Split Zone No.13

Chapter 65: His lips were electrified


"I won't be resting here tonight, let's go back directly. From here to the border forest, it takes more than half a day at normal speed." I said to the hanger.

Hang S pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth: "You should stay and rest, there are still 18 hours before dawn, you rest for a few hours, just in time I will let Tao Lie and the others prepare, so there is no need to leave so quickly Hurry up, I can go to the West District tomorrow during the day."

Also, although the last rest seems not very far away, but why do I feel so tired? So I nodded: "Then I'd better live with Nie Zun and Jiepa."

But Jiepa said: "Miss Ah Shen, I won't rest with you anymore. Mr. Muli and I will study this poisonous insect. I'm not tired, it's okay."

I glanced at Muli, and Muli said that he also has time.

Hang S turned his neck: "Then you and Nie Zun go to the room on the first floor I arranged for you to rest. Before you leave, I will also be in the school building. I want to discuss with my subordinates." I will send someone to guard your door for the recent incidents in the East District, just look for them if you have anything to do."

I nodded: "Then, Nie Zun, let's go." I looked up at Nie Zun.

A gleam of light flashed in Nie Zun's eyes, he didn't speak, just glanced at me, and then started to walk towards the school building.

I looked at his back, then turned my head and nodded to the twister, and saw that the twister also nodded slightly in response, so I quickly followed Nie Zun.

When he returned to the room, Nie Zun went to pour a glass of water as usual.

I suddenly felt that this kind of calm seemed unreal. The current situation in the West District is unknown, and my companions have lost a lot. What is waiting for me may still be the devil who wants to kill me. For some reason, everything that happened in this short period of time has now become quiet. , Thinking about it, it gave me the illusion of dreaming.

But living in the East District made me feel a lot more at ease this time.

So I walked back to the bed, took off the bow that had been inlaid on the fixture on my back, and put it aside. During this period of sleep, I didn't even dare to take off the bow, and I just let it click on my back uncomfortably.

After taking off the bow, I raised my left foot again, trying to remove the spikes tied to the left ankle.

But as soon as my hand reached my ankle, I saw the red silk wrapped with spikes that the truffle gave me.

red silk... .

The red silk that Truffle tied for me... .

truffles... .

A tear suddenly spilled out of my eyes uncontrollably, dripping onto the tip of my index finger that was about to touch the red silk.

Suddenly, a black finger scratched my cheek, gently wiping away my second tear that was about to fall.

When I looked up, it wasn't the black finger, but Nie Zun's gloved finger.

At some point, he was already standing in front of my bed, looking at me with bright eyes.

There was a fine light and a little stickiness in his eyes, which made me forget the short-term sadness for a moment.

His fingertips are still next to my cheek, as if he is nostalgic for something.

Maybe it's the night, maybe it's the sudden, pathetic calm of being back in the East End, maybe it's the exhaustion I've been having for days, and at this moment, I feel suddenly vulnerable.

I'm not a person who doesn't show weakness easily, but looking into Nie Zun's eyes now, I was in a trance for a moment.

I raised my hand and let my own hand touch his face lightly.

Nie Zun's face was a little cold, his body seemed to be like this, always without warmth, pitch-black, and silent. This person is like a quiet cool stone, only his eyes are always bright, with a lingering and warm light like moonlight.

I like the moon the most, but since I came to the forbidden zone, I have never seen the moon again. But every time I accidentally look into Nie Zun's eyes, I have the illusion of seeing the moon.

There is moonlight in his eyes.

Before I knew it, the pulp of my index finger was gently rubbing against Nie Zun's cold face, as if I wanted to give him some warmth. I don't know what I was in a trance, in a daze, Nie Zun's hand resting next to my cheek suddenly withdrew, and grabbed the finger I was rubbing his cheek.

His left hand grasped the index finger of my left hand with moderate strength, and then he slightly pulled my whole body towards him.

I was sitting on the bed with my legs curled up, but he gently pulled my index finger, pulling my body towards him, and at the same time, he bent down and approached me.

The line of tears that I was sad because of the truffle just now finally slipped down from my left eye because of his pulling action.

But I don't feel like crying right now.

Nie Zun saw the tears on my cheeks, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he leaned forward again, getting closer to me!

Seeing that the thin bangs on his forehead were about to fall down on my face, I panicked a bit and I hid back.

But I forgot that my fingers were still tightly held by him, so when I leaned back, I don't know if he did it on purpose, he also leaned forward a little, and my left hand subconsciously wanted to pull it out, As soon as he tried hard, his right hand was not stable.

He didn't relax his strength on my left index finger at all, so I even dragged him, and the whole person fell on the bed, and he fell on me!

Feeling his cold chest pressed down, his face with stern lines was already close to me, I was stunned for a moment, and my fingers were still held by him and placed between the two of us.

A burning hot breath came towards my face, and Nie Zun's starry eyes were right in front of my eyes. I looked into his eyes, feeling a little absent-minded.

"Well..." Nie Zun looked at me motionless, with waves of inexplicable emotions flashing in his eyes, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. I tried to twist my body to break free from him, but I pulled him away. After two strokes, my index finger was still tightly held by him, and I couldn't pull it out.

The corners of Nie Zun's lips suddenly curled up slightly, and an evil charm seemed to flash quickly from his deep eyes. I opened my eyes wide, but before I could react, he suddenly lowered his face and moved closer to me!

I can already feel the weight of his body, his hands plus my fingers are tightly clamped between the two of us when the distance between the two of us shrinks even more!

My heart beat faster, because he is taller than me, at this moment his thin bangs on his forehead have been hanging into the hair on my forehead, and his eyes completely cover mine , His lips are less than half a centimeter from mine!

His eyes have completely absorbed all my sight, because I have always known how beautiful his eyes are, even the starlight cannot be compared with them.

Looking at these eyes, I felt his thin breath touching the tip of my nose, and I unconsciously moved my lips slightly. And he seemed to have seen my slight movement, and sparks ignited in a pair of black star pupils!

His eyes seemed to linger back and forth between my eyes a few times with some reluctance, and finally locked my lips!

My heart jumped wildly almost at this moment, and I suddenly remembered the last time his lips brushed mine!

There was an unknown fire in the depths of my heart. Sure enough, the electric shock and sparks between men and women cannot be stopped even in the Forbidden Split Zone...

But why is it Nie Zun

Without giving me time to think, Nie Zun suddenly and completely leaned over!

His lips pressed against mine, a cold but soft feeling immediately burst from the two lips to my heart and my brain! I opened my eyes wide at once, and I didn't miss the momentary darkness in his eyes when he stared at me in panic, but I didn't have time to think about it because his lips stimulated me too strongly!

Feeling that his lips are about to move slightly, as if to deepen the kiss, I finally can no longer control the slight trembling of my body and the frenzy driven by the feeling between the lips!

No, how could this be

Seeing the endless tide that was about to submerge me completely in the deep pool of Nie Zun's eyes, I immediately pushed him away vigorously!

He was a little surprised by my sudden movement, my hand was completely out of his hands, and he was also pushed back a few steps staggeringly by me.

I sat up straight in an instant, got up too quickly, my hair was a little messed up, and a strand of red strands fell from my forehead.

Although his lips were slightly cool, but the moment he left, my lips seemed to be plunged into an ice pool, and I felt an even more trembling cold. I even unconsciously wanted to stick out my tongue and lick it. , let it warm up a bit.

The corners of my mouth trembled a little, I actually missed his lips a little when we just separated!

Even though I have never been in a relationship because I was a weirdo during my lifetime, have I never eaten pork or seen a pig running when I am in my twenties? As for being so overwhelmed by being slightly touched by a cool lip? !

I secretly despise myself in my heart, and my beautiful eyes frown slightly.

"Seeing that you are crying, I want to comfort you. Who would have thought that you would pull me down because of your hunger and thirst." After Nie Zun stood firm, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up in a joyful arc, and he inserted his hand back into the windbreaker naturally. pocket, while the other hand actually used the black gloved finger to slide back and forth on his own lips twice!

This action immediately reminded me of the touch between the lips just now, I was a little sullen, and stared at him: "It's obvious that you violated my lips with hunger, what are you rubbing there?!"

I regretted it just after I finished speaking, what the hell am I talking about? Hungry

I'm so self-deprecating... ..

Sure enough, Nie Zun suddenly burst out laughing. Because the laugh came so suddenly, his finger was still near his mouth, so that he almost bit his own finger!

Nie Zun's starry eyes were even brighter when he smiled. While I was secretly complaining that this guy's eyes are really fucking good-looking, I couldn't help sneaking a few glances at the same time.

Not to mention, his eyes are really pretty...

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!