Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 115: Cheetah and antelope


Tiangonghao A7 District Administrative Office is located in the center of the area. With a height of 25 floors, it feels like it stands out from the crowd in this area.

The three of them came to the Administrative Office building. Fang Weiss and Alice looked up at the giant building with unnatural expressions.

" do we get in?" Fang Weiss looked at the groups of mechanical soldiers and several human security guards patrolling back and forth at the entrance of the Administrative Office, and he couldn't help feeling uneasy.



"Otherwise... let's forget it." Fang Weiss couldn't help but retreat. In fact, you can't blame Fang Weiss for having such thoughts. After all, if three people have to fight against an administrative department, the odds of winning are not much higher than winning the lottery.

Alice rolled her eyes at Fang Weiss, her expression full of disgust.

"If you think there's something wrong with me, please tell me." Fang Weiss couldn't see Alice's disgusted look and hesitation to speak. "I won't change it anyway, so don't hold it in and get sick." ”.

"Follow me" Hongchen Zhan Ji took the lead and walked towards a restaurant nearby.

The dining bar is not big, and the bustling guests inside are eating some synthetic food. Fang Weiss and Alice followed the Red Dust Warrior through the lobby and walked out from a side door.

It was obviously the alleyway behind the restaurant bar. The alleyway was filled with an unpleasant stench. People in twos and threes gathered together to smoke a cheap cigarette. When they saw Alice and the three of them, they all cast curious and wild expressions. Eyes, some even whistled.

Hongchen Zhanji and Fang Weiss ignored it. The former simply ignored this sexual harassment. Fang Weiss grew up in such a slum, so he was naturally used to it. Only Alice frowned in displeasure.

The three of them quickly climbed up to the second floor from a side staircase. There was an iron door at the end of the corridor. There was an electronic lock on the iron door. After Hong Chen Zhanji skillfully entered a long series of passwords, the iron door opened.

The room was not big, only about thirty square meters, but it was obvious that no one had been inside for a long time, and the old furniture was covered with a layer of dust.

Fang Weis and Alice did not ask Hong Chen Zhan Ji where this place was. They just watched Hong Chen Zhan Ji rummaging through the boxes and took out a worn leather bag from a cabinet.

Inside the leather bag were two identity bracelets and two documents.

"What is this?" Fang Weiss asked doubtfully.

"One for each person." The Red Dust Warrior handed the bracelets and IDs to Alice and Fang Weiss respectively. "These identities should allow us to sneak in."

"This is the only way." Alice nodded.

What Fang Weiss was holding was the identity bracelet and work ID of an Asian man named Jin Yian. The photo above was of that man named Jin Yian. "Are these fake bracelets and fake IDs really useful?"

Alice was holding an identity bracelet named Carillian and a work ID.

"These bracelets and certificates are all real," Hongchen Zhanji said lightly, "but they still need their image masks."

"How did you do this?" Fang Weiss looked at Hong Chen Zhan Ji in disbelief.

"The owner of the identity bracelet and work certificate is dead." As she said this, Hongchen Warrior dragged out a 3D printer from under the table, started it, and put the bracelet on it.

"This... this thing?" Alice asked in surprise after seeing the 3D printer, "How can such a thing exist?"

"This was made by a machinist named Ye Ziyang more than three hundred years ago," Hongchen Zhanji said.

"Then this machinist is really good. Such things may only be found in factories in Eden Park or work areas," Alice sighed.

"Yes, he is indeed a very talented mechanic. He created me," Hongchen Zhanji said.

"My great-grandfather?" Fang Weiss also widened his eyes. "It seems that his talent has not been passed down to my generation."

Looking at the 3D printer in front of him, even if he was given 10 years, he might not be able to produce it.

Soon, the 3D printer produced a mask that was exactly the same as the original owner of the identity bracelet. After the three people put on the masks and touched the breakable skin on their cheeks, they were shocked.

Although such technological products have a history of hundreds of years, on the Tiangong, the regime established by the Skull and Bones Society not only blocks resources, but also blocks technological and cultural information from the lower citizens of the other six districts.

What these low-level citizens can see is only what the Skull and Bones Society wants them to see. In some ways, today's low-level citizens have degraded compared to the people three hundred years ago.

Fang Weiss walked toward the gate of the administrative office wearing an image mask. The robot police naturally scanned Fang Weiss's face and recognized Jin Yian's information.

After walking into the administrative office gate, Fang Weiss put his bag into the security checkpoint and passed the security check smoothly.

"I'm in," Fang Weiss whispered into the headset.

"I'll be there soon," Alice said, as she happened to pass the security check in the side entrance staff passage.

"Where is Zhan Ji? How could she get in without forging her identity?" Fang Weiss asked.

"When has your Excellency Zhan Ji ever let us worry about you?" Alice said.

At this time, Hongchen Zhanji was standing on the rooftop of a building opposite the Administrative Office Building. From here, she could clearly see the fifth-floor terrace of the Administrative Office Building. The two buildings were fifty meters apart.

Hongchen Zhanji put a large backpack on her back and stepped back dozens of steps, looked at the terrace opposite, and then slowly lowered her body. But the moment she exerted force on her right foot, some cracks appeared on the ground under her feet.

"I'm on the fifth floor. I can see the terrace garden in front of me." Fang Weiss looked around, made sure there was no one here, and then said to Alice, "Are you sure that Zhan Ji said you were waiting for her here?"

"How about you ask her?" Alice said.

"I don't think so..." Fang Weiss only saw a small black spot on the roof of the building opposite the terrace flying towards the terrace, "oh my gosh"

"What's wrong? What happened? Hello? Hello?" Alice's voice whispered in Fangweis's headset.

At this time, Fang Weiss was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he could no longer care about Alice's call in the headset.

A nimble figure flew over from the rooftop opposite, then rolled twice on the terrace and then stood up slowly, looking through the glass door at the surprised Fang Weiss inside.

"I think I already understand Tang Xiaoqian a little bit," Fang Weiss murmured. Tang Xiaoqian had an extraordinary interest in the body structure of the Red Dust War Princess. At first, he couldn't understand why a doctor would be interested in the structure of a robot. At this time, He got it.

"What do you mean?" Alice obviously didn't understand what Fang Weiss was talking about.

"Zhan Ji is already in place." After saying that, Fang Weiss took the heavy backpack from Hong Chen Zhan Ji and took out two one-handed submachine guns and put them in his coat.

"Wait a minute, I see an acquaintance here." Alice's voice was a little low.

"Who?" Fang Weiss asked.

"Wesley" Alice said seriously.

"Who is Wesley?"

"Sangze's men are in charge of the Black Warriors," Hongchen Zhanji replied.

"Dark Warrior? Do you have a plan B?" Fang Weiss has long heard about the power of the Black Warrior. The Black Warrior is a group of modified people. Whether it is genetic enhancement or fusion with mechanical limbs, they have been greatly strengthened. Their combat effectiveness is comparable to ability users from three hundred years ago.

"Your Excellency Zhan Ji, you decide"

"According to the original plan, it all depends on whether these cheetahs can find the antelopes." Hongchen Zhanji's voice was still so cold, but at this time, it made others feel her calmness.

Wesley glanced at the leaving brunette woman and frowned. He felt like he was being watched just now, maybe he was overthinking it.

"Mr. Wesley, are you sure that the rebels are gathering in Area A7?" Odamon still couldn't believe that the rebels had such courage, but in front of him was the most popular man next to Mr. Sangze, who was in charge of A mysterious force that he did not dare to underestimate.

"Boom" Although the location of the explosion was several kilometers away, Odamon and the others could still vaguely hear some series of explosions.

"Listen," Wesley said calmly.

"This..." Odamon looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows in disbelief at the rumbling black smoke caused by the explosion on the street in the distance. "Thanks to the timely intelligence Mr. Wesley brought, I took the lead in sending out the guard troops, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." ".

"Never underestimate these rebels, otherwise their time bomb will explode around you at any time." As he said this, Wesley pointed to the scar on his left eye and said, "I understand this very well."

"Yes, yes, that's what Mr. Wesley said," Odamon muttered.

The exchange of fire and explosions in the distance naturally attracted the attention of the three Alices. They knew that the guard troops they saw before must have found the gathering point of the revolutionary army and had exchanged fire with them.

Alice took a deep breath to adjust her emotions, put away her heavy heart, and walked to the control room as planned.

"Alice..." When Fang Weiss and Hong Chen Zhanji saw several rumbling black smoke in the distance through the floor-to-ceiling windows when they went to the signal control room, they knew that the guard troops and the revolutionary army might have begun to exchange fire. They could vaguely hear it from their side. Alice must have heard the explosion.

"I'm almost at the main control room," Alice said solemnly.

"There are mechanical police and guards ahead," Hongchen Zhanji reminded Fang Weiss beside her after seeing the mechanical police and guards standing at the door of the signal control room.

"I saw it, leave it to me." With that said, Fang Weiss walked out and walked towards the guard.

"Which department are you from?" This is not the place you should be, a guard stepped forward to stop you.

"Um, I'm sorry, I might have gone wrong." Fang Weiss said, pretending to feel guilty and slowly backed away.

"Wait a minute, which department are you from?" The guard noticed something strange about Fang Weiss and was about to step forward to check him.

But the other party did not answer him. Instead, he flashed around the corner in panic. The guard frowned and chased after him.

When the black guard at the door of the signal control room saw that his companion had not returned after chasing him, he slowly walked over with suspicion, "Sam?"

Seeing that Sam didn't answer him, the black guard felt an ominous premonition. He slowly pulled out the pistol from his waist and walked towards the corner.

"Sam!" After the black guard found Sam lying on the ground, he wanted to sound the alarm, but a strong force grabbed his pistol. After the trigger of the pistol was caught by the other person's finger, he was knocked unconscious before he could react. On the ground.

"How about I use the Calabash Baby to save grandpa?" Fang Weis looked at the Red Dust Warrior beside him and said with a proud smile, "There are two more Calabash Babies coming over soon."

The two robot policemen at the door of the signal control room discovered that the two human guards were missing and walked over to the corner.

When the two mechanical policemen discovered the human guard collapsed on the ground, a nimble figure sprang out, and Hongchen Zhanji punched a mechanical policeman in the chest. That was where the power of the mechanical policeman lay.

Hongchen Zhanji held it with one hand, and the energy storage device was crushed. A burst of sparks flew out, but the other mechanical police responded quickly and shot at Hongchen Zhanji.

The series of bullets were blocked by Hongchen Zhanji with the body of the mechanical policeman just now, and then with a fierce push, the mechanical policeman who lost power was thrown onto the mechanical policeman who was shooting.

Taking advantage of this gap, Hongchen Zhanji used the same trick to blow up the energy storage device of the mechanical police with one punch.

Looking at the mechanical policeman who was knocked to the ground within a few breaths, Fang Weiss's eyes widened, "This operation is really violent."

"Quickly" Hongchen Zhanji was so indifferent that "when the gunshot rings out, we won't have much time left."

When Hongchen Zhanji and Fang Weiss broke into the signal control, the three staff inside were quickly knocked unconscious by them. Naturally, there was no need for them to kill these ordinary staff who had no ability to resist.

The Red Dust Warrior took out the prepared storage device from her pocket and connected it to the workbench. "You go and guard the door."

When Wesley heard the gunshot, his eyes flashed with a gleam, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"So you are here!"