Spirit Realm

Chapter 27: condensation


Gu Xuanfeng looked at it curiously, knowing that it was absorbing the essence of the spirit vein essence, but he didn't stop it, because he wanted to take the ancient star snake as his younger brother.

It's the best time to take advantage of it just opening the Spiritual Ability, but this little guy is not easy to get in, which is a bit troublesome.

"Come up if you want, otherwise I will refine it, and you will have no share!" Gu Xuanfeng lowered his head and looked at the ancient star snake and said.

Unexpectedly, the little guy was not polite, he crawled onto Gu Xuanfeng's thigh, sat up cross-legged, not moving, as if he was asleep.

Gu Xuanfeng clasped his palms together, palmed the heart pulse essence, closed his eyes, and circulated the Tianxuan divine body.

The blue light emitted from the spirit veins enveloped the ancient Xuanfeng, and the ancient star snake let out a comfortable cry, then climbed down and did not move.

A patch of stars appeared above the head, red, blue and green rays of light flashed endlessly, and the red, blue and green colors swirled and blended together to form a planet.

If Gu Xuanfeng opened his eyes and took a look, he would be stunned by the vision above. The vision of the ancient snake was only visible in ancient times, and now it is a chance to meet the descendants, not to mention the vision.

At this time, an extremely domineering breath was introduced into the body from the palm, and the spiritual energy circulated throughout the body, until it touched the blocked meridian on the chest.

The pain caused Gu Xuanfeng to distort his face. If someone appeared again, he would definitely find that the meridians in this person's body pulsed and sucked repeatedly.

Gu Xuanfeng endured the unbearable pain. The blockage of the meridians is a rare condition for ancient warriors. People who have never experienced it can't bear such pain.

The whole body was trembling, and even the ancient star snake whose thighs were absorbing the essence of the spirit veins was awakened by Gu Xuanfeng's trembling. He raised his head and glanced at Gu Xuanfeng, and a ray of light shot out from Litong's eyes into the Gu Xuanfeng seal hall .

Seeing that the pain had eased a lot, Gu Xuanfeng knew that it was the help of the ancient snake gang of stars, and the golden aura drove away the aura of the spirit veins in Gu Xuanfeng's body.

The golden aura drilled into the originally blocked meridian, slowly expanded, and swallowed the gray veins on the meridian, making it unobstructed.

The golden aura disappeared, and a golden aura spit out from its mouth, forming a golden snake shape. Seeing this, the ancient star snake quickly opened its mouth, absorbed the aura, let out a satisfied cry, and bowed its head without moving.

Gu Xuanfeng's colorless aura slowly intersects with the blue aura to form a blue aura, and the blue aura refines the meridians on his body several times.

When the blue aura returned to the dantian, it formed a huge net, trying to refine the bloody aura. Although I don't know if this group of aura will backfire, I can only rest assured when I refine it.

The bloody aura vaguely felt that the giant blue net was already a threat, so it started to sneak up.

"Want to run?" Gu Xuanfeng whispered in his heart.

Gu Xuanfeng has long been covered with nets and waited for you to enter the urn. As soon as the bloody aura penetrated into the thigh meridian, it was covered by a small net.

After the bloody aura was trapped, it began to frenzy, bumping around the meridians, Gu Xuanfeng has the spirit of the meridian, and doesn't care about the damage or serious injury of the meridian.

The bloody aura had to return to the dantian, and the blue giant net took the opportunity to cover the bloody aura. Even after refining, the bright red aura emerged from the bloody aura and was swallowed by the blue aura.

I don't know how long it took to refine the bloody aura, but the bloody aura was completely refined, and the blue aura was mixed with a trace of red aura.

"It's almost there!" Gu Xuanfeng thought to himself after circulating the spiritual energy through the meridians in his body several times.

Gather all the aura in the dantian, a group of aura the size of a washbasin, and look at the dancing aura.

Gu Xuanfeng shouted loudly: "Ning!"

Gu Xuanfeng felt that the invisible arm in his dantian squeezed the aura together, so he was very cautious not to trade or squeeze it forcibly, otherwise he would die if he failed.

The form of aura was slowly squeezed together, forming the size of a basketball, but it was not enough, so they continued to squeeze, and the aura was squeezed together inch by inch.

Seven days later, the aura was squeezed into the size of a tennis ball. Three days ago, the seventy-two meridians on Gu Xuanfeng's body shone brightly. As the aura became smaller and smaller, the meridians on his body disappeared one by one and appeared around the tennis ball. There are meridians around, and there are sixty-eight stripes on careful counting.

Only four meridians are needed to condense successfully. At this time, you must not move at all, and you must be more cautious. If you relax, you may not be able to become an ancient warrior, and you may even die.

Five days later, the tennis ball became the size of an egg, and there were seventy-two meridians densely packed on the outside of the egg, namely "eight extraordinary meridians", "twenty-four major meridians", "forty small meridians", eight Vessels, yin and yang meridians, and small meridians rotate around the egg.

There are seventy-two meridians, among which the governor meridian among the eight extraordinary meridians is gradually formed.

"Congeal and form!" Gu Xuanfeng shouted, seventy-two meridians slowly approached the egg, but was repelled.

After trying several times, seeing that the egg repels the meridians, he spent several days coaxing and tricking the egg to seduce it. At that moment, seventy-two meridians were imprinted on the egg.

The egg trembled wildly for a few times, then calmed down, stopped moving, and continued refining, trying to make the egg more crystal clear and rich in aura.

Gu Xuanfeng continued to absorb the essence of the spirit vein essence, refined the essence to form aura, and beat the aura countless times to make the aura more crystal clear and free of dirt.

The aura forms a bird's nest and appears under the eggs, nourish the eggs to see if a five-clawed golden dragon can be raised.

China is the descendant of the dragon, and the dragon is a myth in China. Every ancient warrior wanted to hatch a dragon from an egg to represent the Chinese people.

Gu Xuanfeng is no exception to this, there is no difference, he just wants to nourish a dragon, after all, it is more exciting to go out.

In the following time, Gu Xuanfeng did not absorb any essence, and held his breath so that passers-by would not notice this place, but with the ancient star snake here, the ancient warriors in the realm of Gonghai could not gain any benefits.

Gu Xuanfeng released all the spiritual energy in the egg, and it is more important to beat the spiritual energy to consolidate the realm, so as to avoid the phenomenon of spiritual energy rushing in and out during battles.

After a few days, the aura that was originally covering the whole body flowed through the whole body with the same size as the meridians, without any dirt, which made Gu Xuanfeng feel happy.

For several days in a row, the spiritual energy was absorbed into the eggs after being beaten, and absorbed the essence of the spirit veins, refined into spiritual energy and continued to be beaten.

Once the egg has already reached its limit and cannot contain any spiritual energy, the spiritual energy will circulate in the body. The egg's spiritual energy is a reserve spiritual energy. Once the spiritual energy in the body dries up, it will be extracted from the egg.

Although refining the spirit vein essence can absorb spiritual energy without running the Tianxuan Divine Body, it is an invincible existence on the battlefield.

A few days later, Gu Xuanfeng slowly opened his eyes and let out a mouthful of turbid air, then put the ancient star snake on the ground, put the spirit vein essence on it and walked out.