Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 37: City tour


At this moment, Xia Yuan remembered what he saw in the Jing Pavilion during the day, and couldn't help laughing out loud, his voice was so loud that it shook the rubble.

"Oh? Elder Huge, when did you make you so happy?!" Xia Feilong looked at the elder Huge in amazement, and couldn't help but speculate in his heart, wondering if it was...

"Today, the kid Xia Yan went to the Jingge to watch the secret book. I saw that he actually read the human-level secret book "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm", and I felt a little angry. I thought he was eager for quick success at a young age and didn't know a solid foundation, so I wanted to reprimand him all the time. Fan. I don’t think that this child actually rehearsed the 18 palm movements of "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm" on the spot because of being immersed in it, which surprised and delighted me!" Xia Yuan said loudly in admiration.

"What?!" Xia Lai's expression became stiff as iron, and his eyes suddenly opened round.

"There is such a thing? Practice the 18 moves of "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm"? Didn't you completely practice "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm"?!" Xia Feilong's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but get down from his seat, and said excitedly .

Xia Zixin had a serious expression on her pretty face, but she was very happy in her heart. She secretly glanced at the elder Xia Lai, and said in her heart, whether you still believe it or not. Seeing Xia Lai's face at this time, Xia Zixin couldn't help but startled, she had never seen Xia Lai lose his composure before.

"Exactly. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anyone who said that the palm technique was practiced by a fifteen-year-old child. Just looking at the palm technique, anyone would have to say that it took decades of practice. It's hot!" Xia Yuan said happily with a stretched old face.

If someone else said it, it might be doubtful, but if it came from Xia Yuan, there is basically nothing wrong with it. Xia Yuan has practiced "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm" for thirty years, it is impossible to read it wrong.

"This Xia Yan, how did he cultivate "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm"? Could it be that there is an expert behind him to give advice?!" Xia Feilong murmured hesitantly, and this was the only possibility.

If Xia Yan understood it himself, no one would believe it.

"It's very possible. When I asked him during the day, he just hesitated to answer. Presumably, that expert didn't want us to know his existence." Xia Yuan nodded, his eyes flashed and said.

"Hehe, no matter what, Xia Yan is fortunate to be able to get advice from such an expert, which is also extremely beneficial to our Xia family. Maybe Xia Yan can become a spiritual master in the future. In that case, hehe, our Xia family in Yushui City No one can shake his position! Hmph, the Xi family of the Wang family..." Xia Feilong chuckled, his face trembling a few times.

"Yes, patriarch, I think Xia Yan is a child with good character, and he can be regarded as the key training of the Xia family." Xia Yuan suddenly became serious, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xia Feilong narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and nodded slightly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Zixin, you will go to Fangshi, North District with Xia Yan tomorrow, and tell him the matter! Xia Gesang, you go back!" Xia Feilong first said to Xia Zixin, and then turned to look at Xia Gesang.

Xia Gesang responded, turned and left.

The conversation between the elder and patriarch just now made Xia Gesang sweat profusely. Of course, he also knew the secret book of "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm". He had also seen this precious human-level secret book in Jinge, but he couldn't understand the exercises recorded on it.

And that Xia Yan, at such a young age, was able to rehearse all the palm techniques in "Tiangang Thunderbolt Palm", the eighteen-style palm technique! If he hadn't heard it from Lord Huge himself, he wouldn't have believed it was true.

When Xia Lai came out of the other courtyard of the patriarch's house, his demeanor had already returned to normal. Since Xia Yan is so good, it is also beneficial to the Xia family. As the Great Elder of the Xia family, he naturally wouldn't be annoyed by it. On the contrary, when he fully accepted Xia Yan, he felt extremely happy in his heart.

On the second day, there were some clouds in the sky, and the sun appeared and disappeared.

In Fangshi, North District, a group of people can be seen coming in from a distance. The leader of this group is a young man in a splendid robe, with a hint of impetuousness on his face, his eyes are bright but The eyes are a bit sinister.

"Hey, Brother Qiushui, the Xia Family's North District Fangshi passed by yesterday. We had a lot of trouble yesterday, and there were a lot fewer customers. If we continued to make trouble for a month, I am afraid that all the guests would have to go to our South District Fangshi."

Beside the boy, another boy from the Xi family smiled slyly and said with a slanderous face.

"Of course, we just want to ruin the Fangshi in the northern district of the Xia family, so that everyone in the Xia family can drink the northwest wind! Hehe, the Xia family... Sooner or later, the Xia family will be driven out of Yushui City by our Xi family." Xi Qiushui said with a sneer, his eyes changed suddenly, and he turned to the people behind him and said, "Everyone, it's the same as yesterday, you all go to each shop!"

Hearing Xi Qiushui's order, the large group quickly separated and searched for the shop separately. They are all some hooligans from Yushui City, they idle around all day long, but now they are being entangled by Xi Qiushui. Originally, they didn't dare to run wild on the Xia family's territory, but Xi Qiushui used threats and lures, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and do so.

Beside Xi Qiushui, there was another man with a short beard on his chin, who looked to be in his thirties, with sparkling eyes, steady and powerful footsteps, he could be seen as a master. He was wearing a blue brocade robe with white patterns on his body, and he was holding a silver fine steel spear in his hand.

At this time, Xia Yan and Xia Zixin were sitting in a nearby shop, watching Xi Qiushui and his party coming in mighty force, Xia Yan's mouth curved into a soothing smile.

"Xia Yan, how are you going to deal with these people?!" Xia Zixin looked at Xia Yan beautifully, with her slender white fingers resting on a table.

"Just type it out, there's nothing to say to these people! If you have the strength, there's no problem." Xia Yan said with a smile indifferently.

"Go out?!" Xia Zixin didn't react immediately, "But, after all, Xi Qiushui is the young master of the Xi family, if..."

Xia Yan interrupted Xia Zixin's words with a wave of his hand, and said with a flash of eyes: "Zixin, the best way to deal with these people is to use your fists. Just watch from the side for a while, and let me drive them out."


Xia Zixin just wanted to continue talking, but a person walked in from the outside. This person was Xia Gesang, the chief guard of Fangshi.

Xia Gesang saluted Xia Yan and said: "Master Inspector, those people have already entered various shops, just like yesterday, cursing our Xiajiafang City."

"Well, you lead people to clear all those people out, and you don't have to be polite to those who don't cooperate." Xia Yan waved his hand, his face darkened.

At this moment, Xia Gesang seemed to feel that he was standing in front of the patriarch, Xia Yan's demeanor and demeanor naturally revealed the superior aura, which made him slightly suffocate.

Xia Gesang hurriedly responded, then turned around and left quickly. It was too easy to deal with those hooligans alone. As long as Chief Inspector Xia Yan can stop Xi Qiushui and the master beside him, everything will be easy.