Spirit Realm

Chapter 120: fate



Blue light, fire light and starlight collided and collided in the blink of an eye, a crack flashed in the void, blue light and fire light wrapped around its body, like a small starry sky in the universe, and a dazzling brilliance flashed in the formation immediately.


Then the light dimmed, and sparks flashed again after a few breaths. The blue light was so dazzling again that everyone had to close their eyes tightly.

"Who's winning?"

Tianju covered his face with his palm and asked anxiously.

"It's too dazzling to see the light." Lin Ye replied after hearing the words, the light was too bright, and he couldn't open his eyes.

The light gradually dimmed, and Liu Qingguang was seen kneeling on the ground with one knee, his face was pale, and blood was evident at the corner of his mouth.

"Losing?" Lin Ye saw blood dripping from the corner of his mouth on the ground.

"Predecessor." Liu Qingguang stood up, cupped his hands and said, his eyes gleaming coldly.

"Haha... not bad not bad." The man laughed out loud, waved his hand and appeared in the original position, sitting cross-legged.

Liu Qingzong's face was pale, but he couldn't hide the light in his eyes, he walked out quickly, just as he sat down cross-legged, there was a voice in his ear.

Seeing Liu Qingzong walking out, Lin Ye quickly asked, "Win?"

Liu Qingzong nodded and said, "It's a fluke."

When the blue light and the fire light collided, Liu Qingzong waved a green sword, forming a twelve blue wind array around himself.

The fireball collided with the twenty-six blue lights. Although the twenty-six blue wind swords were destroyed in an instant, at least the power of the fireball was weakened a lot. The fireball finally stopped in the twelve blue winds. Er Qingfeng waved towards this person and enveloped him.

So it was lucky to win.

Lin Ye nodded and stood up, clasped his hands together, holding a pair of axes in both hands, and walked towards the formation.

A blue afterimage rubbed past him, standing in the formation, with a spear on his shoulder, the spear was completely black, and said sideways: "I'll come first, where do you stay first?"

Lin Ye showed disdain, sat down and looked at Xiaoyaoyou with anger in his eyes.

"Which senior taught me?" Xiaoyaoyou waved the spear in his hand, and the spear drew a semicircle, staring at the remaining six people and said.

A woman stood up and walked into the formation. She walked with a special flavor, her eyes were extremely charming, and her every move carried a trace of charm.

Xiaoyaoyou's eyes flickered, and he looked at the woman with both eyes, his soul was gone.

"It's over, he's addicted to watching." Yang Mansi was stunned when she saw Xiaoyaoyou, and muttered.

"Hey... If it wasn't for the word "Xiaoyaoyou" in his heart, he would definitely be more than a monster." Liu Qingzong opened his eyes and said with a sigh.


A trace appeared under Xiaoyaoyou's feet, splitting the ground. The trace was very small but powerful, and he could split the ground with force. Looking back at the thing in the woman's hand, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at the trace under his feet .

The woman held a whip in a circle, the silver whip was one finger long, looked at Xiaoyaoyou with disgust in her eyes, waved the whip in her hand, and slapped it a few times.

There were traces and noises in the air.

Xiaoyaoyou's face changed a little, the rare whip as a weapon is definitely at a disadvantage for him, not to mention it can tear the void, no matter what, he will definitely lose this round.

"I admit defeat." Xiaoyaoyou cupped his hands and said.

"Why did you admit defeat?" Lin Ye's face changed in surprise, and he jumped up immediately, asking.

"I can't deny it... The whip can tear through the void, so for him, he still loses in the end." Liu Qingzong said, staring at the slowly healing crack in the void.

"But he gave up without even fighting, isn't it too embarrassing?" Yang Mansi said with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Heh... big chest and no brains, it's you. No matter how you fight, he will still lose in the end. The whip is good at attacking and also good at defending." Tianju glanced at Lin Ye, then turned to look at the formation that was about to come out for a free and easy walk. .

Xiaoyaoyou walked out quickly, took a look at Lin Ye, and said, "It's your turn, go."

Lin Ye snorted softly when he heard the words, picked up the black mountain on the ground, stood up and walked into the formation, waved his giant ax and shouted: "Which senior give me advice?"

The stronger man on the left stood up. This man was called Shi Yan. He stood up, glanced at Lin Ye, and jumped into the formation. A hammer appeared in his hand. The hammer was 1.5 meters long. , the hammer head is like a brick, the hammer shaft is thin, and the lightning is wrapped around the hammer.

"Please enlighten me!" All the breath of the forest was released, and the blue aura on the Black Mountain rioted, forming a current to wrap around the Black Mountain.

"Sitting for too long, my bones are hard." Shi Yan twisted his body and muttered.

Standing up straight, he threw the hammer in his hand, and the hammer drilled a thunder dragon in mid-air. The dragon's scales were black and its pupils were golden yellow, flying towards it.

Lin Ye moved his left foot towards the back, waved Hei Shan at the same time, and shouted: "Field Zhan Liao Strike!" Instantly, a crossed spirit slash was struck from the giant axe, and he flew towards Lei Jiao.

Lingqi Zhan and Lei Jiao collided, a black shadow smashed towards him, and raised his hand to block in front of him with Black Mountain.

Lin Ye didn't expect that Shi Yan's strength was twice or even several times stronger than him. The hammer hit his giant axe and knocked him back several meters before stopping.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow on the right without hesitation, and instantly moved towards the left. The stones scattered and shot at him, and his face and arms were cut several times.

Shi Yan bounced the hammer away, flew over without hesitation, grabbed the hammer and slammed it down, but he did not expect to be dodged.

Shi Yan retreated to the original place, put the hammer in front of his feet, stroked the pole with both hands, a stream of spiritual energy gathered in the hammer, and a large-scale electric current appeared under his feet instantly.

With the gathering of spiritual energy, this piece of electricity kept expanding, and at some point in the sky, a black cloud appeared, with thunder and lightning flashing in the cloud.

"This person should have cultivated the mental method of the thunder system, otherwise he would not be able to pull out the thunder and lightning." Liu Qingzong noticed that the thunder and lightning contained a destructive and violent breath in the formation.

"Heh... But Linye has a relationship with thunder and lightning." Tianju said suddenly with joy.

Lin Ye was struck by lightning when he entered the spirit formation, and it is definitely a happy thing to meet an ancient warrior of the thunder system now.

Everyone was happy when they heard the words, and the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed, and they did not follow the atmosphere closely.

But Lin Ye in the formation didn't think so. Being struck by lightning before and meeting a person who practiced lightning-type mental skills this time was a kind of torture for him, and it was also a kind of cultivation.

Lin Ye merged the two axes together. The bright red giant ax is about 1.8 meters long. The handle is bright red, and the aura gathers in the body of the ax. There is a touch of elegance in the bright red, and a murderous look with a touch of emotion. On the ground, he shouted: "The sky is falling apart."