Split Zone No.13

Chapter 243: Swallow the poison


"It's pretty fast." I slowly stood up from the ground and said, looking at the truffle in front of me.

Truffle blinked: "Don't you ask me where I got your Nie Zun?"

"With his ability now, you can't do anything to him. Since he hasn't come back, it means that there is something wrong with Jippa."

Truffle shook her head: "Jipa has been rescued by him. He didn't come back because he wanted me to tell you that everyone will go their own way in the future."

Each go their own way

Nie Zun, when did you start to like whimsical ideas so much

Do you think I won't be able to find you if you hide from me

"Let's not talk about this for now, now you come and tell me, how to save Hang S?"

Truffle glanced at the ginkgo behind me: "The only thing I can help you now is to tell you how to get her eyes back."

"How to get it back?"

"Her eyes are in your memory, as long as you can find her eyes in your memory, she can regain her eyesight."


I looked puzzled: "What do you mean her eyes are in my memory?"

Truffle stared at me: "In your missing memory, someone planted this cause, and now it bears this fruit. If you want to save her, you have to remember the eye about her in your missing memory."

"But I didn't know any hangers when I was alive."

Truffle smiled lightly: "Do you think that all the conscious bodies in the Forbidden Split Zone are really not related to each other at all? I know you two didn't know each other before you were alive, but the reason why she lost her eyes is because someone once entered your consciousness. The cause planted in the body, as for the result, you must find it yourself. I can’t explain it. In short, find the part of your missing memory that is related to this pair of eyes. If you think about it, there must be a pair of eyes was once forgotten by you."

I am really more and more confused.

However, I seem to understand one thing, that is, according to her meaning, if I can remember about these eyes in the missing part of the memory, I can save the eyes of the twisted s

"But how do I find the part of my missing memory?"

Truffle took out a small bottle from his waist, pure white, like a medicine bottle.

She raised her hand and threw it towards me, and I quickly caught it subconsciously.

"Take the medicine in it. It's a kind of nerve-stimulating medicine, which will make you lose control and even collapse your consciousness. At the last moment, you may be able to call out the deepest memories in your heart."

I looked down at the inconspicuous little white medicine bottle in my hand.

Causing a collapse of consciousness.... hallucinogenic

"Is this what Duyue gave you?" I shook the bottle in my hand.

"Yes, she has many interesting potions, and this is just one of them. Of course, you can choose not to believe it. I can tell you in advance that I don't know how much damage this thing will cause the consciousness. Many people would be worse than dead or even never wake up, and would fall into a permanent second-degree coma in the Forbidden Split Zone, and in the coma, the deep consciousness would be tortured forever."

I couldn't help laughing: "Such a vicious medicine, you also confess it frankly, who would dare to take it if you say so?"

Truffle shrugged: "I said this to tell you in advance that the choice to eat or not is up to you, but one thing I can be sure of is that if you can control this medicine, you can get back the part of your lost memory. I know that for you, getting back that period of memory has always been elusive. Now I have given you the opportunity, and I have also told you the side effects. How to do it is your own choice. Moreover, if you want to save the skein, then A memory must be retrieved."

"Are these all Duyue's tricks?" I suddenly felt as if I had been calculated.

Truffle generously admitted: "That's right, that's it. Although Duyue doesn't know that you have come to Heaven, she once told me that if you come, I will find a way to let you eat it." This medicine."

"If you say that, wouldn't I be even more afraid to eat it? How could it be something good that Duyue asked me to eat?" I frowned.

Truffle's voice suddenly lowered a bit: "However, as far as I know, there was a person named Talai in Tiandao who took this kind of medicine, and finally he really woke up. There are rumors that it was Duyue who asked him to take this medicine. Food, Duyue likes Talay so much, she can let him take this medicine, presumably she still has confidence in Talai's ability, and maybe it is the same for you now. Although I don't know what Duyue's ultimate goal is, However, if it is to harm you, she doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, so, I think, some things may really come to light through this."

I gently rubbed the small medicine bottle in my hand with my fingertips.

I remembered another thing.

Once, in Talay's exclusive space, his nightmare seemed very strange.

The nightmare is the second coma, and I still remember his reaction that time.

Could it be that his nightmare was the sequelae of the medicine that Du Yue gave him

In fact, it is very possible. Talai's heart knot is Bian Ying, and Duyue loves Bian Ying because Talai doesn't love her but hates her like a bone. A woman's jealousy is terrible, and the hatred born of love is even more incomparable to ordinary hatred. Perhaps this Although the effect of the medicine is stimulating, it may not really have any effect.

And, no matter what, you can take what Truffle gave you... .

"Okay, I'll take it." After I gave an affirmative reply, I opened the medicine bottle in my hand, and there was only one pill in it.

"Ah Shen, do you really want to listen to her and eat that thing?" the twister behind him suddenly asked in a worried tone.

I didn't look back: "Don't worry, I can definitely save you out."

After saying this, I raised my head, stretched out my hand, and swallowed the pill directly.

No smell at all.

The hard feeling of the pill passing through the esophagus still makes me uncomfortable.

After all, this pill is not small.

Truffle seemed a little surprised.

"You look a little surprised, why, don't you believe that I would eat it so happily?" I shook the empty medicine bottle in my hand.

Truffle's expression became a little complicated, and he looked at me with flickering eyes: "Do you feel nothing?"

To be honest, after taking the pill, apart from feeling a little hot in the chest, I really didn't feel anything.

But the warmth in my heart is really getting worse.

"Except for the heat here, I don't feel anything else." I pointed to the position of my heart.

Truffle suddenly walked to a corner of the room, leaned against the wall and crossed his arms: "I'll just wait here, I guess the medicine will take effect in a while, and you'll be rolling around in this room, I'd better stay away." Just wait quietly for the result of your struggle with this medicine."

Rolling all over the floor

Would it be ugly and embarrassing... .

It doesn't matter, since you have eaten everything, what side effects are you afraid of, the pain in your body is what makes you feel pain all the time? If it's a memory from the past, then it's not a big deal. Anyway, although I know that I have a missing memory, I really want to get it back, but I know that things are not that simple.

After Truffle leaned against the wall completely, a dim shadow covered her, and it was only with more attention that she could see the expression on her face clearly again.

I didn't pay attention.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

However, her posture reminded me of Nie Zun again.

The corner of my mouth couldn't help but a wry smile, it seems that I really can't leave him for a moment now, and I will miss him if I leave.

I'm really hopeless.

I laughed at myself: "Should I sit down and wait for the drug to take effect? It's always good to find a comfortable position first, so as not to fall down and roll around in pain."

Truffle made a gesture of letting go: "It may be better to sit down, actually, it's not that exaggerated, you will fall into a coma after a while, in our opinion, you are just asleep, as for the pain and suffering, it's all What happened in your subconscious mind, but if you lie down smoothly, you can always be more or less comfortable. I will wait here for you to wake up. As for whether you can overcome the drug and wake up, it is your own business. .”

I picked a place close to the cell where the skein is located and sat down firmly: "How to get back the eyes of the stinger, what Duyue told you is that as long as I take the medicine, I can regain my memory." , I naturally know how to save her?"

"That's right."

I nodded: "Okay, let's wait and see together."

After finishing speaking, I turned around and put my hands on the iron railing of the cell again: "Hang, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get you out."

The corner of the mouth of the wringer who had been silent all this time was slightly raised: "You have said this sentence several times, Shen, I believe in you. However, remember what I said, if there is a difficult choice, you must take yourself as the leader." Heavy, you know?"

"Okay." I agreed.

Fool, of course I will put you first.

It's okay, there won't be any difficult choices, I won't let you have trouble, and no one will let me have trouble.

I will take you out of here, and I will leave this sad place of the Forbidden Rift with the only remaining inheritors.

When I thought of this, I suddenly felt that the scene in front of me was gradually becoming blurred, as if it was a blurred picture, whether it was the twisted face or the iron railings that were close at hand, they all began to gradually become blurred.

It seems that the effect of the medicine has taken effect.

At the last moment when I was still conscious, what I thought in my heart was, if I really can't wake up again, will Nie Zun regret that he didn't come back to find me

Will he be sad

No, don't regret it, and don't be sad. Since I have brought you so much pain, I shouldn't bother you anymore.

Maybe you are right, it is because I have changed from not cherishing you to an inappropriate attachment to you.

The original warmth in the heart gradually dissipated, replaced by a biting coldness.

This cold feeling is very familiar... Where did I feel it before

When I felt my upper body slowly fall back, I could hardly see any scene in front of me clearly, only white and confused.