Split Zone No.13

Chapter 240: underground prison


How should I answer

In fact, I don't need to dwell on this question for too long, because Nie Zun has already answered it.

"We've been together before."

Immediately, I became angry from embarrassment: "Is there no need to publicize this kind of thing?"

Nie Zun blinked at me suspiciously, with an innocent face, but his bright eyes revealed his deliberate teasing: "Did I say anything? Didn't we have been together as lovers?"

I gritted my teeth: "I know exactly what you mean, so just pretend."

What I didn't notice was Truffle's slightly surprised face.

"You've been together before? Then why are you still apart?"

When Truffle asked this question, she involuntarily exposed the girlish gossip tone that she had not seen for a long time.

Now that you've said it all, there's no need for me to hide it.

I replied without hesitation: "Because he lost his memory."

Truffle still looked surprised, and looked at Nie Zun with a pair of big eyes: "You lost your memory? Then do you remember who I am?"

As he said that, Truffle shook his arm in front of Nie Zun, as if Nie Zun was not suffering from amnesia, but was blind.

There was a slight warmth in my heart, because at this moment, I seemed to see the truffle that was always by my side and was very good to me and Nie Zun.

Sometimes, some disasters or pains do change a person temporarily.

However, human nature cannot be changed after all.

This time, I still didn't give Nie Zun a chance to answer, and blurted out before him again: "Now he has recovered his memory, but his temperament has changed drastically. It seems that eating too much dirty food has ruined his brain."

As for the fact that he has been treating me coldly after recovering his memory, I have always been worried about it.

There seemed to be a faint smile on Truffle's face.

However, it wasn't just me who noticed this, but also herself.

When she also realized that she had a pleasant conversation with me like before for a moment, her face froze slightly, and then she immediately turned her back to me: "The front is almost here."

After turning another spiral staircase, we came to a place that looked a bit like a prison.

There is a prison in a small room, and behind the iron railing is a square prison cell.

There are two iron rings on the wall in the cell, and two iron chains are tied to each of the two iron rings.

And this end of the iron chain is tied to the two arms respectively.

This is one of those old chained cells, not even a modern prison.

And the woman who was locked inside with both hands tied by iron chains should be a strangler.

But now I can't see it from my point of view.

The man was wearing a white prison uniform, sitting against the wall behind him, his head buried in his legs, his long black hair was slightly messy buried between his legs, motionless.

I opened my mouth and wanted to call out 'twist', but became hesitant because I was not sure.

Truffle didn't take the initiative to introduce, or even speak, but looked at me with interest, as if to see what I was going to do.

I made up my mind and was about to call out, but the woman in the prison seemed to have finally sensed the arrival of outsiders, and slowly raised her head.

As soon as she raised her head, all the words I said were swallowed abruptly.

On that dirty face, it was still recognizable that this was indeed a strangler, but she had no eyes.

The two empty eye sockets were only black, and the pair of big eyes that belonged to her disappeared.

I put my hand over my mouth.

Those eyes, when I saw them for the first time, were very frightening and disgusting.

Then slowly, slowly fell in love with those eyes.

But at this moment, those habitually empty staring eyes completely turned into two black blood holes.

On the little face covered with dried blood, the pale and chapped lips moved slightly: "Is it... Ah Shen?"

This light and shallow call easily broke through my defenses.

I ran to the front of the cell, and grabbed the iron railing on the cell door with both hands: "It's me! How did you become like this, hang yourself!"

Hang S heard my confirmation, and the corner of his dry mouth slightly raised an arc: "I knew it was you."

I couldn't be as calm as her, I immediately turned my head and stared at Truffle: "What the hell is going on, what did you do to her!"

Truffle shrugged: "I don't know, I didn't do anything to her, I was only responsible for watching her, as for other things, you should ask her instead of me."

Seeing that Truffle didn't intend to answer at all, I was about to look back at the gallows again, but Nie Zun immediately moved to Truffle's side: "Where is Jiepa?"

Truffle smiled charmingly: "Why, seeing Li Shen's friend become like this, are you worried about your doctor?"

Nie Zun pursed his lips indifferently, but there was no smile in his eyes. His right hand had unknowingly stretched out from his pocket: "I'm impatient now, you'd better give me an answer quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble here." It wouldn't be such a quiet hiding place."

Truffle pointed at me: "I can only take you to meet one person at a time. If she refuses to leave now, I can no longer take you to meet Jiepa. Why don't you ask her if she is willing to go with you to meet Jiepa?" Pa?"

This is obviously to provoke the relationship between me and Nie Zun, because Nie Zun cares about Jiepa just like I hang my sack.

Sure enough, Nie Zun cast his cold eyes on me, but he didn't say anything.

Taking advantage of him not getting mad, I quickly turned around, tightly grasped the two iron pillars on the iron railing door with both hands, instantly increased the power of my arms, and tried to bend to both sides vigorously.

But Hang Shou called out softly: "Shen, don't do this, this prison is not like the one you and I have seen before, the railings outside this prison are all cursed, and it's useless to apply thoughts to it, instead it will be sucked go back."

But of course I will not give up saving her just because of this simple reason.

At the same time, I could already feel the cool breeze blowing from the palms of my hands, and my mind power seemed to be losing along with it.

The iron railing absorbs the thought power like a sponge absorbing water, which makes the thought power feel like being forcibly drawn out, so I gritted my teeth and loosened the iron railing.

Suddenly a sense of frustration quickly enveloped me.

My close relatives and friends are suffering right in front of my eyes, but I can't even get close.

As if guessing what happened, Hang S smiled and comforted me: "It's okay, Shen, don't try again, if I can escape from here, I won't be trapped by these mere two chains, will I?" ? The material of this thing is very special, I have never seen it in the east and west areas, so don't blame yourself."

But the more she said that, the more uncomfortable I felt.

So, I couldn't help raising my hand to caress the iron railing again, but as soon as I touched it, the feeling that my thoughts were instantly absorbed and dragged made me let go again quickly.

Truffle's lazy voice came from behind: "It's useless, this kind of material is the natural enemy of mind power."

I quickly turned around and rushed to her side: "Then what can I do to save her? You must have a way!"

But Nie Zun didn't know when he came to the iron railing and touched his hands slightly.

Afterwards, he said to me calmly: "Look at this kind of lock, it can only be opened with a key."

"Crack, crack, crack." Truffle's hands that were originally wrapped around his chest suddenly tapped rhythmically: "That's really good, if I'm not careful, I'll take it seriously."

Nie Zun said lightly: "Do you dare to say that this door does not require a key to open it? Besides, in my opinion, you probably have the key, right?"

I immediately eyed the truffle.

Truffle glanced at me, then raised her lips: "That's right, this door does need a key to open it, but unfortunately, you are only half right, only Duyue has the key to this door."

I frowned: "Then how else can I open it?"

Truffle didn't speak, but looked at Nie Zun.

So I subconsciously looked at Nie Zun.

Nie Zun took two steps back, and after pulling a certain distance away from the iron railing, he raised his hand, the palm of which was facing the iron railing.

A black mist diffused from his palm, wrapping around the iron railing quickly with a corrosive smell.

However, after a while, the black mist dissipated, and the iron railing remained motionless.

Nie Zun said calmly: "It seems that there is no other way except to use the key."

I grasped the railing again with both hands, but this time I didn't use my thoughts anymore, and my two hands began to pull towards the sides fiercely based on physical strength alone.

"Do you really think you are Popeye?" Nie Zun's voice rang in his ears, and when he raised his head again, he met his eyes.

It's a pity that now is not the time to be indulging in his eyes.

"Help." I said two words to him concisely.

I thought he wouldn't help, so I just said that, but I didn't expect that he really grabbed the iron railing with both hands and began to cooperate with me to pull it to both sides.

A slightly hoarse voice came from the prison cell: "Ah Shen, give up, I have tried all possible methods."

Temporarily stopping the movements in my hands, I took another big breath to barely suppress the impulsive emotion, and I tried to say in a calm voice as much as possible: "Then tell me, who turned you into something like this?" Yes, how did you do it, why didn't it heal, is it Duyue?"

A series of questions came out of my mouth, even though I had said it in my heart countless times before, it sounded like I could speak it with ease.

Unexpectedly, Hang S, who has always dared to love and hate, said: "These are not important, the important thing is, besides you and Nie Zun, who is the other person?"

I whispered, "Truffle."

The twisted hand seemed to shake a bit.

"Could it be... you made her like this?"

Truffle smiled charmingly: "Yes, so what?"