Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 149: The gift given to Sai Hu is Pleiades


Batu and Shangui stood by the window on the fourth floor of the hotel, looking at the chaos on the high platform in the distance. It was obvious that Alice and the others had already started fighting. They had attacked several checkpoints just now. I thought a large number of soldiers would come. They gathered around.

"It's true that the first to get the moon is the one closest to the water," Shangui said, stroking the stubble on his chin. The high platform here is relatively close to them, and they are the first to face the enemy. Although it is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities.

"Then let them see how powerful we are!" After saying that, Batu waved his hand.

When the Revolutionary Army soldiers downstairs saw Batu's gesture, they immediately took out their hidden weapons from their waists or bags and rushed toward the enemy level. Just a moment ago, they were just ordinary people watching the excitement, and the next second they pulled out their AKs and pointed them in front of them. There was a burst of garrison soldiers.

"The cadres are taking the lead! Brothers, charge forward!"

"Have the gunner aim at the opposite position!"

Following the surprise attack by the Revolutionary Army, the soldiers of the garrison suffered heavy casualties. After all, no one would have thought that a simple old woman next to them would actually take out a high-explosive grenade from her pocket and throw it at them.

"Be careful!" A lieutenant threw a soldier next to him to the ground and avoided the explosion of the grenade.

"Lieutenant, are you okay?" The soldiers who came to support immediately pulled the lieutenant up from the ground and hid behind the bunker.

The lieutenant shook his head and looked at the revolutionary soldiers in front of him and said angrily, "These rebel soldiers are well prepared. Don't take it lightly."


The lieutenant's pupils suddenly shrank, and a small cannonball went from far to near in just an instant.

The bunker where Lieutenant "Bang Long" was located was hit by artillery shells. The lieutenant and several soldiers behind the bunker were killed immediately, and their limbs and arms were scattered everywhere.

After seeing the artillery shell hit the bunker, the revolutionary soldier who fired the RPG was shot in the head before he could be happy. A blood hole slowly flowed out from the hole between his eyebrows.

"Major, your marksmanship is so good!" All the soldiers praised after watching their commander shoot off a rebel's head.

"When facing these guys, you must not let down your guard. Although these rebels have not received any training, they are all desperadoes. Sometimes these desperadoes are the most terrifying!"

"Yes, Major!"

"Major, that's..."

The major looked in the direction pointed by the soldier, frowned and said, "Hurry up and call the headquarters. These rebels have heavy weapons!"

At the far corner of the street, homemade artillery pieces were placed on carts and pushed out. Although the power of these shells was only slightly better than the standard high-explosive grenades, their range was hundreds of meters, which would be a direct threat. To the defense line on the garrison side.

"Calibrate the angle and launch!" the revolutionary army cadre commanded.

"I have never experienced such a big scene. My hands are shaking with excitement!"

"Kill them all and attack them!"

The one-eyed dragon looked at more and more soldiers in the distance and said worriedly, "It doesn't look like that easy!"

"Looks like he's dressed as a ground service corps soldier," he said loudly with his eyes twitching.

"I've never seen soldiers from such a ground service corps. I don't know how they compare with these guard dogs," the pockmarked face said jokingly.

"Look at the boy with four eyes, he's so scared that his face is turning pale!" Hush Eyes looked at the boy with four eyes next to him and said with a smile.

"I just applied to join the revolutionary army yesterday, and today I was dragged to the battlefield." The four-eyed boy looked at everyone with aggrieved eyes.

"It's okay, even if they are very powerful, their opponents are the grandfathers of our Mountain Ghost Group. Let them know why the flowers are so red today!" said with a pockmarked smile.

"..." Four-eyed boy.

"Four-eyed boy, have you heard this song?"

"I heard it, I heard you sing it!" Siyanzi(; ̄д ̄)

"When we win, I'll play the original song for you!" As he said that, Pockmarked Face hung the Gatling in the box around his waist and slowly walked forward.

"Uncle..." Four-eyed boy (?﹏?)

The four-eyed boy looked at the pock-faced back as strong as a black bear, tears welling up in his eyes, even though he still didn't understand the significance of this battle, even though it was the second day after he joined the revolutionary army.

The reason why he joined the revolutionary army was precisely because of this pock-marked uncle. The pock-marked uncle had always taken good care of their family. Especially after his father left them because of blood cancer, the pock-marked uncle took care of him and his mother even more than before. .

"Mom, mom," the 8-year-old four-eyed boy pulled at the corner of his mother's clothes. His mother was a waitress in a restaurant. Since his father left, his mother has supported the entire family.

"Shh, don't talk."

"What are you doing?" Si Yanzi looked at his mother leaning against the wall, as if listening to what was going on next door with her ears.

"Your Uncle Mazi is quarreling with his wife," my mother said nervously.

"Why are you arguing?"

"Your Uncle Mazi was stealing people outside, and his wife found out," my mother said worriedly.

"What does that have to do with you?" Si Yanzi asked with a glance.

"I'm afraid that your Uncle Mazi will expose your mother and me!"


The four-eyed boy seemed to understand and sat back on the stool, absently chewing on the dry synthetic bread. This bread had been lying around for a few days, so he must have bought it during a discount sale.

Uncle Mazi...

The image of Uncle Mazi began to appear in the four-eyed boy's mind. He still remembered the first time he met Uncle Mazi, which seemed to be a year ago, when he was playing on the street.

"Kid, what are you drawing?"

The four-eyed boy raised his head and saw a huge man blocking the light from the sky. He could not see the man clearly in the backlight.

"I'm drawing old man Ding..." the four-eyed boy said in a milky voice.

When the man squatted down and looked at his painting on the ground, the four-eyed boy saw the man's appearance clearly. He had a big round face with many pockmarks, but maybe because his facial features were more harmonious, he didn't look that ugly, at least compared with those The man who spends his days digging through garbage dumps for leftovers is much better.

"Here, let me draw it for you," he said kindly with a pockmarked face.

The four-eyed boy used the water stains nearby to draw on the ground. The pockmarked face also dipped his hand in the water stains and then continued to draw on the areas that the four-eyed boy had not finished.

"Hey, why don't you draw the body of Old Man Ding?" he asked with a pockmarked face as he looked at the four-eyed boy.

"I haven't peed..." Four-eyed guy


This was the scene when he met Uncle Mazi for the first time. He always felt that Uncle Mazi was different from other uncles. The uncle was very kind to him and his mother, although he didn't know what stealing meant, and he didn't understand why his mother So nervous, but it doesn't matter, as long as Uncle Mazi treats them well.

The fourth-eyed boy's thoughts returned to reality. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked at his pock-marked uncle who was gradually moving away. He seemed to understand something.

He mustered up the courage as if he had made a decision. He picked up an assault rifle from the box and ran in the direction of his pockmarked uncle. For some reason, a sentence came to his mind: "Brothers in a fight, father and son in battle." Soldier!"

"Kill them all! The target is the old dog in Liverpool!"

"I will die for the revolution!"

"Brothers from my Batu regiment, follow me!"

Liverpool is far away on the high platform.

Yu's attention was attracted by the battlefield a few hundred meters away. He looked up and saw that many rebel soldiers had already exchanged fire with the soldiers of the Ground Service Corps who rushed to support them. For a while, the rebels were not at a disadvantage.

"As expected of the direct line troops of the rebels, every one of them is ready to die," Liverpool said solemnly.

"Sir Deacon, if you want to minimize the losses, the best way is to capture the thief first," Thomas suggested from the side.

"Sir Deacon, I will send an elite team to hunt down the leaders of the revolutionary army," Taro Ikeda bowed.

"It's up to you. If you can't even deal with these soldiers and generals, I'm afraid you will have to give up your position as a senator," Liverpool said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, my subordinates will definitely wipe out this group of rebels." Taro Ikeda frowned, and after finishing speaking, he walked towards the back.

"Lord Deacon, Lucifer... Lucifer..." Thomas, who was looking at the battlefield in the middle, quickly reminded Liverpool after seeing Lucifer being knocked down by Fang Mobei.

"Huh?" Liverpool quickly looked towards Fang Mobei after hearing Thomas's reminder, and saw Lucifer lying motionless on the ground. Although he was not necessarily dead, he had lost his ability to fight.

"This guy..." When Liverpool looked at Fang Mobei, Fang Mobei cast a provocative look.

Although Fang Mobei defeated Lucifer, he did not rush directly to Liverpool on the high platform, because there were many garrison soldiers between him and Liverpool, waiting to stare at him. As long as he made the slightest move, hundreds of black holes would shoot out. The muzzle of his gun will pour free bullets at him without hesitation.

But humanoid mechas can't be penetrated by ordinary bullets.

Two rows of a total of thirty-two miniature rockets were immediately ejected from Fang Mobei's left and right shoulders. The thirty-two rockets were launched at once and flew towards the defensive position of the garrison in front.

At the same moment, Fang Mobei jumped towards the high platform. With the violent explosion on the defensive position, the defense line formed by hundreds of garrison troops collapsed. Hongchen Warrior, Alice, Fang Mobei and others immediately stepped forward. The last hit missed.

Fang Mobei came to the high platform. At this time, the distance between him and Liverpool was less than 5 meters. He swung his right fist towards Liverpool in the middle.

"You dare!" Thomas behind Liverpool completed a series of actions of pulling out a gun, opening the safety, raising the gun, and shooting in an instant.

Although Thomas is 79 years old, his movements are smooth and smooth, and he does not look like an old man at all.

The series of gunshots left a few sparks on Fang Mobei's mecha shell, but did not penetrate the mecha shell.

Although Liverpool is not a person with abilities, as one of the two deacons of the Skull and Bones Society, he naturally has a trump card that he is proud of. He looked at Fang Mobei, who was getting closer and closer, and clenched his right fist towards Fang Mobei. Blast away in the direction of Mobei.

"Bang -" The collision of fists triggered a strong wave of energy that spread out from the center of the two fists. Thomas on the side was also shocked and retreated repeatedly, and finally staggered to sit on the ground.

Neither Fang Mobei nor Liverpool stepped back, but the entire sleeve of Liverpool's right arm was shattered, revealing a mechanical arm with a metallic luster.

Rather than saying it is a mechanical arm, it is better to say that the right chest is also mechanical.

"Transforming people? It's interesting." Fang Mobei moved his right arm. The attack just now made half of his shoulders numb.

"It's my first time to use it, and it seems to work well," Liverpool said calmly.

"Your robotic arm is not simple," Fang Mobei teased.

"Of course, this is a nano-alloy doped with 70% gold," Liverpool grinned. "I still believe in the power of technology!"

"Nano alloy?" Fang Mobei opened his helmet visor and looked at Liverpool's robotic arm with a playful expression.

"Saihu, can I give you a gift?"

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