Split Zone No.13

Chapter 37: The most beautiful look


When the three of us arrived next door, we found Hang S and Gao Qin Jiuye standing silently facing each other.

Hang S still stood there motionless like a stiff sd doll in girls' clothes, while Gao Qin Jiuye stood on the other side coldly, didn't make any movements, just stood there like that.

I walked in, seeing these two people standing still and even motionless like dummies, I didn't know how to speak. So I asked Hang S: "Where is Guan Nirvana?"

Hearing Guan Nie's name, Gao Qin Jiuye's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at me.

There was a strange look in the long and narrow eyes.

I didn't want to meet his eyes, so I just stared at the gallows.

Hang S twisted his neck: "He didn't know what he was doing. He never reported his whereabouts to me. He disappeared before you came back. But, Li Shen, how could the three of you go to the border of the southern district without authorization?" What about Senli? I’ve only been close to it, but never went deep.”

Gao Qin Jiuye sneered: "That's because you know it yourself, we never welcome you in the Southern District."

Hang S didn't seem to care much about Gao Qin Jiuye's hostility, but said indifferently: "You killed a child in our district, and you still want to talk like me?"

These words seemed to have an effect, Gao Qin Jiuye's expression changed slightly, and he did not speak.

After Hang S finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and stared at Jappa: "Now that everyone is full, can you explain your guess?"

Jiepa pushed his glasses, and said calmly: "That's right, according to my bold speculation, someone is planning a conspiracy, a conspiracy that can kill people without paying for them. As we know, people in the forbidden crack zone, as long as the crack is not Being attacked by the split key, no matter what kind of damage, it will not cause death. But if the physical body in reality dies, the consciousness body here will also die. Now I suspect that someone is trying to pass through the consciousness directly by refining some kind of poison The body finally persecutes our physical body in real life, causing it to suffer some kind of injury, and finally the conscious body here loses the ability to heal, and finally dies.”

I don't quite understand: "It means that people who are fused by the leech monster will lose the ability to heal? But truffles can heal themselves?"

Jiepa shook his head: "That kind of poison may not be the leech monster, maybe there are many kinds of it, and the leech monster is just one of their experiments. As you can see, the child with the mole on the mouth and the child with the bald head are being treated. If they did not heal after the attack, but directly caused death, then it can be suspected that they were planted with another poison."

I frowned: "It means they are different experimental subjects?"

Jipa nodded: "Yes, just like Miss Larael recovered after being attacked by Miss Shen's arrow, Miss Larael may have another kind of poison on her body. By the way, Miss Shen, During the process of confronting you, Miss Larael, did you feel anything unusual?"

I tried my best to recall the memories I didn't want to recall. After a while, I seemed to suddenly think of something: "Lalele was so powerful when she grabbed my neck that even Nie Zun couldn't pull her away, and her hands were not only It's pure strength, when she tried to suppress me with strength, it also brought me a kind of mental pressure."

Nie Zun then said: "Indeed, she was very strange at the time, and my strength could not shake her, and when I grabbed her hand, I seemed to feel a kind of mental pressure."

Hang S suddenly opened his mouth coldly: "No matter what kind of experiment it is, the only thing we can know is that there is no poison in the Forbidden Split Zone. Perhaps only one person can do the kind of thing you are talking about."

Speaking of this, she looked at Gao Qin Jiuye with a cold gaze: "If I remember correctly, Rong Jin, the soul drawer in your southern district, has the ability to draw the souls of animals and even insects to the Forbidden Split Zone, so A lot of evidence points directly to you, Gao Qin Jiuye, are you sure you still don't want Si Luo to show up?"

Gao Qin Jiuye's eyes became colder when he heard Hang S mention Si Luo: "It's just a speculation, and I insist that it was Rong Jin who did it? Is this how the district masters of your two districts do things?"

I also said coldly: "At least I can be sure that these incidents in the past few days must be related to your southern district."

Gao Qin Jiuye stared at me, and I returned the same look without flinching.

At this moment, there were several knocks on the door.

The knock on the door was fragmentary and brisk, and one could tell that the people outside were impatient.

After about five or six knocks, the people outside opened the door by themselves.

"Oh, oh, oh, I've been out to play for a long time, and I came back to find the beauty and the others, and found that they haven't come back, what's the matter..." Like a girl complaining about her lover's late arrival for a date, the official Nirvana played with her long hair with one hand, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, he looked up.

Suddenly seeing a room full of people, he was slightly taken aback. Then he seemed to be about to restore his charming smile, but when his gaze fell on Gao Qin Jiuye who was standing farthest away from him, he stopped.

The lock of long hair that Guan Nie had been playing with slipped from his fingertips due to the pause of his body. A wisp of white silk flew back to his graceful figure with a faint light, and merged with other white and smooth hair. Guan Nie's long and narrow Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and her red lips gradually evoked an unpredictable smile.

Gao Qin Jiuye also narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw him.

The two of them just looked at each other like no one else.

The air in the room seemed to flow slower for some reason, and I don't know if it was my illusion.

I couldn't help holding my breath, and my eyes flicked between these two strange people.

They are indeed too eye-catching.

One is the face of the god of death, which is cold but yet glorious, making people reluctant to look away, and the other is the face of a fairy with long snow-white hair and a long snow-like gown.

The room was silent for about half a minute.

In the end, Gao Qin Jiuye seemed to admit defeat, he raised his hand and brushed his hair casually, as if avoiding Guan Nie's gaze: "Long time no see, Guan Nie."

Guan Nie tilted his head slightly, following his movements, long white hair poured out from his right shoulder like a waterfall of light, his phoenix eyes narrowed even more, and the whole was outlined on his face like an incomparably beautiful curve . His lips were as beautiful as delicate flowers, and he flapped them lightly: "Yes, long time no see, Gao Qin Jiuye."

I shamefully swallowed a mouthful of saliva in my throat, staring intently at Guan Nie's beautiful face, I couldn't help sighing in my heart, how beautiful a pervert is! ! !

Guan Nie's head was still slightly sideways, and his figure was hidden under a white shirt, slim and charming.

Although this should not be used to describe a man. . . .

But he is really beautiful!

Hang S suddenly rolled his eyes viciously: "Guan Nie, don't say I didn't warn you, they will bring him back, and I didn't know in advance."

Guan Nie's eyes suddenly blazed with a flame-like light, as if a pervert sees a long-coveted beauty, or a starving ghost sees a sumptuous delicacy, he suddenly opened his red lips and stretched out his delicate lips. She licked her lips tremblingly with a tender tongue full of water, and smiled very heart-stirringly: "It's okay, you can see the person I miss day and night and want to peel his skin and cram his tendons. Very happy..."

His scorching eyes locked onto Gao Qin Jiuye's face tightly, and those eyes seemed to have power, entangled Gao Qin Jiuye's whole body in it.

From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all the charming and enchanting expressions of Guan Nie and the changes in his eyes, but what he said really made my little heart chug a few times.

Peeling Cramps... ..

These words are not frightening at all when uttered by this moving voice of nature, as if a unique beauty in the world blinks her eyes that can instantly charm all souls and says to you: "Give me your life."

And your first reaction is definitely not fear, but wanting to nod repeatedly: "Okay, okay, take it!"

Fortunately, I am a woman after all, a woman through and through, so instead of being bewitched by him, I started to think about the relationship between these two people.

Is this love or hate? With great interest, I began to replay the stories of the two of them over and over again in my mind.

Thinking that Gao Qin Jiuye would only be moved when he mentioned Si Luo all the time, I boldly guessed: Is it because Guan Nie, the coveted most beautiful man in the legend, was the beauty of Si Luo, but once in Ye Hei Feng Gao At that time, he sneaked into the Southern District alone and tried to force King Siluo to the bow, and then Gao Qin Jiuye broke out in the small universe, and the two faced off against Huashan Lunjian

Or is it because Guan Nie has always been a slender and beautiful man but heard that Si Luo is the most beautiful man in the Forbidden Split Area, so he was jealous and indignant and ran to the Southern District to compete with Si Luo, but was kicked by the grass protector Gao Qin Jiuye Zhengyi fly

Or is it that Guan Nie, a weakling, likes Gao Qin Jiuye's evil and cold tune, and has been chasing him hard, trying to wipe him clean

My thoughts flew wildly and infinitely, and all kinds of artistic conceptions completely played the two of them in my mind... ..

Suddenly, a "cough cough" mixed with a chuckle interrupted my train of thought.

I looked sullenly at Nie Zun who raised his hand and covered his mouth with his black gloved hand like a naughty child, chuckling and trying to bring me back to life with a coughing sound.

Nie Zun was also not inferior to the other two. There was a hint of sarcasm on his face with dark radiance, and a deep smile in his eyes. He said to me playfully, "Li Shen, wipe the drool from the corner of your mouth."

I felt my face flushed suddenly, although this should be my illusion, because I never blush.

I quickly raised my hand and wiped the corner of my mouth.

Wipe and wipe, hey, nothing

"Pfft..." Even Jiepa, who has always been calm, couldn't help but let out a laugh, and I couldn't help but glance at me when I saw the hangman, and I finally understood that I was fooled by Nie Zun !

I glared at him viciously, but immediately stared back at Gao Qin Jiuye and Guan Nie, unwilling to miss any second of the good show between them.

The two men still looked at each other like that, treating all of us as if they didn't matter.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!