Split Zone No.13

Chapter 252: Return your true love


free... .

Freedom... indeed seems to have been away from me for a long time.

He lowered his eyes, raised his hand and took my hand: "I owe you a formal love, and now I want to repay it to you, so even if this is an illusion, please fully believe and blend in once, Let me take you."

I smiled slightly: "OK."

So, suddenly, like an excited child, he pulled me and started running fast on the rocks on the side of the island near the coast.

The red skirt was flying high under the sea breeze, and the hem of his black windbreaker was also flying, but the occasional mixing of these two colors made me feel an extremely colorful feeling.

It's as if what I see is not red and black, but colorful, which is the color of love.

I know it's really bad to be so dreamy, but I can't help it.

Maybe it's because I've suppressed my feelings for a person for too long, or maybe it's because of my dissatisfaction in the previous relationship. At this moment, I just feel that even if the sky falls apart, I can't let me leave his side.

"Come on, let's go over there, there is a shallow beach over there, and look for crabs."

My eyes widened in surprise, is there any crabs in this illusion

Surprises are surprises, but the feet can't wait to run with him.

It didn't take long for him and I to reach a beach, which was completely different from the reef just now.

He let go of my hand, and at the same time turned his body around, facing me and began to back away quickly.

The sea breeze was in the same direction as he was retreating, so the wind was blowing towards me, and he was gradually moving away from me as he retreated, and the wind blew his hair and the hem of his clothes towards me.

There was a happy smile on his face, and it was the first time he was so ostentatious, without the usual indifference that was suppressed and forced to pretend.

Seeing his cheerful expression, I also felt itchy in my heart, so I also started chasing him with a bright smile.

He turned his head back and shouted to the sea: "I love Li Shen!"

I never expected that he would really call out his love for me so bluntly and loudly at such a time.

A mysterious man who has always been indifferent and occasionally evil, now he is like an excited child who got candy, declaring his love and ownership to the whole world.

It's so kind of you.

So, I also shouted loudly without any scruples: "I love Nie Zun!"

The wind poured into my mouth, and I choked violently.

He smiled and pulled me down, and he and I squatted on the beach.

"Look, there's a crab over there!"

"Where is where?"

I looked around excitedly, focused on finding the crab that Nie Zun was talking about.

"Haha, you are so stupid, there is only one shell if you don't see it?"

"Shells are fine too!" I said seriously, and then grabbed the shell he had just picked up in his hand.

"You won't be naive enough to put shells to your ears to listen to the so-called sound of the sea like those girls, will you?"

"how do you know?"

"..." "My sister, you have to know that this is an illusion after all. I don't think my power of thought is strong enough to create you a conch with the echo of the sea."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just listen."

Putting the shells to my ears, I began to listen carefully.

After listening for a long time, to no avail.

Sure enough, the illusion is still not good enough.

But this is not the time to complain about this.

"Hey, what else is there to do on this island?"

I excitedly shook Nie Zun's hand and said.

"Go to the island to see?"

"You have a surprise for me?"

"Let's go, take a look and you'll know."

"Tch, you're starting to be as annoying as you used to be, and you're still playing tricks."


Nie Zun stopped talking nonsense, took my hand and ran towards the center of the island.

I was sweating while running.

Sweating profusely, I felt the sun shining on my body, completely arousing the heat.

It was almost as if he was still alive.

He dragged me into the woods in the center of the island.

"I have prepared a surprise for you."

"Oh? What a surprise?"

He took me and started to shuttle quickly through the woods.

I matched his speed and started to run all the way, my thoughts whizzed and generated wind under my feet, like stepping on a hot wheel.

Along the way, the fragrance of trees kept pouring into the nostrils, and the cheerful calls of insects and birds could also be heard.

I was completely stunned by the places I reached through the woods and the scenes I saw.

"Wow... ."

I stared blankly at the sea of flowers in front of me.

I think most people have never seen it.

That's right, there is a sea of flowers in front of me, and it's not other flowers, all of them are my favorite roses.

Red, bright red, rose.

I like roses best.

It is precisely because everyone says roses are gaudy that I like them.

Now more and more people like lily, saying that lily is elegant and pure.

But I like roses.

I love this bright red.

Looking around, it was bright red, and when it danced with the wind, it only set off a wave of blood-red flowers.

So beautiful.

Simply beautiful.

"Surprised, the sea of roses, I guess you haven't seen it before."

"Is this rose piercing someone?" I suddenly asked such a question stupidly.

"Do you want to go up and try?"

Before I could answer, he dragged me towards the center of the sea of flowers.

I stepped on a lot of roses along the way, but those roses were very magical. When I stepped on them, they would slowly stand up again when I moved away.

If this is an illusion carefully designed by Nie Zun, then I can only say that he understands me too well.

When I was truly surrounded by bright red, his eyes met mine again.

In the breeze, the brightest starlight is sprinkled with the moon's youth, entangled with the most infatuated nostalgia under the eternal sky, the pair made me feel deeply intoxicated at the first sight. The inextricable eyes slowly approached me like this.

This time the kiss was very clear.

It's not as intense as before, so I can feel his every movement more clearly and meticulously.

His cool lips and the good-smelling breath in his mouth.

I actually entangled him like a greedy heroine in a romance novel, allowing his kiss to slowly become fiery, and slowly burn completely between me and his seamless intimacy.

After leaning forward and falling into a sea of flowers, diamonds spilled out of his pure black eyes.

I hugged him tightly.

However, a dream is a dream after all, and even if it is a dream, it doesn't mean that you don't feel the slightest sense of crisis.

He turned over and lay in the sea of flowers with me at the same time. When we both turned our heads to face each other, he opened his mouth softly and said:

"Shen'er, can you promise me one thing?"

I don't like this beginning at all, as if it is the beginning of the end.

But I still responded to him with the most affectionate tenderness: "You tell me, I promise you."

He looked at my eyes slowly flowing out of viscous sadness.

My heart also slowly picked up.

"If you don't have me to accompany you in a long, long time, you have to promise me, accept her, and live a good life."


This momentary sense of devastation almost made me tremble.

But I tried my best to calm myself down and said to him: "Don't leave me again, okay?"

He didn't give me an answer right away.

He raised his finger and pointed to the sky: "You and I haven't seen this sky for a long time, the real, real sky. Shen'er, don't you miss it?"

Miss, of course I miss.

However, we still have a lot of things to do, and we still have a lot of people who have not been saved.

We are going to No. 13 of the Forbidden Zone to atone for our sins.

"Do you remember what the sun looks like?"

I don't know why he asked such a question, but I still answered obediently: "Of course I remember."

"Then you won't forget me."

He suddenly tilted his head and smiled mischievously.

But the more he was like this, the more panicked I was.

I turned over to face him formally, and at the same time put him facing me. There was even a red rose between us.

I gently raised my hand and pressed the rose: "Tell me, why did you suddenly treat me coldly before, and then suddenly brought me into such an illusion, and then suddenly told me that you want me to forgive you for your future love?" Maybe leave. Tell me what the hell is going on, we should all wake up, and you can't keep it from me forever."

A faint wry smile appeared on the corner of Nie Zun's mouth: "I really hope that I can keep it from you forever."

I said quietly: "You know, that's just hope. I just beg you, Nie Zun, don't lie to me, tell me the truth."

Nie Zun raised his hand to touch my hair, my red hair has been lightened by the sea of bright red flowers.

"I will send you back in a while. After you go back, you must overcome the effect of the medicine and not be controlled by the medicine. Your second personality, don't let her appear again. They are all looking for her, her Showing up only puts you in danger."

"I suddenly thought of something, that ring, Nie Zun, who gave it to you?"

When he raised his hand, I saw the little ring on the little finger of his left hand, so I quickly asked this question.

Because this question is so important, I even feel that he will be an opportunity to uncover some kind of truth.

According to what Duyue and Gao Qin Jiuye said, this ring was given to me by Gao Qin Jiuye, so why is it in Nie Zun's hand.

The ring command I mentioned made Nie Zun's eyes tremble heavily. His change made me more convinced that there must be something weird about this ring, or even some secret hidden in it.

After a moment of silence, he sighed.

"It was given to me by the woman in you. Maybe, if I say this, you will start to hate me again."

I was indeed stunned for a moment.

However, I am not what I used to be.

I won't blame anyone for not stopping me in the first place, because firstly, I still don't know the truth of the matter, and secondly, for murder, the murderer should be blamed, not those who didn't stop her. "

It's just that I still don't understand why this ring was given to him by her