Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 21: Extreme challenge venue


The Yushui City Extreme Challenge venue is located near the huge central square of Yushui City. This venue has three floors, upper, middle and lower, and is extremely magnificent. The black building gives people an indescribable sense of heaviness. Just standing in front of this huge building, there is a sense of oppression rising from the bottom of my heart.

There are many cultivators coming in and out near the venue. Of course, most of these cultivators did not come here to challenge the master, but to bet, that is, to gamble. For every public challenge, practitioners can place bets and pay according to the odds. As for winning or losing, it depends on personal vision.

When Xia Yan came to the venue, the sun had just reached the treetops, and there were not many people in the venue. The Extreme Challenge venue is at its busiest every day until the evening.

Entering the venue, the first thing that catches the eye is a vast hall. There are ten counters in the hall, and behind each counter are two or three tall women with peach blossom faces. These women are the people who are in charge of betting on each challenge at the Extreme Challenge venue.

And behind the ten counters is a completely transparent luxury room. Xia Yan observed for a while, then walked straight into the room. Although there were people coming and going in the hall outside, the vicinity of this room seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Sitting in the room was a twenty-year-old woman wearing a black dress. When Xia Yan entered, she was fiddling with a red doll in her hand with slender fingers like onion roots.

"This woman is too coquettish!" Xia Yan felt this way when he saw this woman for the first time. This woman looked like a goblin, not a human being at all.

A simple gesture can have a powerful lethal effect on a man. With a slight twist of the soft waist, all kinds of amorous feelings suddenly appeared. A rare beautiful girl like Xia Zixin is nothing compared to the woman in front of her. Of course, in a few more years, when Xia Zixin fully matures, it's not impossible to compare.

"Welcome to the Extreme Challenge venue! I'm Yafen, sir, are you here to sign up for the Extreme Challenge?!" Seeing Xia Yan, the woman's eyes were slightly startled, and then she returned to normal and said with a smile.

The sound is indescribably sweet!

Xia Yan nodded and said, "This is my first time here, and I don't know much about the rules yet."

Xia Yan wore a gray mask on his face, he didn't want to be known that he came to this place. If he hadn't put on a mask, Xia Yan can be sure that within a day's time the news that he challenged the champion at the Extreme Challenge venue would spread throughout Yushui City.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry at all. I can explain our challenge rules to you in detail. The arenas in our Extreme Challenge venue are divided into three levels. You must start from the primary arena. There are ten primary arenas, number one By the 10th, you can choose any arena to challenge, and we will arrange a challenge time for you after you confirm." Yafen chuckled, stood up from her seat, and walked slowly to Xia Yan's side.

Xia Yan smelled an intoxicating fragrance!

"When you succeed in the challenge, you become the leader of the ring! The leader needs to defend the challenge. According to the requirements of the leader, you can choose to accept one to five challenges in one day. If you succeed in the first match, the leader will You can get a reward of ten gold coins. If you succeed in two consecutive rounds, the challenger can get a reward of twenty gold coins. If you succeed in three consecutive rounds, you can get forty gold coins. If you succeed in four rounds, that is Eighty gold coins, the maximum is five games, and one hundred and sixty gold coins will be obtained. After five victories, the challenger can choose to challenge the intermediate arena, or choose to accept the challenge again in the primary arena. Of course, the challenger can also choose to give up at any time .”

"What you need to know, sir, is that you must sign a life-and-death agreement with us before the challenge. That is, if you are accidentally injured or killed by the opponent during the challenge, our challenge venue will not take any responsibility. Also, if you If you win the first challenge and lose the second, you won't get any rewards."

Yafen said slowly, her eyes drifted past the mask on Xia Yan's face from time to time, as if she wanted to see what Xia Yan looked like. In this venue, very few people will wear masks here. Therefore, Yafen couldn't help being stunned when she saw Xia Yan just now.

These words not only do not have the slightest killing intent, but on the contrary, they can make people think about it. This woman named Yafen is too coquettish.

"I understand!" Xia Yan was unmoved, and said succinctly, "Now can you arrange a challenge for me?!"

Yafen was slightly taken aback again, she didn't expect this masked guy to challenge him so simply. In the challenge, there is a great possibility of ruining one's life. Generally, people who come to challenge the champion will think twice.

Moreover, listening to the voice, this guy wearing a mask should not be very old.

An imperceptible surprise flashed across her face, and Yafen smiled sweetly and said, "Of course, what's your name, sir?!"

Xia Yan frowned and hesitated, name? Obviously I can't tell her that my name is Xia Yan, so what should I call it

As if seeing through Xia Yan's thoughts, Yafen brushed her jet-black hair and said with a smile: "Hehe, sir, you can use a pseudonym. Many challengers in our venue use pseudonyms."

Xia Yan suddenly realized: "Then I will be called Lingluo!"

"Lingluo?!" Yafen smiled charmingly, "Okay, if that's the case, you can sign the agreement with us now!"

As she spoke, Yafen picked up a piece of paper from the purple table and handed it to Xia Yan. Xia Yan took it and looked at it. The content said that in the challenge, life and death are at your own risk, and you have no responsibility with the extreme challenge venue.

Xia Yan immediately picked up the pen, brushed it a few times and wrote the word Lingluo!

He came here to challenge the arena to earn gold coins. Currently, Xia Yan is eager to get enough gold coins to buy medicinal materials. Naturally, he hopes to challenge as soon as possible. So everything was simplified, and after he understood the rules, he didn't ask any more questions.

Yafen was also very efficient. After Xia Yan signed her name, she called two people from outside and whispered a few words in secret. The two nodded in response, glanced at Xia Yan, and left quickly.

Yafen looked at Xia Yan again, with a smile on her face all the time, but in her heart, she was thinking about what kind of expression was hidden under this mask? Yafen could feel that when Xia Yan saw her just now, she hardly lost his mind. Although Xia Yan's facial expression cannot be seen, it can be seen from Xia Yan's body posture.

Yafen has been in the extreme challenge venue for several years and has seen countless people, so she can naturally observe some subtle changes. Almost all the men who came to the Extreme Challenge venue would be momentarily absent-minded when they saw her for the first time. But this person didn't!

Moreover, this person is obviously the first time to come to the Extreme Challenge venue, so he is ready to challenge the champion so neatly. I don't know, can he succeed in the challenge? Maybe just a desperado...

Xia Yan stood where he was, naturally he didn't know what Yafen was thinking, his eyes stayed in the hall outside. From the room, you can clearly see the outside scene.

"Mr. Lingluo, then, which number do you choose to challenge?!" Yafen looked at Xia Yan with winking eyes and a smile, and asked.

Xia Yan frowned slightly under the mask, hesitated a little and said, "Let's challenge No. 1!"

"The number one challenger, heck, this number one challenger has won four games in a row, and his strength is very strong. In the four challenges, his martial arts showed forty degrees of power! Mr. Lingluo, you need to understand His data? And the data of every challenger who challenged him."

The power of martial arts is measured by speed, and being able to exert the power of martial arts at 40 degrees, the strength of this champion is really good.

The challenger has the right to know the information of the challenger. Of course, the information provided by the challenge venue is also very limited. For people like Xia Yan, the challenge venue does not know Xia Yan’s information at all, let alone Xia Yan’s strength. Only after the challenge can they pass through the venue. Some hired professionals roughly analyzed it.