Spirit Vessel

Chapter 55: Dayan Immortal Gate


In the deep valley, the ghosts became more and more condensed, ferocious and terrifying, with exaggerated facial features, some eyes were as big as fists, some teeth were like steel plates, and some ears were covered with long hair.

They felt the breath from the underground Cangsheng cave, and became more and more frantic. They waved their sharp claws with the power of corrosion, and broke through the ignorant source of fire created by Feng Feiyun and Feng Yuxue.


Amidst the dazzling brilliance, shattered flames fell, burning the soil and rocks on the ground to charred black, making a chi chi sound.


The cracks in the ground are getting wider and wider, starting from a finger width, then a palm width, then a meter wide, and finally reached ten feet wide...

It was like an abyss lay in front of me, hazy below, and a harsh whistling sound came from the bottom, like countless flying swords flying below.

The cave door of the Cangsheng Cave Mansion is suspended in the center of the abyss. Above the cave door is an ancient stone tablet, with green marks and red dots, inscribed with the ancient words "Cangsheng is dead, all things perish".

Thousands of years have passed, current events have changed, and the years have alternated, erasing the ancient patterns on it!

Above the cave door, a shocking crack burst out with dazzling brilliance, just like a round of daylight, making people unable to look directly.

"Ah! What?"

Feng Nuoxue was standing beside the ground crack, and suddenly felt a hand grabbing her neck from behind, her body fell uncontrollably and fell downward.


A large piece of earth and rock was crushed by her stepping on it, and a white Lian flew out from her palm and hit it upwards, trying to fly backwards into the sky, but the force behind it far exceeded her imagination, and Bai Lian broke in an instant.

"What monster?"

Without any hesitation, Feng Feiyun jumped down from the ground fissure, stretched out his hand to grab Feng Yuxue's arm, and slammed the other hand towards the steep stone wall beside him, his entire hand did not sink into the deep rock.

At this critical juncture, a person's true heart can best be seen. Feng Feiyun knows that the abyss is extremely dangerous and hides terrifying unknown creatures, but in order to save her, he still jumps down without any hesitation.

Who else in the world can do this

"You said you don't like me?" Feng Yanxue was so moved that she felt that even if she died for Feng Feiyun in the future, she would still be willing.

It is the beginning of love, infatuation is not stupid!

"Come up first and talk about it!" Feng Feiyun's arms exerted force at the same time, and the blood in his body was like boiling water in a frying pan, bursting with astonishing power, and he wanted to throw Feng Nuoxue on it.

But at this moment, a huge palm print rushed up from the bottom of the abyss and slammed into Feng Feiyun's chest. trickle flow.

He still didn't let go, the fresh leaves rolled down his arm, dripping with wind and snow all over his face.

He gritted his teeth tightly and charged again!


The second palm print from the bottom of the abyss flew again, like a palm print the size of a black cloud, directly blasting Feng Feiyun to the top of the 100-meter-high sky, and then fell into the deep valley with a "bang". in the ground.

The dust was flying, and a human-shaped pit was smashed!

"Your sister, how could the Divine Jin Dynasty have such a powerful existence?" Feng Feiyun rubbed his buttocks, holding his chest slightly, coughing out a big mouthful of dirty blood.

He climbed to the edge of the ground fissure and looked towards the abyss below, only to see an unpredictable force that dragged Feng Nianxue into the Cangsheng Cave House along that fissure.


Feng Feiyun felt that something was shaking violently in his arms, making the sound of a copper bell shaking, like a corpse bell for a corpse hunter!

"Bamboo slips!"

The thing that vibrated violently was the bamboo slip as big as a palm, but at this moment, the graphic and textual topography on the bamboo slip had already been distorted, moved crookedly, and finally turned into a talisman.

The four characters "Cangsheng Dongfu" on the bamboo slips have also become "Cangsheng Symbols".

"Could it be this bamboo slip... No, this Cang Sheng talisman inspired a certain existence in Cang Sheng's cave dwelling, so such a shocking change happened here?"

Feng Feiyun always felt that it was not just that, there must be something that he had experienced, but he did not remember for a while.

Now Feng Yuxue was dragged into the Cangsheng Cave Mansion, her life and death were uncertain, and if she wanted to save her, she had to break into the Cangsheng Cave Mansion.

Feng Feiyun was about to break into the Cangsheng Cave Mansion, when suddenly, he raised his head again, watching a wave of air rushing down from above, his imposing manner was quite extraordinary.

"I didn't expect someone to come over so soon!" Feng Feiyun hurriedly retreated to the corner of the deep valley with white mist, planning to let these people explore the way first.

"Senior Brother Mu, I always feel that this ray of light is like auspicious auspiciousness. Maybe a spiritual tool will be born soon."

"If there is really a Lingbao born, we are seized by our brothers and dedicated to the ancestors, then our status in Dayanmen will be higher than those of the true disciples!"

Two men in apricot-yellow robes stepped on the rocks from the top of the valley and ran down quickly.

Every step they stepped on the rock bump, the speed was extremely fast, like walking on a flat bottom, and soon they stepped on the ground steadily.

The two of them were probably around twenty-seven or eighteen years old. They carried ancient swords of the treasure level on their backs. The surface of their skin was covered with a faint light, like a piece of armor protecting their bodies.

Apparently two cautious people.

The fog in the deep valley is extremely heavy. Although their cultivation base has reached the early stage of immortal root, they are considered as strong immortals on one side, but they still only dare to move forward slowly, and they seem to feel the chilling aura in the deep valley. .

"No, Senior Brother Mu, I don't feel like auspiciousness was born here at all, it's like an ancient murderer is about to break out of the ground." One of the men's voice was a little trembling, and he didn't dare to take a step.

"It's really too gloomy. I seem to have heard a ghost crying just now. Get out of here, leave Jinghuan Mountain immediately, and report the matter to the elders in the door."

Although the two men were masters, their courage was not great. They had already started to flinch as soon as they descended into the valley, but it was too late.


Seven or eight black ghost shadows emerged from the thick fog, surrounded the two of them, and pounced on them at the same time.

"Be careful, kill!"

These two men had never seen such a strange thing before, and their hearts were already timid. Although they were holding the ancient sword, they felt their arms were weak and their thighs were cramping.


Although their ancient swords shattered the ghost shadows, the ghost shadows immediately reconverged, and a piece of the ear of one of the men was torn off with a single claw.

"My ears, Senior Brother Mu, save me, save me, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over." The man swung his sword in a random manner, emitting a messy aura, while the other side kept crying. call for help.

But his senior brother Mu is not much better than him at the moment. He has more than ten wounds on his body, and he is also crying for help, and he is about to cry.

Feng Feiyun became more and more angry, and finally couldn't help walking out, cursing: "You two are still masters of the Immortal Root realm, and you have lived a lot of years, how can you lose your head? turn?"

The two inner disciples of Dayan Sect were overjoyed. They didn't expect that there would be people in the valley.

"Senior, senior, save us quickly, we are the inner disciples of Dayan Xianmen, and we are under the guidance of Fahuazi, the sixth elder of Dayan Xianmen. If senior saves our lives, we will be grateful in the future."

The name of Dayan Xianmen, Feng Feiyun, has naturally been heard. This is a big force in the Nantai Mansion. Its strength can be compared with the Feng family. It is rumored that the disciples of Dayan Xianmen are as many as hundreds of thousands, and they are only at the level of elders. The number of characters reached more than 300.

There are more than 300 elders, and their master can be photographed sixth, which shows that their master has a high status in Dayan Xianmen, and the cultivation base is strong. If they can save their lives, it can be regarded as Dayan Xianxian. A person like the sixth elder of the door forged a good relationship.

The business is done!

Feng Feiyun coughed twice and said, "These black ghost shadows are afraid of fire, you can attack them with a single source of fire, and you can drive them back."

The two disciples of Dayan Immortal Sect hurriedly released their spiritual energy and fired a source of fire, and in an instant they forced those ghost shadows back and disappeared into the white mist.

"Haha! These ghosts were originally so vulnerable, my Dayan Immortal Sect is invincible, and I can kill demons and evils." The two laughed lightly, just like two immortal masters. There is a cowardly like crying father and mother just now.

"Senior, thank you for your help. It's a trivial matter, it's not respectful." The senior brother with the surname Mu took out a piece of yellow stone from his arms and respectfully placed it in Feng Feiyun's hand.

This stubborn rock is the size of a fist, with a rough surface and loose texture. There is no peculiar place, just like a street stone on the side of the road.

Do the inner disciples of the dignified Dayan Immortal Sect all thank their benefactors like this

Just pick up a broken stone and give it to someone, it really is... a trivial idea!