Split Zone No.13

Chapter 81: how to fight


I woke up just like that.

When he woke up, what he saw in a daze was Nie Zun's sharpened white chin.

I sat up abruptly, looked at him with wide eyes, and looked around, it was still the stone room.

"Where have you been? I've been imprisoned here for several days without even a ghost." I grabbed Nie Zun's hand.

Nie Zun smiled narrowly and pointed to my head.


I looked up and looked at the ceiling of the stone chamber.

Suddenly, I suddenly realized!

I can't push the walls, but I can push the roof, fuck it!

"This is the stone room that you and I first entered. There is a mechanism on the ground above that will directly transport you to this floor." Nie Zun explained without haste.

"Why did Mao want to throw me to this floor?" I was angry.

"Because I want to help you practice." Talay's voice came from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw him standing gracefully in the corner.

"You you you you you..." I stuttered when I was surprised, when did he come down? !

Talay turned the jade ring on his hand: "In this underground space, the sensory perception is all distorted by me, so it's normal for you not to feel that you have reached the bottom from the upper floor. I know you have many If you have any doubts, let me explain it to you.”

However, he stroked his hair again, and smiled at me: "Actually, it goes without saying, you should be able to understand, but Nie Zun told me that you are short on IQ, so I thought it would be better to explain it to you. "

My IQ is in a hurry? ? ! ! !

Angrily looking at Nie Zun, Nie Zun spread his hands, looking innocent.

"First of all, I want to explain my identity to you two." Talay slowly stood up straight from the corner, his already slender and tall body looked even more handsome at this moment.

"I am Shenzhi, Talay."

… .

… .

I thought of many possible introductions, and even wondered if it was an undercover agent sent by Blonde, but I really didn't expect him to reveal such an identity!

Nie Zun and I looked at each other without speaking.

Talay seemed very calm: "I know that you have hardly seen Shenzhe, and you don't know anything about the Forbidden Zone, and today I am here to tell you something about the Forbidden Zone. "

Although I couldn't completely trust the person in front of me, I felt the importance of what he was about to say, and I even held my breath slightly.

Talay's eyes flashed with elegance: "The secret of the Forbidden Zone is that those who try to find out the secrets of the Forbidden Zone will die sooner or later."

... ... ..

It's like saying nothing.

I couldn't help but rolled my eyes.

But Talai didn't care: "Li Shen, although you don't seem to care about anything, I know you best. If you want to be more serious, it's really enough for us. I don't want to There is no need to be an enemy of someone like you. I just want to tell you that if you want to save your partner, I can help you. If you want to protect the Western District, I can also help you. But if you want to uncover the forbidden zone Secret, what kind of mass uprising is planned, a mass escape, I advise you to die as soon as possible."

I sneered: "Why, just because you are a Kamija, are you afraid that all of us will eventually find out all of you Kazakhs? Our consciousness is imprisoned here, and we want to return to the world of the previous life, what is that? wrong?"

"Are you sure you really want to go back?" Talay smiled.

"I..." I was speechless.

"I think Liqing has discussed this issue with you, and why did she pass on the position of the head of the Western District to you?"

He was referring to what Liqing once said, "We elect the next district master, we must first select those who do not have a strong desire to leave the Forbidden Zone." '

Could it be that the reason why Liqing trusts me and let me be the district lord is because I don't want to leave here

"It seems that you are very confused, so why don't you face yourself and answer my question honestly, Li Shen, do you want to leave the Forbidden Rift Zone and return to the world you lived in?" Talay was still smiling.

It seems that no one has really asked me this question, but it seems that everyone has asked me indirectly.

I looked sideways at Nie Zun, and he was looking at me with a waiting look.

"I believe that the purpose of Li Qing's initial selection of you is to ensure that you will stay here, so if you stick to your original intention, you are willing to stay in the Forbidden Zone and spend this long time. I can help you whatever you want Accomplished, whether you're saving your friends, or you're trying to revive the West End."

"But." Talay's smile gradually withdrew an arc: "If you want to reveal the secrets of the Forbidden Zone, and want to take all the people you think should go back, leave the Forbidden Zone and return to your world , then I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything for you, maybe I will put you to death."

"How do you choose?"

How do I choose? The Forbidden Zone never gave me a choice.

Leaving the Forbidden Zone? I think I never really thought about leaving here, I admit that it is really unfilial to escape me like this, but is it really good for me to go back to the world before I was alive? Before I was alive, I was a criminal who killed a loved one, a demon with a killer hidden inside me, lonely, helpless and sad. Do I really want to go back and continue living like that

But if I don't go back, it doesn't mean that others don't want to go back..

But even if we want to go back, no one has figured out what is Kanzaki until now, and we have almost no contact with Kanzaki, so how can we go back

"I promise you, I won't move back. I want you to help me save my friends and get back my West End."

As if I finally made a decision, I said solemnly.

When I said these words, I immediately felt Nie Zun's clear, lonely eyes that would never melt away.

He looked at me quietly, his eyes like deep pools, as if he was asking: "You really don't want to go back?"

I really don't want to go back yet...

No matter how bad that world is and how cruel it is to me, I really don’t miss it at all, I really don’t want to go back at all...

"Okay, then you will remember your promise to me, and you have to listen carefully to what I say next, it will be the key to helping you save your friend." Talay finally nodded in satisfaction .

I can't help but think about it, I can only nod and accept.

"First of all, as far as I know, your friends, Truffle, Yu Liang, and Larael, should all be subjects of an experiment. If you want to take them back, you have to fight against the manipulator behind the experiment. The manipulator behind this experiment is Duyue, I believe you have heard of her, but you have never seen her, you can know this from the fact that you are still alive."

What a creepy remark... ..

Just because I'm still alive does that mean I haven't seen the woman with the broken arm...

How terrifying is that woman...

"Duyue is also a god cracker. Of course, we don't know who we are. It is someone who has the same crack as us. There are so many people in the Forbidden Zone, and we are not interested in finding the person who may pose a threat to us. In short, what is the God's Breaker and the secrets of the Forbidden Zone? But tell me, you don’t need to open your mouth to ask me.”

"I didn't intend to ask." I sneered.

"In short, Duyue and I, as Shenzhe, both have strong thoughts, and the ultimate goal of Duyue's experiment is not to kill you if you don't go through the crack, as you think, we are very serious about killing you. I have no interest in the matter, because the so-called your crack key is inserted into our crack, it just means that you can go back, it does not mean that we will perish."

"What, won't you die if the crack key is inserted into your crack?" I was surprised.

"You can't say that, it will disappear at that time, but... In short, this is not the point, you just need to know that the experiment she is going to do is not aimed at you ordinary residents of the former world. " Seemingly realizing that he had said too much, Talay immediately turned back to the real topic.

"Then what's her purpose?" I frowned.

Talay suddenly stopped talking, and his eyes flickered back and forth.

Suddenly, he smiled brightly: "Perhaps her purpose is to kill me who is also a Kanzaki."

I froze for a moment.

Why does this always elegant and calm man's smile look a bit sad at this moment, am I delusional

Duyue... .

It seems that when referring to Duyue, Gao Qin Jiuye also showed this kind of slightly sad expression on his face.

What kind of woman is she

I suddenly became curious.

"In short, this experiment will definitely not be completed in a day or two. As far as I know, this experiment has not been really successful, and what you need to do is to learn how to master the power of thought before the experiment is completed. As for what you want to do next Whether it's saving your friends, or revitalizing the West District, when you have the ability, you can do all of these, and what I want to do now is to teach you how to fight."

Teach us how to fight

"I know that you and Nie Zun cannot be separated by 500 meters, and I also know that you have not opened the crack. I am here to teach you how to fight without opening the crack." Talay smiled.

How does he know everything

"The stone room I brought you to is my place for cultivation. My ability is to manipulate the sensory perception in a certain confined space on a certain area, mainly including your four senses of hearing, sight, smell, and taste. The darkness you saw when you first came was also because I distorted your vision. However, just like the way you found to avoid it later, I cannot change the sense of touch, and this is exactly where I want to train you. After actual combat It is very common for the other four senses to be destroyed at the same time, so the first thing I want to teach you is how to fight when these senses you rely on every day are gone.”

It sounds like it's really difficult.

The first release of this book is from Novels.com, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!