Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 6: Practice in the mountains


For Xia Yan's ungratefulness, Xia Zixin was still a little disappointed. She felt that Xia Yan was not only trying to save face, but also not as natural as before. After all, it was her kindness. But unexpectedly, her good intentions were not accepted. Xia Zixin bit her bright red lips, and immediately dispelled the distracting thoughts that suddenly popped up in her heart.

Leaving from a back door of Xia's house, Xia Yan bought a whole package of sesame seed cakes in a nearby street, spending a total of 50 copper coins. After that, I left from the north gate of Yushui City and walked quickly towards Yushui Mountain.

Yushui Mountain is not far from Yushui City. After leaving the north gate, it takes more than ten miles to reach the foot of the mountain. Xia Yan has been to Yushui Mountain several times before, so he is familiar with the road.

"I'm at Xia's house. Although no one usually looks for me, I can practice alone in the mountains, so I can meditate more."

In order to be able to practice with peace of mind without being disturbed, Xia Yan decided to go to Yushui Mountain to practice quietly.

"Perhaps, one day after I open up one of the martial art meridians in my body, I can quickly open up the other 107 martial art meridians! I don't believe it... I don't believe I'm a waste!" Xia Yan thought as he walked quickly into his heart As he spoke, the light of determination flashed in his eyes.

In fact, it is precisely because of his never-say-die belief and will to never give up that Xia Yan has not made any progress or given up for ten years.

In the evening, Xia Yan had already reached a peak of Yushui Mountain. This Yushui mountain is not high, there are some bushes growing on the mountain, and some ordinary beasts can be seen occasionally. However, to the north of Yushui Mountain, there is a long and narrow passage. At the end of the passage is the most terrifying evil forest in the rumors.

Xia Yan found a place in the mountains that was close to the stream and could shelter from the wind and rain. He also found a lot of licorice and firewood to spread around, and he was ready to practice. In the past, Xia Yan also read in some books that some powerful practitioners liked tranquility, so they practiced alone in the mountains. What he did today was just to imitate those people.

Time passed quickly, and Xia Yan spent a week on the mountain in a blink of an eye. Xia Yan ate the dry food brought from the city and drank the sweet stream in the mountain every day, but he still didn't make any progress in his cultivation.

"Why… "

Under the moonlight, Xia Yan's lonely figure was sitting on the grass, facing the moonlight, his eyes were dull, and he said.

"Mother..." Looking at the starry sky, Xia Yan only felt exhausted all over his body. In the past few days, he only slept for two or three hours a day. The muscles in the whole body seemed to be twisted into a ball, and the feeling of tingling and numbness came to my mind, I really wanted to sleep well!

"Are those twinkling stars my mother's eyes? Mom, they have been looking at me!" Xia Yan looked at the vast starry sky, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I won't give up!" Finally, Xia Yan gritted his teeth and sat up suddenly from the ground.

"Roar… "

At this moment, suddenly, a roar of a beast came from behind Xia Yan. Xia Yan was startled, and immediately calmed down, turned around at an extremely fast speed, and pulled out a dagger from his boots.

A colorful tiger was staring at Xia Yan with its red eyes. At this time, the tiger was only three or four meters away from Xia Yan. It only takes one pounce, and Xia Yan will be directly attacked.

"Damn it, why didn't I notice it so close? There is such a big and ferocious tiger in Yushui Mountain!" Xia Yan felt a little bitter in his heart. He was so distracted just now that he didn't even notice the tiger approaching. If the tiger hadn't suddenly roared when its back was turned just now, but had rushed towards it, Xia Yan might have been injured or even died.

Staring fixedly at the tiger, Xia Yan clenched the dagger tightly and remained motionless.

The patterned tiger shook its head, and slapped its huge claws heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the stone under the claws of a stone was cracked open, making a "pop!" sound.

"Come on! Beast!" Xia Yan's muscles tensed up, his eyes shot a fierce light, and he let out a low growl.

As if understanding Xia Yan's provocative voice, the colorful tiger's hair was like steel needles, its huge body full of strength bent over and made a jumping posture, and then rushed towards Xia Yan at an astonishing speed. With a distance of three or four meters, Xia Yan arrived in front of Xia Yan in just an instant. Xia Yan kicked hard with his left foot, and his body quickly rolled to the right side of his side. Xia Yan's movements were quick, but the tiger's speed was even faster. The tiger's sharp claws slapped Xia Yan's left shoulder, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

Fortunately, Xia Yan has been exercising for the past few years, and his muscles are like a rock. Otherwise, he would have been difficult to escape from the fierce tiger's pounce just now.

Xia Yan took a look at the wound on his left arm, it was long but not deep, and the bright red blood was continuously flowing down the arm.

Smelling the smell of blood, the patterned tiger became even more frantic. It quickly twisted its body and faced Xia Yan again. Its iron-like tail slammed the ground fiercely, and its body flew up again. This time, it rushed towards Xia Yan faster than Just one point faster.

"Roar… "

With a whistling sound, the entire forest trembled.

Xia Yan was extremely calm, he squatted down suddenly, and lay down on the ground. At the moment of the nick of time, the dagger went up and stabbed up with all the strength in his body.

There was a sound of "Chi...", the sound of a sharp knife piercing the flesh.

The belly of a tiger is the most vulnerable part of the body.

"Bastard, go to hell!"

"Roar..." The tiger wailed, its copper bell-like eyes burst into red light, its body twitched wildly before falling, and its sharp claws pawed several times in the air.

"Pfft..." The huge body of hundreds of kilograms mercilessly pressed down on Xia Yan's body, and even the hard rocky ground trembled.

There was silence, only the mountain wind was blowing from an unknown direction, carrying a cool air from the mountains. After a long time, the tiger lying motionless on the ground suddenly moved.

"Huhu..." Then, there was a heavy panting sound, and the huge body of the patterned tiger was overturned. Xia Yan crawled out from below in a green shirt, sat on the tiger's body and gasped for a while.

After a while, Xia Yan stood up from the tiger, and his eyes slowly shifted from the tiger's tail to the tiger's head.

"Good luck, if I missed the stab just now, it's over!" Xia Yan recalled that the fight just now was extremely dangerous. If the knife didn't hit the tiger's vitals, then the one who died now must not be the tiger, but the tiger. He Xia Yan. Those sharp claws could easily tear open Xia Yan's belly! The sharp teeth could break Xia Yan's neck with one bite.

"Huh?!" Xia Yan suddenly felt something was wrong, and this feeling was similar to an intuition. At this moment, he felt as if something was looking at him around him.

Xia Yan calmed down, stood motionless, and wanted to listen carefully. He wanted to hear if there was a sound of breathing. Xia Yan's hearing is very sensitive.

However, when the time for cup of tea passed, Xia Yan was a little disappointed. Except for the gust of mountain wind, there is no sound.

"Could it be my illusion?!" Xia Yan couldn't help but groaned.

"Boy, it's not an illusion!" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Xia Yan, Xia Yan jumped violently, his face turned ashen in an instant, and his whole body turned 360 degrees quickly. Because this sudden voice almost rang in his ears.

Xia Yan turned his face quickly, and there was another face in his eyes, which was almost stuck to his face.

"Ah..." With a cry of surprise, Xia Yan turned pale with shock, and took three steps back before falling to the ground.

Only then did Xia Yan see this person clearly.

With a gray beard, messy hair, a snow-white robe, and piercing eyes, he looks like he is in his sixties or seventies, but his face is full of red. At this time, his eyes were wide open, and there was a twinkle in his eyes, and he was staring curiously at Xia Yan who fell on the ground, with a vague smile on his face.