Split Zone No.13

Chapter 239: There is no end to the ladder


As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I quickly raised my hand and snatched the spike from Nie Zun's hand.

This time Nie Zun did not resist.

Nie Zun glanced at me: "I think if this thing is here with me, you will chase after it even more. In that case, you can take it back and don't follow me in the future. Also, this is a disaster, I advise you Or don't keep it."

I held the thorn: "Thank you for reminding me, but when did you become such a talkative person?"

But Truffle interrupted me with a smile: "How about this, Li Shen, I will add another condition, you give me the awl, I will not only take Nie Zun to see Jiepa, but also take you to see the hanger, you see how?"

Take me to see the skeins

I really don't know the place in this world, so it's best to rescue them before Duyue comes back.

Forget it, anyway, Nie Zun controlled the female sword spirit the last time he went on a rampage. Now even if the spike is back in my hand, I won't be able to really use it for a while, so it's better to give it to her first.

And... no matter what happens to the truffle, she's still my friend in my heart and it's better to have her than anyone else.

Having made up my mind, I raised my hand and threw the spike at the truffle.

Truffle took it and said, "You really are very good at the gargoyle. Just now you were so sure that you wouldn't give it to me. Now you are willing to compromise because you mentioned the gargoyle."

I looked directly at her: "If you can get you back with just a thorn, I will not hesitate, but it's a pity that during the time you were missing, no one came to offer me such a condition."

Complicated tiredness rose in Truffle's eyes, and she raised her hand and wrapped the thorn around her waist casually: "Let's go, since I promised you, I will take you there."

"However, this phoenix..." Truffle glanced back at Bing'er who was still on the lamp.

Just when Bing'er uttered "Chirp" again, Truffle quickly raised her hand and waved in Bing'er's direction!

I hurriedly wanted to stop it, but I didn't see any attack coming out.

To be exact, after the truffle waved its hand, it did not see any light or any change in the air flow. It's as if she just waved her hand.

Originally, my eyes were focused on Truffle's hand, but when she waved her arm seemingly aimlessly, I heard the most binger's scream again.

When I looked again, I found that Bing'er's entire body was trapped in a water polo, and the water polo was just half floating in the air, and it was constantly struggling in the water polo.

"What did you do to it?" I concluded almost immediately that it was the truffle.

But Truffle strode towards the gate of the palace: "I can only tell you that it can't die. Whether you continue to struggle here or go to see the hang with me, you decide for yourself."

When Nie Zun heard this, he immediately glanced at me indifferently, and quickly followed.

I gritted my teeth, looked back at the struggling ice phoenix trapped in the water polo, and said in a low voice, "Binger, I will come back, you have to persevere until I come back."

After speaking, I also quickly chased after the truffle.

Seeing me catching up, Truffle blinked: "It's embarrassing, isn't it? You are like this. You always want to save everyone, but Li Shen, you are not the savior. Sometimes you have to make a choice. If you If I was as sensible as I am today, wouldn't I become like this?"

A familiar picture flashed in front of my eyes, and I suddenly remembered something that I really didn't want to remember.

There was sourness in my heart, but soon I adjusted myself, took a deep breath and said to Truffle: "You are right, but you are wrong about one thing, I should not be as sensible as I am today , I have indeed been like this for a long time, but maybe you don’t know it.”

Truffle obviously didn't get my point.

I looked into her eyes, and finally said the words I didn't want to mention: "The reason why you were taken away by the kiss at the beginning, and the reason why you were separated from me, is because I made a choice just like today. I didn't hesitate at all. At that time, you fell into a coma, and Li Kiss's life was in the hands of Li Kiss. She asked me to choose one of you. At that time, Hang Seng was about to lose all consciousness, so I chose her, but Let Li Kiss take you away."

Truffle's face turned pale.

I bit my lip: "To this day, I can't say that I regret doing this, because I might still choose this way when the time comes again, because the situation of strangulation was more dangerous than yours at that time, similarly, it is the same today, in my opinion The situation of strangling is worse, so I have to save her. And I just like what you said, I made the choice without hesitation."

"Truffle, you're telling me to choose, to make the choices I have to make, even when both situations are difficult, and I appreciate you thinking that, because if no one else thinks that way, I'm afraid I The practice will never be recognized. I don’t know what you have suffered these days. In short, I am sorry for you. I did not choose you at the beginning, but you can blame me for not choosing you. No choice was made."

A bitter smile suddenly appeared on Truffle's pale face: "I understand what you mean, you want to tell me that it's not that you don't know how to choose, but that you didn't choose me in the first place."

I nodded: "That's right."

But why does my heart hurt like this

I don't want Truffle to suffer such a loss. In fact, it's not as serious as I said, but it's as if I really only care about hanging and ignoring her, but I have to say this.

The situation was really that I chose to hang the sack.

"Since we separated, you have never seen me except Yu Liang, have you met again?"

I also don't know why I suddenly brought up this question to change the subject.

Truffle turned her head back, I couldn't see her expression anymore.

"No, I haven't seen him, and I haven't heard that he is also in Tiandao now, so you were so surprised when you said it, but didn't I tell you that I don't love him anymore."

I didn't speak.

Because I have already decided in my heart that I must bring Yu Liang back to Truffle.

After all, it all started because of me, and it is up to me to solve it.

squeak --

The palace gate was easily opened.

A strong pure white light pierced in, and I quickly raised my hand to cover my eyes.

After the light faded, he looked around.

It was completely different from what I had imagined. What I saw after opening the gate of the palace was not the outside world, but a long ladder leading to the ground.

It's like a bottomless pit greets us outside the gate, and we still have to step on the steps and walk down the abyss.

"Unexpectedly, the design of the exterior of the Unfeeling Palace is really original." It was Nie Zun who said this, and it was also the first sentence he said after such a long silence.

Truffle smiled charmingly: "That's right, it's actually not like this outside the Heartless Palace, and those two girls just didn't come here either."

"So, you made this ladder?" I poked my head down the ladder, but the ladder is in a circle, so I can only see a short distance in front of me. What's next? If you can't get to the spiral bend, you can't see it from here.

"Please." Truffle didn't answer me, but made a casual gesture of please.

Just as I was about to take a step, Nie Zun said flatly: "The two of us are not familiar with this place, so you should lead the way."

I quietly retracted the legs I had already taken.

Truffle shrugged: "Yes."

After speaking, she stepped on the high boots and stepped directly on the first step.

I glanced at Nie Zun, but Nie Zun didn't look at me.

So Nie Zun and I no longer looked at each other but still walked forward side by side.

After we stepped on the stairs, the palace door behind us closed rumblingly, and the sound when it was closed seemed to be slightly different from when it was opened.

Da da da.

The heels of Truffle's high boots made a series of crisp sounds once again on the high ladder.

Although I also wear red sandals with small heels, but my shoes are very thin, even if I am alive and kicking, there is no sound.

It seems to be a long time to walk along this spiral staircase layer by layer, and there is no feeling of end.

And along the way, the three of us were almost silent with each other. This feeling will make me anxious after a long time, because I am not only a person who can’t be idle, but also a person who can’t bear the silence around me all the time. Quiet when there are people.

So I decided to raise a topic.

But how to start this topic

Tell Truffle about Yu Liang

As soon as the idea popped up, I wanted to knock myself on the head.

Do I want to tell her, well, during your absence, Yu Liang and I met once. In order to force me to find you, he even did not hesitate to fight me with one against three, and he also Was made a monster, a monster whose hands turned into tentacles

I really admire myself.

This topic is ruled out.

So what to mention

How about you mention how to use the spike

Forget it, it seems like I'm going to backtrack.

Just as I was scratching my head anxiously because I didn't know what new topic to start to break the embarrassing silence, my peripheral vision inadvertently caught sight of Nie Zun.

Nie Zun seemed to be sneaking at me intentionally or unintentionally.

When looking at him intently, his face turned away again. As if he had never noticed me before, his side face was also indifferent.

For some reason, just looking at his side face quietly like this makes me feel happy now.

Because at least, he is still by my side, no matter what kind of person he has become.

But he is still Nie Zun in my heart.

Maybe it was because I was so engrossed in looking at Nie Zun that I didn't notice that Truffle had already turned her head and looked at me as she walked: "It seems that you no longer hide your likes like before. However, I don't understand this even more, Li Shen, you are already so bold to look at Nie Zun non-stop, why are you still not together?"