Split Zone No.13

Chapter 249: Gather in heaven


"I don't care what your excuses and reasons are, I only see that my homeland perished because of the experimental subjects you made." I looked at Duyue coldly.

But Duyue smiled instead of anger: "Want to take revenge? Now you have only one way. According to what I said, force your second personality out. I want to meet her."

"Why do you think I will promise you?"

"Based on your friend's eyes, you haven't found it yet. Besides, didn't you just want to take that pill again to find the part of your lost memory?"

"You still have that medicine?!"

"Of course I have."

"Give it to me." I stretched out my hand quickly.

"It's really impulsive to do things."

I stared into her eyes and smiled: "Everyone doesn't play tricks, so why are you putting on airs here? Didn't you just want me to take your pill again after you said so much? Your pills don't hurt once." Are you disappointed that my second personality was completely dug out? In fact, I want to tell you that maybe it’s okay to be like this now, because my second personality is something that even I can’t control. , are you sure you can clean up the situation after you really force her out?"

Duyue sneered: "You are too wild, I haven't seen anyone in this forbidden area? How can your mere second personality be so strong?"

I didn't show any weakness: "Where can't you be so strong that you all rush after them like a baby? It doesn't make any sense for you and me to talk fast here. You first give me back the strangled eyes, and then give me the pill. Wouldn't it be okay to leave you alone after taking the pill?"

Hang S suddenly shouted: "No! Shen, you can't take that medicine anymore!"

Duyue frowned and glanced at the twister behind me. Seeing her unfriendly eyes, I quickly moved my body to block her view: "What do you think of my proposal?"

Before Duyue could answer, Truffle suddenly stood up: "She didn't come by herself, Nie Zun also came along."

Truffle said this to Duyue, and at the same time gave me a complicated look.

Du Yue raised her eyebrows; "Oh? Where did you take Nie Zun?"

Truffle glanced at me: "I took him to Jappa, and locked him in by the way."


I immediately frowned and stared at the truffle.

Du Yue thought about it thoughtfully, and then said to me: "How about this, you come with me first, and I will take you to meet Nie Zun and your men in the Western District, what do you think?"

Would she be so kind

Or is there some conspiracy here

No matter what kind of wishful thinking Du Yue is playing, now that the enemy is in the active position and I am in the passive position, it seems that I can only be led by the nose.

"Okay. But, can you guarantee her safety?" I pointed to the gallows behind me.

Duyue nodded: "As long as you are willing to do what I say, I will not only return her eyes, but also let her go."

"Okay." I agreed without hesitation.


The crocodile behind him let out a short and impatient cry.

Of course I understand her concerns.

But, hang, I want to save you, and I will definitely save you.

No matter what.

So, I didn't look back at her again, I knew she must understand me.

"Let's go, do as you said." I said to Duyue.

Duyue gave Truffle a wink, and Truffle led me to step into the high level again with her.

Before leaving, I finally couldn't help but turn my head back once.

Hang S is still sitting on the ground, her hands are covered with chains, her head is raised, her face is facing me.

I held back my sadness, turned and left.

After leaving the high level, Duyue suddenly made a gesture, and then, in the strong light, a door suddenly appeared.

When she opened the door, she turned her head and sneered at me: "Come in."

I looked around, and now I am in the Dao of Heaven, but the surroundings are always white, regardless of day and night, it seems that everywhere I go is the connection of various regions in space.

There are two possibilities for this, one is that the way of heaven is like this, and it is all connected by various spaces and places, and the other is that only the Palace of Unrequited Love is like this. No matter which one it is, it can be seen that the people of the Dao of Heaven have extraordinary abilities, and perhaps the ability to manipulate space and mind power has reached a height that I can't match.

As far as Dato Yue is concerned, whether it's her ground-locking technique, her manipulation of a certain kind of divine beast, or even the experiments she has done, it can be seen that she does have strengths that are hard for me to compare with.

But what is her purpose? She seems to be destroying the things around me all the time, but actually thinking about it carefully, she didn't do any actual harm to me. Then who is she aiming at

Bian Ying and Cang Ming are now missing, and Talai is nowhere to be found. Everything has become an inexplicable puzzle, which seems to be waiting for me to solve it, but it seems not to be.

After opening the door, Truffle and I stepped into the room behind the door one after the other.

I froze.

This is that laboratory.

It is the spacious laboratory deep in the corridor of our school's laboratory building that Gao Qi used to take me to.

"Here, what's going on?"

I watched in disbelief as Duyue was waiting for her to give me an answer, when suddenly two figures came out from behind the door, one quickly stretched out a hand and strangled Duyue's neck and subdued Duyue in his arms, One also strangled the truffle at the same speed!

Taking a closer look, the person who controlled Du Yue turned out to be Nie Zun!

Nie Zun's hand clasping Duyue's neck was wrapped in clouds of black mist, and the skeleton ring could be seen faintly.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed in my mind like a flash of lightning.

I remembered!

This is the ring!

This is the ring that Gao Qin Jiuye brought out from the Forbidden Cracked Area and gave it to me in the memory fragments I recalled just now!

But, how did it end up in Nie Zun's hands? And no one seems to have noticed this!

How is this possible? If it wasn't that I misremembered it was really the ring, wouldn't Gao Qin Jiuye not be able to find it

"Why are you here?" Nie Zun asked me coldly.

But Duyue sneered: "It seems that I really underestimated you, that's right, how can I be naive to think that the formation in this space can really control you when the truffle locks you in this space? However, What's the point of doing this now? Since you can't kill me, isn't it futile to do all this?"

An unfathomable smile gradually appeared on Nie Zun's face: "How do you know I can't kill you? Just because you are a God Breaker?"

After all, the cloud of black mist in his hand suddenly intensified.

For the first time, Duyue showed a look of surprise on his face, but his eyes were out of focus, and he didn't know where he was looking or what he was thinking.

"Long time no see, Miss Ah Shen."

Hearing the familiar voice of Jiepa, I turned around suddenly. It turned out that the person who appeared at the same time and restrained the truffle was Jiepa 1

Jiepa has not changed at all, he still looks like a gentleman, even the movement of restraining the truffle is very gentlemanly and neat, and his skills seem to be a little more agile. I was very happy to see that Jippa's spirit remained unchanged and he didn't seem to have suffered much.

I haven't felt this way in a long time, it's like meeting an old friend who has been lost for a long time and he is still doing well!

"Jipa, how are you all these days!" I couldn't wait to ask, not even caring about the current situation.

Jiepa smiled slightly: "Miss Shen, I'm fine, but the west area is not kept, but I have brought out as many people as possible, and I have basically investigated these things about the Forbidden Zone, you Don't worry, we can definitely solve these problems."

The last sentence seemed to be addressed to Duyue, and when he said it, he even raised his eyes to look at Duyue.

Of course, Duyue could also hear that these words were aimed at her, so she immediately responded with a sneer: "The master of intelligence really deserves his reputation, but the little secrets of the Godzilla in the forbidden zone that you have inquired about seem not enough to shake the world. , I advise you to give up."

Nie Zun's hand seemed to move, and Du Yue immediately shut up.

"Tell me, where is Yu Liang?"

I didn't expect Nie Zun to ask this question.

At the same time he asked, Truffle under the control of Jiepa's hands suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at Duyue in disbelief.

Du Yue glanced at her coldly: "You don't need to look at me, I did hide it from you, but it's for your own good, didn't you say you don't love him anymore?"

I immediately sneered: "Love? Do you understand love? You don't seem to understand what love is, so you have no right to comment on other people's love."

After finishing speaking, I turned to Truffle: "You have also seen that she has been hiding from you the fact that Yu Liang is in Heaven, are you still going to work for her?"

Truffle bit her lip and said nothing.

"Tell me, where is Yu Liang?"

Nie Zun opened his mouth again.

Du Yue immediately responded with a sneer: "What are you looking for Yu Liang for? Why, you also noticed his arrival? Are you going to help him?"

Who is he coming for

I frowned, why did it feel like I was the only one in the scene in front of me who seemed to be kept in the dark

"That's right, they all noticed me coming."

The black curtain of the laboratory was suddenly lifted, and a figure came out from inside.

It turned out to be Gao Qin Jiuye.

I couldn't help but laugh, what's going on

How did Gao Qin Jiuye come all the way from Ghost Dao and just happen to appear here

Du Yue's face was a little ugly.

Nie Zun suddenly let go of Du Yue.

Duyue stepped aside immediately.

No, no.

With Duyue's ability, even if Nie Zun tried to subdue her, it would not be easy. Why did she do this

Could it be that we have fallen into some kind of conspiracy again

Because I have suffered more than one loss from Duyue, this time I paid extra attention, and I even wanted to rush up to see if these people who suddenly appeared like magic tricks were the ones I knew. personal