Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 13: Junior brother


six years ago

Earth Federation Military Academy

"Junior brother, feel the energy around you with your heart!" Gu Yiyi said while sitting on a chair, drinking a drink, and looking at Fang Mobei sitting cross-legged on a futon in the distance.

"Senior sister, didn't you just say magnetic field? Why are you saying you're angry now?" Fang Mobei pouted and said.

"Anyway, it's the same thing. You might as well feel it carefully when you have this beeping time! Hiccup~" Gu Yiyi said with satisfaction after taking a big sip of the drink.

Fang Mobei looked at Gu Yiyi's slender legs dangling in the air with her legs crossed.

"Senior sister, can you please stop dangling your big white legs in front of my eyes? My eyes are dazzled..." Fang Mobei sighed and closed his eyes to carefully feel the surrounding Qi or magnetic field.

Fang Mobei imagined that he was in a white space, surrounded by nothing. He felt the flow of his blood, the beating of his heart, and the rhythm of every hair.

He looked down at his feet, and saw a square piece of ground appearing under his feet, then the second floor tile, and the third floor tile appeared one after another. Then there were stools on the floor tiles, a water glass, and a small green insect crawling slowly under the water glass.

Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei who was in trance in front of her. She turned her eyes and looked around. When she saw an empty drink bottle on the table, she picked it up and glanced at Fang Mobei twice.

At this time, Fang Mobei was concentrating on feeling the things around him. The air moved with the wind, and the magnetic field was transmitted to each other through the materials between objects...

Gu Yiyi threw the glass bottle in a beautiful parabola.

"Ouch" Fang Mobei fell back in pain.

"Naisi!" Gu Yiyi made a fist with one hand and gestured in front of her chest.

"Senior sister, why did you hit me?" Fang Mobei asked aggrievedly.

"I'm training your sense of perception, oh no!" Gu Yiyi said with a serious face and then sighed with a look of hatred on her face, "You're still far behind."

Fang Mobei: (?_?)

Although Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi were in the same period, they were in different majors. Fang Mobei majored in special operations and Gu Yiyi majored in intelligence analysis.

Students in the academy can practice physical skills and mental strength according to their actual situation. When they have reached a certain level and passed the assessment, they can join the master class for in-depth study.

Fang Mobei began to receive physical and mental training at the age of 13. The person who trained him was naturally his father Fang Weiming. Although Fang Weiming was not a mentalist, Fang Mobei held an important position in the military at that time. It is easy to invite a C-level psychic to teach your children.

He originally thought that his son could inherit his mother's spiritual talent, but Fang Mobei's physical talent was better than his spiritual talent. Fang Weiming couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of inheritance.

Due to his good foundation, Fang Mobei easily passed both the physical and mental examinations. As a top student in the physical arts class, Fang Mobei was highly valued by his instructors, but in the mental class he became a poor candidate for poverty alleviation. The target, and the person who helps the poor is Gu Yiyi.

He is not so much the target of Gu Yiyi's poverty alleviation, but the target of Gu Yiyi's bullying.

But every time she was bullied, Gu Yiyi had a reason that Fang Mobei couldn't refute, which made Fang Mobei admire Gu Yiyi even more at that time.

The support from Fang Mobei's team undoubtedly gave Bruce's team a boost. The situation that was originally against the wind was reversed instantly after Fang Mobei's arrival. Seven ability users faced six genetically modified warriors, at least they had an advantage in terms of numbers.

"Are you Fang Mobei?"

"The one who found SDS, Fang Mobei?"

"Gu Yiyi's junior brother Fang Mobei?"

Fang Mobei ignored the speculations of Bruce and others. Seeing that his senior sister Gu Yiyi had simply exhausted her mental power, he immediately turned to the bears and werewolves on the opposite side.

This is a battle between ability users and genetic warriors. Without the shackles of the mecha, Fang Mobei is more confident. After all, no matter how flexible the sensing system is, it is still not as flexible as his own body.

Ever since he came here, he had seen corpses all over the place. None of the corpses of these mecha soldiers were intact. He looked at the genetic warriors in front of him with fighting spirit.

All old and new grudges are settled together. It is time to come to terms with the death of Akada and the death of his comrades.

hands clasped

Bai Yu had been split into two by him at this time, and the one-handed sword turned into a two-handed sword with his backhand across his chest.

Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei who was standing in front of her. This little junior brother she hadn't seen for several years had actually become a warrior who could stand alone. Her heart underwent a qualitative change at this moment. The reason was his appearance.

Looking at the enemy who killed their companions, all the genetic warriors roared and roared. A bear man put aside the harassment of Miyazaki River and rushed towards Fang Mobei with a roar, and slapped Fang Mobei on the head with his huge bear paw.

Fang Mobei looked at the bear in front of him who raised his bear paw, turned his wrist, and stabbed towards the bear's armpit.

After suffering the pain, the bear man rolled to the ground, grinning and gasping for breath. It was obvious that the severe pain in his armpit was unbearable for the bear man. It was obvious that the bear man underestimated Fang Mobei's quick reaction and speed.

Fang Mobei was also surprised by the strength of the bear-man's body. If it were an ordinary ability user, his entire arm would be severed by his stab.

It seems that although the Ursine is fast, his body is as strong as a B-level taijutsu user.

The bear roared and rushed towards Fang Mobei. Instead of rushing towards Fang Mobei, it opened its bloody mouth and bit Fang Mobei's throat.

When Fang Mobei saw the bear man rushing toward him, he also stabbed at the bear man. But when the bear man was about to get close to him, he suddenly dwarfed and knelt down and slid under the bear man's side.

The bear-man didn't have time to stop himself, and after one bite, he was about to turn around.

Fang Mobei slid behind the bear man and immediately jumped up, turned around in the air and stabbed the bear man in the back.

With a pop, the bear man's back was pierced by the white feather swords. Feeling the severe pain, the bear man swung violently and threw Fang Mobei off.

Fang Mobei lost his balance and was thrown to the side of the iron frame by the bear man. The iron frame collapsed suddenly.

The moment Fang Mobei fell to the ground, the severe labor pain made Fang Mobei cough up a mouthful of blood.

"Captain!" Ozawa and others immediately came to support after seeing Fang Mobei being injured. The gunshots hit the bear people intensively. Although they harassed the bear people, they were unable to cause substantial damage to the bear people. .

The pained bear roared and rushed towards Oleg. Oleg held the Gatling in both hands and fired fiercely at the bear.

"Ah!" Oleg roared crazily until the bear-man's bear paw slapped Oleg hard.

"Oleg!" Ozawa and the others shouted heartbreakingly, and the assault rifles with the magazines in their hands were violently poured towards the bear men.

Fang Mobei held down the pain in his chest and watched Oleg being beaten into a pulp by the bear-man's giant palm. His eyes were about to burst, and he endured the pain and stood up and rushed towards the bear-man.

"Take them and leave quickly!" Fang Mobei roared.

But how can the mobility of ordinary soldiers be compared to that of a modified human, even a bear-man

The bear man looked at the retreating Ozawa and others and pounced on Zhang Xiaosi with one bite. Zhang Xiaosi saw the bear man rushing towards him and immediately rolled to the side.

Zhang Xiaosi, who avoided the bear man's bite, pulled out the gun on his waist and shot the bear man in the head. Just as the bear-man was about to catch Zhang Xiaosi, Fang Mobei rode behind the bear-man and clamped his arms tightly around the bear-man's neck.

"Let's go!" Fang Mobei used all his strength in his arms, looked at Zhang Xiaosi next to him, and said two words with difficulty through his teeth.

"Captain!" Zhang Xiaosi looked at Fang Mobei and hesitated before turning and running towards Ozawa and the others.

After being strangled by Fang Mobei's neck, the bear man kept moving backwards until he hit the wall. Fang Mobei, who was suffering from pain in his back, instantly gave up his strength and fell from the bear man's back.

The bear man's neck was loosened and he was about to turn around and grab Fang Mobei when he heard a "bang".

The bearman felt the severe pain in his left eye and roared angrily.

It was Ozawa, and she hit the Ursine in the left eye with a sniper rifle from an elevated position.

"Damn" Ozawa, who thought he could shoot his head with one shot, obviously underestimated the strength of the bear man.

"Bella!" Guo Kai couldn't help but screamed as he watched Bella dragging Fang Mobei from behind the bear man.

Guo Kai, who had already run away, turned back and fired at the bear man to attract the bear man's attention.

The bear-man was completely enraged, and all the hair on his body stood on end, and he was about to move towards Bella Claw beside him.

At this time, Gu Yiyi was in a difficult situation.

He picked up the assault rifle next to him and shot at the bear man.

Bella dragged Fang Mobei to Gu Yiyi and wanted to shoot the bear with a gun, but Gu Yiyi grabbed her wrist.

"Help me open Fang Mobei's back clip," Gu Yiyi weakly said to Bella.

Bella looked at the weak Gu Yiyi and knew that Gu Yiyi was from the special service team and must have a way to resist the bears, so she opened Fang Mobei's backpack as she was told.

There were three tubes of injections in the backpack, one red, one blue and one purple. The purple injection was very different from the previous two. Bella saw the blue injection and took it. come out.

"Give me the blue injection"

Bella picked up the blue injection and looked at Gu Yiyi who hesitated in front of her.

"Hurry!" Gu Yiyi used her last strength to urge Bella.

Bella gritted her teeth and stabbed Gu Yiyi's neck, and the blue liquid was instantly injected into Gu Yiyi's body.

Gu Yiyi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened her energetic eyes, staring at the bear in front of her.

"Take Mobei and leave quickly!" Gu Yiyi ordered to Bella, and then ran towards the direction of the bear man.

Gu Yiyi did not go directly towards the bear man, but picked up the white feather that Fang Mobei had dropped on the ground. Gu Yiyi picked up the white feather with both hands and closed her hands. The white feather that had been divided into two suddenly merged together, as if they had never been Separation is normal.

Gu Yiyi pressed a button on the white feather, and the two ends of the half-meter-long white feather instantly stretched, one of which formed a sharp spear tip.

She held the spear transformed from white feathers and stabbed at the bear man. Before the bear man could launch a counterattack, Gu Yiyi's eyes narrowed and a burst of spiritual power spurted out.

The moment he released his mental power, Gu Yiyi jumped into the air and stabbed the bear man's chest with the spear in his hand.

Fang Mobei woke up just in time to see the moment when Gu Yiyi stabbed the bear man. He stared blankly at Gu Yiyi's back, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Senior sister!" Fang Mobei shouted silently.

"Junior brother?" Gu Yiyi looked at a boy sitting alone on the rooftop. When he got closer, he realized it was Fang Mobei.

After hearing the sound, Fang Mobei quickly put Bai Yu in his arms.

"what is that?"


"Show it to Senior Sister"


"Junior brother, show me to senior sister." He hugged Fang Mobei from behind.

Fang Mobei: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Fang Mobei's whole body stiffened instantly, and under the impact of the aroma that hit his face, his head began to feel dizzy.

Gu Yiyi instantly took out a short stick from Fang Mobei's arms. "What is this?" Before Fang Mobei could react, Gu Yiyi had already stepped back a few meters away.

"What a beautiful stick." Gu Yiyi stroked the stick that felt great, looked at the delicate lines on it and said, "What is this?" As he said that, he accidentally touched a button on the short stick, and sharp sticks suddenly popped out on both sides. The sword was so frightened that Gu Yiyi quickly threw it away.

Before the short stick hit the ground, Fang Mobei held it in his hand, "This is Bai Yu, my mother left it to me."

"What a strange weapon, but the name is quite nice." Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei's depressed mood and continued, "Do you miss your mother?"

Fang Mobei didn't speak, but gently stroked Bai Yu.

"My parents had a traffic accident five years ago and are no longer here," Gu Yiyi said calmly.

Fang Mobei raised his head and looked at Gu Yiyi, but hesitated to speak.

"I left them when I was 7 years old." Gu Yiyi tried to remember something, but then gave up. "I'm used to being alone." Then she looked at Fang Mobei and said, "You will get used to it too."

Fang Mobei said nothing, Gu Yiyi touched Fang Mobei's head and said, "It's okay, senior sister will protect you!" Then Fang Mobei smiled.

Fang Mobei's cheeks turned red when he saw Gu Yiyi's angelic smile, "Who wants your protection?" He said, slapping Gu Yiyi's hand away and turned away.

The moment he turned around, tears fell on Bai Yu from the corners of his eyes.