Split Zone No.13

Chapter 75: Cruel test


"I'm going to find You Ji." She moved a little away from Kiss's toes, and floated back into the air again.

After Liqing slashed once, he slashed a second time, a third time, and a fourth time after another!

Swish Swish Swish!

The light of this knife blinded my dog's eyes!

With the light of the knife everywhere, the monster was cut into pieces by an expert with pure knife skills like fish on the chopping board.

But her black flesh and blood splashed in all directions, and the scene was really hard to look at.

When Li Kiss dragged Yuki back, I thought I saw another fishtail monster.

You Ji was covered in sand, dust and blood, half of her hair was left because I broke it, and her two arms seemed to be broken by the fall, with strange bends.

When Li Qing walked over with a big knife, although she kept complaining about You Ji: "I told you not to move, but you still acted on your own." However, it was obvious that she was not really angry with You Ji.

Liqing is always a bit brutal and careless like a man, but she has a really good temper, especially towards people in her own area. In the West District, she never regarded herself as a district owner, but cared for us all as her friends.

Nie Zun, who had never said anything, suddenly said in a low, almost inaudible voice: "What the hell is she, why won't she heal?"

His gloomy star eyes are flickering slightly at this moment, looking at the shattered body of the fish-tailed snake monster in the distance.

Li Qing's complexion seemed to change slightly, but she quickly realized that she stretched out her arms to wrap around us: "It may be because I've cut it to pieces, you guys go back quickly, I'll take care of it."

You Ji yelled: "My whole body is injured, make me something delicious tonight, Li Qing."

Li Qing smiled: "You have to thank Ah Shen for that 'missing arrow'."

I was embarrassed all of a sudden: "Did you see it?"

Li Qing laughed: "Of course, I haven't seen you use the bow and arrow since I gave it to you, not to mention, I may not be able to shoot that arrow so accurately. Besides, it must be a coincidence!"

"Ah, so you didn't do it on purpose, Shen." Li Kiss suddenly realized.

I scratched my hair awkwardly.

Just when everyone was making fun of me, and everything seemed to be the peaceful atmosphere after the battle, I suddenly saw a change in Li Qing's eyes.

She stared at my face with a murderous look in her eyes.

I froze, completely puzzled by her look.

While I was in a daze, she raised the big knife that was still covered in blood, and at a not-so-fast speed, she chopped off one of my arms with one blow!

"Ah!!!!" The scream that was even more stern than that monster broke through my throat in an instant, resounding through the border forest.

Not long after I came to the Forbidden Zone, I have never fought anyone, so my ability to bear pain is the same as when I was an ordinary person, and for an ordinary person, especially a female student, The pain of a broken arm is not something that can be endured casually.

The pain spread to my whole brain almost as soon as the arm fell to the ground. I fell into a pool of blood on the ground, convulsively looking at the arm that was still exuding light heat, and tears gushed out of my eyes. out, moaning and groaning non-stop.

"Li, Liqing, you..." The exclamation of You Ji and Li Kiss sounded in my ears.

I felt a steady stream of pungent pain from the broken arm on the left, and I couldn't stop crying out of unbearable pain. My thoughts have been completely blocked by the broken arm, and I can't think about it to the end. That's why, and when I struggled for a few seconds and tried to look up at them, I heard two more sounds of knives chopping meat.



Phew! Phew!

Another two arms fell beside me, and before I had time to react, a black shadow rushed to my eyes.

The pain blurred my eyes and took out all my other senses.

So, when Nie Zun picked me up and ran back about twenty meters, I realized that I was picked up by Nie Zun and escaped from the place just now.

Nie Zun hugged me tightly while running, and at the same time put the broken arm of mine that I didn't know when he picked it up to the position of my broken arm. Since the broken arm was taken back by him, he and I As soon as the wound is touched, it starts to heal quickly.

Although healed quickly, the blood from the severed arm still stained his black sweater.

He kept running until he could no longer see Liqing and the others, then he stopped and put me on the ground.

I was in pain and pressed my newly healed arm, not daring to move it.

"Move, it shouldn't hurt too much." Nie Zun's voice was very low and light.

I squinted at him, although I hated him all the time, but after all, he saved me just now, so I didn't speak coldly, but moved my arms obediently.

Although there is still pain from the broken arm, it seems to be able to bear it.

Recalling the pain of breaking my arm just now, I still have heart palpitations.

However, after the pain stopped, my brain started to function immediately, why did Li Qing do this

Could it be that the monster was poisonous and corrupted her thoughts

I don't need to think for too long, because Li Qing has already caught up, and behind her are Li Kiss and You Ji, who are holding two severed arms and are also trying to get them back by themselves, grinning in pain.

Seeing Liqing catching up, I felt a subconscious fear in my heart. I pressed my arm and took a few steps back.

Li Qing's face, which had always been solemn, finally softened a little when he saw me take a few steps back.

She stopped some distance away from me, and glanced at Nie Zun who had been standing in front of me before I knew it.

"Do you know why I suddenly attacked you?" Li Qing looked around at us.

I remained silent, Yu Ji frowned, obviously enduring the pain: "I don't know."

Li Qing finally looked at me: "Ah Shen, before I chopped off your arm, I looked at you with murderous eyes, and the time I gave you, even if you are a rookie who doesn't know how to fight, is enough to react Come here, and if you sense a crisis and react, the speed at which I cut you is enough for you to dodge. But why didn't you dodge?"

I didn't expect her to say such a thing, so I was stunned again.

Seeing that I didn't answer, she ignored me, and looked at You Ji and Li Kiss again: "I cut off her arm, and you asked why, before I cut off your arms again, I kept enough I gave you time to defend, but why didn't you dodge, but let me cut off your arms without any effort?"

Li Kiss' beautiful eyes tightened, and she didn't speak.

You Ji was also taken aback for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth.

Liqing's face finally recovered her usual natural and hearty expression, she raised her hand and put the knife back behind her: "Today's test, only Nie Zun passed, because he made the right decision at the critical moment. Reaction."

Afterwards, she raised her finger and pointed at me again: "Ah Shen, although it is normal for you to be unable to escape, because you would never have thought that I would hurt you, but I just want to tell you through this matter that in the ban crack District, all people and things, you have to be on guard. If you can't guarantee that others will never betray you, then you should always be on guard. Even if I don't mean to hurt you, you have to be on guard against me, let alone in How can you just stay there when you see that I have shown murderous intent?"

After she finished speaking, she turned to pointing at You Ji and Li Kiss: "You two are even more unqualified. I have already cut off her arm, which is more obvious and clear than showing murderous looks. At least that one In an instant, I may not be a safe existence for you, so why are you not on guard? Just because I am the district lord you get along with day and night?"

You Ji wanted to open her mouth and say: "But..." But in the end, she still didn't finish.

And Li Kiss bit his lip, and then let go: "That's right, we really should be on guard."

Seeing what Li Kiss said, Li Qing finally seemed to be relieved, but she sighed again: "I know it's cruel to do this today, especially for Ah Shen, you just came here not long ago, and you haven't received much attention. What a big injury, I know that the pain of a broken arm is too much for you, but I just hope that through this fresh and severe pain, you can remember what I said today."

"Only if you have enough vigilance and the awareness to protect yourself, can you survive in a place like the Forbidden Rift." Li Qing seemed to have finished the last sentence she wanted to say, but her eyes flickered two or three times Seconds later, he added another sentence.

"Because I can't be by your side forever to protect you."

I was still silent, my eyes flickering, I don't know if it was because of the pain just now, or because of the complicated emotions now, the tears overflowed.

The corners of Liqing grinned, her smile was full of energy, she stretched out her hand and patted the shoulders of several of us one by one: "Okay, I know you must have a lot of thoughts in your mind, and you may even blame me, but it's okay, I believe you guys You must understand what I mean."

When her hand touched Nie Zun's shoulder for the last time, she hesitated for a moment, then she looked at Nie Zun with a smile: "But Nie Zun, why did you just react immediately and want to run away? Run with Shen? Not bad, you can dodge urgently in case of emergencies, the sense of crisis is strong enough, and you also pay attention to the bonds between your companions, and you will run with your companions. Before you run, you can take the opportunity to take the broken arm , allowing Ah Shen to heal quickly is also a manifestation of calmness, and being able to quickly take away a broken arm and a person under my hands proves your strong mobility."

Li Qing was full of praise, his eyes showed appreciation and satisfaction.

But Nie Zun's eyes were still gloomy and indifferent, his sharp chin was hidden in the black collar.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!