Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 103: Free


Eden Archives

Fang Weiss opened the working system of the archives and searched for records about the Revolutionary Army. According to official records, the Revolutionary Army was the rebels and a terrorist organization composed of some resistance elements.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that most of the targets assassinated by the revolutionary army were middle-level cadres of the Skull and Bones Society who had a bad reputation.

"Hey, pariah." As usual, Mrs. Karen would come to the archives for a patrol at this time. She said it was a patrol, but in fact she came to tease Fang Weiss.

After all, Mrs. Karen is also a Class B citizen, and her husband was a Class A citizen during his lifetime. However, after his death, Mrs. Karen moved out of the residence of a Class A citizen.

Her former friends also abandoned her like worn-out shoes. She was already suffering from the pain of losing her husband and was bombarded with gossip, which dealt a huge blow to her weak heart.

After losing her husband's protection, her social circle in the records management center also plummeted. In the past, her A-class citizen boss would occasionally talk to her for her husband's sake, but now he is indifferent.

As for her colleagues who were also B-class citizens before, Mrs. Karen disdained to associate with them, but now she is isolated by the colleagues who looked down on her before.

Under multiple repressions, she could only pass the time by teasing Fang Weiss, a low-level citizen.

She originally thought that Fang Weiss would keep his head down as before and dare not speak out, but when Fang Weiss raised his head and looked at her, she could see something different in Fang Weiss's eyes.

"Hello, Mrs. Karen," Fangweis said with a smile as he looked at Mrs. Karen. He didn't know why, but when he faced Mrs. Karen again, his heart was full of confidence.

"What's wrong with you?" Mrs. Karen was surprised by Fangweis's reaction.

"What's wrong?" Fang Weiss asked, still smiling.

"You... came quite early today." Mrs. Karen felt a little unnatural. She didn't know why, but when Fang Weiss stared at her, she felt unnaturally timid.

"You seem to be quite... energetic today" Mrs. Karen smiled awkwardly and said, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm fine," said Fangweis, who lowered his head and looked at the pistol in the drawer under the table. This pistol was exactly the "very good" pistol his father had used.

"I feel a little different," Fang Weiss murmured.

"Okay, do you want coffee? I'm just about to get it," Mrs. Karen said awkwardly. She began to want to stay away from Fang Weiss because she felt a strong sense of aggression from Fang Weiss's eyes.

"No, thank you"

Mrs. Karen walked out of the archives as if she was sleepwalking. After Fang Weiss saw Mrs. Karen leaving, he then looked at the Revolutionary Army information displayed on the screen.

At noon, Fangweis bought lunch at the convenience store downstairs as usual. Since the shooting happened here yesterday, there have been a lot fewer people and customers here, and the clerk is still sorting the goods on the shelves.

On the bulletin board at the door, Fangweis saw the police station's wanted order "Retaliatory attack by remnants of a terrorist organization" and the relevant footage captured by the convenience store's surveillance video.

'The police are seeking clues from the public about the fugitives' Fang Weiss looked at the rotating messages on the bulletin board. No one in the surrounding pedestrians looked at these wanted notices.

Fang Weiss wanted to laugh a little. He touched the pistol in his arms, and an inexplicable sense of comfort swept through his body. On the other hand, the same low-level citizens around him were all eating or doing other tasks with their heads down and silent.

Just as Fangweis was enjoying the pleasure brought by his confidence, a red maglev car stopped next to him, and the window was lowered, revealing Alice's delicate face.

Fang Weiss looked at Alice's wanted notice on the bulletin board, and then at Alice who was looking at him in the car. He hesitated for a moment before walking towards the passenger seat.

Alice was wearing a pair of fashionable sunglasses. She took out another pair of sunglasses from the drawer and handed it to Fang Weiss.

"Cool" said, Fang Weiss put on his sunglasses on his face, "You all show up in such a high profile.

Is it in the public eye? And luxury cars”

"Your marksmanship is very good. I heard that the bounty hunter was shot in the head by you." Fang Weiss looked at Alice with excitement.

"Your name is Alice. Is it your real name? Or is it your nickname?"

Alice ignored Fang Weiss who was nagging at the side. She just responded to every question he asked with a smile.

The car arrived at a hospital smoothly. Alice drove the car around the hospital gate and drove in through the back door.

After entering through the back door, there is a small yard where many workers and robots carry medical supplies and logistics supplies.

After getting out of the car, Fang Weiss saw a checkered man standing at the door of a small door. If he remembered correctly, this checked man should be called Nick.

After Nick glanced at Fang Weiss, he walked towards the small door. Fang Weiss was a little confused. When he looked back for Alice, Alice had disappeared. He had to follow Nick's back foot towards the small door. .

After entering, Fang Weiss was completely dumbfounded. This was the kitchen of the hospital. The hospital had its own restaurant, and this was the kitchen of the restaurant.

Various workers, including dishwashers, waiters, and ladle operators, all cooperated with each other in an orderly manner.

When Fangweis was about to look for Nick, he discovered that the muscular man Bill not far away was walking toward the back hall with two watermelons in his arms, and he quickly followed him.

As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, he saw the old man named Sauron pouring water at the water dispenser, and Fang Weiss stepped forward to say hello.

"It's really nice here," Fang Weiss said, "Is this just trying to deceive others?"

"What are you talking about?" Sauron looked at Fang Weiss with a puzzled look. Maybe it was because the voice in the kitchen was a little noisy, so Fang Weiss could only turn up the volume to talk to Sauron.

"A place where the revolutionary army hides itself from others"

Zoro smiled and turned around and walked towards the lounge upstairs. "You think this is to hide others' eyes, but in fact this is the hospital's kitchen."

Along the way, chefs and staff kept calling Captain Sauron and saying hello to him.

"This is just an ordinary kitchen. It is indeed a good place. No one here has to worry about being hungry." Sauron stretched out his hand to Fang Weiss and motioned to everything around him.

"Yes, but these are all fake," Fang Weiss asked, "Are these the revolutionary army, right?"

After entering the lounge, everyone inside was eating lunch or drinking coffee.

"I think you should explain to me. You don't have to say anything, but I just want to know, aren't you a revolutionary army? Why are you staying here to cook?" Fang Weiss looked at Zoro with some annoyance.

As he said that, the people around him also stopped talking and looked at Fang Weiss and Zoro quietly. Fang Weiss looked at the people in the lounge, and he found Alice, Nick, and Bill among the people. .

Zoro slowly walked towards Fang Weiss, "I just want to buy you a cup of coffee, why are there so many questions?" After saying that, he handed the coffee to Fang Weiss.

"Are you sure you are ready to join us?" Sauron looked at Fang Weiss and said seriously.

"Of course, I can't go back to my old life." Fang Weiss looked at Sauron helplessly.

Indeed, from the moment Fang Weiss met the Red Dust War Princess, his life would enter a new track, and he would never go back.

"He belongs to you" Zoro said looking at Alice.

"Okay, let's go." After saying that, Alice put the last piece of toast into her mouth gracefully and stood up and walked towards the door.

Fang Weiss looked at Alice, and then at Sauron who was standing aside. He somewhat understood what Sauron meant.

He nervously put the coffee on the table next to him. After putting it down, he felt something was wrong. He picked it up again and took a couple of sips. Then he put it down again and followed Alice's footsteps towards the door.

Fang Weiss followed Alice towards the cold fresh warehouse. The temperature here is much lower than outside.

Rows of cold fresh meat were hung, bloody and terrifying.

"What weapons do you usually use?" Alice stood in front of the chopping board, which was neatly lined with various butchering knives.

Fang Weiss looked at the chopping board in front of Alice. The chopping board was almost filled with hooks, razors, machetes, knives, etc.

He curled his lips and said, "I seem to have no other choice?" Weapon? Do you want to use an iron hook? Or use a razor

Fangweis stepped forward and picked up a machete on the chopping board and looked at it. This machete was thick and smooth, and it was obviously often used to chop bones.

"Have you ever played with knives?" Alice picked up a razor on the chopping board and gestured to Fang Weiss.

"Shouldn't men play with knives like this?" Fang Weiss looked at the small razor in Alice's hand, and then at the machete in his own hand.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a flash of silver light in front of her eyes, and the razor in Alice's hand drew a line of blood.

Fang Weiss looked down at his chest with a strong sense of fear. Along with a tingling sensation, a blood stain emerged from the white shirt.

"What's going on!" Fang Weiss staggered back.

"Didn't you understand that what I just said was a rhetorical question?" Alice raised the corners of her mouth playfully, but her eyes were unusually dull.

"Never underestimate these inconspicuous things. The smaller the weapon, the easier it is to hide," Alice said, looking at the razor's blade filled with cold light.

"Using a knife to kill people makes little noise, won't jam, and you won't worry about running out of bullets." Alice put the blade against Fang Weiss's neck and continued, "It's suitable for fighting people at close range even if you get started."

"If it weren't for you saving me, I really doubt you would kill me." Fang Weiss felt the edge of the blade, and he almost held his breath.

"Pick up your machete and see if it can hurt me?" Alice took two steps back and handed the machete on the chopping board to Fang Weiss.

"You want me to chop you?" Fang Weiss looked at Alice in surprise.

"Have you ever had fun with Blue Moon?"

Fang Weiss: (ーー;)

"Where?" Maybe Fangweis thought the machete was too unsightly, so he threw away the machete in his hand, picked up a sharp knife from the table and pointed it at Alice.

Fang Weiss was a little at a loss. After all, this was not a life-and-death duel, let alone a street fight. If he was asked to use a knife to kill a savior, he was still a little panicked for a moment.

"Where do you want to poke me?" Alice smiled charmingly, and when she lifted her waist, she showed off the sexy lines of her buttocks.

If it weren't for this situation, the scene Alice showed was enough to make all men crazy.

The pain in Fangweis's chest and his nervousness prevented him from being fooled by Alice, so he stabbed Alice in a hurry.

His movements were not jerky, and he had obviously done things like stabbing people during street fights before. But at least the other party was Alice, and a stunning beauty saved him. His hands were very strong. It’s been seven minutes.

When the sharp knife in Alice Fangweis's hand approached quickly, she stretched out her hands and hit Fangweis's hand joint at an incredible angle. The sharp knife in his hand was like a spirit. The blade turned and the handle fell onto Alice's hand. In his hand, the edge of the sharp knife was pointed directly at Fang Weiss.

Before Fang Weiss could react in shock, the knife was snatched away by Alice, and then there was a sudden flash of silver light, and the blade left blood lines on Fang Weiss's body, arms, and thighs.

Alice's movements were so fast that she waved the sharp knife in her hand into the wind in the blink of an eye. Before the first blood line fell in the air, the second blood line was brought into the air again.

When the muscular man Bill came to the slaughterhouse, he saw the bloody Fang Weiss on the ground and frowned and said, "You killed the protagonist...".

"Don't all protagonists have a halo..." Alice looked at Fang Weiss who was on the ground and sighed, "For free!"