Split Zone No.13

Chapter 265: Nie Zun's The Boy Without Palm Prints (Part 1)


"Nie Zun, why do you love wearing gloves so much, come, have a drink."

Feng Yan and a few friends came over and threw a can of beer over, and I raised my hand to take it.

He looked down at the black gloves on his hands all the year round, smiled, opened the beer can, and took a gulp.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Feng Yan just glanced at me and didn't ask any more questions. After drinking three cans of beer in a row, he threw the empty cans into the trash can one by one and said, "Where are you going soon, let's go together."

I smiled lightly: "No need, I still have something to do, let's take a step first."

After all, I got up, walked to the trash can, and threw the remaining half of the beer into it together with the can.

A whisper came from behind: "Feng Yan, what do you care about him, you see he wears a glove every day, I heard that he never gets close to anyone, has no friends, and always goes to a private psychological clinic!"

Feng Yan said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, I think he's pretty good."

Nah... is it good

He looked up at the sky, then looked down at the time on his phone.

There is still half an hour before the doctor arrives. What should I do during this time

Hey, do you really want to recall it over and over again

He bowed his head bitterly and smiled, but couldn't control the memories flooding into his mind.


When I was thirteen and less than three months after my birthday, my mother was packing for her fifth move in that small town.

It was my fifth move in three months since my thirteenth birthday.

"Mom, why are we moving again?" I looked at my mother.

Mom turned around and looked at me tenderly, emotions that I couldn't understand flashed in her eyes, and the hair around her ears was a little messy.

She reached out and touched my head: "Good boy, it's nothing, it's just that you're going to junior high school soon, so we'll live in another place."

I blinked my eyes: "Then I don't want to live separately from Xuan'er, I still have to sleep in the same room with her."

Mother's smile was like the gentlest spring breeze in the world, and she nodded: "Okay."

"Zun'er, you are 13 years old, why are you still relying on me so much? You can sleep in the same room with me, but you are not allowed to wet the bed." Sister Xuan'er heard my words, ran over and squatted down, and patted my cheek. head.

My little face turned red, and I pouted: "I don't wet the bed, Xuan'er bullies me."


"Well, Xuan'er, you hit me again." I hugged my head and looked at her pitifully.

Xuan'er flicked her high ponytail, and pampered the part of my head that was not hurt by her pain: "Who told you not to call me sister, you don't call me sister, are you going to suffer again?" Beat it."

I murmured softly: "You're only five years older than me, why do you call me sister...."

Knock knock! !

Knock knock! !

"Open the door!! You evildoers!! Return my old man!!"

There was a quick knock on the door and a woman's cry.

I remember it was the voice of Aunt Zhang next door, but she is usually very kind, why is she so fierce today

When my mother walked over to open the door, Xuan'er subconsciously stood in front of me, and when I looked up, I could only see Xuan'er's back. I'm 13 though, and tall enough.

When I saw Aunt Zhang, her face was completely distorted, her hair was messy, her eyes were red and swollen like two tattered peaches, she seemed to have been crying for a long time, as soon as the door opened, she rushed in and pushed open I missed my mother, looked around, and finally locked on me.

The moment she saw me, her eyes became very fierce, and I was shocked.

"You ghost child, you give me back my man! Monster! You monster!"

Aunt Zhang yelled and rushed up, grabbing me by the collar. Seeing this, Xuan'er quickly pushed her hard: "What are you doing? Let go of my brother!"

I was terrified, and I could only see my mother coming over with a pleading face, with tears in her eyes: "Sister Zhang, it's none of Zun'er's business, we're moving out today, I've heard about Brother Li, I know you're sad, but you really can't blame Zun'er for this."

When Aunt Zhang heard this, she grabbed my collar and threw me aside. I slammed to the ground and saw Xuan'er running over to hug me in a daze.

Snapped! !

Aunt Zhang slapped my mother back: "Stop pretending! I've heard about it! This child's left hand has no palm prints! This is a fate that is designed to control human life! Anyone who has touched his hand will know Killed by him! My old man gave him a piece of candy that day, and he had an accident the next day, and he is still lying in the hospital, it's not his fault!"

"I won't allow you to bully my mother!"

I struggled to push Xuan'er away vigorously, ran over and stretched out my hands and pushed Aunt Zhang hard!

"Ah!" "Bang!"

Aunt Zhang was very angry at first, and her body was trembling. After being pushed with all my strength, I pushed her backwards. While she was leaning back, she tripped over a small bench on the ground. Then, her The back of my head hit the corner of my table!

Aunt Zhang fell down, her red and swollen eyes were still turned out, just for a moment, she just yelled, and then fell down.

I opened my eyes wide, Xuan'er ran over, hugged me tremblingly, her eyes were full of panic, and she also stared at Aunt Zhang on the ground.

Mom's hair was a little more messy, and there was still fear in her eyes, but she didn't speak, she just walked over slowly and pushed Aunt Zhang who was on the ground.

"Ah!!!" Xuan'er finally cried out when she saw that the back of Aunt Zhang's head began to spurt blood continuously.

I still didn't speak, I just looked at Aunt Zhang on the ground stupidly.

Mom immediately turned her head and said to Xuan'er, "Go and call an ambulance!"

Xuan'er nodded in a panic, then looked down at me: "Zun'er, don't be afraid, sister is going to make a phone call, you just stand here, be good." She pressed my shoulder and said this sentence to me, I just wiped the tears off my face and walked into the bedroom to get the phone.

My mother looked around, as if she didn't know where to start. Finally, she wiped her hands, walked to me, squatted down, looked at me weakly but firmly: "Zun'er, Aunt Zhang was pushed down by my mother." , Do you know? No matter who asks in the future, don’t make a mistake.”

Mom held my hand in both hands and said to me.

I couldn't help asking my mother softly: "Mom, why do people always say that I am a monster...."

On my mother's slightly haggard face, there was a worried expression, and her hand was still holding me tightly: "Zun'er is not a monster, it's because they are too superstitious, and they always blame Zun'er for these things."

I bowed my head: "But, I heard you and Dad on the phone a few days ago... It was what my grandfather said before he died. Once I am over 13 years old, I can't let others touch my hand. If, If I'm not a monster, why can't someone touch my hand...."

My mother suddenly seemed to be a little excited, her eyes flashed with tears, and she held my hand tightly with both hands: "What nonsense, you heard it wrong, Zun'er, look, isn't mother always here?" Holding your hand, it's just that you are in poor health, and my mother is afraid that you will touch something unclean."

But... I quietly turned my head to look at Aunt Zhang who was motionless on the ground...

This is, how many times... .

Is this the first time someone has fallen in front of me... .

Looking at the shocking blood on the ground, I wasn't very scared, and I didn't know why, as if I couldn't understand what it meant when the blood fell to the ground.

"Okay, Zun'er, be good, people from the hospital will come to rescue Aunt Zhang in a while, Zun'er, you go into the back room, let sister Xuan'er accompany you, mother will handle all this, okay?"

I nodded, and then I saw that my mother seemed to be relieved for an instant. She took my hand and led me into the inner room.

Xuan'er had just finished making the phone call, when she saw that my mother had brought me in, she quickly came up and took my other hand.

"Xuan'er, stay in the house with Zun'er, and don't come out when someone comes. Mom will accompany the ambulance personnel to the hospital. If there is anything, I will call you." Mom said to Xuan'er explain.

Xuan'er nodded, her high ponytail swayed up and down following her movements, her eyes had already swept away the previous panic, she was very calm: "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of Zun'er at home."

Mom nodded, and then quickly closed the door of the room.

I saw the door was closed and I lowered my head.

"Zun'er, don't be afraid, my sister and mother are here." Xuan'er squatted down, looking at me flickeringly with her big bright eyes.

"Xuan'er... Am I really a monster... Is it the same as the monster beaten by Ultraman in cartoons... Will I be able to transform one day?" I was flat Bianzui, thinking of the fact that since I moved in the past few months, people always come to the house to call me a monster, and I feel so sad.

Xuan'er let out a laugh, and her big eyes that were always full of optimism were filled with something like sunlight: "Zun'er is not a monster, and he can't transform."

"Come here, I'll hug you for a nap." Xuan'er pulled me towards the big bed in the back room.

I was like that, quickly forgot my troubles, just happily followed Xuan'er, but muttered: "Well... I'm already thirteen years old. Xuan'er still wants to hug me to sleep."

"Well, Xuan'er, you hit me again..."

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

I fell asleep when the phone rang.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she vaguely saw Xuan'er holding the phone with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Xuan'er, what's wrong?" I rolled over twice and jumped off the bed.

Xuan'er was stunned for a long time, then she hung up the phone abruptly, and took my hand: "Go, Zun'er, let's go, Dad is back to pick us up."

"Really? Dad!" I shouted in surprise. Dad has been working in other cities for a long time and hasn't come back, so he didn't care about so much, and didn't find that Xuan'er didn't even take anything, so I followed Xuan'er ran out of the house.

Xuan'er hastily locked the door, then pulled me up and walked downstairs.

"Xuan'er, run a little slower...but where is Dad?"

My family lives on the seventh floor and there is no elevator. When I ran down, I was already out of breath.

Xuan'er didn't turn her head, she just dragged me and ran out of the building. Only when I got outside did I realize that it was dark.

I looked up at the dark sky, and there was no moon in the sky.

"Stop! It's the boy! It's him! Catch him!"

Suddenly, many people shouted from behind.

Panting, I turned around and saw the mayor of this town running out of the path behind the building with a few people, seeming to be running in our direction.

"Xuan'er, it's the mayor's uncle..."

"Don't talk, Zun'er, run, follow me!" Xuan'er seemed very nervous, she turned her head and shouted to me.

I was a little surprised and didn't understand why I ran.

The night was so dark that I could see the mayor's uncle's face when I turned around, but I couldn't see his eyes clearly.

So I had no choice but to run hard with Xuan'er.

Xuan'er took me out of the neighborhood and onto the streets of the town.

"Xuan'er, I, I'm so tired..." I gasped.

Xuan'er was also panting, turned a corner of the street, and looked around.


On the street behind the corner, there was still the sound of the mayor's uncle and the others coming after him.

Xuan'er was a little panicked, but after looking back, she flicked her long ponytail and said to me: "Zun'er, turn right at the crossing in front, and then run along the next street, Dad will ride a bicycle Come to pick you up, but he may not be here yet, you run hard, the street is straight, you will always meet him! Listen to me, no matter what happens, don't look back, just keep running, Do you understand!"

I suddenly felt so scared.

But I listened to Xuan'er's words very much since I was a child, so when I saw what she said so resolutely, I only dared to nod.

"Run!" Xuan'er pushed me forward.

So, without caring so much, I had no choice but to keep running forward.

Xuan'er's voice came from behind: "Zun'er, you listen to sister Xuan'er the most, don't you, absolutely don't look back, otherwise sister Xuan'er will never talk to you again!"

I wanted to cry a little bit, I don't know why, but I still ran hard. Xuan'er kept her word. Last year she said she would make me a slingshot, and then she really made it for me.

Finally, I ran to the straight street, and it was pitch black in front of me. There are not too many street lights in this town.

so tired.

I stopped, looking back, it was pitch black, and looking ahead again, there was a chug chug sound in the darkness.

I rubbed my eyes and saw a man on a motorcycle coming towards me.

Whoa, motorcycle oh, will it be dad

"Dad!" Although I haven't seen the person on the motorcycle clearly, and I haven't seen Dad for two years, I can't recognize him immediately, but I still shook my little arm happily.

I saw the motorcycle getting closer and closer.

Boom! ! !

My eyes widened in surprise, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

For some unknown reason, the motorcycle suddenly made a sharp turn not far from me, and then plunged into a curb on the side of the road!


The motorcycle made a sharp turn too quickly, and the people on the motorcycle flew out directly!

I put my hand over my mouth.