Split Zone No.13

Chapter 251: his fantasy


In this one-on-five situation, Duyue has no chance of winning.

Because, even if Duyue is very strong, as the saying goes, knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and winning a hundred battles, out of the five people she faces now, two of them can be regarded as knowing her well. Very difficult.

I'm sure she won't be so stupid as to actually go to war with us all by herself.

In fact, she did not intend to do so.

She just looked at me with a determined look: "Do you think that the kind of pill I made will be ineffective when it reaches you?"

"What do you mean by that?"

She snapped her fingers suddenly.

With a crisp finger snap, I just felt that the scene in front of me began to tremble in vain.

In a trance, I heard Gao Qin Jiuye's eager voice: "What did you do to her?!"

"It's not my fault. She took the medicine voluntarily. It's just that the medicine's effect has only been partially exerted before, and the rest has to be activated by me. Why, are you worried? Don't you want her to think of you thoroughly?" Is it?"

"No, absolutely not!"

It turned out that this was the second time the effect of the medicine was triggered.

Can I finally know everything about the past

Without the fear and trembling that I thought, my mood suddenly calmed down. Li Shen, Li Shen, what have you forgotten

Just when my consciousness gradually became blurred, I felt a cold hand grabbing me.

As cold as a hand made of ice.

However, I felt an indescribable sense of security.

His voice was still so faint, and it sounded in my ears: "It seems that I have to perform that technique on you once."

Just as his voice fell, my entire vision was completely enveloped by a sudden darkness.

The body also has a feeling of constant falling.

However, it is not that kind of rapid descent, and it seems that what awaits me is not the abyss.

This feeling is like the feeling of flying steadily in one direction.

It even made my consciousness feel temporarily relaxed.

"Shen'er, you should open your eyes."

Nie Zun's familiar voice rang in my ears.

I flung my eyes open.

The feeling like a breeze carrying me to land suddenly disappeared, and when I opened my eyes, I found that I was already in a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

I stood up from the ground and looked around.

I'm actually on a small island!

And this island is not a desert island at all, it is a beautiful island with lush trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers!

The island is surrounded by the sea on all sides. The place where I woke up was close to the sea. I climbed up to a high place with a few steps.

The sea breeze blew over, making my hair messy.

The fresh air went straight to my nasal cavity, giving me a refreshing feeling.

God, how long has it been since I felt such a real joy as if I was still living in the real world

So, subconsciously, I don't want to think about what is going on, what happened, and where.

Instead, he clasped his hands over his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and yelled loudly towards the vast sea in front of him: "Ah—————————————————————!"

A gust of cool air jumped into my throat like a beast roaring, the top of my throat was swollen, but this fresh air brought joy to my mouth and nose, down to my chest, and my whole body was immediately refreshed Cool.

I don't know why, but this refreshing feeling is different from some of the beautiful scenery in the Forbidden Zone.

At this moment, I really feel that I am alive.

Just when I was so excited beyond words, I suddenly felt a pat on my shoulder.

My heart trembled, maybe it was a short-term fear, and I turned back quickly.

His star-like eyes just fell into my eyes.

The sea breeze blew the broken hair on his forehead, and the originally pure black hair reflected a faint brown light under the baptism of the sun.

It was the first time his eyes were so gentle.

"Nie... Zun..." I said in a daze, but he interrupted me.

He interrupted me with a very gentle voice: "Call me Zun."

My eyes widened again.

My heart trembled suddenly.

call him... respect

I have never called him like this before, and I am a little embarrassed to be called like this all of a sudden.

However, the next second, what he did surprised me even more.

He suddenly reached out and pulled me into his arms.

So I just fell into his arms.

My chin rested on his shoulder, and I stared blankly at the blue sky that seemed so close in front of me. The blue sky here is very blue, no longer a gray color, and there are clouds. The sun is in the direction behind me, so Doesn't sting my eyes.

The sound of waves lapping on the reef was heard continuously from behind, and the whistling sea breeze chilled my back, but it was cool and comfortable.

His embrace was still not very warm, but it gave people an irreplaceable sense of security.

I was in a daze for dozens of seconds, and finally, I slowly wrapped my hands around his waist.

The two hugged each other completely.

My face on his shoulders was facing the blue sky, and I didn't close my eyes.

I can clearly hear my own voice, very soft.

"Am I dreaming... ."

His voice was like a dream, but it was clearly abnormal: "You are not, I am Nie Zun, and you are hugging me now."

Where is this, where are we, why are you here, why your attitude towards me has suddenly changed, etc. I suddenly don't want to ask questions like this.

What does it matter.

At least one thing I'm sure of is that I'm not dreaming right now.

Maybe this is another illusion, or another dimension that I don't know, but it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the Nie Zun in front of me now, I can clearly feel that he is the real Nie Zun, not anyone's disguise.

that's enough.

Since God has arranged such a comfortable scene for me, and it is so rare, I must cherish it.

Just like the stone room in the alchemy cave that day, God knows how much I wished time to stop at that moment, not for anything else, just so that I could quietly guard him.

Just like he always did to me.

Nothing is more important than that.

Perhaps it is also a kind of evasive mentality, preferring to hold on to the beauty in front of you, no matter whether this beauty is real or not.

Thinking of this, I hugged him even tighter.

So his arms started to warm up.

"Don't you want to ask me something?"

My chin rested on his shoulder, causing my voice to be muffled: "I think."

"That... ."

I interrupted him: "I want to, but I don't intend to ask, shh, just let me hug you quietly like this."

So, Nie Zun really kept quiet like this.

I also slowly closed my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, this time, apart from the exceptionally fresh air, it was also mixed with that faint scent that belonged exclusively to Nie Zun.

As I said before, it's a scent that doesn't have a scent.

He is like a perception that belongs exclusively to me and Nie Zun. As long as he is by my side, I can smell it. If he is not there, this breath does not exist.

This breath brought me something really called security.

No need to worry about anything, no need to be afraid, he will always be by my side like this.

At this moment, the sea breeze surrounds me and him, and I can completely indulge in his embrace without thinking about anything.

I've never felt this way before, and I probably won't have it again in the future.

So, let time stand still.

Maybe every girl has this kind of naive idea, and every girl has had this moment, maybe even more than once, not just one person.

But in my life, there is only Nie Zun.

Until now, I really realized how terrible the two words of habit and time are.

He's been with me for too long.

This invisible penetration is the most poisonous and chronic poison. It slowly seeps into your life, occupying your entire vision and even your sensory perception.

When you really realize it, you will be grateful with tears in your eyes, and smile helplessly, because you can't live without him anymore.

He becomes your greatest and only weakness.

I can't imagine losing him, even for a second.

So, I hugged him even tighter, and a certain glass bottle in my heart was knocked over again, not only made a loud noise, but also sprinkled cool water on the whole heart.

"Respect..." I called out, my voice trembling slightly buried in the sea breeze.

"En." He responded firmly, as if telling me that he was here.

My tears fell like this.

Absolutely nothing to be sad about.

As if feeling something, he slowly let go of me.

I didn't want my arms to return to desertedness again, so I held him tight and wouldn't let him let go.

He seemed a little anxious, probably feeling that I was crying.

However, he still obediently let me hug him tightly in my arms.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." He said.

I took a deep breath on his shoulder, I looked up at the clear sky, I knew that no matter how I enjoyed it, I still had to face the real problem.

Because escaping doesn't solve anything.

So, while I was reluctant to part with him, I also resolutely let go of him.

Smiling and looking up to meet his eyes; "Tell me, where is this place and why am I here?"

Nie Zun locked me deeply like the eyes of a deep pool. For a moment, he raised his hand and fondled my hair: "You are now in the illusion I built."

I was stunned: "You, do you know illusion?"

He nodded: "Guan Nie once taught me a little bit, and I have seen Huan Qing use it a few times. I feel that their way of manipulating mind power is somewhat similar to mine, so I have mastered some of it myself."

"However, why did you drag me into the illusion you created...."

He smiled lightly, calmly but hard to hide his tenderness; "Not only you, but I am also in this illusion right now, it's nothing, you just treat it as a gift made by me, come with me, Feel free here."