Spirit Vessel

Chapter 26: Anti-chasing


Master Jingfeng looked at Feng Feiyun in a daze, and saw that he was sparse and vicissitudes of life, covered with mud, his hair was messy, and what was even more depressing was that he still had two bare feet, which could also be related to Yingrong's smile. relation

If the noble Dongfang Jingyue could see this guy, that would be a strange thing!

As for Feng Feiyun's words, Master Jingfeng naturally didn't believe a word of it, but now he wants to ask Feng Feiyun, so before that, the only way is to send Dongfang Jingyue first.

Feng Feiyun and Master Jingfeng conspired for a while, then looked at each other and smiled. A fox, a little fox, seems to have reached some kind of agreement.


Master Jingfeng stood on the high side of the ship, his black robe was blown loudly, and with a loud cry, the night was turbulent and the water waves calmed down.

Those ancient warriors who were filled with righteous indignation stopped the attack angrily and retreated to the red-toothed airship. Of course, there were also a few stubborn people who still surrounded Dongfang Jingyue on both sides, carrying war spears and red eyes. war.

These arrogant people reluctantly retreated until the Great Wise Master Jingfeng roared again.

Master Jingfeng was as thin as a bamboo pole, standing upright, and said, "Miss Dongfang, even if you are a nobleman of the Silver Hook Clan, and kill my Gujiang people, you can't think about it easily today."

Master Jingfeng naturally knew that Dongfang Jingyue didn't kill anyone, but he had an agreement with Feng Feiyun, so he naturally planned to do it and put her together.

Dongfang Jingyue stood under the moon, elegant and moving, with her toes stepping on the shimmering water, like a slim white lotus, the star pupils under the veil were ethereal and agile, she smiled lightly: "Dongfang Jingyue only kills in her life. Heinous people will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, there must be a misunderstanding."

Although she experienced a battle, she did not show any signs of fatigue. It was obvious that she had not used all her strength just now, and there was not even a drop of sweat on her forehead.

Master Jingfeng's eyes squinted slightly, staring at Feng Feiyun who was hiding in the corner, and said with a dry smile, "Then the person who is being chased by Miss Dongfang is a wicked villain?"

Feng Feiyun felt sad, this old guy is really hateful, he even called me a traitor, I want to see how Dongfang girl will sully my reputation

Dongfang Jingyue hates me to the core, and naturally there will not be half a clean word in her mouth. It's strange that this dead woman doesn't slander me. Feng Feiyun has already begun to curse Dongfang Jingyue in her heart.

Dongfang Jingyue pondered for a moment, thinking of the scene where she was knocked to the ground by Feng Feiyun's punch, and her heart was full of anger, but to say that Feng Feiyun is evil, but it can't be said, after all, this kid is the leader of the third master. They were all killed. In terms of courage, strategy, and character, they were all high-level talents. Of course, this was Dongfang Jingyue's evaluation of Feng Feiyun when he didn't know Young Master Feng's past.

If you let her know that Young Master Feng had done all kinds of evil deeds in Lingzhou City, maybe the killing intent in her heart would be stronger.

Dongfang Jingyue's face became a little unnatural, and said: "He is not a heinous person, he is extremely talented in terms of character and talent, but there are some personal grievances between me and him, I have to capture him. He can't."


"Extremely talented, personal grievances, queen? Male slave? Shit, is it really as the kid said, this little girl has a crush on him, this is an emotional entanglement! It's too troublesome, too troublesome!"

Master Jingfeng was always staring at the subtle changes in Dongfang Jingyue's eyes, and after analyzing her words, it was confirmed once again that Feng Feiyun did not lie. She will be chased by her until there is no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.

Feng Feiyun had a different feeling at the moment, standing in a dark corner, staring at Dongfang Jingyue on the water in the distance, with surprise in his eyes: "This... Although the Dongfang girl is a little spicy, she She is also a person with clear grievances, but it is my heart of a villain. Although she looks very similar to Shui Yueting, her personality is more than a hundred times higher than that of Shui Yueting!"

"Hey! A woman's heart is a pine flower egg. The outside is bright and clean. Who knows how much effort is put into it."

After experiencing this relationship of Shui Yueting, Feng Feiyun has been hurt too deeply, and he is completely disappointed with the woman in his heart. No matter how much he appreciates Dongfang Jingyue, there is always a gap in his heart.

"Hey! Dongfang girl, this kind of thing can't be forced!" Master Jingfeng sighed, sighing in his heart, these young people are really energetic, and they can catch up for three days and three nights for the people they like. Appreciated.

Dongfang Jingyue snorted coldly: "Since he dares to do it, he must dare to bear it. There is nothing reluctant or reluctance. Today, I will definitely capture him and ask him to give an explanation!"

Master Jingfeng's brows twitched again, his feelings are that Feng Feiyun is always in chaos and abandoned.

Master Jingfeng thinks he is extremely smart, but when it comes to the relationship between men and women, it makes the old man feel in a hurry.

"Feng Feiyun is such a jerk. If I knew it was a relationship issue, the old man would not agree to him. However, since he has agreed, there is no room for turning back."

Master Jingfeng lightly straightened his beard and said, "Cough, the old man reiterates that the person you are chasing is not on the red-toothed airship, if you make trouble again, the old man will be rude to you. Murder for life, blood for blood."

Those ancient warriors also shouted together: "Murder for life, blood for blood!"

"Murder for life, blood for blood!"

Feng Feiyun sneered in his heart, but he was also looking forward to it. He wanted to see how Dongfang Jingyue would deal with it. This chick is of the best in both wisdom and cultivation, and her temperament is very comparable to others. Shocked.

Dongfang Jingyue's white jade-like fingers slid on the red pipa, and his heart was also hesitant. Feng Feiyun must be hiding on the red-toothed airship. If he wanted to capture this bastard, he had to pass through Master Jingfeng first. In the first level, it is necessary to face the powerhouses of thousands of ancient warriors.

"Humph! Since Master Jingfeng protects him like this, the little girl can only be offended."

From Dongfang Jingyue's pair of beautiful eyes, two bluish spirit flowers burst out, rushing out, the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped, and the surface of the turbulent river was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

"A song is heartbroken, where can I find a soulmate in the end of the world!"

Dongfang Jingyue flicked three fingers in a row, each finger was as fast as a drop of water, waving silk strings, and the figure couldn't help but fly up, like a white butterfly flying in the sky.


The momentum of this song is so terrifying, it shattered the ice crystals above the river and turned it into thousands of ice blades, rushing away like a mountain of swords.

"Erqu's liver and intestines are broken, Qing Yu will not stay here!"

A pair of white feathers of light and shadow formed in response to the sound, suspended behind her, three feet wide, holy and pure, emitting a trace of white aura that filled the long river.

With a flap of her wings, she has already flown to the top of the red-toothed airship.

"Three songs are heartbroken, falling flowers are a worry for Yu Nong!"


Above the sky, the black clouds rolled, carrying a thunderous sound, and the night was condensed by the power of the sound of the pipa, turning into black petals that fell like night rain.

Feng Feiyun looked at the beautiful black flowers in the sky, and the sword rain from the mountain of swords condensed by the ice crystals. His heart was once again shocked. The Dongfang girl's cultivation base is stronger than he imagined, and I am afraid that she has reached the realm of God's Great Perfection. .


Master Jingfeng didn't move, he just opened his mouth and read out such a word softly. Five black air currents spit out from his mouth, like a torrent, the atmosphere was brilliant, filling the sky.


The rain of flowers in the sky turned into dust and fell into the river water, and even those ice crystal swords shattered inch by inch, turning into droplets.

The night sky became clear again, and even the clouds above the sky were washed away, revealing a bright full moon.

"Master Jingfeng's reputation really lives up to its reputation. Today, the little girl can be regarded as a lesson." Dongfang Jingyue's voice trembled slightly, getting further and further away, and finally became inaudible, and it was dozens of miles away.

Listening to her voice, she knew that she had been severely injured, her breath lacked strong power, and even the spiritual energy on her body had restrained a lot.

This is a good time to beat the underdog, how could Feng Feiyun miss this opportunity.

Hey-hey! Dongfang Jingyue, you have today too! It's weird to see this young master not chasing you for three days and three nights!

Feng Feiyun took advantage of Master Jingfeng's failure to investigate, and sneaked down from the red-toothed airship. With a flash, he stepped onto the river bank and chased in the direction of Dongfang Jingyue's escape.