Split Zone No.13

Chapter 264: Close the crack


"What kind of story do you have..." stroking the thorn, I kept muttering to myself.

However, the spike did not transform into a human form, and it didn't even give me any response except for the temperature touched by the fingertips.

"Are you still refusing to accept me?"

I quietly looked at the cone and said.

The spike still didn't respond.

Raising my hand to hold down the awl, I tried to infuse thoughts into it like before.

However, just when I was using my mind power, I suddenly felt as if a cold wind had been poured into my chest. The utter coldness immediately permeated my whole body, and the hand touching the thorn began to tremble uncontrollably.

No matter where the mind is in the body, no matter where the mind is, the mind is not only out of my control, but it also brings me an unbearable feeling of severe pain in the meridians as if it is rejecting my body!

Since Nie Zun took my heart away, although my broken chest has recovered, but the heart has not grown out for a long time, and the cold pain that made me feel cold when I didn't have a heart at the beginning has gradually faded away, so Although Siluo and Duyue emphasized repeatedly, I, who had not used my mind power halfway, still did not feel the seriousness of the matter.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that my power of thought has weakened as Du Yue said, and I am now in a state where I can't use my power of thought at all!

This kind of thing will make people feel nervous more or less, I quickly concentrate and mental strength, and plan to try again.

Because in any case, mind power is a quantification of spiritual will. According to common sense, as long as the will is firm, it can always be regenerated. I don't believe that mind power can't be used like this.

But when I tried to run my mind power again, my whole body felt pain like an electric shock when I was struck back by the cold mind power, and the mind power began to flow freely in my body like a dragon and I couldn't control it at all. I finally realized that the so-called will And mental strength, first of all, there must be a good physical quality as a prerequisite. Although the human form in the forbidden zone is maintained by the illusion of thought power, it is indeed the existence form of this space. As such an existence, I even He lost his heart, how could he still freely control his mind to fight

After repeated attempts, the wanton flow of thoughts made me feel painful and hot all over. This kind of hotness is more frightening than cold all over, because this is a kind of hotness that feedbacks pain at any time, just like every day. A meridian, down to every capillary, seemed to be swollen with pain.

I put my hands on the ground and looked at the awl that hadn't changed in front of me, panting, what should I do

Nie Zun, is this your hatred or indifference towards me

You don't even worry, will I be in danger without a heart and unable to use my thoughts

I do not believe.

I can't believe you've become like this.

What to do, what to do.

Duyue has already exaggerated what she said, in order to stop me from forcibly doing something that shouldn't be done, but she didn't mention that she can't use thought power at all. It is conceivable that she did not expect this.

Si Luo, maybe he didn't think of it either.

Then I can't tell them, well, I'm already useless now, and I can't even use my mind power.

Can I really put myself in such a disadvantageous position

I can not.

Even with a strangler by my side, I always feel that her face is too pale. It seems that since her eyes just recovered last time, her vitality has also been greatly damaged. I can't sacrifice her to fight for me.

So what on earth should I do.

I lowered my head and glanced at my chest unintentionally, and after putting on the new clothes that Duyue prepared for me, at some point, the chain originally hidden behind the collar of the skirt popped out and came into view.

The short chain with the split key.

I had an idea.

Now that I can't use my thoughts anyway, how about I just close the crack

I thought this way because I suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the bond between me and Nie Zun that could not be separated by 500 meters disappeared after I opened the crack, so does it mean that there is such a possibility, That is, when I close the crack, the bond between him and me will come back

Although this is entirely a conjecture, because I know nothing about the mystery, but even if it is only a hypothetical possibility, it still makes me feel unspeakably excited.

This means that if it succeeds, I will be able to meet Nie Zun again.

He still can't escape from me, even though his heart may have changed for me.

However, I always feel that he has other hidden secrets, but if he is not by my side all the time, I can't find out any hidden secrets.

If this method can be successful, and I can use the fetters that cannot be separated by 500 meters between us, then it will be perfect.

I looked around, the main hall of the Unfeeling Palace has a radius of one kilometer. If I can really reactivate the bond between me and Nie Zun, according to the level of mental power, he should be pulled back to my side, that is to say , he will reappear in this palace.

With trembling hands approaching my neck, I tore off the chain around my neck!

However, closing the crack means that for the next month, my thought power will be 0.

Can I really survive for a month in such a place that completely belongs to other people's territory without leaving a trace of thought power

It's not a risk to take, even just to try.

However, if I don't take the risk, I will still be in a state where I can't use my thoughts. I can't wait for the sudden burst of thoughts.

In fact, I know very well that these are all excuses. No matter how much I hesitated and struggled, I knew I was done closing the crack.

Because this is accompanied by a possibility that Nie Zun can return to me.

After making up my mind, I squeezed the crack key and inserted it fiercely towards the scorpion-shaped crack that glowed faintly on the left ankle.

When the light suddenly dispersed, instead of the expected heart-piercing pain, a warm feeling rose gradually.

It rises from an unknown place, and spreads all over the body along various meridians.

I fell into a kind of warm tolerance.

As the light faded, I pulled the split key out and reattached it to my neck.

Trying to run the thought power in the body, sure enough, there is no miracle, it is really that the slightest thought power can't be sensed.

I have now become an ordinary person, as if I am still living in that world.

But for some reason, it made me feel more relaxed than ever.

It was as if an inexplicable burden had been suddenly lifted.

This is what it feels like to lose your mind power.

It turns out that this is how it feels to exist again as an ordinary person in the world I originally belonged to.

Sure enough, only when you lose it can you know how to cherish it.

It's time for me to really miss that world.

Even those memories may be wrong.

The spike in front of me still didn't change, and I stopped looking at it, but got up from the ground and looked around.

There was no sign of Nie Zun.

It seems that my prediction is ridiculous and unrealistic.

My eyes darkened, and I felt a little whimsical, so I bent down to pick up the awl on the ground again.

Before my hand touched the thorn, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be someone behind me.

So I slowly withdrew my hand and stood up straight again.

There was still no sound behind him.

Finally unable to hold back, I turned around.

Under the dark and fine bangs, there is a pair of bright eyes like stars in the night sky.

There was a bottomless loneliness in his eyes.

Dressed in black, with his hands naturally inserted in the pockets on both sides of the windbreaker, a tall figure stood lonely in front of him.

He is still far from me.

When he opened his mouth, his voice was as calm as ever: "How did you do it?"

I pretended to be puzzled: "How did you do it?"

He was not impatient, and patiently explained: "I had already left the Heartless Palace far away, just now I just felt my body being pulled by an inexplicably strong force that was too strong to resist, and before I had time to find a way to resist, I had already returned here .What did you do?"

I looked at him, and then visually measured the distance between the two of us.

It seems that although the power of thought is gone, the five senses are still different from ordinary humans. Otherwise, how could I see him so clearly at a distance of nearly 500 meters, and how could I hear everything he said

So I took a few steps back in silence.

back one after another.

After retreating about ten meters away, I felt that kind of mandatory traction.

I really miss it.

It's just that I, who has weak thoughts, have always been led by me before, and it is rare for him to be led by me. It seems that there is still no law to be found.

Forcibly taking another step back, Nie Zun suddenly moved forward a few meters.

A flash of surprise flashed across his shattered eyes for an instant!

I love seeing him like this.

So I raised the corners of my lips in a happy mood: "Accident, you and I can't separate the fetters of 500 meters, and we are back again."

Nie Zun's eyes flickered repeatedly, changing from dark to bright.

After a while, he said lightly: "So, what did you do?"

"Why do you think it was me who did something, instead of suddenly, the fetters came back?"

Nie Zun looked at me quietly without answering.

He already answered with his eyes.

His stare told me straight away what he was trying to say, I know you all too well.

Well, I admit defeat.

So I spread my hands, casually, and said casually: "It's nothing, I just closed the crack."

Nie Zun's eyes tightened suddenly.

As his eyes tightened for a second, the expression on his face also briefly condensed into a worried look, but it was fleeting.

But this did not escape my eyes.

I looked at him fixedly: "Why, are you worried about me?"
