Split Zone No.13

Chapter 238: The condition of the truffles


Truffle didn't seem to want to hear me say this anymore, she frowned impatiently and raised her hand: "Don't talk about it, anyway, the past is over, my life is pretty good now, and I am the supervisor of Tiandao today. The high priest of Yue, with one person under one person and above ten thousand people, lived a much happier life than when he was in the West District."

Seeing that the intense emotion in her eyes seemed to be rippling, I had no choice but to temporarily shut up.

I knew she must have suffered unimaginable and incomprehensible pain during this period, so I couldn't act too hastily.

So I changed the subject: "Since you have become the high priest of the Heartless Palace, then you are on the same front as Duyue? Do you know what her purpose is?"

Truffle smiled slightly: "Li Shen, since you've said it all, I'm on the same front as Duyue, do you think I'll tell you? I haven't asked why you are here. Priest, if outsiders invade the Heartless Palace, I'm afraid I won't be lenient."

Nie Zun suddenly continued: "But you have been standing here listening to her for a long time, and since you haven't done anything after such a long time, it looks like it will be the same from now on."

Truffle cast her admiring gaze on Nie Zun without hesitation: "Nie Zun is still so smart and wise. He responds quickly and has a strong insight into everything."


Bing'er suddenly uttered another short low cry, as if reminding something, or warning something.

An elusive smile appeared on Truffle's face: "It seems that if I don't deal with this little guy first, it's really hard for me to settle down and deal with you."

Against us

Before I could react, she quickly turned around and walked quickly into the palace.

I felt bad, and my worries about Bing'er also rose rapidly. I looked at Nie Zun anxiously, but found that Nie Zun had no intention of stopping him at all, and still looked like he had nothing to do with me.

Feeling more and more uneasy, I quickly chased after the back of the truffle.

Da da, da da da, da.

Seeing her walking faster and faster, the soles of my feet felt windy.


"Li Shen, it's not too late to discuss the matter between you and me later."

The curly hair of the truffle fluttered wantonly, and threw me such a sentence without looking back.

"What do you want to do with Bing'er, it's just an ordinary bird."

I finally caught up with Truffle, and I grabbed her hand.

I don't know if it was my illusion, but when I touched her arm, she trembled slightly.

"Hehe, an ordinary bird? Even you can see the identity of the consciousness body. As the high priest of heaven, I just stayed in this heartless palace for so long. Wouldn't I know that the ice phoenix was originally a consciousness body? Li Shen, even if you are in emergency People, there is no need to tell such childish lies."

These words at least made her pause.

She continued to sneer: "No wonder you said that you have been trying to save us, but we have been seeing you for a long time. If you save people like today, it is no wonder that everyone will leave you !"

When she said the last sentence, she emphasized her tone a little.

Originally, I thought I didn't care, but in fact, when I saw someone who used to be my closest relative treat me so sharply, I still felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

I don't know how to respond anymore.

So she continued to walk towards the ice phoenix with a cold face.

Seeing her approaching, Bing'er seemed to have sensed something, and flew up with a rubbing sound.

It waved its snow-white wings twice, and directly rushed towards the truffle.

Truffle stood still, waiting for the bird to approach, just like me back then.

It's just that although she didn't act, she didn't keep her mouth idle, but said to me behind her: "Do you like this phoenix?"

I nodded, but considering that she couldn't see her back to me, I opened my mouth and said yes.

"Hehe, that's good, then I'll destroy it."

Unexpectedly, Truffle would say such a sentence directly.

Sure enough, she hated me very much.

And in the next second, her arm was raised, and Void grabbed it!

The five plain white fingers quickly moved together, then raised quickly, and waved towards the Bing'er that was about to fly towards her eyes!

The strength of her arm is not very strong, but those water droplets emanating from her hand are swirling with the wind, and are extremely powerful towards Bing'er!

I squinted my eyes quickly, and the power of my eyes intensified. Although I was able to catch the speed of the water drop after increasing my visual ability, it was too late to make another move!

And that Bing'er just floated in the air and stopped, and didn't move at all, letting those crazy water drops hit it like a fool!

Subconscious anxiety made me involuntarily stretch out a hand forward, but this movement seemed particularly weak.

Just at this critical moment, suddenly, a delicate black light flashed around those water drops, smashing those water drops with a bang!

Like broken mercury rolled all over the ground, I subconsciously looked at Nie Zun.

Sure enough, Nie Zun with his hands in his pockets, the pupils of his eyes tightened at this moment, obviously he used his pupil power just now.

Truffle was not angry, instead she turned her head and praised Nie Zun: "The pupil power is still so powerful, I have been hiding it before, are you finally willing to use it now?"

Nie Zun smiled lightly, pointed at Bing'er, which was still floating in the air, and said to Truffle, "The little guy is timid, don't scare it."

But Truffle laughed loudly: "Little guy? Timid? I think you really don't know anything."

Then her expression changed and turned cold: "This thing must never leave the Heartless Palace for half a step. This is Duyue's death order!"

I saw that Binger's bright eyes, and I was not sure if it could understand these things, so I had to change the topic to try to delay her thought of wanting to do something to Binger.

"Tell me first, where are Yu Liang and the others hidden by Du Yue?"

Although Truffle just said that she no longer loves Yu Liang, I don't believe that she is really cruel enough to put him to death.

Unexpectedly, Truffle was surprised and said, "Here is Yu Liang?"

I frowned: "Didn't you say that you are the High Priest of Heaven? Don't you know that Yu Liang is now imprisoned by Du Yue?"

Truffle looked at me suspiciously: "What you said is true, I know that your Eastern District partner is here, but why have I never heard Duyue say that Yu Liang is also here? His disaster in the Western District Zhong also survived, I know."

I nodded: "Duyue once told me in Ghost Dao that Yu Liang is in Heaven. I guess he was imprisoned by Duyue like Hang S and the others. I want to save them. Can you provide me with a specific hiding place? me?"

Trulu frowned, and after a while, she finally spoke: "I can't betray Duyue, even you, once you step into this heaven, don't think you can leave here easily, especially this is the Heartless Palace. As for the rest of what you said Whether Liang is here or not, I will investigate."

"Where is Jiepa?" Nie Zun asked suddenly, without hesitation, simply and neatly, only asking one person.

When Truffle heard these words, she regained a smile that she was in control of everything: "Your doctor is fine, don't worry about him, just take care of yourself, listen to him, he Seems to be very worried about you."

What happened in the next second caught me almost by surprise.

Nie Zun suddenly rushed in front of Truffle with a whoosh, and quickly raised a hand to strangle Truffle's neck: "I'll ask you again, where is he?"

A cunning flashed across Truffle's eyes, but his mouth remained motionless.

Black mist rose from Nie Zun's eyes.

I knew this was the ominous sign of Nie Zun before he became demonized, and it was also the look in his eyes before wanton destruction.

So I can only rush up quickly and grab Nie Zun: "We are all companions, you are still losing your memory. As for what, if you talk about it, Truffle will also tell you the location of Jiepa."

Seeing it was me, Nie Zun finally let go of the truffle slowly.

But Truffle squinted her eyes and smiled at me: "Li Shen, Nie Zun seems to have changed, what, you don't love each other anymore, are you like me and Yu Liang?"

This question is really weird and uncomfortable.

But it was not the time to talk about this, so I quickly opened my mouth: "Truffle, can you tell us where Jippa is hidden? At least let this friend of mine go and see him."

Truffle raised her hand and stroked her hair calmly: "Well, how about we make a deal?"

When Nie Zun and I heard the word transaction, we quickly picked it up: "Oh?"

This rare tacit understanding made me feel happy, so I secretly glanced at Nie Zun beside me.

Nie Zun was not looking at me, but looked at the truffle thoughtfully.

"Come on, what deal, we'll do what we can."

That said, do our best? Since the blood change, since when did you treat me as your own? "

Truffle smiled: "It's very simple, stay with Cone, and I'll take you to see Jappa."

She was talking about meeting Jappa, not the group of imprisoned mates.

I can see that the most valuable things in this forbidden zone are two things.

Nie Zun and Cone Thorn.

Many people came to me inexplicably because they wanted to grab these two things.

But this also shows that in everyone's heart, these two things belong to me.

I was thinking wildly, but Nie Zun pulled out the awl from his waist and pointed at the truffle: "There is no need to introduce it, it's not like you haven't seen this thing before."

When Truffle saw the thorn, his eyes narrowed even more: "That's right, this is the thorn, why, Li Shen didn't want it and gave it to you?"

I said coldly, "I didn't give it to you, he snatched it away. But, what do you want the prick for?"

Truffle stretched lazily: "Who doesn't want such a good living weapon? Now in this Forbidden Split Zone, strength is the capital for survival. There are only a few living weapons, and it is difficult to change them again." What new living weapon, since there is a chance, why should I not?"

I immediately replied: "Unfortunately, it is mine, and I have no intention of giving it to anyone else."