Split Zone No.13

Chapter 267: Nie Zun's The Boy Without Palm Prints (Part 2)


After letting Jappa give me some so-called medical treatment, I was too lazy to move, so I fell asleep in his clinic chair by the way. And this little-known psychiatrist was staying up all night reading various medical books.

Beep beep!

I didn't even bother to set the ringtone, and my mobile phone, which had been using the original phone's own ringtone, suddenly rang.


"Hi, hello, may I ask if you are Nie Xuan's younger brother Nie Zun, she had a car accident on the way back from a business trip, and she is currently in xxx Hospital, can you come over quickly.

I jumped up from the chair in a jerk, and Jepa, who was reading a thick medical book, was so startled that his glasses almost fell off.

I stared into his eyes with a trembling voice: "Xuan, she was in a car accident..."


When we arrived at the hospital, the lights in the emergency room were blindingly on.

I leaned against the wall of the hospital corridor, watching Jipa rubbing his hands across from me, whose eyes were red with anxiety.

I lowered my head and pulled off the black glove on my left hand with my own hands. I stared at my left hand without palm prints.

Hehe, I really am a monster. Now even my favorite Xuan will be hurt because of me... ..hehe... ..

Xuan... You know I won't cry, right? I promised you that I will be the strongest respected son... .

But... you can't leave me...

I looked at my hand and suddenly felt like laughing. So I raised this hand, once, once, steadily, without panic, and smashed it against the wall of the hospital.

Bang, boom, boom.

The blood has flowed, and I still don't want to stop.

Jiepa has already walked up, his eyes slightly flustered: "Nie Zun, don't worry, it's fine, Xuan will be fine, it's not your fault."

Isn't it my fault... ..

hehe... .

When I was about to raise my hand again, I heard a group of messy footsteps and screams from behind.

"Ah—send it to the emergency room!"

"God get out of here, she's crazy!"

"Hurry up and send the senior to the emergency room, doctor!!!"

"This monster, let her stay away from school!!"

I wasn't interested in the noise in the hospital at first, but the words 'this monster' attracted me again. I subconsciously stopped hitting the wall and turned around.

When I turned around, even I was slightly surprised.

On the other side of the corridor, a few boys and girls who seemed to be college students surrounded the emergency beds that were moving here, hurriedly. And there seemed to be a man lying on the bed, but the man's face was covered with blood, and I couldn't see what he looked like.

The blood dripped all over the floor along the edge of the bed as the bed moved, leaving a trace of the blood dripping away on the mirror-like floor of the hospital, which was bright and dazzling.

The emergency bed was quickly pushed past me by these people and sent to the emergency room at the other end of the corridor.

And the girl who followed from a distance, did not follow, but stopped in the middle of the corridor, staring at the bloodstained girl on the ground, I just saw it at noon.

It was the girl in red that I met in the barber shop.

It's just that she seems to have finished dyeing her hair, or dyed it with something else. In short, at this moment, her hair is bright red.

Her face was splattered with blood, extending all the way to her clean shoulders above her collar.

She was still wearing the red dress, so I couldn't tell if there was blood on the dress, but at this moment she was standing not far from me, and I could almost smell the blood on her body.

I looked her up and down, from her hands covered with sticky blood but not trembling at all to her eyes.

When I saw her eyes, I was a little stunned, and almost at this moment I began to wonder if this was the girl I saw during the day.

At this moment, her eyes are not the kind of godless and lonely dead silence, but surprisingly bright, with a hint of playfulness and playfulness, occasionally glanced over, mixed with a hint of charm.

And at the corner of her mouth, besides the blood, there was also an enchanting smile.

I was a little dazed, the gap between her and the one I saw during the day was too great.

As if she noticed my gaze, she cast a girlish lazy and seductive look, which seemed to be a little provocative naturally. She looked at me and spoke softly, with a soft and moving voice: "Why do you keep staring at me? Let me see, are you afraid of me?"

I suddenly felt that she was very interesting. A smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I put my hands back into the pockets on both sides of my trousers, hiding the bloody hand in the pockets.

I walked up to her and stared at her bloody face: "Why should I be afraid of you?"

She turned her head slightly, a beautiful smile flowed from the corners of her lips, her eyes sparkled, she stretched out her tender red tongue, and gently licked the spots of blood on her lips, following her movements, her red lips The hair flowed down one of her shoulders: "You are a very interesting person, but unfortunately, I will return this body to her in a while, maybe we will never see each other again."

I looked at her shining eyes with great interest, I haven't seen such beautiful eyes for a long time, these eyes are alive, just like Xuan's eyes, they are fresh, without any dimness or despair.

People's eyes will more or less have some dim despair, but the despair is more or less, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

But the pair of eyes in front of him obviously don't know what despair is, as if they can slaughter the world at will.

"Who is she?" I asked with a smile.

She lazily raised a hand that was still dripping with blood, covered her mouth with a smile, this action, coupled with her bright red and bloody body, looked strangely coquettish, and I almost couldn't look away: "She lives with me."

She pointed to her heart: "She always doesn't know how to protect herself. When I really can't stand it, I will come out to help her, but she doesn't understand my heart."

Suddenly there were loud footsteps in the corridor.

She seemed to be aware of it, she looked up and looked around, and then, she suddenly took off a ring from her finger.

Just now her hands were covered with blood, and I didn't even see that she was wearing a ring on her index finger.

It was a black ring with a very fancy skull.

She took the ring off slowly, and as she moved, the blood on her hand stained the ring.

Then, she suddenly stretched out her left hand quickly, and pulled out my left hand from my trouser pocket.

I was stunned, and subconsciously didn't resist.

There was a gentle and unfeeling smile on the corner of her lips, her eyelashes flickered slightly, she stared at my bloody left hand, and then spread my palm.

So, this bloody hand without palm prints was completely opened in front of her eyes.

I did not resist.

She raised her eyes, a pair of sparkling water eyes met my natural gaze, she lightly opened her red lips: "Her name is Li Shen, if you still have a chance to see her again, can you stay with her all the time for me?" by your side?"

I was silent for three seconds, and then said softly: "Why should I promise you?"

She suddenly smiled, the smile was so beautiful that the whole world could tremble for it: "Because I know that you are the same person as her, and I smell the same smell on you as her, called 'loneliness' Woolen cloth... "

After all, she ignored my astonished expression, but slowly put the skull ring, which was stained with blood on her hand, on the little finger of my left hand.

As if it was destined long ago, this ring did not fit my little finger in the slightest, it was clasped tightly on my little finger, with blood on it.

After she put it on for me, she touched my face with that hand, her eyes were enchanting and moving: "I will always be by her side... no matter what kind of devil she becomes...."

This sentence seemed to have not been finished yet, and I suddenly saw several policemen running up behind her.

And behind me, the voices of the college students who sent the boy to the emergency room just now came: "Police, catch her quickly, she is the senior who stabbed her!"

Before I could react, the one in front of me suddenly let go of my hand, took two steps back, and looked at me with a dazzling smile on her face.

Then, she straightened and fell backwards.

As if losing his soul in an instant, the whole person turned to the ground behind him and fell into a coma.

At this time, those policemen and college students also ran to her side almost at the same time. One of the policemen took a look at her, and then said to the other policeman, "I'm really unconscious. I'm afraid I need to find a doctor to show her." .”

"What's there for her to be unconscious, and she's not injured, this murderer!" One of the female college students stared at her on the ground with red eyes.

Then the scene in front of me changed in a hurry, and they carried her into the emergency room again, leaving only a bloodstain and me standing there.

Jiepa came to me at some point, he frowned slightly: "This girl is a bit weird, she seemed to have lost her mind just now."

Just as I was about to say something, a female nurse suddenly ran out of the emergency room. She hurried to me and Jiepa and said, "You are the family members of the patient Nie Xuan. She is seriously injured. We need to find her." The director is here to perform this operation, but we don’t know if it can be saved, the chances are very small, so we suggest that you meet her again before this operation... .”

Before she could finish speaking, I rushed to the emergency room.

Then came Jepa, who also galloped in as if turning into a cheetah in an instant.

When I ran to the operating table, I saw Xuan's pale face.

Xuan had already put a respirator on her mouth, she seemed to feel my arrival, she gently opened her eyes.

Those eyes that were haggard but still glowing were still moving at this moment. Her voice was weak and seemed to be a little bit painful. She said to Jappa: "Jappa... Zun... Over to you... he... is not... a monster.."

Jappa knelt beside her, and I froze.

The doctor urged on the side: "Just take a look and go out quickly, we will do our best." After speaking, several nurses and the doctor began to prepare what seemed to be more complicated equipment than before.

I don't know if I'm crying, I can't feel any temperature anymore.

I just stood there, looking at Xuan on the operating table.

Xuan glanced at me tenderly, then turned her eyes to Jiepa with difficulty, her voice was so weak that I could hardly hear her, she said: "Jiapa... you... today... wear ... So lovely... "

Jiepa finally cried bitterly. This man who graduated as a Ph.D. in psychology but has been doing nothing because of bad luck everywhere, I have known him for so long, no matter how many disasters landed on his head, I have never seen him cry The man was crying so hard at the moment.

Finally, I can no longer see everything in front of me clearly, and I feel the complete darkness of the world.

At this moment, I did not struggle. When I saw the endless darkness coming to pick me up, I was not afraid at all, but opened my arms wide.

As I fell backwards, my only thought was:

Mom and Dad, I can finally come to accompany you, right

just let me fall... ..

The most damning thing has always been me... ..

Is it right... ..

I seem to have fallen into an unfathomable black hole, endless and falling.

I don't know how long it took, just when my heart was about to close my eyes, I suddenly heard a man's voice.

I opened my eyes immediately.

Looking around, there is an open space, and there is a white wall in the distance.

In this empty place, like heaven and even more like hell, a blond man suddenly walked over.

He was holding a goblet, and he didn't know what was in the glass, it was bright red.

On his handsome mixed-race face, a mysterious smile flashed: "Nie Zun, welcome to No. 13, Forbidden Split Zone."