Split Zone No.13

Chapter 260: No one who is a godsend


Apart from Duyue lying on the chair behind the gauze curtain, there were many people in the palace.

There are two rows of people standing next to the big pillars on both sides of the palace, and both rows are the same people.

It's the sisters.

One row looks exactly like that sister, and the other row looks exactly like that sister.

None of them wore veils this time, and the faces they showed were clearly the faces of the two people who were killed by Gao Qin in that underground stone room, and they all looked at me with extremely unfriendly eyes.

I know why they are unfriendly, because Truffle is gone, and Truffle doesn't have to take any responsibility for me, but they didn't realize my existence, so it's more or less their fault.

It seems that this is some kind of experimental body again, otherwise why do the two rows of women look the same as this pair of sisters

It's just that the two sisters were dressed in brown robes, while the people behind them who were like them were wearing black robes.

It seems that this also shows that the status of these two people is higher, and maybe they are all replicas of them.

This kind of clone-like group of guys that only appear in science fiction movies makes my hair stand on end.

Because if it is said that the Forbidden Split Zone is so weird that not only time and space are disordered, but also various weird experiments, and now there are human replicas, this is always a very unpleasant thing.

The hanger is also in this palace, standing on the high platform behind the palace.

Seeing that Si Luo and I came back at the same time, Duyue narrowed her eyes slightly. She turned over and got off the chair. At the same time, the ice phoenix took off from her shoulders, flew out of the gauze curtain obediently, and flew to a lamp at the end of the palace. Above the lamp, he looked at me with trembling eyes, as if asking for help.

But I can only comfort Bing'er in my heart, because now is not the time to be sensual, let alone for a bird.

If I export to help now, maybe it will harm it instead.

"It seems that you have discussed it."

Du Yue's tone was suspicious, probably because he expressed deep doubts about Si Luo and I coming back to help her so obediently.

But of course she doubted, and she had to doubt.

I said neither humble nor overbearing: "That's right, it's been decided. I don't think I need to be eloquent to win your trust. Anyway, you will still doubt what should be doubted. However, since you have If you decide to cooperate with us, you must be prepared to risk being betrayed by us, so you don't have to test each other, what do you think if we get straight to the point?"

Du Yue suddenly smiled: "I finally discovered that you have some advantages."

You finally found out? You will find more advantages of me in the future, and you will find that it is those who make you helpless against me!

"Since you are so honest, then I will give you some secrets you don't know as a gift in return. It can also be regarded as a meeting gift for our cooperation."

Du Yue walked down the high platform unhurriedly, and walked towards me and Si Luo step by step.

But I raised my hand to signal her to stop: "Let's go over."

After I finished speaking, I glanced at Si Luo sideways, and Si Luo nodded at me.

Then I strode over with Si Luo.

Duyue retreated to the high platform again, and Siluo and I also walked up.

There are only seven or eight steps on the high platform, which is not high.

After walking to the hanger's side, I met her eyes. I didn't smile or nod, but I knew she must know what I was thinking.

Duyue glanced at the three of us, as if to confirm the tacit understanding between the three of us.

Then, she said slowly: "The reason why I want to cooperate with you is because I want to deal with Huai Du. As for the purpose, this is not the point. The point I want to say is that Huai Du is the purpose."

I looked at her coldly: "Don't go around the bush, everyone will get straight to the point, and save each other's time."

Duyue is obviously dissatisfied with my attitude, because I have no respect for her at all.

But why should I respect you

But Duyue didn't say anything this time, just glared at me: "The purpose of Huaidu is to refine demons. Regarding this point, I think since you have come out of the devil's lair and brought out Zun Nie, you must have seen it with your own eyes." The demon cave was prepared by Huaidu for many years, and it was dedicated to refining demons. The spatial layout in the demon cave is very strange. The spaces are connected to each other, merging them into a cave like creating a labyrinth."

Alchemy cave

Sure enough, I knew that place was not a simple magic cave. It turns out that the reason why it is so weird and the scene can always be changed at will is because of the full use of space docking and the connection between space and space. A confusing connection.

But what good does this kind of spatial chaos do for refining demons? Is it just to make people get lost when they walk in? I always feel that weird people like Huai Du would not do such superficial things.

"The Demon Refining Nest is worthy of its name. Its purpose is to refine demons. He has created the Demon Refining Nest for many years, but he has never seen him practice demons a few times. So I guess he has not found suitable materials. Swords need swords. , Naturally, you need to use demons to refine demons, and the demon he finally picked is your Nie Zun."

I have always known that Nie Zun has demonic nature, but although others say he is a demon, he himself also said that he is a demon, he is indeed a demon in my heart, but what I call a demon must be different from them.

"Why did he choose Nie Zun? Even though he has a high level of thought power, he is only an inheritor after all. There are so many high-powered god crackers among you, why did you choose Nie Zun?" I asked.

Duyue sneered: "This is the crux of the problem. Now I finally know why Liqing was so interested in you two heirs who have just come to the forbidden zone. It turns out that it's not just you who are different, that Zun Nie is also You have a special physique that is rare in a thousand years, and you happened to come to the Forbidden Zone together, and the consciousness of the two people formed a mutual restrictive relationship. I can only say that you are a miracle, but this miracle is a dangerous one. bomb."

"Your difference lies in your second personality. I haven't figured out the details yet. Of course, I have to say that figuring out your second personality is indeed one of my major goals. Although I'm working with you , but I will not show mercy to you in the future."

I also sneered back: "There is no need to say such high-sounding words, as if you have shown mercy to someone."

Du Yue glared at me: "I think, you don't know about Nie Zun's alternative."

I raised my eyebrows: "If you want to talk about his hands, especially the left hand, then I can only say, sorry, I already knew about it."

It's just a pair of hands. As for being regarded as poison in life, will people study it after coming here? Just because his hands are extremely lethal

I was thinking wildly here, but Duyue quickly denied that I was really thinking wildly.

"No, I'm not referring to his hands, but his people. Do you know that Nie Zun doesn't have Shenzhe?"

I was stunned, what did she say

I shook my head subconsciously: "What did you say?"

Duyue put on an expression that you really don't know: "According to my investigation, Nie Zun has no Shenzha. The absence of Shenzhe means that he was not captured by Shenzhe to No. 13 of the Forbidden Zone, but , people from your world would not be able to come to our world without Shenzha as a medium to capture them. Because these two worlds are originally separated into two independent spaces, and no communication between them is allowed. No way. So if we want to borrow your power, we can only create a third-party contract with Crackle, and capture you when certain conditions are met, and then implement cracks similar to engraving cracks to activate cracks, etc. wait."

"However, Nie Zun didn't come here like this. Even if we want to bring you here, we have to pay a very high price. It is basically impossible for you to come here on your own. Before Nie Zun, There is only one consciousness in the Forbidden Zone that came here without being caught, but that consciousness is in a special situation, just like Gao Qin Jiuye's special physique, because she can see the side of the Forbidden Zone in your world dreaming The scene was finally found, but what came over was part of the consciousness, to put it bluntly, it was the dream she had in your world."

"Just like Gao Qin Jiuye went to find you, she came to this world to find the person she wanted through a dream."

Duyue didn't say who she was referring to, but I could already hear it.

I raised my hand to look at the skein.

Hang S is also looking at me, seeing me looking at her, a fleeting apology flashed across her eyes.

She must be blaming herself for not telling me, and now an outsider is telling me, thinking I will blame her.

There must be resentment, but I understand.

This is her secret. Everyone has a secret. It is not a matter of good or bad relationship, trust or distrust, because if you want to have a secret, you must have the courage to keep it.

Duyue glanced back and forth between me and the hanger: "Looking at you, it would be superfluous for me to explain any more. That's right, that person is the hanger. Back then when the hanger was still young, he could already dream She has arrived in the Forbidden Zone, and through her own powerful consciousness, she has dragged her conscious body to the Forbidden Zone many times in her dreams, and met Si Luo and Gao Qin Jiuye. Si Luo treated her like It's like treating a real sister."

"However, as I just said, this is already a miracle. The limit of the miracle is that, like Gao Qin Jiuye, he can travel between these two worlds through dreams, which also requires extremely powerful consciousness, and Will use powerful consciousness to construct a dream that can connect two world spaces. And these, few people can do it, let alone a successor body. The successor body can do this, except the strangulation There is no one else."
