Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 2: fight


Xiaocui entered the yard, looked around, saw Xia Yan in the room, raised her eyebrows and walked straight in. Xiaocui was wearing a purple cotton skirt and pink soft-soled cloth shoes on her fair little feet. She was quite pretty at the age of seventeen or eighteen. It's just that in front of Xia Yan at this time, he put on an arrogant look, somewhat arrogant.

"Xia Yan, the patriarch asked you to go to the conference hall immediately!" Xiao Cui walked into Xia Yan's room, Xia Yan ignored her, still writing slowly on the rice paper with a brush. Xiaocui glanced at Xia Yan, and called Xia Yan by his name, without any respect in her words, obviously she did not regard Xia Yan as her master.

Xia Yan doesn't care about this either, he has lived in this forgotten corner of the Xia family for fourteen years, how could he care about the arrogant attitude of a servant

"Well, I see." Xia Yan responded casually, but he was guessing in his heart, why did the patriarch let him go to the meeting hall? In such an important place as the meeting hall, even those descendants of favored families cannot enter at will.

When Xia Yan was frowning and thinking, Xiao Cui slapped his hand on the table heavily, startling Xia Yan who was a little lost in thought.

Xiaocui snorted softly, and said in a sneering tone: "Xia Yan, the patriarch told you to go to the meeting hall, but you didn't go right away? Could it be that the patriarch is still waiting for you?!"

At this moment, Xiaocui's tone seemed to be that the master was teaching his servants a lesson. Xia Yan, as a direct descendant of the Xia family, even if he is unwelcome, he is not a servant who can boss him around, right? Seeing that Xiao Cui looked down on people with dog eyes like this, Xia Yan gave Xiao Cui a cold look.

Xiaocui felt a little guilty when Xia Yan saw this, her fingers trembled slightly. Maybe he realized that he was weak, and immediately muttered with a disdainful expression: "Hmph, living in such a hut where no servants can live, do you really think you are the master? Look at that sickly look. looks like that annoying woman."

The woman Xiaocui hates is naturally Xia Yan's mother. She has been in Xia's family for seven or eight years, so she knows Xia Yan's mother.

Xia Yan's face darkened immediately, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he said with suppressed anger, "Hey, even though I'm weak, it's not difficult to kill you now. Xiao Cui, you know that even if I kill you, In fact, it's not a big deal. For a big family like our Xia family, even if a few servants die, no one will track them down!"

Seeing Xia Yan showing her white teeth with a sneer, Xiaocui panicked for a while, and hurriedly stepped back, looking at Xia Yan with flustered eyes, her chest heaving violently. She was really frightened by Xia Yan's words. As if she was really afraid that Xia Yan would kill herself here, she took a few steps back and felt unsafe, so she stepped out of the room with a look of horror on her face.

Xia Yan's expression just now was too scary!

Standing outside the door, the corners of Xiao Cui's mouth twitched a few times, as if she wanted to say a few sarcastic words, her eyes flickered at Xia Yan, but in the end she didn't dare to say what she wanted to say, turned around and quickly walked out of Xia Yan with broken steps. Yan's yard.

After Xiaocui left, Xia Yan also quickly put away the books on the table, straightened his washed white and wrinkled long gown, and ran out of the yard towards the meeting hall in the front yard of Xia's house.

"The patriarch asked me to go to the meeting hall, is it because of the matter of my mother's spiritual position?!" Xia Yan showed a trace of excitement on his face, thinking as he walked.

Xia's mansion is very big, and it took Xia Yan half a cup of tea to walk from the huge backyard to the front yard. Arriving outside the meeting hall, Xia Yan saw two master uncles in the family guarding in front of the solemn meeting hall, so he calmed down and walked straight over.

"Two uncles, the patriarch asked me to enter the meeting hall to meet him!" Xia Yan approached and said respectfully and politely.

The two elder uncles guarding the gate cast a glance at Xia Yan, and said to Xia Yan expressionlessly: "The patriarch and all the elders are discussing matters inside, don't talk nonsense when you go in, you will annoy the patriarch, and be careful to lose your life!"

Xia Yan quickly said: "Two uncles, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense!"

"Squeak!" The door of the red meeting hall was opened, and Xia Yan stepped in with some trepidation. This was his first time in the meeting hall. The meeting hall is very grand, and there is not much decoration in the room, but it gives people a heavy sense of oppression. In the center, beside a huge table, sat Xia Feilong, the patriarch who formed the highest power center of the family, and nine elders of the Xia family.

The third grandfather Xia Changhe was sitting in it, and there was no expression on his face at this moment.

But the patriarch, the great elder, and several other elders looked at Xia Yan who had just come in with their faces pulled, and there seemed to be some displeasure in their eyes. Seeing this, Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he wondered, could it be that the patriarch and the others still don't let the mother's spiritual seat enter the ancestral hall, and put it together with the father's spiritual seat

"Xia Yan, your mother's spiritual seat cannot be placed in the Xia family's ancestral hall. Your mother is not from my Dragon Continent, so she is not qualified to be a member of the Xia family." The majestic voice of the patriarch said directly. As his sharp gaze swept across, Xia Yan felt a sense of oppression coming towards him, making him feel powerless to resist, and even wanted to kneel down.

His frail body trembled slightly under the pressure, Xia Yan suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth, and looked at the ten most powerful members of the Xia family present with fearless eyes.

"My mother is my father's wife, why can't I enter the ancestral hall? The third elder also said that since my mother married my father, she is a member of the Xia family! First elder, the third grandfather told me that you also think that the mother's spiritual seat should enter the ancestral hall, right?" ?!" Xia Yan looked at Third Grandfather Xia Changhe and Great Elder Xia Lai.

"Bold!" The Great Elder's face changed suddenly, his eyes widened, he slapped the table fiercely angrily, stood up and pointed at Xia Yan and scolded.

"Xia Yan, don't mess around." Third Elder Xia Changhe also frowned and looked at Xia Yan with a trace of helplessness on his face. He tried his best, but there was nothing he could do.

"Third Grandpa, my mother is not a bad person!" Seeing Xia Changhe like this, Xia Yan felt cold, "Third Grandpa, you know my mother, you know, my mother is really not a bad person. My mother told me before she died, Her last wish is to be with her father forever after her death. My mother has lived in the Xia family for nine years, and she has never done anything to hurt others!"

"Patriarch! Please, please let mother enter the ancestral ancestral hall!" Xia Yan's eyes were bloodshot, and his hoarse voice was full of sincerity and hope. Xia Yan was willing to do anything to enter the ancestral ancestral hall for the mother's spiritual seat. matter.

Xia Yan has been waiting for a full six years. During these six years, Xia Yan's biggest wish is to be able to fulfill her mother's wish before she died. But in the Xia family, he doesn't have any right to speak, as can be seen from the fact that a servant dares to look coldly at him.

Patriarch Xia Feilong stared at Xia Yan and thought, this young man has an indomitable will, but it is a pity that he is the child of that witch. The witch was from the Dark Night Continent, and among the nine elders of the family, only the third elder agreed to put the spirit of the witch in the ancestral hall.