraid that it would be good if there is only one bottle left in the end...

Before the old man Shenghuang breathed out, Xia Yan shook his head again and said: "Forget it, let's pack it up first, and if it's not enough, I'll buy medicinal materials to prepare it."

While talking, Xia Yan turned around and found a few small porcelain bottles on the kitchen cabinet, and began to carefully fill them with potions. Every drop of this spiritual liquid is a treasure that is hard to find.

With a flicker of eyes, Xia Yan saw that the face of the old man Shenghuang was a little dark, he was slightly taken aback, blinked his eyes, Xia Yan said: "Grandpa Shenghuang, why don't you speak?!"

Because he was so focused just now, Xia Yan even forgot that the old man Shenghuang was still here. It was a little embarrassing.

The old man Shenghuang rolled his eyes, sometimes he really felt that Xia Yan was more mischievous than when he was young.

"Use one bottle of this spiritual liquid each time, and take it directly. Within half an hour after use, you must settle down and condense the Juling acupoint according to the exercises recorded in the Lingluo Heart Method. Remember, don't be impatient, and don't force it. You can't do it once. Then the second time, if it doesn’t work twice, then the third time! Do you understand?!” The old man of the Holy Emperor pointed at Xia Yan for a while, and pointed at the spiritual liquid for a while, exhorting.

Xia Yan nodded, and said solemnly: "I've written it all down! Then... if one fails, do I need to wait for the next use?!"

The last time I used the prepared medicine, I used it every three days.

The old man Shenghuang nodded and said: "You can experience this slowly by yourself. If you don't succeed once, then you should think about what you still lack. When you can find what you lack, maybe you will succeed next time. .”

Hearing the words of the old man Shenghuang, Xia Yan frowned.

If it is not successful, then there must be some factors that are not ready! Now, Xia Yan's martial arts power can display the power of Baidu, so there is no shortage of this martial arts power factor. After Xia Yan's experience in the Sin Forest this time, his mind and knowledge have improved a lot, and the old man Shenghuang also said that there should be no problem in this regard. So, is there still mental toughness left

Xia Yan pondered for a moment, and his eyes became clear again. He looked at the old man Shenghuang again.

However, at this time, the old man of the Holy Emperor had disappeared and entered the Lingluo ring. Obviously, he will not say anything to Xia Yan about the attack on the spiritual master. The old man Shenghuang can't tell Xia Yan everything, there are some things that Xia Yan must understand by himself, understand! Only in this way can Xia Yan truly become stronger!

Xia Yan washed all the tools that he had used just now, put a few small bottles full of spirit liquid into his clothes with satisfaction, and left the kitchen.

In the courtyard, the moonlight was already shining like water, and the cold evening wind blew in, immediately refreshing.

A pretty figure was sitting under the purple tung tree, and a small table had already been placed there.

Xiaoqing hadn't seen Xia Yan for a few days, and later heard that Xia Yan had gone to the Sin Forest to practice. She also vaguely knew what the Sin Forest was like, and she was always worried. Seeing Xia Yan's return today, I am naturally extremely happy, and I want to say a lot of things to Xia Yan.

But because of Xia Zixin's arrival, Xiaoqing could only retreat first, and then Xia Yan went to the kitchen and said that no one should disturb him. Xiaoqing had no choice but to continue to wait.

Knowing that Xia Yan hadn't eaten yet, Xiaoqing prepared a table of meals, of course Xiaoqing went out to buy these. Because, the kitchen has been occupied by Xia Yan.

Sniffing the air, Xia Yan smiled softly, looking at the elegant and refined Xiaoqing.

Smelling the aroma of food in the air, Xia Yan's stomach also protested.

On the second day, Xia Yan's third grandfather, Xia Changhe, also hurried back, seeing that Xia Yan was fine, he left in a hurry. He's been too busy lately.

In addition to Xia Changhe, some direct descendants of the Xia family also came to get closer to Xia Yan and asked Xia Yan about some things in the evil forest. These young children have never entered the sinful forest.

When most people heard that Xia Yan entered the sinful forest alone, they were extremely admirable.

In the Dragon Continent, people are in awe of the strong, those with extraordinary strength!

If they were allowed to enter the evil forest alone, they might not be able to do it. After all, the Sin Forest is the most dangerous place in the Dragon Land, where beasts and dangers are everywhere.

After a busy day, Xia Yan was finally able to relax at night. Asking Xiaoqing to close the door of the small courtyard, Xia Yan locked himself in the room, and began to prepare for the plan to hit the spiritual master's realm.

To hit the realm of a healer, one must first have a peaceful mind. If the heart is impatient and eager, it will be difficult to succeed.

Taking out a small bottle, Xia Yan's face became extremely solemn. The eyes also condense into one point.

Inside the body, internal force flows slowly. On the surface of Xia Yan's body, the blood veins kept protruding and returned to normal. On the skin as white as jade, the changes in the meridians are clearly visible. One after another, subtle sounds continued to emanate from Xia Yan's body.

At this time, there is also a small aura around Xia Yan's body. Although this aura is not strong yet, if those strong in the realm of spiritual masters see it, they will probably be shocked!

You know, it's hard to imagine that Xia Yan can form an aura around his body without being a spiritual master.

"Lingluo mental method!"

In Xia Yan's mind, an aura flashed.

The content of Lingluo's mental method clearly emerged. Every word flew out in a whirl, and then invaded Xia Yan's body.

Stretch your fingers. Xia Yan picked up a delicate small bottle.

"It's now!"

In Xia Yan's heart, a voice shouted out. Then, Xia Yan drank the spirit liquid in the small bottle.

As soon as the spiritual liquid entered the mouth, it quickly flowed down Xia Yan's throat into his abdomen. A hot stream rolled clearly, rolling from his throat to his abdomen. Between the mouth and mouth, the rich aroma lingers for a long time.

After a few breaths, Xia Yan's internal energy suddenly exploded!

The internal force that was originally flowing slowly burst out like a mountain torrent after encountering the spiritual liquid. The momentum and speed caught Xia Yan by surprise.

Xia Yan's face turned pale all of a sudden, big beads of sweat rolled down like raindrops, his eyes were still tightly closed.

Xia Yan used the Lingluo mind method to the limit of what he could use, but he still couldn't control the majestic internal force. This internal force was rampant in the meridians of Xia Yan's body!

One hundred and eight martial arts meridians, each meridian is filled with enormous internal force.

Gradually, Xia Yan's complexion turned from pale and blue to hot and flushed.

Xia Yan felt that his whole body was hot, as if he was meditating in a hot flame, and the surrounding flames wanted to burn everything. However, Xia Yan didn't open his closed eyes, he just gritted his teeth, showing pain involuntarily, and tried his best to run the Lingluo mental method!

Xia Yan knew very well that as long as he slack off a little at this time, all previous efforts would definitely be in vain! Although you can't be impatient and eager for quick success, but this bit of suffering must not make Xia Yan give up!