Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 1: set sail


As the earth's resources gradually deplete, the population explodes, and increasingly severe natural environmental disasters occur frequently, the Earth Federation has to turn its attention to the vast universe to find a second home for mankind.

The Earth Federation has successively launched 1,000 unmanned exploration spacecraft called "Sky Eyes" to map interstellar routes. After discovering multiple Earth-like planets, scientists gathered all the world's resources to build the "Zeus", "Ark" and "Tiangong" interstellar carriers at the Kunlun Mountain base.

After a hundred years of construction, three interstellar carriers carried the world's top scientists to select excellent genes that needed to be reproduced and successively left the earth, embarking on a journey of exploration for thousands of years with the hope of all mankind.

… …

As the last interstellar carrier "Tiangong" sailed away from the earth, the Earth Federation also officially established this year as the first interstellar year.

"In order to concentrate all energy to assist the mothership's propulsion, each cabin will start a low-power operation mode," the cabin announcement sounded.

"Hey, why did you enter low-power mode?"

"How do I know it will enter low power mode..."

Hearing the panicked voices of the two team members around him, Fang Mobei drank down the vanilla latte in his cup. "The Tiangong's own SDS does not have much energy, and it needs to be resupplied on Triton." He stood up and prepared to pack up. "Things are ready, hurry up and get ready to go to the hibernation warehouse and have a good sleep"

"No, Captain, you have to go to sleep right after you come up," the supply soldier Bella said aggrievedly as she looked at Fang Mobei.

Machine gunner Oleg put down the vodka in his hand and looked at Bella with a smile. "Oh, dear Bella, do you want to try the wine of our fighting nation? I swear it will help you sleep well."

"The mothership's flight attitude has been adjusted, and all combat personnel have begun 'low power consumption' sleep." As the cabin broadcast sounded, people were walking in a hurry in the corridor.

"Okay, everyone, go to the dormitory room quickly," Fang Mobei urged.

"Okay captain" the six team members said in unison and walked out of the cabin.

After everyone left the cabin, Fang Mobei was doing the final equipment inspection. As the captain of a 7-person team, Fang Mobei was quite serious and responsible. He officially joined the army at the age of 18. At the age of 20, he was selected into the Mecha Regiment of the Tiangong Ground Service Corps with excellent results. In the same year, he was promoted to squad leader and awarded the rank of second lieutenant because his physical training reached C level. Such impressive achievements were recognized throughout the Tiangong. It’s also one of the few.

With the rapid development of science and technology, American scientists first used scientific instruments to discover energy elements composed of unknown trace elements in the human body a hundred years ago. Later, research by the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that the distribution of these energy elements coincided with the traditional Chinese medicine. The meridian theories mentioned are neatly connected. After numerous clinical trials, it has been demonstrated that these energy elements can be consciously grown through training. The training to strengthen the human body is called taijutsu, and the training to strengthen the senses is called spiritual power.

After the announcement of this information, it caused a huge sensation around the world, which means that human beings can possess the superhuman abilities known to people in previous lives through training. Some scientists lamented that human evolution will not only rely on unstable genetic modification and natural evolution that takes a long time. At the same time, there was a nationwide training craze all over the world. However, after numerous training accidents occurred due to the lack of correct and scientific training methods, resulting in certain casualties, the Federal Ministry of Military Research issued relevant laws and regulations to strictly control it. After the Earth Federation held several emergency meetings, the five permanent members of the Security Council took the lead and opened the only legal military academy controlled by the military. Later, due to the need for a large number of highly sophisticated military talents in preparation for the construction of the interstellar carrier, this military academy was officially renamed the Federal Interstellar Military Academy by the Earth Federation.

As more and more people receive rigorous and scientific physical and mental training, and due to different personal physiques and talents, each person has different attainments in physical skills and mental strength. The Federal Military Research Department has divided them into four levels. They are level c, level b, level a, and level s. The ones that are currently well-known are level B in physical skills, level C in physical skills, and level C in mental strength. Those who have reached level C in physical skills mean that their muscles, body strength, and reaction force have been greatly improved, and their strength has reached ton level; while those who have level B physical skills will further enhance their strength on the basis of level C, and their strength can reach to Ten tons. And those with C-level mental power can sense everything within a radius of 500 meters. Information related to S-level and A-level physical practitioners as well as S-level, A-level and B-level mental practitioners are among the highest-level secrets of the Federation.

Military combatants on the Tiangong can all receive physical and mental training, but those who can achieve C-level physical skills are only one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand; and those who can achieve C-level mental skills are even rarer. Only one person can appear in ten thousand people. Therefore, the world's top elites gather on board the Tiangong.

"Captain" sniper Misa Ozawa hesitated for a long time behind Fang Mobei before calling out weakly.

"What's wrong?" Fang Mobei asked strangely. Looking at Ozawa's bumpy figure and delicate facial features, the corners of Fang Mobei's mouth raised slightly as he thought about it. No wonder the male members of other teams like to run towards him. .

"Captain, I have something to tell you," Ozawa Misa lowered her head and mumbled, her face already turning pink at this moment.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Fang Mobei, who was sitting beside the bed, patted the edge of the bed beside him and said.

"Captain, one of my comrades gave me a bag of coffee beans from Brasilia, here you go." After that, Ozawa put the bag of coffee beans hidden behind him into Fang Mobei's hand and ran away without looking back. After leaving the cabin, Fang Mobei was left sitting on the edge of the bed with a dull expression on his face, his eyes slightly twitching.

"Well, Ozawa, I don't have a coffee machine."

Ozawa heard the vague voice of Fang Mobei behind him and walked faster.

"72.6% of the dormant cabin personnel are in place" the cabin announcement sounded.

In the dormant cabin of Fang Mobei's team, Ozawa lay down in the dormant cabin and looked at Fang Mobei putting on his hibernation clothes and said, "Captain, how long are we going to sleep?" After speaking, he seemed to realize that there was a hint of ambiguity in what he said, and did not wait. Fang Mobei answered and hurriedly lay down in the dormant cabin.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other five people lying in their respective sleeping cabins sat up and looked at Fang Mobei and then at the sleeping cabin where Ozawa was, and smiled meaningfully.

Fang Mobei was startled by the five people who suddenly jumped up. "You, you are pretending to be corpses. Why don't you all turn on hibernation?"

"Oh, aren't we waiting for you to fall asleep together, captain?" Commando Zhang Xiaosi said, adding an accent to the word "fall asleep".

Fang Mobei gave Zhang Xiaosi a deep look, and Zhang Xiaosi suddenly felt the hairs on his back stand on end. Fang Mobei also gave Guo Kai and Oleg a cold look, and they both felt a chill on their backs.

"Why do you talk so much?" Fang Mobei said impatiently, because he himself was a little embarrassed.

"Captain... you and Ozawa?" Bella asked Mo Bei with her eyes struggling.

Fang Mobei was immersed in fastening his trousers. When he heard Bella's question, he picked up the water bottle at hand and threw it at the source of the sound.

"Ouch, Captain, why did you hit me?" Zhang Xiaosi covered his nose and looked at Fang Mobei with tears in his eyes.

"98.3% of the dormant warehouse personnel are in place, Second Lieutenant Fang Mobei, please enter the dormant warehouse as soon as possible," Sai Hu, floating next to Fang Mobei, reminded.

Saihu is an artificial intelligence made of nanomaterials. It can be transformed into any portable object. It has now transformed into a spherical shape the size of a football. Every officer with the rank of second lieutenant and above will be equipped with a similar nanorobot to assist the officer in receiving communication instructions. And understand the relevant information that can be obtained within the relevant permissions.

"Sai Hu, help me contact Shu Shu," Fang Mobei said, looking at the photo in his hand.

This photo was taken between Fang Mobei and his sister Fang Shushu at Fang Shushu’s graduation ceremony.

Sai Hu hesitated and said, "The research institute where Fang Shushu is working has all gone dormant, but you can leave a message for her."

Fang Mobei touched Shushu's face at the top of the photo and sighed, "Forget it."

Fang Mobei looked at the earth emitting blue light outside the window and said infatuatedly, "Saihu, how long will you sleep this time?" This was the first time that Fang Mobei saw the appearance of the earth in the universe. Those videos and images have two completely different feelings. On one side is the vast universe, on the other is his homeland emitting blue light. This strong visual impact made Fang Mobei feel the insignificance of the earth and the insignificance of human beings. During the long journey, the decades of my existence were like a drop of water falling into the vast desert, unable to stir up even a ripple.

"This dormancy lasted for one year and five months and arrived near Triton." Saihu said.

"Neptune...that means that when you wake up, it is already very far away from the earth."

"Neptune is about 3 billion kilometers away from the earth, 0.0003 light years." Saihu paused and continued, "Judging from your heart rate, you seem to be in a very low mood."

Fang Mobei turned around and walked towards his dormant warehouse, "Maybe, when you leave a place where your ancestors have lived for generations, and you know very well that you will never come back in your lifetime, you will feel more or less sad. "

“Human beings are such complex creatures”

Tiangong head command room

"Pah!" Li Mingqi, the commander of the garrison, slapped his hand on the table hard. "That's too much. I think they did it on purpose!"

Chief of Staff Tian Xiaoyun looked at the holographic image of Triton and said, "Old Li, calm down first." Then he glanced at the white-haired old man sitting at the top and said, "Do you want to send a team to conduct reconnaissance?"

The white-haired old man sitting at the top took a sip of tea, chewed the tea leaves in his mouth, and pecked his mouth from time to time. Maxim, the deputy captain sitting at the bottom, looked at the white-haired old man next to him chewing tea leaves and sighed, "General Du, can you chew the tea leaves a little quieter? Please maintain the dignity of a supreme commander." Then he glanced away. At a glance, Tian Xiaoyun, who was studying intently next to the holographic projection, said, "And in a gentlemanly manner."

Next to them, Vice Captain Fan Zhuoxin and Secretary General Mi Shaotian took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle to the left and right.

After Tian Xiaoyun heard Maxim's words, the corners of her eyes moved slightly. She turned around and leaned against the conference table, looked at Maxim opposite, and said lightly, "Vice Captain Maxim, how to replenish Tiangong's power raw materials on Triton should be It’s within your scope of responsibilities.”

Maxim watched the charming and beautiful Tian Xiaoyun staring at him, shrugged, and looked down at the information in his hand.

Fan Zhuoxin looked at the anger in Tian Xiaoyun's eyes and Maxim's looking around and sighed, and said to Mi Shaotian, "Old Mi, what is the situation you have?"

Mi Shaotian looked at everyone present and smiled bitterly and said, "Frankly speaking, the situation is not optimistic. According to the information sent back from the Kunlun Base, the loss of contact with Triton should have been 5 days ago, which happened to be the time when the Tiangong was pressed." When the planned orbit is heading towards Triton, it means that the loss of contact with Triton is related to Tiangong. In other words... the people on Triton do not want Tiangong to obtain SDS materials. "

"Are some people from the Federation up to something?" Kazuo Kimura, an energy academician of the Academy of Sciences, asked in confusion.

Mi Shaotian shook his head, "Probably not. Although the mining of SDS on Triton is controlled by the federal Department of Resources, according to the information obtained by the Intelligence Section, the actual controller of Triton should be an energy company in the United States."

"Energy company?" Li Mingqi said in surprise.

Ivanov, commander of the Ground Service Corps, thought, "I have heard about this before. I thought it was impossible for the Federal Ministry of Resources to hand over such important energy extraction to a commercial company."

Mi Shaotian turned his head and said to the artificial intelligence next to him, "Send the information of this energy company." Then he turned on the holographic projection in front of the table, and the information of the energy company appeared in front of everyone. Mi Shaotian pointed to the middle one. The photo said, "This person is the current actual controller of Triton, Mike Joseph. In the year 2127 of Earth AD, Mike Joseph paid a large sum of money to bribe senior officials of the federal resource department. In the year 2131 of Earth AD, various alliances competed for resources and were unable to supervise the mining of Triton. At that time, they paid a high price to take over the mining rights of Great Britain and France in Triton.”

"Just taking over the mining rights will not affect the mining rights of other permanent members on Triton," Kimura Kazuo said.

Maxim smiled at Kimura Kazuo and said, "Mr. Kimura, if it's just to compete for mining rights, then why spend such a high price?"

Vice-captain Fan Zhuoxin sneered, "I guess this Mike Joseph's intention is not to be a drunkard in the bar."

"Two vice-captains, stop pretending. Even if you just get the mining rights, even if you want to do something, you can't do anything under the unified management of the federation," Kimura Kazuo said anxiously, adjusting his glasses.

Tian Xiaoyun carefully studied the information about Mike Joseph on the holographic projection and said lightly, "Since Earth's 2125 AD, the Earth Federation has long existed in name only." Tian Xiaoyun looked at Secretary-General Mi Shaotian and said, "Presumably this Mike Joseph is taking advantage of the weakness of relevant federal departments. , I must have done a lot of small things."

"Yes, it was during those twenty years that Mike Joseph gradually brought hired mercenaries, weapons and equipment to Triton." Mi Shaotian frowned as he spoke, "That's why I said Triton." Lost contact, the situation is not optimistic for us."

Tian Xiaoyun looked at Kazuo Kimura who had a confused look on his face and said, "Mr. Kimura, if an ambitious man has soldiers and money and is faced with a mountain of gold, will he still allow others to mine this mountain of gold?"

Kimura Kazuo patted his forehead, "This... this... then what should we do?" He wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued, "The SDS reserves at the Kunlun Mountain base are already scarce, and the Tiangong carries the only SDS reserves in the Kunlun Mountains. A little reserve. With the current SDS reserves of the Haram, it is already very difficult to reach Triton, let alone sail out of the solar system."

"Ahem!" Du Xinmin, the white-haired old man sitting at the top, cleared his throat. Everyone present focused their attention on the burly white-haired old man. The old man's chest was covered with stickers of different sizes and shapes. military medal. The highest commander on the Tiangong, the captain of the Tiangong starship, Admiral Du Xinmin.

Du Xinmin raised his head and looked at the photo of Mike Joseph on the holographic projection and said lightly, "Yunfei"

Bai Yunfei, commander of the Air Service Regiment, stood up solemnly and said, "Commander, please give instructions."

"Send a drone flying team to explore the road." Du Xinmin paused and continued, "After the mothership arrives at Neptune, send a flying team to have a look."

"Yes." After Bai Yunfei saluted, he immediately told the artificial intelligence beside him to prepare for a legion meeting.

"Zhuoxin, after arriving at the orbit of Uranus, the entire ship will enter Level 2 combat readiness." Du Xinmin stroked his white beard and continued, "Yunfei, after the mothership arrives at Neptune, send a smarter flying team to sneak in for reconnaissance." After speaking, he took a sip. He took a sip of tea and continued to chew the tea leaves without talking.

"Yes, Chief," Vice Captain Fan Zhuoxin and Air Corps Commander Bai Yunfei said in unison.

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