Split Zone No.13

Chapter 46: Another kind of poisonous insect


After Huanqing left, I asked Gao Qin Jiuye to go with us to find Jiepa and Truffle in the laboratory.

When I walked into the laboratory, the skein was also there.

"I've put the potion you gave me on Larael's body, what's the matter, can I track it down now?" Nie Zun walked over and asked.

Jiepa's face was serious: "Leave that aside, I discovered another thing."


Jepa sighed: "I checked all the corpses just now, and as expected, the physique of the murderer today should be a failure of this kind of experiment, but I found that the blood of the truffle still contains Another power."

"What power?" I asked curiously.

Jiepa's eyes were heavy: "Her blood seems to stimulate her cracks by flowing, which is why her healing ability will be faster. Although this kind of impact can't be compared with me and Nie Zun putting the crack key into the cracks The ability to produce is strong, but not weak. As you all know, the open state of the crack can stabilize the mind power, but at the same time, it pays a price. So I believe that her blood shock cannot be without side effects, but at present I It’s not yet possible to find out what the side effects are.”

After a pause, he continued: "And I suspect that maybe Miss Truffle is not a finished product. If she is also a failure, then I don't know if there will be a corresponding price to pay, but I am very worried."

My heart immediately picked up.

Jappa is a very rational and cautious person. If he said that he was very worried, then I would deal with it by imagining the worst.

Truffle stepped forward, her eyes were tired, her eye sockets were still a little sunken, and she didn't seem very energetic. She held my hand and said, "It's okay, at least there are no major problems right now, don't worry."

Her eyes dimmed for a second: "Yu Liang's life and death are uncertain now. Even if he is alive, he doesn't know where he will suffer. Apart from him, I have nothing to worry about."

Having known her for so many years, although Truffle has always been a gentle and sexy female image, I know that she is actually very strong. Most of the women in the West End are very strong, whether it is Li Qing, Yu Ji, or Truffle, they are all stronger than me.

I'm really upset, but looking at Truffle's haggard look, I know that it's meaningless for me to be sad or sad.

The best way to survive in this place is not to have too many emotions. Because emotions or feelings are not the first thing we should consider. There is only one thing we should consider most all the time, how to live.

So I could only hold her hand back: "Don't worry, Jippa has found the clue, we will go to Larel soon, and we will definitely find Yu Liang and bring him back to you."

I know that I am not yet a competent district owner, but I will work hard, and I will work hard to protect those who have always been by my side in the West District.

I looked at Truffle firmly, and a glimmer of hope gradually appeared in Truffle's eyes.

I wanted to hug Truffle again, trying to reassure her with closer gestures.

She also stretched out her hand to respond to me, but when she just smiled and stretched out her hand to hug me, she suddenly frowned.

"What's the matter?" I asked her with concern, looking at her face that seemed to be getting tangled up because of discomfort.

She shook her head, trying to signal that I was fine, but suddenly felt like vomiting, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. She bent down and pressed her mouth with both hands, as if she was trying to suppress a certain feeling of vomiting. Her long curly hair also drooped down as she bent down.

I quickly stretched out a hand to help her pat her back, but seeing that her hair blocked her face, I wanted to reach out to help her stroke her hair first.

Although it was inconvenient for Jiepa to reach out his hand, he also asked with concern: "Is there any uncomfortable reaction?"

Truffle still bent over, covered her mouth with both hands, did not speak, and her body trembled slightly.

I gently brushed her hair back to her back, and grabbed her hair with one hand, trying to free the other hand to help her.

After holding her hair down, I looked down at her.

Truffle bent lower and lower, covering her mouth tightly with both hands.

Gradually, I realized something was wrong, and I quickly held her hair with one hand, and raised my other hand to wave to Jappa, motioning him to come and help.

Jappa hurried over, also wanting to help her.

Unexpectedly, Truffle didn't seem to want to get up, and bent even more.

I subconsciously followed her to bend down. Finally, I saw her trembling back and her mouth tightly covered. I took off a hair band on her right wrist and tied her hair, then squatted down.

After squatting down, I turned to look up at her. Jappa, on the other hand, stood beside her and patted her on the back.

When I looked up at her, I was taken aback.

Truffle's face was flushed red from suffocation, her eyes were staring round and round, and her hands were tightly covering her mouth, as if a murderous demon was about to spill out of her mouth, and in order to stop this situation, she The hand was so hard that it turned white, but the eyes were staring bloodshot as if they were about to ooze.

"You, you, Sister Truffle, what happened to you?!" I blurted out.

Truffle didn't look at me, her eyes were still wide open, staring at the floor in front of her, the knuckles of her hands creaked due to being pressed too hard.

Hearing what I said, Jepa quickly squatted down, on the other side of the truffle.

Jippa looked up and looked at Truffle's face carefully. Suddenly, he seemed to see something between Truffle's fingers, which had been covering her mouth tightly, and stared at her fingers.

"What's wrong with her?" I looked at Jappa anxiously.

Jappa didn't look at me, he was still looking at the truffle, but his lips trembled slightly, opened and opened, and finally uttered a few words.

"Ah, Miss Ah Shen, you all back away!"

As soon as his words fell, he himself flew away in the direction away from the truffle!

While I was still reacting to his words, I felt that Nie Zun grabbed the back collar of the skirt and was forced to back away from the truffle!

On the other side, Hang S and Gao Qin Jiuye, who were standing some distance away from us all the time, didn't understand why, but when they saw that we were all moving, they all backed away, trying to stay away from the truffles!

My body was grabbed by Nie Zun and took several steps back, but my eyes were still fixed on the truffle, I shook my head slightly, watching all this in disbelief.

Truffle's hand seemed to have exhausted all her strength and gradually loosened. She was still bent over deeply. As I got farther and farther away from her, I gradually couldn't see her face, only her drooping hair.

Then saw the things falling from her mouth to the ground.

Crackling crackling crackling crackling!

One after another, hard things like beetles struggled out of her mouth with great effort, pushed her hands away, and she couldn't help but spit them out and fell to the ground one after another!

These things are not those soft black poisonous insects with pincers that attached to her body and fused with her back then, but another kind of thing that I have never seen before!

It was as big as a fist, purple-red, glowing, and semicircular in shape like a small turtle shell. There seemed to be feet under the shell, and it was starting to climb up without direction on the ground at this moment!

Truffle had already let go of her hand covering her mouth, and she was covering her stomach with both hands in pain. Her mouth was completely stretched by this huge thing that was trying to push out, and her originally sexy and soft face was being supported at this moment. It was particularly ferocious, and there was a whining sound from its mouth.

At first, I was stunned by this situation, but I quickly realized that I tried to break free from Nie Zun's arms, and wanted to go forward to help Truffle.

"No, let me go!" As if anticipating my action, Nie Zun suddenly stretched out his hands from behind me and hugged me!

His arms passed from my underarms to the front, tightly wrapped around my waist, and his two gloved hands held each other tightly, as if he had made up his mind not to let me go. I move on.

Anxiously and angrily, I wanted to turn around and stop him: "Let go of me! Truffle her! Her! Oh, anyway, let me go!"

Nie Zun didn't speak.

On the other side, while staring at the fuchsia beetles that were not crawling too fast on the ground, Jepa raised his hand and waved a stop gesture to the few of us: "Don't mess around, this thing crawling on people will cause serious damage. I don't know what the harm will be, so please don't get close to Miss Truffle!"

"What are you kidding?! Jiepa! Truffle is in so much pain, how can I stand here and watch!" I yelled, and Nie Zun's hands on my waist gradually increased.

Jiepa seemed a little startled by the bugs on the ground just now, but now his expression has recovered his composure, and his tone was calm: "Miss Shen, don't worry, I will definitely be able to help Miss Truffle, don't worry."

Then he turned to Hang S and Gao Qin Jiuye: "Can the two of you control the air flow to freeze?"

Gao Qin Jiuye also seemed to be a little stunned by the situation in front of him, but he still nodded: "Yes, but my ability will shatter when it freezes."

Hang S took a complicated look at Gao Qin Jiuye, and said, "Mine too."

Jiepa thought for a second, and then said: "Then you should destroy these poisonous insects immediately, leaving only one."

Although Jiepa is completely ordering two people who are obviously not good at the moment, Gao Qin Jiuye and Hang S are not in the character of caring about such trivial matters, so the two quickly use their mind power.

Hiss hiss... .

As the airflow wraps, condenses, and shatters, these purple-red beetles soon completely die out.

Only the last truffle was spat out in pain, and Jappa quickly covered it on the ground with a glass in the laboratory.

After covering the glass, Jippa suddenly tied a weird knot with his hands and muttered: "Sleepy!"

I saw that the glass seemed to be closed suddenly, completely sealed, and the beetle inside also struggled from the very beginning and gradually stopped moving.

Seeing that the truffle stopped vomiting, I quickly broke free from Nie Zun's hands and rushed up.

Truffle's face seemed to be a few years older, with an extremely haggard and sad expression, and passed out. There were blue marks around her eye sockets.

I clenched my teeth, trying to hold back the tears.

I stretched out my hand to support her, turned my hand and hugged her: "I'll send her back to rest first."

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!