Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 118: murderous look


Huangye Town is one of the towns under the jurisdiction of Yushui City. the town. The main pillar industry is agriculture, and the cultivated land owned by the Xia family in this town accounts for almost half of all the cultivated land in Huangye Town. If wild beasts invaded Huangye Town, the Xia family's manor would suffer a great deal of damage.

The mayor of Huangye Town is also a descendant of the Xia family, named Xia Housheng. His own strength can only display the power of martial arts at 60 degrees. However, this man was shrewd and managed the Xia family's property in Huangye Town in an orderly manner, so he won the appreciation of several elders of the Xia family. In Huangye Town, Xia Housheng has served as the mayor for 14 years.

This time the wild beasts invaded, Xia Housheng couldn't sleep or eat well, and Xia Housheng couldn't sleep well if he didn't drive the wild beasts away. In the past few days, the Xia family's manor has already suffered a lot of losses. If this delay continues, I am afraid that this year's harvest will be greatly affected.

"Mayor... Mayor..."

In the town hall of Huangye Town, the saber on the waist of a black-clothed guard rattled, and the guard rushed in from the outside while shouting at the mayor.

"What's the matter? Yelling! The beast is attacking again?!" Xia Housheng was pacing in the hall irritably. Hearing the hurried yell of the guard, he waved his hand impatiently and scolded.

The guard didn't seem to hear half of it, but excitedly said loudly: "No! Yushui City... Mayor, Yushui City is here!"

"What?!" Xia Housheng stared, took a step forward, and grabbed the broad shoulders of the black-clothed guard, "What did you say? Did the family send someone here? Who is it, who is it? Elder? Is it the Great Elder?!"

Xia Housheng reported the wild beast attack in Huangye Town to the Xia Parents' Association three days ago, but there was no reply. If there is no more news, Xia Housheng feels that he might go crazy.

Xia Housheng was of medium build, with slightly drooping cheeks, some red spots on his nose, and a shiny forehead. The weapons he used were a pair of Thunder Hammers, but he had neglected to practice martial arts for many years, and he had been obsessed with the position of mayor in these years.

"Lord mayor, I don't know which elders in the family it is, but I saw about a hundred fast horses, and the people on the horses were wearing the guard uniforms of our Xia family!" The black-clothed guard's eyes lit up , bowed slightly, and said in an excited tone, "Mayor, let's go out to greet him, the family members will be here soon!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Hurry up and greet him!" Xia Housheng's eyes lit up, and he said a few words in succession, then adjusted his luxurious mayor's clothes, and ran towards the gate of the town's office quickly. There is a purple solid gate with a width of four or five meters. Then I heard the sound of horseshoes approaching hurriedly outside.

"Da da da… "

At least, hundreds of mounts!

Xia Housheng's figure flickered, and he stepped out of the main door. He saw a cloud of dust flying in the distance, dense figures and horses approaching and gradually slowing down.

The town hall is not in the center of the town, but on the edge of the town! Therefore, the arrival of Xia Yan and others did not attract the attention of the residents of the town.

"Yes..." Xia Housheng frowned.

Xia Housheng carefully observed the leader, but was surprised to find that the leader seemed to be a young man in white, holding a small long sword in his hand.

Now, the weapon Xia Yan uses is still the long sword that Bai Rui gave him. Although there is such a rare ore as the Heart of Clear Water, there is no blacksmith who can use the Heart of Clear Water to forge weapons.

You must know that the hardness of the heart of clear water is tens of times and hundreds of times that of ordinary fine steel, and ordinary blacksmiths simply do not have this ability.

"Why not an elder in the family?!" Xia Housheng frowned, confused.

When he arrived at the town office, Xia Yan got off his horse and walked towards Xia Housheng. Seeing the clothes on Xia Housheng, Xia Yan knew that he was the mayor Xia Housheng.

Fist. Xia Yan smiled and said: "I am Xia Yan, the deacon of the Xia family. I was ordered by the patriarch to come to eliminate wild beasts. Your Excellency is the mayor of Xia Housheng, right?!"

Xia Housheng was taken aback for a moment, and then woke up with a start. He put on a smiling face, and said in a welcoming tone: "It turns out to be Deacon Xia Yan, hehe, please come in quickly. Brothers, follow me into the town hall! Hard work all the way! "

Xia Yan's current position is the deacon of the Xia family.

In fact, Xia Yan is still Xia Housheng's junior, but Xia Housheng's status in Xia's family is very different from Xia Yan's, and the blood relationship between the two is also far apart, so Xia Yan did not speak as an elder.

"Thank you!" Xia Yan said to Xia Housheng with a smile.

Of course Xia Yan could see what was hidden in the expression on Xia Housheng's face. Seeing Xia Yan's young age, Xia Housheng already felt contemptuous. Although he didn't show it clearly, but from his words and deeds, Xia Yan could clearly feel that Xia Housheng didn't respect him very much. If the person who came today was an elder from the Xia family, Xia Housheng would definitely not be like this.

Speaking of which, Xia Housheng cannot be blamed. Xia Yan is too young. The beast that attacked Huangye Town this time is not an ordinary beast. help.

Xia Yan shook his head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and didn't say much.

A hundred or so people entered the town office. Under Xia Housheng's arrangement, everyone went to rest after a hasty dinner. At dawn tomorrow, we will go to wipe out the beasts. certainly. If wild beasts attacked the manor at night, everyone would naturally go to meet them.

Xia Yan called Xia Housheng and several people from the Yamen Town over to find out about the attack on the wild beasts in Huangye Town.

This time, there were more than a hundred beasts that attacked Huangye Town, including many very ferocious species. The most difficult beast among them is the phantom wolf. The phantom wolf is extremely fast, comes and goes like the wind, and is very cunning and cruel. In the past few days, eight guards have been killed or injured because of the phantom wolf, but they still haven't been able to kill or catch the phantom wolf!

"I don't know, what good method does Deacon Xia Yan have to deal with these beasts?!"

In the hall, a man from the town government squinted at Xia Yan with a strange look, and asked at the same time.

Including Xia Yan, there are a total of five people sitting here at this time, except for Xia Housheng, the other three are also working in the town office. However, none of these people belonged to the Xia family. Among these five people, only Xia Yan is the youngest, and among the others, the youngest is over thirty years old.

The person who asked Xia Yan obviously didn't take Xia Yan seriously.

Xia Yan is fifteen years old and has just come of age. It is true that others should not despise it. At least, before Xia Yan showed his strength, most people would not think that Xia Yan is a strong person.

"The best way to solve the problem..." Xia Yan smiled, his eyes flashed, and he pondered for a moment before slowly continuing: "That is, to kill or repel these beasts."

Xia Yan turned his gaze and saw that four people including Xia Housheng were frowning together.

Xia Yan knew that these people must feel that their words are worthless.

"Southeast of Huangye Town is a deep mountain called Heifeng Mountain. The forest is vast and there are many wild beasts. Every few years, there will be wild beast attacks. This time, the wild beasts probably came from Heifeng Mountain." Xia Yan Before anyone else could speak, he held the hilt of the sword again and said.

"That's right, the beasts that attacked Huangye Town this time were the beasts in Heifeng Mountain! Heifeng Mountain covers hundreds of miles, with steep terrain, and countless beasts in the mountains. There are many beasts that attacked this time, and all of them It is a very powerful species. It is very difficult to repel them!" Xia Housheng frowned and glanced at Xia Yan. Although he felt a little disdainful in his heart, he still said honestly.

Xia Yan nodded, glanced at everyone, clapped his palms, and made a crisp sound: "Everyone!"

"In the past few days, after thinking about it, you have figured out which areas around the town the beasts usually hide in. Now, you just need to draw all the areas where the beasts are hidden, and then give them to me. I will bring someone to find them tomorrow. Repel these beasts!" Xia Yan said, and took out the white paper and brushes prepared in advance, "By the way, the position of that phantom wolf must be precise!"

Being able to kill or repel the phantom wolf is the key. As long as this group of beasts has no leader, it will soon break up and flee.



Several people were dumbfounded when they heard Xia Yan's words, and looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to speak up!" After a while, the man with a sly look glanced at Xia Yan and said in a low voice.

Although Xia Yan is the deacon of the Xia family, he really doesn't give Xia Yan much face! When he thought about it, he might feel that even if he offended Xia Yan, Xia Yan would have nothing to do with him.

Xia Yan frowned and glanced at this person, but did not speak.

Xia Housheng looked at the yin-yang man with dissatisfaction, and reprimanded: "Speak nonsense again. I will blame you." Then, he turned his eyes and smiled and said to Xia Yan: "Deacon Xia Yan, please don't blame. That... We draw a map of the distribution of wild beasts, is the deacon really sure to repel the wild beasts?!"

In Xia Housheng's heart, he had already completely regarded Xia Yan as the kind of person who talked big and didn't hold back. However, Xia Yan is the deacon sent by the head of the Xia family after all, Xia Housheng naturally dare not offend Xia Yan blatantly.

"Hey, brat. We will do what you say, and we will see how you end up. Anyway, even if you make a mess in the end, it's none of my business. If the patriarch wants to blame, I can't blame it " Xia Housheng thought to himself, looked at Xia Yan with contempt, but still kept a smile on his face.

Xia Yan ignored it, and said directly, "Okay, time is running out, everyone, please work hard! As for whether I can repel the beast, I am not fully sure."

Pointing to the white paper spread out, Xia Yan's eyes flashed, took a breath, and said: "Everyone, please draw with your heart, draw in detail, and explain the approximate number of wild animals. If someone provides wrong Intelligence, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Suddenly, Xia Yan, who was originally an ordinary person, became murderous. His eyes swept over Xia Housheng and the others, all of them trembled, and a feeling of astonishment emerged in their hearts.

"It's a pity that you are not so arrogant that you think you are number one in the world!" Xia Housheng recovered from the shock, and quietly slandered again in his heart, and then smiled and said, "Deacon Xia Yan, let me come first Well, that phantom wolf appeared in the north of Xia's Manor yesterday!"

With that said, Xia Housheng picked up the brush and began to draw quickly. Soon, the entire terrain of Huangye Town appeared on the white paper.