Split Zone No.13

Chapter 20: There is no one side by side in the darkness


The moment my feet crossed the district boundary, several people around me suddenly disappeared.

I quickly looked around and found that I was not in a forest at this time, but on an empty playground.

This should be the so-called illusion. I guess I should be in the hard-to-reach forest at the moment, but I have been under the illusion.

I calmly walked a few steps forward on this playground, recalling the words of Hang S and Guan Nie just now in my mind.

If this really is an illusion that probes the mind, what am I going to see

I can't imagine, because in the long time before, I didn't know what my heart was like, just like I couldn't understand why I hurt my favorite senior Gao Qi.

However, when I was in the Forbidden Zone, my second personality overlapped with Nie Zun, so I have never had any abnormal outbreaks. If this is the case, it can be said that I am incomplete under this illusion Will it still fully reflect the heart

I smiled wryly to myself, I wanted to use this illusion to look into my heart and see what was hidden inside.

"Ash." A familiar voice came from behind me.

I suddenly opened my eyes wide, don't I

Turn around slowly.

The familiar white top, black jeans, and bright yellow sneakers in my memory.

Looking at me with that ever-unfathomable, warm yet evil smile: "Shen, long time no see, you still understand me as before, right?"

I looked at the person in front of me and slowly opened my eyes.

Almost just for a moment, I forgot everything I thought just now, because I was suddenly sure that this person was my senior Gao Qi, not Gao Qin Jiuye from the Forbidden Zone that I saw that day, nor was it some hallucination, he It is my senior Gao Qi. Only my senior Gao Qi will look at me so warmly, only he understands me.

Tears welled up in my eyes: "Senior..."

He walked towards me slowly, stretched out his hand, and stroked the tears from the corners of my eyes: "Why are you crying, didn't I tell you, I'll be waiting for you at the end."

I finally couldn't help crying out: "But it's me, I put you..."

There was a smile on the corner of his lips: "I'm not dead, I'm here with you, it's because you haven't found me yet."

I looked up at the smile on his lips, and was about to say something when another voice broke into my ears.

"Shen, he lied to you, everything here is a lie to you, I am the real one!"

Listening to this urgent call, I turned my head and saw Yuzu running towards me from a distance.

I watched in horror as Yuzu ran towards me wearing the sister outfit with Pikachu that we bought together.

"No, no, no! Stay away from me!" I stepped back in horror, and then grabbed Senior Gao Qi's arm in a panic. This is something I never dared to do easily in my lifetime.

Yuzu stopped a little distance away from me, her face was sad, and her eyes showed a kind of pity that I couldn't see through: "Ah Shen, they are all fake, only me, only I am real. "

"You are enough! It is because of you that I am what I am today!" I shouted out of control, but at the same time I hid behind Senior Gao Qi because of fear.

Yuzu took another step forward: "Shen, listen to me, everything here is a lie to you, you must remember, you can't trust anyone except me!"

I shook my head violently, grabbed senior Gao Qi's sleeve, and shouted at Yuzu through his cover: "I will never trust you again! It's because I have always believed in you, you Only then will you betray me!"

Yuzu shook her head sadly: "I didn't betray you, Shen, think about it carefully, you didn't accept me."

I cried out of control, no, I don't want to think about it.

I never want to think about the high school life that kept me hidden in the dark all day long.

The kind of darkness that enveloped me all day long, I was like a child who was drowning and could not die. Every day, I was in so much pain that I choked up in my throat, but I could never get rid of it, and no one would come to rescue me.

There is no savior in this world, and I have no ability to save myself. I am alone, a child who cannot see the light.

Yuzu used to be my best sister in high school. We like the same snacks, the same anime, and the same stars. She is like the person who knows me best in this world and has always been by my side.

I know I've always been a weird kid.

I have liked watching horror movies since I was a child, like watching movies such as "Saw" and "The Seven Deadly Sins". As I grow older, I like all kinds of TV and comics that seem to be bloody but actually understand the laws of human nature. , and novels.

Many children around me avoid me because of my hobbies.

But I know, I have no problem, I am a good boy, I would cry for three days even when one of my little rabbits died.

I just have different hobbies from them.

You can't exclude me just because I'm different from them...

I'm not really a bad boy I just like watching those things what's wrong with me...

But my hobbies are still not understood. Although my parents are not opposed to it, I still don't have many friends because I watch some dark things all day long.

Even so, I am still cheerful, so although I am not understood, I am not completely isolated.

Until I was in high school, whenever I couldn’t help but read some bloody cartoons, the girls around me would complain in horror that I didn’t look like a girl.

At that time, I was used to it, and I just smiled and didn't mind.

Until the appearance of grapefruit.

I will always remember the day Yuzu just transferred to our school, I was reading a criminal psychology novel, and when I accidentally looked up and saw her, she happened to meet my eyes.

I really believe in love at first sight, and I believe that friendship can also fall in love at first sight.

I knew from the way she looked at me that I saw another me.

I don’t know if anyone can understand this feeling. When you meet a friend who makes you feel that only she can understand you, that feeling is like a gift from heaven.

Sure enough, when get out of class was over, she came to me and said, "You like this book too, and I like it too."

Since then, we have been together every day, sharing everything we love, and there has never been any rift.

That time, when I handed her my mild schizophrenia diagnosis certificate, but she didn't care at all, I naively thought, look, she doesn't dislike me, she understands me, we will Be together forever and be best friends.

Until the next day, when my medical certificate was easily pasted on the blackboard for display, from then on, she would live a high school life of being ostracized and indifferent, just like this medical certificate that was easily pasted , easily brought to me.

I can't clearly remember how I spent that period of time, just like I can't remember many things, I will forget that period of time that can't be fully explained by "helplessness" in the darkest place in my heart. corner.

The only belief that supported me was waiting for graduation. I always thought that as long as I passed high school, I would be free.

But when I went to the university to register, I ran into Yuzu who had applied for the same university as me. I think I will never forget that day. She walked towards me with the most gentle smile in the world, and she just Come to me like that.

There was light all around her, and darkness around me. She came to my side and whispered to me in my ear: "You can't leave me, because only I understand you, Ah Shen, don't be afraid that others don't understand you, because you are enough with me. .. ..”

Unable to recall the past, I stared fiercely at the sad Yuzu in front of me: "You are a devil, I don't want to see you again!"

Yuzu took a deep look at me, and said quietly to me: "How can you believe that I am the only one who is real..."

Senior Gao Qi suddenly smiled softly: "You are not the only one who understands her, and I have always been by her side, don't you know?"

Hearing Senior Gao Qi's words, I felt as if someone who had lost his way for a long time finally saw the direction, and I grabbed his sleeve even more firmly.

Yuzu took a deep look at Gao Qi: "You are the one who has been deceiving her and causing her to become like this."

Then she looked back at me again: "Ah Shen, he lied to you, you must not trust him, he will kill you again and again!"

I shook my head, not wanting to listen to Yuzu anymore.

Gao Qi looked back at me gently, and said to me in a magnetic voice: "Don't be afraid, give me all the sins, and I will protect you."

I was slightly taken aback.

I was stunned not because of the warm words that my senior, who I had a crush on for a long time, said to me.

But this sentence does not know why it suddenly reminded me of another person.

Nie Zun.

I thought of Nie Zun's lazy face forever, then looked up at Gao Qi in front of me, and then at Yuzu on the opposite side.

No, it doesn't seem right.

This is No. 13, Forbidden Zone.

They are my hallucinations... ..

Senior Ke Gaoqi... .

I sadly looked up at Senior Gao Qi in front of me.

Gao Qi seemed to have noticed my strangeness, and his eyes shifted: "Shen, what are you thinking? I am Gao Qi, I am dead, I am in your heart, I am here to pick you up and escape from the Forbidden Zone of."

My eyes widened suddenly: "Escape... from the Forbidden Zone?"

He smiled like a spring breeze: "Yes, after I died, I became the power in your heart, as long as you face it bravely, you can use this power to leave here, don't resist me, only I will never hurt you. "

"Don't listen to him, he's lying to you, sober up, I'm the only one who is real!" Yuzu standing across from us suddenly shouted emotionally.

No, senior Gao Qi won't lie to me, only he never lied to me, even if I killed him, he never hurt me until his death!


I looked at Gao Qi's gentle eyes, nodded firmly to him, and stretched out my hands to hug him.

"No! He's fake! Ah Shen, look at me! I'm the real one! Come to me!" Yuzu stretched out her hands to me excitedly, but she didn't move a step forward.

I frowned and looked at Yuzu: "I never want to see you again."

Senior Gao Qi stretched out a hand and took the hand I stretched out to him: "Don't resist, accept me, only I can take you away, only I will not hurt you, I am the strength in your heart, use me , Let me become your ability, so that I can take you away."

I looked into his affectionate eyes and firmly grasped his hand.

If the senior said he could take me away, he would definitely take me away.

A ray of gentle light suddenly appeared around me and him.

Maybe it's because I have always resisted my inner self, and I also resisted the senior Gao Qi who was killed by me. If I had accepted it earlier, maybe I would have left the Forbidden Zone long ago.

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel very warm, it's not too late, I'm about to leave the forbidden zone, isn't it? I am immersed in this gentle light.

But suddenly, another thought flooded into my heart, and I felt the darkness attack almost instantly.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!