Split Zone No.13

Chapter 17: Negotiations between the two districts


"Do you need to be so mysterious and weird?" I really hate this kind of environment that is always worrying, and I can't help but look at the skein who has come in front of us complaining.

"Sorry, this is a place that will not be monitored, so everything must be handled with caution, and the viewing distance is only the same as that of the night." Hang S actually apologized in a hoarse voice!

I looked at her a little puzzled, this person is really difficult to understand.

She was still dressed in a student's school uniform, her face was pale, and her eyes didn't move much.

"Li Shen, I want to know, did you send someone to kill some of my subordinates?" Hang S said while looking at me.

"No." I replied without hesitation.

She nodded slowly: "I don't think it's you either, you don't seem to have such ability."

ha? Is this a compliment or is it

Her eyes rolled slightly: "As far as I know, a teenage girl died strangely not long ago in your West District, right?"

Immediately thinking that she should be talking about Laraelle, my eyes became serious: "Yes."

She nodded again: "Except for the five b-level cadres in our eastern district who were assassinated within a few days, a little boy was also killed. However, according to my investigation, this child was killed by a substitute. Now, to be precise, she It must have disappeared."

I quickly echoed: "Ours is the same, it shouldn't be dead, it's the death of a substitute."

"What clues did you find?"

Just as I was about to open my mouth, Nie Zun suddenly said indifferently: "Why should we believe you and tell you? There is no evidence to prove that this matter has nothing to do with you."

I glanced at him sideways, but didn't speak.

Hang S turned her neck stiffly, and her movements always made people feel like she was a lifeless doll, as if she couldn't move very freely.

Her eyes turned dully: "You don't need to trust us, but mutual distrust cannot allow us to leave the Forbidden Zone together. If everyone has the same goal, why not cooperate."

I stared at her closely: "If you want to talk about cooperation, then I have a question to ask you first."

She looked back at me: "Say."

"Did you kill Liqing, the district owner before me in the west district?" I fixed my eyes on her, not wanting to miss any of her expressions.

But she still didn't show any expression after hearing this sentence: "No."

"Then why didn't you consider cooperating with her before she was alive?"

"That's because I didn't know the secrets of the forbidden zone at that time." Hang S suddenly smiled strangely.

"What secret?" I asked quickly.

She took a deep look at me: "If you are willing to cooperate with me to investigate the whereabouts of these two children and prove that you and us are the same kind of people, I will consider telling you."

"It seems that your missing child is very important to you." Nie Zun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Indeed." Hang S nodded without hesitation.

Nie Zun nodded slightly at me.

So I said, "OK, we're working with you, what's next?"

Hang S probably didn't expect me to agree so happily, she pondered for a moment.

"Are you going to the North District on this trip?" She turned her stiff neck again.


"I'll go with you." Hang S said something that I didn't expect at all.

The man with bandages stood up suddenly: "District Master, this is not allowed, you can't leave the East District casually, not to mention that a B-level cadre just died, there are still many things waiting for you to deal with, and you can't listen to this The one-sided words of the two concluded that the death of the cadres had nothing to do with them."

"Do you also doubt my judgment?" Hang S suddenly said coldly.

Mu Li immediately lowered his head: "Don't dare."

Tao Lie also stood up: "District Master, what Mu Li said is not unreasonable. Even if you don't doubt Miss Li Shen, you can't leave the West District, let alone go to the North District. You..."

"I've made up my mind." Hangs cut him off.

Tao Lie pondered for a moment, and then said: "If you must go to the North District, please take those three adults with you."

I turned my head, three adults? It should be referring to the three men in white robes, of course she would bring them along, didn't she never let those three men leave her body

Unexpectedly, Hang S shook his head: "I have something else for them to do, so I can't take them this time."

Tao Lie said in shock: "Then you want to follow them to the North District alone? Absolutely not."

Hang S also seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then suddenly, as if she had made a decision, she said with a fixed gaze: "I will let Guan Nie go with me."

Both Tao Lie and Mu Li were obviously more surprised, almost saying in unison: "That's even worse!"

Hang S stiffly raised one arm and waved his hand, indicating that it's okay.

The corner of my mouth twitched, Guan Nie? If I remember correctly, it should be the perverted weak man just now, he wants to walk with us? I'm afraid I'll be disgusted to death before I reach the North District.

"Only when the officials and nirvana are together, can we not be discovered by the blond during this trip." When Hang S said this, he seemed to remember something, and turned to me and said, "You come to the East District, the blond doesn't know, right? Do you know the four Does anyone have his informant?"

I nodded: "I've considered this point. We asked Jiepa to think of a way. We avoided the informant all the way. Jiepa said that the blonde didn't know about it, so the blonde should have not found it yet."

"Jipa? That legendary intelligence gentleman with very powerful intelligence methods?" For the first time, curiosity flashed across his twisted eyes.

I was stunned, is there such a legend? I do not know how.

Nie Zun shook his head helplessly, and said to the hanger: "You don't need to ask her, she only knows her own name, if you have any questions, you might as well ask me."

I suddenly choked, but what he said was indeed the truth, I might as well ask him.

Hang S took a deep look at me, and then continued to say to her two subordinates: "Anyway, what is the meaning of going to the North District with them this time, you know, I must take Guan Nie with me."

"District Master, in fact, before coming up, Mr. Guan seems to have privately brought the visitors from the West District back to his room and met with him." Tao Lie said.

"That's right, actually it's not just just now, when we just arrived in your district, that beautiful Guan Nie was already waiting for us in the district boundary forest." Nie Zun suddenly smiled evilly.

"Oh? That should be a coincidence." His empty eyes looked not so dull at the moment, as if they were filled with all kinds of elusiveness.

"Is he another A-level cadre from your West District?" Nie Zun said suddenly.

I was startled, that weakling is an A-level cadre? How did Nie Zun see it

Hang S was also slightly surprised: "Did you see it?"

Nie Zun smiled lazily: "You don't have to look out for it. You live on the 29th floor, so you should have a high status. I'll take a random guess."

Hang S nodded slowly: "It is indeed another A-level member besides Tao Lie and Muli."

She paused, and suddenly said with a weird smile: "However, he is an uncontrollable member of my subordinates, and sometimes he doesn't even listen to my words, so take him, if he causes you any trouble, I'm afraid I can't Responsible."

Hearing this sentence, I suddenly had a bad feeling. As I recalled what happened before and after, I subconsciously wanted to reject this cooperation trip.

Why did Hang S know our purpose, and suddenly wanted to walk with us uncharacteristically? All this happened too suddenly.

I really couldn't figure it out, so I could only look at Nie Zun.

Nie Zun didn't look at me, but nodded to Hang S: "Okay, you can go with us with Guan Nie, but we will stay in your district tonight and leave tomorrow."

Hang S nodded: "Okay, you can choose where you want to live. I don't arrange it randomly. I guess you have your own ideas."

I nodded repeatedly, I don't need you to arrange a place to stay, I still want to sleep well.

When Nie Zun and I returned to the downstairs of the District Resident Building, Truffle and the others were anxiously waiting for us.

"Well, what did you say?" Seeing me, Truffle hurried up to ask.

I was dejected: "It's nothing, it's just that Mr. Nie Zun invited the hangman and the weak man we met when we came to the East District to accompany us to the North District."

Jappa asked curiously: "Weak boy? The man in the white shirt? Why did you take him?"

"He is another A-level s tribal cadre in the Eastern Region."

Yu Liang nodded: "I have already guessed that his identity is unusual."

That's right, with such a weird appearance and such neurotic behavior, how could he be an ordinary person

"Then what do we do now?" Truffle asked.

Nie Zun looked around: "We made an agreement with them to leave tomorrow, let's go to the school building in the East District to apply for a temporary residence, and keep a low profile."

"They will probably monitor wherever they live." I flattened my mouth.

Truffle smiled and rubbed my hair: "You have us, what are you afraid of?"

I had no choice but to nod, indeed, at least with a few of them by my side, I can rest assured.

A few people came to the school building in the East District. Nie Zun and Jiepa finished the formalities. We asked for two dormitory rooms, one for Nie Zun and Jiepa, and one for Truffle and Yu Liang.

The specifications of the dormitory in the school building are similar, with two beds in a room and bunk beds.

"Nie Zun, you can sleep on the floor, I will sleep with Jiepa." I waved my hand, signaling Jiepa to go to bed.

Jiepa pushed the glasses: "No need, Miss Ah Shen, you can sleep on the bed with Nie Zun, I will do it on the ground."

"Did you hear that?" Nie Zun smiled lazily, and quickly rolled onto the bed.

I watched with hatred as he only had such diligent flying movements as fighting for the bed, and then he lay down on the lower bunk angrily.

Jappa lay down on the ground in the corner.

Anyway, the heat and cold didn't have much effect on us, so I closed my eyes.

Although it is not dark yet, it is always good to have a rest, not to mention that in the Forbidden Split Zone, you can sleep as long as you want.

I closed my eyes and thought about what had happened during this period of time in my mind, and when I thought about it, sleepiness hit me.

In the haze, I felt that Nie Zun on the upper bunk seemed to have rolled over, but I didn't open my eyes to look at him.

Anyway, Jappa and him are in my room, so I don't have to worry about safety or anything like that.

I didn't know how long I had slept, when suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, waking me up abruptly.

"Shen, open the door quickly! Something happened to Yu Liang!" Truffle anxiously shouted from outside the door.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!