Split Zone No.13

Chapter 115: Poison brothers and sisters


Yuan Shen and Yuan Qian came to my room.

When their siblings came in, I took a good look at them for the first time.

The two were wearing the same style of plaid shirts, Yuan Shen was a full head taller than Yuan Qian, and Yuan Qian wore a simple ponytail. The two siblings looked no different from the siblings who had a good relationship in the real world.

It's just that these two people looked indifferent, as if they didn't care much about the things around them.

"District Master." The brother and sister nodded at me at the same time, with neither humble nor overbearing expressions.

I suddenly became interested in this pair of siblings.

So I winked at these two people: "Sit."

The two looked at each other, as if they didn't expect me to respond with such an attitude.

Seeing that neither of them had any intention of moving, I shrugged to express my indifference.

"I heard that you two are very good at using poison?" I imitated Nie Zun, poured a glass of water, took it to my mouth and drank it, trying to look natural and kind.

"Small tricks." The elder brother Yuan Shen answered.

After taking a sip, I casually leaned against the wall behind me with the cup, tapping the edge of the cup with my fingers.

"Would you like to show me?" I smiled like a flower.

The younger sister Yuan Qian suddenly took a step forward, and also returned a faint smile: "District Master, you have been poisoned."

"Oh?" I pretended to be surprised and raised the cup in my hand and shook it lightly: "Did it fall in this water?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I could already see that my hand holding the cup started to turn a kind of dark black, and a kind of pain spread out.

"No, it was painted on the cup." Yuan Qian pointed to the cup in my hand.

"Oh, what is the effect of this poison?" I calmly put the cup back on the table.

"If I say that this poison will spread from the arms little by little until it reaches the heart, it will cause damage to the mind, then what will you do, District Master?" Yuan Qian didn't smile, as if he was talking about a very serious thing, using Looking at me with a very serious expression.

I smiled and shrugged, "That's it."

As soon as I finished speaking, I immediately picked up the fruit knife on the table, which was basically a display, and circulated my mind with my right hand, and then vigorously chopped off my left arm.

I didn't even frown, looking at the broken arm on the ground, I thought to myself, poor my arm, it's always broken after me recently, I'm sorry for you.

"The district master is really decisive, but I don't know why he was so lazy in the past?" Yuan Shen said suddenly.

I put away my smile and sternly said to them: "First of all, I admit that what I have done before has offended the residents of the West District, but I have already apologized for this issue, and you also accepted it at the time, so I have every reason I think that you, as residents of the West District, will continue to be loyal to me. Secondly, regarding your brothers and sisters, I want to make one point. I know your feelings for Liqing, and I also know that you two don't like me, but I hope you remember I live in, and now, the district owner of the west district is me, whether you like it or not, Liqing handed over the west district to me, so if you are really loyal to her, you should also be loyal to me."

When I said these words, my face showed a kind of faint domineering. Although I don't want to show people this look, I know that I need to act like a king of the West Zone in the future. Do the base.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the brother and sister, they looked at each other for a long time, and then turned their attention to me again.

A new arm slowly started to grow where my arm was, and I ignored it, even though the pain of losing an arm was actually excruciating.

I smiled at them again: "What do you think, do you want to play for me?"

Yuan Shen raised his head, and looked at Yuan Qian again, and the two seemed to have made a common decision while making eye contact.

The words were spoken by Yuan Qian: "All orders are from the District Master."

Following these words, Yuan Qian finally showed his first smile since entering the room, looking pure and lovely.

"Phew, it's good to be like this earlier. I'm going to cut off my arm. You guys don't want to be so rude. Detoxify my arm so I can put it on." I breathed a sigh of relief and returned to my usual appearance.

Probably because I changed my face too quickly, Yuan Shen was a little dazed, while Yuan Qian dimpled and said with a smile: "It's solved, let me put it on for you."

After finishing speaking, she bent down and picked up the arm that belonged to me, and came forward to help me reinstall it to the original position. When she moved her fingers, I only felt a burst of warmth from the broken arm, and then the arm and arm The moment of joining, the warmth actually offset the pain of fusing the severed arms.

"Sure enough, he is very good at potions." I nodded approvingly.

"It can't be of much help, but it should still be possible to deal with some shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

It turned out that Yuan Qian was very lively and could joke around. It seems that I really couldn't understand me before, so I hardly talked to me... ..

"District Master, what do you need us to do?"

Yuan Shen's speech is still very steady.

"Oh, it's really nothing, you just stay in the West District and help me protect Jiepa. I trust you, don't call me district master anymore, just call me Shen." I waved my left arm casually, expressing Don't call me so stupid.

"Help Jiepa?" Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right, I'm going to go out in a few days to inquire about this experiment in the South District. You should have heard about the specifics from Jaypa, and you have seen the scene of the experiment site. I must discuss this matter. Check it out. And while I'm away, I'll hand over all the big and small matters in the West District to Jaipa, and I hope you can stay by his side to protect him for a moment, are you willing?"

Seeing what I said was solemn and sincere, both Yuan Shen and Yuan Qian nodded without hesitation.

"As long as you are willing to lead the people in the West District to live a good life like Liqing, even if you can't find a way to go back, we are willing to serve you loyally." Yuan Qian smiled softly.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, the demands of these district residents may have never been high, they just wanted to live and work in peace and contentment, but I failed to give them a sense of security. What about the district master

No matter what, I have become the head of this district, so I must protect them well.

"I promise to bring you peace, please help me." I bowed my head slightly, expressing my attitude.

"Okay." Yuan Qian put her arm on my shoulder and expressed her heart.

I looked up and smiled gratefully at her.

At this moment, Nie Zun's cell phone rang suddenly.

"A guest has come to see you. The person Jappa sent to guard the district boundary sent a message." When Nie Zun put away the phone, he said to me lightly.

I raised my eyebrows: "Oh? Guests? Who will come at this time?"

Nie Zun smiled lazily: "I'm afraid you would never have imagined that these three people would come."

"Don't be tricky." I gave him a blank look impatiently.

He yawned lazily: "Huanqing, Mifu, Kufei."

... ..

Really totally unexpected.

"Why did they come here? Huanqing's body has recovered? Oh yes, at least a month has passed since then. You and I have been training with Talay for a long time. Now it seems that his mind power It should be back too."

"It's because you don't know the time. I always know how many days have passed." Nie Zun glanced at me lightly.

I rolled my eyes in my heart, because the Yuanshen brothers and sisters are here, I don't have the same knowledge as you!

"Where are they?"

"I want to see you by name, and Jippa told them to come directly to the district residents' building. I guess it will take at least a few hours to get here."

"Since there are guests, we can't let them wait. Let's go there too, so that the time can be shortened."

I looked back at the Yuanqian brothers and sisters: "Let's leave the matter of going up and down the residents of the district to the two of you for the time being. Jiepa is probably too busy managing the grocery building and the school building. I need you to find a few more capable people for me. Take good care of the residents’ buildings. All floor owners, you should also reassign the management floors for me. If you think it’s not suitable, just replace them. I’ll go to see the guests here, and report a brand new report to me when I come back. Is there a list of management personnel of the district residents building?"

Yuan Qian was a little surprised: "Here, leave all these to me and my brother?"

I smiled: "Yes, the management of the entire district building is entrusted to you, I trust you."

Yuan Qian turned her head and looked at Yuan Shen at each other, and finally both of them gave me grateful glances.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that. If you don't manage well, I will replace you."

I winked playfully at the two of them again, and then I waved at Nie Zun: "Let's go, let's meet these three rare guests."

Afterwards, I opened the window and jumped out of the district building.

Nie Zun, who was following behind him, looked at me with starry eyes the moment he landed: "Is that how you trust the two of them?"

"Jippa is trustworthy since he can make a recommendation. What's more, my intuition is very accurate, and I trust them." I looked up and looked in the direction of the window I jumped out of.

"Your intuition is right? Why don't I think that you have always regarded me as a devil? How is that right?" Nie Zun said jokingly.

I glanced at him and said seriously, "Where is this wrong?"

Nie Zun smiled, his eyes rippling: "It's good to see you look like this again."

"Stop it, don't put on such an expression that seems to be very pleased to see that the next generation who has failed to live up to their morals has finally changed their ways. I feel a little sick to my stomach." I waved my hand.

"The next generation? Well, that's right, good girl." Nie Zun's eyes were full of smiles.

I was at a loss for words, well, I just dug my own hole and jumped.

"Let's go, talk while running, you don't like running in the West District the most, although it's daytime, but you can make do with it, it's good to have time to run." While talking, he tapped his toes, People have fled away.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!