
Chapter 14


The courtroom was very quiet. Jin Shenhong was very familiar with this place. He came here often, but every time he would be released with "not guilty". Of course, this time was no exception.

There were many reporters and people related to the case sitting in the auditorium. Mu Ze led the people from Huaijiang Department 19 to sit in the left seat. They couldn't help but turn their heads to peek, but they quickly lowered their heads when they met the other's cold gaze.

There are three judges on the judge's bench. The judges on the left and right seats are slightly younger. The judge in the middle is a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He is looking down at the materials provided by the prosecution and the defense. He pushed his glasses: "Prosecutor Is Fang here?"


"Are the defense and the accused present?"

Ding Chengzhou nodded with a humble look, "Yes."

"Have any witnesses been present?"

Zhou Tong didn't dare to look at Jin Shenhong's gloomy gaze, so he shrank his neck and answered softly, "Yes."

The judge closed the files and announced the start of the trial. Jin Shenhong and Ding Chengzhou sat at the same table, and Shen Xiashi was on the opposite side of them. On her left and right were Yang Jin and Jiang Xin. The two sides looked at each other, the war had not yet started, and the smell of war was already in the air.

The reporters in the auditorium all turned on their computers and waited nervously with their hands on the keyboard, hoping that today's trial will be full of excitement.

After all, today's society has zero tolerance for sexual assault and killing, and netizens are also eagerly paying attention. People who support Jin Shenhong think that Shen Xiashi is greedy for vanity and just wants to gain attention. To bring him to justice.

These two groups of people quarreled non-stop. With the development of the case, the names of Jin Shenhong and Shen Xiashi were respectively on the social hot search list. The greater the attention, the more attention will be paid to the results. Regardless of whether Jin Shenhong is a prisoner or not, he will undoubtedly become the topic of conversation after dinner this month.

There was tension lurking in the quiet atmosphere in the courtroom. When Ding Chengzhou looked at Shen Xia with a smile, he tried to see the slightest bit of fear in her eyes, but unfortunately, she didn't.

Seeing that he was still staring, Shen Xia smiled: "Lawyer Ding, is my face covered with evidence? I let you look at it for so long."

There was a burst of muffled laughter from the auditorium, and Mu Ze's icy eyes caught the most attention. Ding Chengzhou coughed in embarrassment and opened the documents on the table.

On it were the prosecution's indictment and final sentence for Jin Shenhong, and he scanned them one by one.

"Jin Shenhong's sexual assault crime." He shook his head and crossed the information: "Denied."

Then turn to the second page: "The crime of killing, veto."

"Crime of intentional injury, rejected."

Turning to the fifth page of the documents, he vetoed all of Jin Shenhong's crimes. Ding Chengzhou raised his head from the pile of documents and looked at the judge and Shen Xia: "We maintain that Jin Shenhong is not guilty."

There was a burst of whispering in the auditorium, and the reporters tapped their fingers on the keyboard quickly, and several large characters quickly appeared on the computer page: Jin Shenhong was sexually assaulted and murdered, the defense asserted his innocence!

Regarding the defense's claim, Shen Xiashi had expected it a long time ago, but hearing these two words in court, she still found it ridiculous.

Many people have already set their sights on Shen Xiashi, wanting to see how she will treat her, but they saw her just smiling slightly, sitting there motionless, but if you look carefully, you can definitely see a faint smile in her eyes. Satire.

After the judge allowed the defense to start explaining his point of view, Ding Chengzhou inserted a USB flash drive into the computer and opened a file on the projector.

"According to our investigation, the deceased Ning Xi's private life was very indiscreet, and he had a very bad reputation in school. Judge, please take a look. This is what I found in his school forum."

The infrared light in his hand scanned those posts one by one, and casually read the contents of the posts: "Ning Xi is a whore, seduces rich kids, vanity is disgusting."

"Ning Xi is a country bumpkin who came out of the mountains and was raised for money."

"Ning Xi is a well-known social butterfly in the school, as long as she is given money, she is willing to do anything."

Every time he uttered a word, Zhou Tong trembled more violently, and the smile on the corner of Jin Shenhong's mouth grew bigger and bigger, while the reporters couldn't stop their hands, they clacked and pressed on the keyboard, quickly recording this amazing explosive point .

If you only look at Ding Chengzhou's appearance, you will definitely think that he is harmless, even very gentle, but it is such a person that he does not even frown when he utters these insulting words openly.

The infrared light in Ding Chengzhou's hand stopped at one of the posts: "The most noticeable thing is that this post mentions: Ning Xi recently hooked up with the wealthy young man Jin Shenhong in an attempt to marry into a wealthy family."

He turned to look at Jin Shenhong: "May I ask, Young Master Jin, what is your relationship with Ning Xi?"

"Lover relationship." Jin Shenhong replied.

In this way, the crime of sexual assault will not be established!

Sure enough, Ding Chengzhou immediately looked at the judge: "Since the two are lovers, it is natural for lovers to do some intimate things. How can it be called sexual assault? Of course, it is also in line with Ning Xi's opinion." character."

Who made her greedy for vanity in a false name? It is easy to think that her family lied about sexual assault in order to defraud Jin Shenhong of money.

The judge scratched the material with the hand of the pen: "These posts are not enough to be evidence. Are there any witnesses?"

"Of course there is."

Ding Chengzhou's witness came up, wearing the same school uniform as Zhou Tong. She stood on the witness stand and listened to Ding Chengzhou's question: "Have you ever seen Ning Xi dating Young Master Jin?"

She was about to answer, when Shen Xia's voice sounded softly: "Witness, please remember that every word you say must be accurate, and guarantee that it is the truth!"

The student lowered his head: "Yes, I promise."

Shen Xia stopped talking, and Ding Chengzhou felt that she was being recalcitrant now, so he sneered in his heart and asked the question again, the witness replied: "I did see Young Master Jin date Ning Xi, he often drives a luxury car to When the school picks her up, Ning Xi will be given a lot of designer bags and clothes."

Ding Chengzhou asked: "What do you think of the relationship between the two of them?"

"Master Jin is very kind to Ning Xi, and Ning Xi often shows it off to his classmates."

Zhou Tong got up and shouted: "You are lying!"

Her face was covered with tears, she was trembling because of anger, her eyes stared at her angrily, she ran a few steps over and grabbed the female classmate's clothes. "quiet!"

Ding Chengzhou looked at the judge: "Your Honor, please let the witness of the prosecution go out to rest first, I am afraid that she will frighten our witness."


Zhou Tong was taken out of the courtroom. When Ding Chengzhou took a provocative look at Shen Xia, she was still very calm, and there was no trace of damage on her beautiful face. Ding Chengzhou raised his eyebrows, let's see how long you can stay calm!

In the following questions, the students all answered that Jin Shenhong and Ning Xi were lovers and their relationship was very good. The implication was that there was no sexual assault or killing.

The judge flipped through the files: "For the cause of the deceased's death, what alibi do you have?"

"During the period when Young Master Jin and Ning Xi were dating, the company and the family were almost separated, and there was no suspicious activity. I have all the records of Young Master Jin's itinerary and overseas trips for the past month in my hand. When Ning Xi had an accident, Young Master Jin was abroad. Talk about business."

Ding Chengzhou submitted the evidence to the judge's bench. When the judge looked at it and glanced at Shen Xia from the corner of his eye, she remained calm from the beginning to the end. He has tried many cases with her. He has seen her suppress the defense from beginning to end, and he has also seen her fight back. This time, he was quiet, but Ding Chengzhou suppressed him to death.

During the intermission of the trial, Ding Chengzhou and Shen Xiashi met in the lounge. He was in a good mood, and the corner of his mouth almost grinned to the back of his neck when he smiled: "Prosecutor Shen, you... are surprisingly quiet today."

As if thinking that this was a big joke, Ding Chengzhou leaned forward and backward with laughter: "I didn't expect you to be so stupid, I thought you were so difficult to deal with."

Shen Xia looked at him expressionlessly, and suddenly kicked Ding Chengzhou to the ground, and he looked over with a dazed expression.

The man in front of him was tall, standing beside Shen Xiashi, he held her in his arms with one hand, with a cigarette in his mouth, he tilted his head and looked at Ding Chengzhou.

The man held the cigarette between two fingers, and squatted down in front of him slowly. His cigarette was pressed against the palm of Ding Chengzhou's hand, and the hot sparks fell into the flesh.


The intense burning pain made Ding Chengzhou grin his teeth, his eye sockets turned red quickly, staring at him like an angry beast. Mu Ze slapped his head away with a palm, pressed him firmly on the ground, and frowned lazily: "What are you looking at, if you bully me and a woman again, I will kill you."

Mu Ze got up and kicked Ding Chengzhou fiercely. He was so painful that he curled up on the ground in agony. The people in the lounge were stunned pouring water, those who drank tea were stunned, and even Shen Xia looked at him in a daze. .

Mu Ze turned around, and the girl looked at him motionlessly with her misty eyes. He felt that he was drowning in a clear spring, and he had the illusion that he was about to suffocate. He leaned over and touched her hair with his palm: "Scared!" ?”

Shen Xiashi shook his head, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at him: "Thank you."

Mu Ze liked her to smile, and he couldn't hold back when she smiled, so he hugged her waist and put her on the table, put his hands on the outside of her legs and rubbed them gently, and squeezed between her legs, between the two of them There is no gap between them.

Shen Xia was still wearing the prosecutor's robe, and Mu Ze squeezed her waist with a smirk: "The uniform is tempting, I like it."

For this wonderful scene that suddenly appeared in the restricted category, everyone kept their eyes on it with the mentality of gossip.

Mu Ze put his hand behind Shen Xia's waist, and pressed her against him with a little force. He pinched her chin, gently stroked her delicate skin with his rough hands, lowered his head and kissed her hard.

He bit her lips softly, and the smell of cigarettes left in his mouth entered her mouth. He wanted to do this as early as the trial just now. Shen Xiashi wouldn't know that her casual smile and every move touched Mu Ze's heart and made his blood boil.

At the end of this kiss, Shen Xia's face was already red a lot, Mu Ze held her down, brushed her moist red lips with his fingertips, and his hoarse voice was full of tenderness: "I'm right outside, call me if you need something."

God knows that if there were not so many people, he really wanted to tear her robe to pieces, the scenery inside must be very nice.

The stunned colleague watched Mu Ze go out, and then put his eyes on Shen Xiashi, wanting to know something earnestly and gossip.

Shen Xiashi brushed her hair, and calmly said to the two assistants: "The trial has begun, let's go in."

Yang Jin and Jiang Xin followed behind her in a trance, passing through the hall, and Mu Ze was standing there. When Shen Xia recalled the kiss just now, her face was hot, and she didn't know what to say for a while, so she was going to pass by.

Mu Ze pulled her arm: "Are you angry?"


He caught a glimpse of the blush at the tips of her ears, and said with a chuckle, "Don't be angry, I'll take you to dinner after your trial is over."

Reporters came over one after another, and the three judges also followed behind the crowd. Shen Xiashi looked at him with hopeful eyes, and replied softly: "Okay."

Mu Ze held her wrist and lingered on her skin with his fingertips: "You can eat whatever you like, okay?"

She laughed: "Okay, I'm going in."

Mu Ze held her hand and was still reluctant to let go, his eyes locked on her face, Shen Xia saw the crowd getting closer and became anxious, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed him: "You can let go. "

Shen Xiashi broke free from his wide palm, and the expression on his face returned to calm.

When Ersi and Zhanchun came over, they saw the boss rubbing his cheek in a daze, and they looked at each other, not knowing why.

The author has something to say:

Uncle Mu was teased~

In the next chapter, let’s see our Fairy Shen open a big one~