Split Zone No.13

Chapter 253: The heart that was taken out


Just when I was about to open my mouth to ask Nie Zun why she gave him the ring, the sea of flowers suddenly picked up wind.

The wind dazzled my eyes.

The aroma of roses mixed with a sudden blood penetrated into the nostrils.

Why does it smell like blood

A piece of bright red.

Suddenly there was a heart-pounding pain in my chest!

Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang.

The smell of the laboratory's unique disinfectant penetrated wantonly into the nose, and the sea of flowers disappeared.

The expressions on everyone's faces were incomparably surprised.

Nie Zun's hand has completely sunk into my chest.

There was no expression on his face, and nothing could be seen.

Bang, bang, bang.

The heart was beating alive in his palm.

There was a wry smile on the corner of my mouth.

Don't want to think about why this is, or what's wrong with him.

None of this matters.

My thoughts are still stuck in the sea of flowers.

I suddenly wanted to leave the Forbidden Zone.

I have never had such an urge to leave a place. I want to take him back to the real world, to that place, to see the real sea of flowers.

Promise me, as long as I can take you away alive, you will accompany me, okay

Chi la!

With a heart-piercing meridian breaking sound from the heart itself, he just pulled out my heart alive!

The feeling of the wind leaking from my heart is not good. The last time Si Luo's hand entered my chest, I still haven't forgotten the severe pain it left me.

Now this time it's not painful.

How can it hurt without a heart

"What are you doing!" Gao Qin Jiuye was dumbfounded, and was about to rush forward in one stride.

But Nie Zun casually waved his other hand, and a cloud of black mist quickly spread into a circle in the air, surrounding him and me like a ring of fire, black flames burning in the air, Gao Qin Jiuye couldn't help Get close to this black flame!

Nie Zun's eyes were still clear and indifferent, and his eyes deeply understood the forbearance that I couldn't see through.

He took out my heart completely, and thick black blood stained between his slender white fingers.

I was face to face with him like this, and he held my heart in front of me.

I calmly glanced at the people around me from the corner of my eye, because I was suddenly curious about their expressions at this time.

Duyue's expression was complicated, and she didn't seem to be too happy. Truffle frowned deeply, as if she was holding back a kind of worry, while Jiepa's eyes showed fleeting surprise at first, and then seemed to fall into deep thought.

I know that Jiepa has always been calm, he must be analyzing why Nie Zun did this.

It's a pity that I won't open my mouth to ask him, because the reason why Nie Zun did this is not my top concern now.

When I saw Gao Qin Jiuye, my gaze stayed for a few more seconds.

Then I froze slightly.

His eyes... ..

It was full of anger towards me, like, when the sky fell, he stood up for me, but I killed myself in front of him, looking at me with despair and resentment as if facing the end .

I know, he hates me, he hates me.

But why don't I hate you

Since you love me and know that I loved you, why do you want me to forget you? Why should I come to this place with a sense of guilt to live on

Why don't you just go to that world to accompany me

Why, lie to me.

So, I smiled at him, knowing it would only make him hate me even more.

But, that's what I want.

Gao Qin Jiuye, since you have chosen to stand on the other side with me from the very beginning, then you will stand opposite me forever. If Nie Zun becomes a demon and I want to accompany him to fall, you will never approach me , stay on the opposite side forever.

Who made all this pain you were destined to bring me from the very beginning.

"I hold your heart, you shouldn't look at others." Nie Zun was the first to speak to break the calm.

I felt that my smile was getting paler and paler, not because of sadness or heartache, but simply because my heart was hollowed out and I lost too much blood.

"When a person loses a lot of blood, it is inevitable that they will be a little distracted. Please forgive me." I forced my smile away.

Inadvertently saw Du Yue's face looking at the monster expression.

I think she must be wondering why I am such a strange person, and I still make such innocuous jokes at this time.

However, if life is already miserable, and you still can't make fun of yourself, wouldn't it be miserable

So, it's always good to be optimistic.

It's just that I suddenly found a problem, why didn't a new one grow after my heart was taken out

Could it be that the heart cannot heal

No, according to common sense, the conscious body in the Forbidden Split Zone can heal anywhere by itself, but it will consume a lot of mental power to grow a part of the body again, so this process will be very slow, but it doesn't mean it won't grow. Moreover, even if it is the heart, if the process will be delayed more slowly, it will not be impossible to grow at all.

But now I clearly feel that another heart is not slowly growing out of my chest, but that my chest is constantly bleeding, and the wind is leaking.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who discovered this, Truffle suddenly said, "What the hell did you do to her, why didn't her heart heal?"

Nie Zun still held my beating, sticky heart stained with black blood in his palm.

Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang.

Just as I was staring at the heart coming out of my own chest and thinking about the boring question of why it still beats when it went out, Nie Zun waved his hand, and the heart disappeared from his palm into a cloud of black mist among.

Then, the black mist dissipated, and the heart disappeared.

This move is a bit like the feeling that Gao Qin Jiuye used to hide the air vortex used by Sloan.

By the way, when it comes to Si Luo, I really should find Yu Liang quickly and wake him up. He said that he will help me achieve everything I want.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Judging from the expressions of the people next to him, they couldn't get close to Nie Zun's black mist, and they were even a little afraid. This kind of fear was unavoidable even for Gao Qin Jiuye, just like when Nie Zun grabbed Lalele's neck back then. In an instant, the expression on Larel's face was the same.

I have always known that Nie Zun's hands can bring a kind of twisted pressure on people's spirit, which makes it hard not to be afraid, but the black mist he is manipulating now seems to be a manifestation of his demonic nature , making people even more intimidated.

The person who asked this question was actually Duyue, with a complicated and tangled expression, as if she also cared about my life and death.

Nie Zun's eyes fell on his own hand, as if he was looking at the blood left on the hand that no longer had my heart.

Hearing Duyue's words, his tone was still very casual: "Don't you all want her second personality? As far as I know, the methods you use to make people lose their self-healing ability are just using a Time-effective potion, now I accidentally used a bottle of this potion, you shouldn't mind too much, she lost her heart, even if her self-healing ability recovers after a while, I will use my magical potion The blood dripped into her chest. Since you have more or less connection with Huaidu, you should know that the devil refined in the devil cave, his devil blood can capture this little heart casually, right? Now her heart loss is equivalent to Because of her incomplete consciousness, no matter what you do, you will no longer be able to summon her second personality."


Why didn't I quite understand

Wait, let me take a look. The main point of what he said is that he became a demon, created by Huaidu through the Demon Refining Cave, and his demonic blood is already possessed of demonic properties, and can even capture my blood. The heart, of course, this kind of capture does not mean simply taking it away, but making part of my consciousness unable to awaken, which is equivalent to the incompleteness of consciousness.

I know that he didn't use any medicine for Duyue at all. He just used the magic blood to cause my consciousness to be incomplete. The consciousness body in the split zone originally relies on the power of thought to maintain its appearance, and the integrity of the appearance is just a manifestation of the integrity of consciousness.

And he, is the purpose of doing this just to prevent my second personality from appearing again

Hua Haizhong's words are still ringing in his ears, did he do this because he was afraid that the second personality would bring me danger

The position of the heart is still blowing through the wind, probably it has been long enough, and my chest cavity has begun to heal slowly, but there is no heart in the chest cavity.

I have become a heartless person.

Right now, he really has no heart and no lungs, oh no, the lungs are still there.

I looked down at another hole in my red dress, and I couldn't laugh or cry, but fortunately, it wouldn't disappear at all, because the blood had already stained my chest so red that I couldn't see anything.

What's more, she was wearing a red dress.

"So you were sent by Huai Du." Du Yue's tone was still tentative.

Nie Zun took out a white handkerchief from his windbreaker pocket and began to wipe the blood on his hands.

This action is a bit like the old Jepa.

Thinking of this, I glanced at Jappa, Jappa was looking at me, and he looked at me as well, and he raised his hand and pushed the glasses frame.

It's been a long time since I saw this old man's familiar movements, and I suddenly felt much happier.

It's just that there was a severe tearing pain in the heart, probably because of the absence of the heart, every movement, even an expression, would affect the empty pain in the chest.

It's really an unbearable thing.

"It doesn't matter who sent it. The important thing is that all your plans are in vain now. You can't force her second personality through your potion trial. I want to know, what are you going to do next?"

Nie Zun finally wiped eight of his fingers clean, and then he put the blood-stained handkerchief back into his pocket.

Duyue glanced at me and continued to say to him: "You are really cruel, are you willing to let her suffer unintentionally just to prevent me from succeeding?"