Split Zone No.13

Chapter 245: Fragments of memory


Gao Qi's eyes were extremely gentle, with a touch of sadness: "Ah Shen, why don't you speak."

I suddenly opened my eyes wide.

Could it be, could he not hear me

Is this vision, like the dream in the Forbidden Zone, just a memory? Can't it be changed

How can memories that cannot be changed help the stranglers

What the hell is going on with all this

Regardless, it seems that I can only fight it out.

Stabilizing my mind, I pushed Gao Qi away, rushed to the opposite corner and picked up the bottle.

He picked up the bottle with both hands and held it tightly in his arms.

When I stood up again and turned back, Gao Qi had unknowingly walked behind me.

He is looking at me.

I took a deep breath and wanted to try again: "Are these eyes twisted? Can you hear me?"

Gao Qi smiled slightly, and reached out to the bottle in my arms: "This is my new collection, do you like it, Shen."

I took a step back and pressed my back against the wall behind me.

"Don't come here." I yelled loudly.

Gao Qi frowned slightly: "Are you afraid of me?"

I said silently in my heart, let me go back, let me go back, let me go back from this illusion!

I don't know what method to use, I can't feel the power of thoughts in my body at all, Gao Qi in front of me looks so strange and terrifying, and the twisted eyes in his hand make me unable to find a clue.

What should I do, what should I do.

No matter, let's get out of here first, I can't stay in the same room with him anymore.

I made up my mind, so I held the glass bottle tightly, bypassed Gao Qi and ran quickly towards the door of the laboratory.

"Li Shen!"

Gao Qi behind him uttered a short yell, seemingly in a hurry.

Without the power of thought, I didn't run fast, but my body seemed a little sluggish. Gao Qi, who was behind me, made two steps at the same time, and quickly caught up.

When I held the bottle in the crook of my arm with one hand, and was about to grab the doorknob with the other hand, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side of my ear and pressed directly on the door.

I took a few breaths from the overwhelming dangerous atmosphere.

He pulled me over, and in order to prevent the bottle from falling to the ground, I quickly put the bottle on a small table on the right hand side that I could see as soon as I entered the door.

This time, the empty hands were raised directly to stop Gao Qi who was about to come forward.

Gao Qi's eyes were burning with a dangerous flame that I had never seen before.

He took hold of mine with both hands: "Shen, didn't you say that no matter what I am, you can accept me, and that you will always love me and stay with me?"

I bit my lip not knowing what to say, he couldn't hear what I said anyway.

But my silence irritated him even more.

He pressed me hard against the door, one hand pinned my two hands intertwined, and the other hand started to tear my clothes!

Complete astonishment swept over me immediately, this is definitely not something Gao Qi can do!

"Let me go!" I yelled, and at the same time, my body began to twist violently, and my hair became messy.

Unexpectedly, he didn't let go of me at all, Gao Qi's eyes kept rolling with anger and dangerous possessiveness.

With a sudden effort, I broke free from him and ran towards the inside of the house.

The aimless and directionless running made me stumble in a panic, and I fell to the ground in such a mess.

Before turning over, he felt a heavy body on his back.

This feeling made me very uneasy and even trembling. I thought of Nie Zun.

So, a force I don't know came from made me suddenly turn over and push him aside heavily.

Just as I turned over and was about to crawl away from him, he reached out and grabbed my feet again.

I kicked him hard.

Gao Qi's eyes became completely frantic.

"Why are you afraid of me, why are you hiding from me! Didn't you say you would always protect me! Why have you become like everyone else!"

Gao Qi's voice was no longer gentle and elegant, but full of mania and rage.

His hands trembled, and instead of simply tearing, he strangled towards my neck.

His pupils became wider and wider, and his originally elegant and gentle face gradually became distorted.

My eyes widened from the pressure on me and the suffocation from my neck.

Gao Qi's tears fell directly from the eye sockets into my eyes.


Wet my eye mask, and in the mist, I saw his tears streaming down one after another.

why cry.

Why cry.

Why, I also started crying.

The images constantly exploding in front of my eyes can no longer tell whether it is something that suddenly popped up from the depths of my memory or whether the person in front of me is performing it together with me.

The confusion of time and space is not like this complete separation of soul and consciousness at this moment.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and I held the knife in my hand, which sank deeply into his chest.

In the picture, his eyes are sad and gentle, but his tone is extremely domineering.

"Li Shen, you must always remember me."

I finally remembered.

That's right, that person was not Gao Qi, but Gao Qin Jiuye.

Tears gushed out, and the shattered memories seemed to be blasted one after another towards my eyes, brain and heart.

They pierced in without hesitation, blood spattering everywhere.

He leaned on my shoulder and gasped: "Ah Shen, that's it, you're really obedient, as I said, once you see that the skull ring on his right hand is gone, I'm the one who came out."

"Ah Shen, I have only been with you for a few springs and summers. He loves you. Even if he is wrong, he is still me, and I am still him. Love him and don't forget him. Don't forget me either."

I cried helplessly, but my nose could only smell blood.

On the playground in my memory, the sun shone on Gao Qi's broken hair, his pupils were a beautiful dark brown, his eyes became more and more hazy when he looked at me, and he suddenly fell backwards.

In a panic, I threw away the garbage I was picking up in my hand, and ran towards him stumbled.

"You, wake up, me, me, senior!"

When he opened his eyes again, strange eyes gradually leaked from his eyes.

"This is your world?"

I was stunned suddenly, did the senior fall stupid

"You, senior, why not, or I will help you to the infirmary."

reach out.

Clap, slap my hand away.

"Are you the girl in my dream?" He frowned, his expression was completely different from that of my senior Gao Qi who was so approachable.

I fell to the ground and looked at him who was slowly sitting up: "You, who are you, is senior Gao Qi being carried away?"

There was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth: "My name is Gao Qin Jiuye, I come from another dimension, and now I am on the body of the senior you mentioned, and his consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep."

I slowly opened my mouth wide.


He raised his hand and gave himself a slap.

Not a dream, nor a daydream in broad daylight.

Gao Qin Jiuye raised his hand and waved it in front of my eyes twice: "What are you looking at, why don't you help me up quickly, do you know how difficult it is for my consciousness to cross the forbidden zone and come here to occupy his body? , not for you."

Just when I involuntarily wanted to reach out to help him, this memory was suddenly interrupted.

My eyes gradually regained clarity, and my consciousness returned to the laboratory again.

What did I just see... ..

Was it something that happened immediately after I met Gao Qi for the first time? !

How is it possible... .Why do I not remember at all

Gao Qi in front of him sat down and looked at me with complicated eyes.

"You, you..." I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say.

Gao Qi's eyes gradually became wild: "You, you, you girl, you don't know how to protect yourself. Didn't I say that when he dares to bully you again, you pull out the ring on his hand?" , and I will appear."

He raised his hand towards me, and on his right hand was the same skull ring as Nie Zun's left hand.

"It's good this time, you don't listen to me, and I have to forcefully come here from the forbidden zone, do you know how uncomfortable it is to forcefully travel through space?"

Gao Qin Jiuye sat up straight, took off the skull ring on his right hand, and threw it to me.

"Take it, don't give it to Gao Qi again."

The moment I caught the ring, I seemed to understand what was going on.

Now I am not in any illusion, I just fell into a dream again, and everything I see before me is the memory of what happened before my life.

It was like falling into a dream in person before.

The only difference is that this time there must be some restrictions, maybe it was the effect of the bottle of medicine that Truffle gave me, which caused me to lose all my thoughts, and I really came back as the conscious body of my life.

In other words, at this moment, I should be in a coma in front of the prison cell of Tiandao in the Forbidden Zone, and my consciousness has entered the part of my lost memory, which is the scene I see now.

And what I saw just now is the memory that I fell into again in this memory, that is, a part of the memory that I forgot after meeting Gao Qi for the first time.

Because I have forgotten many parts of the memory, and those memories are fragmented and disorganized, so now I don't recall them in the correct order.

But is that really my memory

I actually knew Gao Qin Jiuye before I was alive

In that real world, Gao Qin Jiuye once traveled from the Forbidden Split Zone to possess Gao Qi's body and met me

How can this be

But if it is impossible, I think about it now, yes, when I was picking up trash in the playground, Gao Qi walked over to care about me, but what happened after that

Why can't I remember what happened after that

Did I leave the playground with him

No, I don't remember at all.

So, in fact, the memory I just recalled is correct

At that time, Gao Qi fell into a coma after caring about me, and then the consciousness of Gao Qin Jiuye in the Forbidden Split Zone crossed the space to Gao Qi's body, and then woke up to meet me

God, how incredible is this? !