Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 106: Destroy the seedlings and encourage them to grow


The arrival of the Red Dust Warrior and Sauron's last words made the six commanders present unable to react. The last time there was an armed conflict with the Skull and Bones regime was a few years ago. In the past few years, they have been living in their own area with an extremely low profile. , can be said to be hiding in Tibet.

The war was gradually forgotten by everyone who was accustomed to peace. The two commanders, Batu and Shangui, were the commanders during the reign of the former leader Fang Zhenming. They had also experienced the last battle with the Skull and Bones Society.

At this moment, the sullen eyes of Batu and Mountain Ghost seemed to have ushered in the spark of hope again. Compared with the new commanders in recent years, these newcomers have long forgotten the joy of fighting bloody battles with the robes, and have long forgotten The lofty ideals and goals of the revolutionary army.

Different from Batu and Shangui, Charles and Ruan Heyi understood each other's thoughts just by looking at each other.

"You should know that the strength of the Revolutionary Army is no longer what it used to be. If a war starts now, it will undoubtedly use up the remaining firepower of the Revolutionary Army," Charles said loudly, looking at Sauron on the stage.

"Indeed, it is difficult for our revolutionary army in Area A2 to maintain its current status. If we want to take the initiative, the consequences will be unimaginable." Ruan He glanced at the commander of Area A7, Sean, and said, "Sean, you What does it mean?"

"This..." Sean hesitated. As the leader of Area A7, he knew the situation in Area A7 better than anyone else. Starting a war rashly was tantamount to striking a stone with an egg.

"Your Excellency Zhan Ji's will is my battle flag in Area A5!" In a simple sentence, Melissa's attitude was already obvious. Her eyes were glaring at the Red Dust War Princess on the stage.

"Melissa, I know you are a fanatical follower of Lord Zhan Ji, but you better not use the lives of your brothers to satisfy your personal perversion!" Charles said with a grin.

"Charles! Don't think that others don't know about the things you do in private. According to the revolutionary military doctrine, you should have been executed on the spot." As she spoke, Melissa pulled out a pistol from her waist and pointed it at Charles' head.

Seeing his commander being pointed at a gun, the two guards behind Charles also took out their pistols and pointed them at Melissa. The guards behind Melissa also pointed their guns at Charles and others.

"Okay, you give it a try, as long as you are not afraid of causing civil strife in the Revolutionary Army!" Charles shrugged and smiled. He looked unusually calm in front of Melissa's dark muzzle.

"Melissa, do you want to provoke internal fighting in the revolutionary army?" Ruan Heyi looked at Melissa and said in a deep voice.

"Melissa, we are all on our own, put down the gun!" Zoro said in a hoarse voice, "The headquarters will investigate Charles' matter."

"Hmph" Melissa snorted coldly and put away her gun. After seeing Melissa put away her gun, the respective guards also put away their guns and returned to their original positions.

Sauron looked at Charles, Ruan Heyi and the others. Although there was no fluctuation on the surface, his heart had sunk to the bottom.

A few years of stable life have made some people forget the original intention of the revolution, let alone the blood and tears that the martyrs paid for it. Today is no longer the day when Zhen Ming was still there ten years ago, when everyone responded.

Hongchen Zhanji saw that the leaders of the Revolutionary Army were arguing about snatching the signal tower. She was used to it and turned around and left indifferently. She did not have any emotions.

Regardless of whether others help or not, she will do it. In this case, she is not willing to waste time on verbal disputes.

"As for the matter of starting a war, since everyone has different opinions, then this matter

Let’s talk about it later.” After saying that, Sauron also led Alice and others to follow the footsteps of the Red Dust Warrior and walked out.

It was unexpected that the Revolutionary Army meeting after many years would end so hastily. Perhaps hiding in Tibet in the past few years has indeed made some people fearful.

Fang Weiss, who was still working as a cook in the hospital restaurant, did not know the outcome of the Revolutionary Army meeting. He continued to receive rehabilitation treatment on the medical bed in Tang Xiaoqian's infirmary every other day as usual.

"Is my disease really getting better?" Fang Weiss looked at Tang Xiaoqian behind the medical console and said, "It's incredible to think about it."

"Thanks to Alice," Tang Xiaoqian pursed her lips and smiled.


"Do you still remember when Alice seriously injured you when you first came here?"

"They said they wanted me to accept the baptism of battle." Fang Weiss still can't bear to recall his miserable situation at that time.

"Our medical bed is pieced together. It can treat trauma, but it may not be very effective for blood diseases like yours." Tang Xiaoqian glanced at Fang Weis on the medical bed and continued, "The more serious your injury is. , the more blood is lost, the hematopoietic function in your body can be maximized, and cell repair will have better results."

"While your own repair mechanism is running at full capacity and combined with the treatment of the medical bed, your hematopoietic system can regain health." Tang Xiaoqian said truthfully. "For more than three hundred years, blood diseases have been a relatively common disease in Tiangong." "

"Why is this happening?" Fang Weiss was a little confused. Is it because of poverty

“Tiangong has been sailing in the universe for more than three hundred years, and the extreme temperatures in the universe are eroding the outer isolation materials of Tiangong every moment, although the erosion process is very slow.

There are also cosmic rays, various high-energy charged particles, and plasma. Who can guarantee that Tiangong can be completely isolated from these invisible things? After all, the Tiangong was built more than three hundred years ago. "

"That means that if the current situation continues, everyone on the Tiangong will be dead before the Home 7 arrives," Fang Weiss mocked.

"So the Skull and Bones Society created a product that changed the destiny of mankind more than a hundred years ago, the medical bed." Although Tang Xiaoqian hated the tyrannical rule of the Skull and Bones Society, she had to admire the contributions that the Skull and Bones Society had made for the continuation of mankind over the years. Huge contribution, the most representative of which is the medical bed.

Medical beds can not only treat various diseases that have been discovered by humans, but can also greatly enhance the function of human organs, increasing the average life span of humans to 140 years. Of course, this is for humans living in Eden Park.

"Maybe in a few hundred years, there will only be humans from the Garden of Eden left on the Tiangong," Fang Weiss said lightly. "Who will do the dirty work then?"

"Robots and various service robots will work tirelessly to replace the labor force that humans lack."

"In that case, why do the Skull and Bones still keep civilians from the six regions?"

"Boil the frog in warm water and wait for these low-level citizens to fend for themselves," Tang Xiaoqian said calmly, as if what she said had nothing to do with her.

"Why don't you choose a new leader to lead everyone?" Fang Weiss asked.

Tang Xiaoqian looked sideways at Fang Weiss, who was as calm as usual, "It's not like no one has coveted the position of leader since the leader's death. Charles, the commander of Area A6, and Ruan Heyi, the commander of Area A2, have been coveting the position of leader for a long time.

Yes, the two of them are relatively powerful in the revolutionary army."

"Since he has this strength, why not let him be the leader?"

"Charles is arrogant by nature and does shady things in private. If the headquarters hadn't been too weak to embarrass him, he would have been accused long ago." Tang Xiaoqian shook her head helplessly and sighed, "The crisis the Revolutionary Army is facing now may be It’s the biggest ever.”

"Isn't it possible that the leaders of the other districts could unite and take down the man named Charles?" Fang Weiss asked strangely.

"At present, the revolutionary army is weak. Only the headquarters and the three commanders of Area A3, Area A4 and Area A5 can barely suppress Charles and Ruan Heyi. The commander of Area A7, Sean, has never participated in internal disputes. First, he is soft-spoken, and secondly, It means that neither side can be offended, and it is wise to protect yourself."

"How long has it been, and there is still internal friction?" Fang Weiss said dumbly.

"Perhaps this is the bad nature of human beings. I don't know how the high-level meeting of the Revolutionary Army went. I wonder if Your Excellency Zhan Ji will be disappointed again." Tang Xiaoqian murmured, "Your Excellency Zhan Ji doesn't seem to know what disappointment is."

Fang Weiss looked at Tang Xiaoqian who was laughing at herself. It turned out that the so-called revolutionary army was not a monolith. He didn't know how his cheap father led the team in the first place.

"Where's Sauron? Why don't you recommend Sauron as the leader?" Fang Weiss asked, "That old man Sauron is highly respected, and he can take on this important role regardless of his seniority or seniority."

"From your words, I didn't feel how respected he was." Tang Xiaoqian glared at Fang Weiss, "Sir, I always thought that you were the best candidate for the new leader."

"Me?" Fang Weisi looked at Tang Xiaoqian in disbelief.

"Sir, I firmly believe in the prophecy that has been passed down. Only those with the blood of knights can lead everyone to the light." Tang Xiaoqian shook her head helplessly, "That's why Sauron asked Alice to train you and let you grow up as quickly as possible."

"It should be called destroying a child's talent," Fang Weiss said in a noncommittal voice. Alice was obviously a beauty, but when she was training him, she was like a perverted devil.

Tang Xiaoqian shrugged, "We don't think highly of you privately, only your husband and Alice still have expectations for you."

"Why don't you think favorably of me?" Fang Weiss was a little angry. Although he didn't care about the so-called leader's position, he would not accept being looked down upon for no reason and would not be accepted by anyone.

"Because you and your father are so far apart. Your father stood out only a month after joining the revolutionary army, and all the brothers around him were willing to die for him." Tang Xiaoqian's eyes were a little blurry, as if she was recalling "After that, it was like cheating." Generally, he led the revolutionary army to attack and kill many important figures of the Skull and Bones Society, and the impact caused at that time was enough to make the twelve senators of the Skull and Bones Society change their expressions."

"It turns out that my cheap father is still a son of a plane." Fang Weiss sneered.

"Compared to him, you are indeed a scumbag." Tang Xiaoqian shrugged and said, "Okay, that's all for today's treatment. I have to go and see if Mr. and the others are back."

"Tang, Fang, Mr. Sauron lets you go," Lucas said to Tang Xiaoqian and Fang Weiss standing at the door of the infirmary.

"Is your meeting over? How was it?" Tang Xiaoqian stood up and walked towards Lucas.

Lucas did not answer Tang Xiaoqian's question directly, but looked at Fang Weiss in front of him who was struggling to climb out of the medical bed and said, "Maybe we should try to encourage others."