Spirit Vessel

Chapter 31: The road is long, don't stop


The Feng family is a huge family, divided into sixteen direct lines and forty-eight collateral lines.

The so-called direct line refers to the children with the blood of the Feng family flowing in their bodies, belonging to the direct relatives, but because of the difference in ancestors, they are divided into sixteen lineages.

There are countless family members in each lineage, which constitute one side of the Feng family, forming a form of coexistence and competition.

According to the number of talents and the number of strong people in each vein, the elders in the family will rank each vein every twenty years.

So there was the Hidden Dragon Battle and the Iron Scroll Club of the Book of War.

Feng Feiyun belongs to the twelfth meridian of the Feng family!

Although their lineage did not rank at the bottom of the sixteen lineages of the direct line, it was still considered a trailing ranking. Therefore, although Feng Wanpeng was talented, he could only be arranged to be a city lord in Lingzhou City.

Don't look at a city lord, it seems to be very great, but in the eyes of the senior members of the Feng family, this is a performance without a future. The children of the family who are really valued will be arranged to the Shenwu military camp or the government's yamen, so that they can stand out. day.

In a word, in the Feng family, only the higher the ranking of the lineage, the higher the status of the children of this lineage in the family. Or take medicine pills to improve physical fitness and cultivation.

These things are all the family members want when they break their scalps. It can be said that any genius who wants to become a person in the world cannot do without the huge accumulation of resources.

Just like Feng Feiyun, if he didn't take the blood spirit seedlings, he wouldn't be able to reach the current state so quickly. This is the effect of exotic grass and spirit grass.

Without elixir and top-notch cultivation techniques, where would a strong person come from

Now that the Qianlong Battle and the Iron Scroll Conference of the Book of War is coming, all the major veins have already begun to sharpen their fists, secretly preparing, and they are going to show their skills in this time of the vein rankings.

And those talented teenagers want to use this platform to make a blockbuster and become famous all over the world.

The twelfth meridian where Feng Feiyun is located, this time, there is no earth-shattering genius. According to the calculation of the "pulse master" Jiu Taiye, it is quite difficult to keep the twelfth position.

But just when Jiu Tai Ye was about to despair, news came from Lingzhou City, and a Feng Feiyun with superhuman tactics and wisdom emerged, which suddenly made him feel like a life-saving straw, and decided to focus on training He didn't even hesitate to use beauty to inspire him.

And Feng Yanxue and Feng Feiyun's marriage was decided against this background.

This is also the reason why Feng Feixue speaks, as long as Feng Feiyun dares to go to the ancient city of Zixiao, she will break Feng Feiyun's leg.

At noon, the scorching sun was in the sky, and the weather was particularly dull. Even the cuckoo on the willow tree beside the avenue lost its spirit and looked lethargic.


An eight-wheeled copper chariot, pulled by a mountain deer covered in scales, walked out of the city gate of Lingzhou City.

The mountain deer is a god, and the antlers are like strange peaks!

The sound of the rapidly rolling wheels broke the dead silence of noon. After walking on the road, the shadow of a rune suddenly lit up on the back of the mountain deer, flashing white light.

This four-meter-high mountain deer was glowing all over. In an instant, its strength exploded, and its speed was more than ten times faster. It pulled the eight-wheeled copper chariot and galloped away. It quickly ran out. Ten miles away from Lingzhou City, he disappeared into the mountains.

"This is the Wind Talisman, which belongs to the first-class Talisman. Once it is attached to the back of the mountain deer, it can make it travel 8,000 miles a day. Of course, the effect of the Wind Talisman can only last for one day, it will exhaust the spiritual energy, and it must be replaced the next day. Put on a new talisman."

Feng Wanli sat in the copper car and explained to Feng Feiyun and Feng Suiyu.

Although the mountain road was bumpy, the copper car was smooth and stable, as if sitting in the cabin of a boat, and there was no shaking at all.

Although there are still more than two months before the Qianlong battle and the Tiejuan meeting, the fifth generation of the Feng family has already begun to gather towards the ancient city of Zixiao, and almost all of them will rush back to the family in advance to prepare.

First, this allows these children who participated in the war to get to know the strong opponents so that they can deal with them in advance.

Second, the children of the major lineages also need to communicate with each other, so that they can join forces to fight against the enemy in the Qianlong Battle and the Iron Scroll Conference, so as not to hurt their own people.

Of course, these matters are all the masters of the major veins making plans behind the scenes.

Feng Wanli made a special trip to pick up Feng Feiyun and Feng Suiyu this time, and now he is on his way to the ancient city of Zixiao.

Feng Suiyu behaved politely and had a refined temperament, Shi Shiran said: "This hurricane talisman is so miraculous, it must be extremely difficult to refine, and only a person like Feng Erbo can refine it. So magical."

Feng Feiyun laughed secretly in his heart, the hurricane talisman was only a first-class talisman, but Feng Suiyu called it a divine talisman, and his flattering skills were first-rate.

"The hurricane talisman is not really a magical talisman, but in order to make a real hurricane talisman, at least the cultivation base of the early stage of the immortal root is required, and jade silk paper, wind blood, these rare materials are also used. That's fine. If a Blast Talisman is sold, it can be sold for at least a hundred gold coins." Feng Wanli said.

One hundred gold coins are nothing to the children of big families like Feng Feiyun, but to ordinary people, it is definitely an astronomical number.

A hurricane talisman can only be used for one day, and it will cost a hundred gold coins, which shows the degree of luxury.

This is the importance of resources. If a family lacks the support of wealth, it is absolutely impossible to grow.

"Your cultivation base is still too low now. When your cultivation base reaches the realm of immortal roots, you will naturally be able to purchase materials and refine the talisman by yourself." Feng Wanli continued.

Feng Feiyun lifted the curtain of a corner of the copper car, and saw the ancient trees outside the window, and the mountains and rivers were in sight.

This is the way to the ancient city of Zixiao!

The ancient city of Zixiao is the prefecture of Nantaifu, and the largest ancient city in the south of the entire Shenjin Dynasty. In the ancient city, widely accept disciples.

It can be said that the ancient city of Zixiao is the center of the south of the entire Shenjin Dynasty, and it is the real gathering place.

Compared with the ancient city of Zixiao, Lingzhou City is simply a remote and backward small place, a small place, not worth mentioning.

"Feiyun, Suiyu, when you arrive at Zixiao Mansion City, you two should be more peaceful, and stop being so arrogant as you were in Lingzhou City. Zixiao Mansion City is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, and a big family like our Feng family alone will Three or four, among them there are several huge immortal sects, and their forces are so strong that they are not under the Feng family."

Feng Wanli's face became cautious, especially when he was staring at Feng Feiyun, he gave a little more warning. After all, this kid Feng Feiyun has a criminal record, and it's just a matter of misbehavior in Lingzhou City. . But if he arrives at Zixiao Mansion City, and this kid dares to put the daughter of a certain family to bed, or molest the female disciple of a certain fairy sect, then he must cause a big mess.

Feng Wanli was extremely uneasy about Feng Feiyun, for fear that this guy would be daring and do some terrifying deeds, and then he would pierce the sky.

Feng Suiyu bowed solemnly and said, "When you arrive at Zixiao Mansion City, you will definitely obey the second uncle's arrangement, and will not dare to disobey."

Feng Feiyun is too lazy to care so much. Feng Wanli's words frighten Feng Suiyu, but they can't scare him. After all, the Feng family is the top family in Nantaifu, and it is definitely a big deal in Zixiaofu City. The forces, even if something really happened, I am afraid that no major force would dare to really confront the Feng family.

In the world of immortality, interests come first!

Without absolute interests, it is impossible to start a war between major forces!

In principle, even if Feng Feiyun causes some trouble, the top of the Feng family can settle it. Of course, if it provokes a woman like Dongfang Jingyue, then it's another matter. Even if the owner of the Feng family comes forward in person, she will Impossible to buy it.

Thinking of Dongfang Jingyue, Feng Feiyun suddenly flashed in his mind, "Hey! This is bad, Dongfang Jingyue's brother, the epic genius Dongfang Jingshui, is not in the ancient city of Zixiao."

And just when Feng Feiyun's heart was beating violently, Dongfang Jingyue dressed in white stood on the tower of Lingzhou City, standing proudly, the white veil on her face fluttering gently, setting her slim.

She was holding the Haotian Spirit Mirror in her hand, and the light of the Spirit Mirror illuminated the sky, pointing straight out of the sky.

"Without the protection of Master Jingfeng, Feng Feiyun, I see how you can escape from my palm."

She turned her slender and graceful arms, put away the Haotian Spirit Mirror, stretched out a pair of white light wings on her back, spread out, her slender figure turned into a white long rainbow, pierced through the Qingming, towards the mountain deer Chase in the direction of the copper car.

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