Split Zone No.13

Chapter 59: Battle at sea


While dodging, Guan Nie jumped up, his white hair fluttering, his phoenix eyes raised, and he was full of charm: "I don't like fighting or anything, it's not beautiful at all, although you are beautiful, but since you If you do things so unbeautifully, don't blame others for being rude!"

I have a big head, so the tongue twister is just the tongue twister, do you still want someone else's! ! !

Guan Nie narrowed her phoenix eyes, and said softly, "Sleep!"

What? ? What is he playing? What are you going to sleep on? Who are you sleeping with

While dodging the huge shield, I heard his inexplicable shout, and when I was in a daze, I found that the scene around us had all changed!

In an instant, the original border forest disappeared, and the surrounding area turned into a sea! And there are countless reefs standing in the sea, and each of us stands on different reefs!

I haven't seen the sea for a long time, and I couldn't help being stunned. Could it be that this is an illusion

If it is really an illusion, I suddenly want to not wake up in this illusion!


The sea beat against the rocks beneath my feet!

The giant shield was gone, and Li Kiss was stepping alone on a rock not far from me, and the rapier in her hand was gone too!

I looked left and right, except for the shadow of Huanqing, the rest of the people were standing on different reefs in the same posture!

The sky was still gray, but the water below was blue.

Li Kiss put away her smile, and glanced around with her watery eyes: "Illusion?"

Hang S didn't seem to intend to consider this situation, nor did she intend to give Li Kiss a chance to breathe, her eyes tightened, and gushing air surged up from the sea level one after another!


The airflow mixed with sea water rolled violently, shaking me for a while. Looking at Jiepa who was also a little unsteady not far away, he secretly worried in his heart. If the damage in the illusion was real, then Jiepa's body is now like an ordinary person in his life, and he may not be able to fight on the sea!

Before I finished worrying, Nie Zun had jumped from his own rock to Jiepa's side, stretched out a hand to grab Jiepa, and Jiepa immediately smiled at Nie Zun in a gentlemanly manner.

Seeing that Nie Zun went to Jiepa's side, I didn't have so many worries. I thrust the awl into my waist, raised my bow and aimed at Li Kiss!

The huge wave of airflow caused by the twisting has already rushed towards Li Kiss! The sky is full of water vapor and waves, I can't even aim at it!

Li Kiss hooked his lips: "Using illusion to combine with your air flow manipulation? Sure enough, he lives up to his name. I have long heard that the official nirvana illusion in the Eastern District is not inferior to the number one illusionist in the Southern District!"

As soon as her admiration fell, she suddenly stretched out her hands from both sides of the goose-yellow gauze skirt, crossing her chest to form a cross!

"Fall!" She yelled out, and countless cross swords fell from the sky!

Smaller than the giant shield, but countless cross swords with sharp ends fell vertically from the sky!

There is nowhere to hide from seeing! I can only raise the awl to get rid of the cross sword falling from the top of my head, but seeing the falling speed, it seems that it is not so easy!

Hang S suddenly let out a loud roar: "Frozen!"

Hiss hiss hiss! ! !

Bang bang bang!

Following her shout, layers of air barriers quickly condensed above the heads of several of us! But the falling force of the cross sword was obviously very strong, and it shattered the air barrier she condensed layer by layer!

The storm churned violently in her squinting eyes, and her black hair completely flew behind her. It was obvious that she had used a lot of thought power to try to protect us!

Nie Zun supported Jiepa with one hand, and as the airflow barrier above his head was being crushed layer by layer, he slowly raised his other hand to the At the edge of his mouth, he bit the part of the glove on the tip of his middle finger with his slightly pale lips! It seemed that he wanted to gently bite off the glove with his mouth, but before he could complete this meticulous action, the sea level around us suddenly surged with huge waves!

Countless huge waves rushed straight into the sky, shattering the few remaining barriers, and pushed back the giant cross sword!

The huge waves kept heading towards the sky like endlessly, and in a blink of an eye, the giant sword was pushed out of my visual distance!

Seeing this scene, Li Kiss bit her red lips lightly, with a slight anger on her pink cheeks: "Guan Nie, it seems that I won't be able to win this battle if I don't get out of your illusion first!"

Li Kiss closed his eyes suddenly, and said softly again: "Break it for me!"

Countless cross swords suddenly appeared in all directions in the air! And these cross swords did not attack us, but moved away in a ring shape!

"I don't believe how big an illusion you can create, and I don't believe that I can't break it!" As soon as Li Kiss's voice fell, those countless cross swords galloping away seemed to hit the boundary in the distance, and they burst out one after another. Chi bang bang bang sound!

Suddenly there was an evil and phantasmagorical laughter from the sky: "The legend is actually not true. I am not inferior to the number one illusionist in the Southern District, but, but what? Hahahaha, I will let you see it with your own eyes." Come and take a look!"

In the distance, there seemed to be the sound of countless tsunami rolling from the edge of the shattered illusion!

But I still can't see clearly and don't understand what's going on! I can only stand as firm as I can between the tumbling air currents and the waves! And Nie Zun seemed to have a strange look in his eyes. He didn't take off the glove, but put both hands on Jippa who was not standing still!

Hearing the loud bang like a tsunami in the distance, Li Kiss' expression changed: "Can you control the natural element? Unbounded? Impossible, just now my cross sword has clearly touched the edge of your illusion!"

"However, hehe, even if I'm not suitable to fight with illusionists, Guan Nie, you underestimate me too much!" Li Kiss said to himself and suddenly raised his hands high!

As she raised her hands, countless cross swords suddenly sprang out from the bottom of the sea!

The giant sword went out to sea and caused the sea level to shake again. I swayed, but the giant sword still didn't seem to be coming towards us, but was swaying towards the gray sky! While shaking, I saw Nie Zun suddenly raised a hand, but he was still wearing a black glove. He stared at one of the giant swords that had been poking towards the sky not far behind me, and then he stretched his hand towards it. In the direction of the giant sword, he suddenly clenched his open five fingers towards the palm of his hand!

I quickly looked back, and the huge sword suddenly turned upwards and flew towards him instead!

Li Kiss also saw this scene, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

The giant sword pulled away by Zun Bie Nie's unknown attraction flew past me whistling!

Just when he was about to reach Nie Zun, Nie Zun's hand turned slightly in another direction!

An even more unbelievable thing happened, as if his hand could be infinitely stretched into an invisible big hand to control the giant sword, the giant sword also roared and turned, and this time it was spinning, just like in the movie. Like a dart, rush towards Li Kiss!

"This kind of trick!" Li Kiss sneered, and when she raised her right hand, the rapier appeared in her hand again! She vigorously made a cross on her chest, and the huge cross shield appeared again!

The cross sword flew towards the cross shield!

I suddenly thought nonsensically in my mind, is this the contest between the strongest spear and the strongest shield? Who will win

But the fact is that the sword whizzed away, bumped into the huge shield, and then quickly bounced back towards Nie Zun!

Nie Zun remained calm and calm, a trace of devil-like cunning flashed in his eyes, but I caught it with sharp eyes!

At the same time that the huge sword was plundering towards him, I suddenly found that the twisted scorpion had already rushed to the back above Li Kiss at some point!

The sword in Hang S's hand multiplied several times the moment she held it high and exploded into a giant sword again, and slashed vertically in the direction of the back of Li Kiss's head, without any hesitation! And Li Kiss was looking at Nie Zun, and when she realized that she was diverting her attention, the giant sword swung by Hang S had already reached the top of her head!

As for the giant sword that bounced back, Nie Zun easily raised his hand and swung it away as if he could restrain it!

My face twitched. When I first came out to fight, I used to bring a pistol coated with mental analgesic bullets. These people, once the crack is opened, can control the power of the natural system, and the weapon is still useless.

Just when the twisted sword was about to touch Li Kiss' head, I suddenly thought of something based on the thought just now!

Li Kiss is a Kanzaki, so is her ability the same as ours? Does she have a split key herself? If she can also open the crack, then when she showed us the crack just now, there was no crack key on it! In other words, is her current ability only in the state of closing the crack

There was a burst of shock.

However, I can't help but think too much, the sword that twisted the flesh has split Li Kiss into two halves without hesitation!


Blood splattered everywhere!

The strength of twisting his hands didn't decrease at all, and without any hesitation, from head to toe, he split Li Kiss in half directly from the middle like this! And the beautiful and tender kiss is no longer so beautiful after being split in half! As the two eyes have been separated, blood gushes out from the two halves of the body, and countless blood splashes onto the reef and into the sea! But those bloody lights were quickly swallowed by the turbulent sea water, and disappeared without a trace!

It's really a bloody style of play... I was worried for a while, this style of play is not suitable for me.

Of course, Li Kiss can definitely be healed, so when the two halves of the body were completely split and fell on the reef, Hangs shouted: "Jippa!"

Jiepa, who had been standing with Nie Zun not far away, immediately understood the meaning of strangulation. He calmly raised both hands, and made a stop motion to the two halves of Li Kiss's body that was about to heal. gesture, and whispered in his mouth: "Feng!"

The two halves of Li Kiss' body stopped moving when they were half healed!

So there was such a body in front of my eyes, the lower body was a complete part covered with blood, and there was a big crack from the waist up because it hadn't fully healed!

Li Kiss's face is also divided into two halves, and the upper body hangs on the whole body, which looks precarious and terrifying!

And the two halves of the lips that could not be healed from the kiss squirmed together, and the two separated eyes seemed to turn around: "You guys really look down on people..."

I don't know if there is a smile on the corner of her mouth, because it is impossible to tell whether she is crying or laughing with Bianjia's lips!

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!