Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 2: Preparing for Triton


Neptune, the farthest planet among the eight planets in the solar system. Neptune's atmosphere is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of methane. The mass of Neptune is seventeen times that of the Earth. The huge Neptune exudes a faint blue light and looks particularly lonely in the silent universe. The Tiangong began to orbit Neptune with the help of Neptune's gravity. According to the original plan, Tiangong will orbit Neptune for 5 days. During this period, Triton's supply spacecraft will carry SDS raw materials to replenish Tiangong.

"All combat personnel have stopped the sleep mode. The entire ship has entered the second level combat readiness state. All combat personnel quickly arrived at combat positions." As all dormant compartment lids were opened, the ship's broadcast sounded at the same time.

Fang Mobei got up from the hibernation cabin with difficulty and shook his groggy head. It was inevitable that he would not be used to sleeping for the first time. The other six team members also sat up from the hibernation cabin with difficulty. Everyone was not too well. Get used to this first hibernation.

"It seems that everyone didn't sleep well." Zhang Xiaosi, who was also uncomfortable, couldn't help but joked when he saw others in the same state as himself.

"All combat personnel have stopped sleeping mode, the entire ship has entered the second level combat readiness state, and all combat personnel have quickly arrived at combat positions." The ship's announcement sounded again.

"what's the situation?"

"Level 2 combat readiness?"

With more and more doubts in the cabin, everyone suddenly woke up. Fang Mobei, who had received strict military training, immediately woke up and immediately put on his combat uniform and shouted to the other team members, "Why are you still standing there?" "Get up quickly!" Then he turned around and ran out of the dormant cabin and ran towards the combat training cabin.

After Fang Mobei called out, everyone quickly stood up, changed into their combat uniforms, held their helmets, and ran to the combat training cabin. The corridor outside the dormant cabin was full of combatants who had just changed into combat uniforms, and they all ran to gather in their respective combat training cabins.

"Saihu, what's going on?" Fang Mobei asked sideways as he looked at his comrades running hurriedly to the training cabins beside him.

The Saihu made of nanomaterials was now attached to Fang Mobei's left arm, just like a mechanical arm. During combat, the nanorobot can change into various forms according to the soldiers' combat needs. For example, it can transform into a shield to withstand a certain degree of attack and impact. Similarly, if the attack force exceeds what the nanoparticles themselves can withstand, the attacked nanoparticles will be destroyed. Once the loss of the nanoparticles reaches 90%, the remaining 10% of the nanoparticles will automatically enter the self. In the protection mode, the nanorobots that enter the self-protection mode will automatically condense into a ring and attach to the human body, and will no longer have the function of changing until the nanoparticles are replenished again.

"Three days ago, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft sent by Tiangong to Triton was shot down by the Hogg base air defense system. An air crew team sent by Tiangong two hours ago was also shot down."

"Shooted down? Doesn't the Earth Federation know that the Tiangong is here to receive supplies?" Fang Mobei asked strangely.

"According to the information obtained, Hogg Base is currently controlled by a man named Mike Joseph. A high-performance air defense system has been equipped around Hogg Base. Six electromagnetic laser cannons have been deployed in Hogg Base. The soldiers are all mercenaries. The quantity is unknown, and the weapons and equipment are unknown," Saihu said matter-of-factly.

"Have there been any combat orders from above?" Fang Mobei frowned.

As a top student who graduated from the Earth Federation Interstellar Military Academy, Fang Mobei had a bad premonition when faced with this sudden change of circumstances. Since graduating from the academy, Fang Mobei has participated in dozens of foreign operations of the Chinese Alliance. Whether it was protecting leaders, beheading operations, raids, or encounters, Fang Mobei has done extremely well. Many people spoke highly of Fang Mobei, but only Fang Mobei knew that he was able to come back alive from each mission through the excellent military quality and tacit cooperation of his comrades in dozens of battles. Although premonitions have some metaphysical elements, it was precisely because of the occasional premonition that brought Fang Mobei back from the edge of life and death.

Fang Mobei, who originally thought that boarding the Tiangong would be equivalent to providing for his retirement, was caught off guard by this sudden "second-level combat readiness". Not to mention him, I believe that a large number of people on the Tiangong would treat serving on the Tiangong as if they were entering a nursing home.

At this moment, the command room at the head of the Tiangong was extremely quiet. All the commanders with the rank of rear admiral and above on the ship were standing in front of the table, and the atmosphere was solemn, as if their breathing had frozen. The only light came from the flickering holographic projection on the table. Everyone's eyes were focused on Admiral Du Xinmin, the supreme commander of the Tiangong.

Just three days ago, when Tiangong arrived near Uranus, it immediately sent three drones to Triton for reconnaissance. The drone was lost when it approached the Hogg base built by the Earth Federation on Triton. Contacted. When Tiangong arrived at Neptune, it sent a flying team to Triton for reconnaissance again.

The picture on the holographic projection is exactly what the seven interstellar fighters saw when flying at ultra-low altitude on Triton with the help of the dark night. The entire video has been played in a loop several times:

"Observation station, Ohado 15-1 report, bearing 240, heading to Hogg Base"

"Roger, Ohado 15-1"

"I saw movement on the forward-looking infrared radar. I flew closer to take a look. Others are on standby." As the forward-looking picture gradually advanced, Hogg Base appeared in sight.

"I'm locked by radar, ready to release jamming bombs." The voice came from Robin, the pilot of 15-3.

"All personnel increase altitude, advance at full speed, adjust bearing 210, target Hogg Base, conduct free reconnaissance," Ohado responded.

"Bang" followed by a loud noise, and only 6 of the 7 front-view images were left. "Mayday, mayday, mayday" with a hiss, the audio signal disappeared.

"Robin 15-3 interference bombs have been released. Now adjust your posture to cover 15-1. You are ready to sacrifice."

With three loud noises, 3 of the 7 fighters were left.

"Meiqi 15-2, the interference bomb has been released, adjust your posture to cover 15-1, and you are ready to sacrifice."

"Dora 15-6, the interference bomb has been released, adjust your posture to cover 15-1, and you are ready to sacrifice."

"Observation station, Ohado 15-1 reports, bearing 220, 1 km away from the target Hogg base, Ohado 15-1, ready to sacrifice." Ohado's last voice was accompanied by two explosions. Then Ohado's signal disappeared.

Du Xinmin looked at the infrared front-view screen that was played repeatedly in front of him, clenching his fists, the tea in the cup had gone cold, and several generals standing in full uniform across the table were waiting for his next order.

As the supreme commander of the Tiangong, Du Xinmin always keeps in mind the mission he shoulders, which is to bring the Tiangong safely to the dm71850x planet 12 light-years away. At least in his lifetime, he can safely deliver the Tiangong. Give it to the next commander to bring your career to a complete end. At this time, his heart was extremely complicated. He knew very well that the Tiangong was not an attack-type interstellar battleship. The Tiangong did not have the ability to strike the ground in outer space. If a battle was to be fought, the air service corps could only be dispatched to cooperate with the ground service corps for landing operations. The footage and radar data returned by the previous flight team showed that the Hogg base on Triton is most likely controlled by Mike Joseph and has been equipped with a complete air defense system. The Hogg base has also been equipped with a large The last three fighters were hit by this powerful electromagnetic laser cannon.

If they land forcefully, it will inevitably bring great losses to the air and ground service corps. Du Xinmin, who has always been a hawk, fell into deep thought at this moment.

While Du Xinmin was deep in thought, a female school officer walked into the command room and "reported the news from Hogg Base."

"Joseph said that as long as we meet his conditions, he will provide us with enough SDS, but this condition... "

Du Xinmin asked, "What are the conditions?"

The female school officer paused and said, "Joseph asked for 2,000 sets of mechas and 5,000 starfighters."

The manufacturing of mechas and starfighters is strictly controlled by the Earth Federation. Currently, only the United States, China, and Tsarist Russia have mastered this technology. Intelligence personnel from various countries paid a great price to obtain the relevant design drawings, but in the end they failed to obtain them. Therefore, Joseph grasped the weakness of Tiangong, which was in urgent need of replenishing SDS, and planned to make a fortune from Tiangong.

After listening to the conditions stated by the female school officer, Du Xinmin and several other generals breathed a sigh of relief. Du Xinmin's frown relaxed, he picked up the teacup on the table and blew on the cold tea.

Chief of Staff Tian Xiaoyun smiled at the confused female school officer, looked at Du Xinmin and said, "It seems that this Joseph is planning to take a big hit from us."

"Who let him take advantage of our weakness?" Fan Zhuoxin agreed.

Secretary-General Mi Shaotian rubbed his chin and said, "After all this effort, it seems that what he wants proves what he lacks now."

"I suggest that we can fight as long as their anti-aircraft firepower can be eliminated," Bai Yunfei, the commander of the Air Service Corps, said while looking at Ivanov beside him.

Ivanov thought for a while and said, "The air defense system around Hoge Base has little impact on our ground troops. Even if they also deploy ground troops, I don't think there will be many in number. They are just afraid of the electromagnetic laser in Hoge Base." Cannon, that guy is a powerful weapon both on the ground and in the air. I don’t know where he got this Joseph.”

As soon as Ivanov finished speaking, he realized that everyone was staring at him.

"Of those weapons with huge destructive power being sold on the black market today, including anti-matter bombs, proton anaerobic bombs, and electromagnetic rail guns, which ones didn't come from the hands of you old men?" Li Mingqi, the commander of the garrison, sneered, "In a few years During a previous anti-terrorism operation in China, a small-yield nuclear warhead was seized. The combatants who witnessed it with their own eyes felt numbness in their backs."

Ivanov teased, "What does the atomic bomb you captured have to do with us?"

Li Mingqi snorted, "The warhead is engraved with Made in the Soviet Union." Then Li Mingqi looked at Ivanov with an aunt's smile.

"Ahem, let's talk about business," Vice Captain Maxim said awkwardly to smooth things over.

Ivanov glanced at his compatriots gratefully, and then said seriously, "We can send a mecha regiment to engage in frontal combat to attract the opponent's electromagnetic laser cannon and ground troops' firepower, and then send a small group of troops to conduct infiltration operations to destroy the Hog base." The command system, even if the six electromagnetic laser cannons in the Hogg base are destroyed." Ivanov looked at Bai Yunfei and smiled and said, "As long as the six electromagnetic laser cannons are paralyzed, my mecha regiment is enough to crush Joseph. Those mercenaries, unplug their ground air defense facilities, and then the air service regiment can come down and enjoy the fruits of victory."

"Hmph, without the transport planes of my air force, how could your mecha army still be able to jump?" Bai Yunfei snorted coldly and teased.

"This..." Ivanov fell into an embarrassing situation again. He subconsciously looked at his compatriot Maxim, hoping that his compatriot would come to his rescue again, but Maxim had no intention of interfering and was looking after himself. He was playing with the cufflinks on his sleeves.

In the end, it was Du Xinmin who said, "Ivan's plan is feasible." He looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Yunfei, please cooperate with the mecha regiment's landing operation."

"Yes, Chief" Bai Yunfei stood at attention and saluted.

"In addition," Du Xinmin looked at Tian Xiaoyun and said, "Leave the infiltration operations to your special service team. This infiltration operation is particularly important and cannot be missed."

"Yes, chief, I promise to complete the mission," Chief of Staff Tian Xiaoyun stood at attention and saluted.

Just when everyone thought that the combat order had been issued, Du Xinmin asked again, "If Joseph's ground combat troops are organic, a mecha army may not be able to cope with it."

Secretary-General Mi Shaotian thought, "There is currently no information showing the number and equipment of Joseph's ground combat troops." He looked at Ivanov and continued, "If we don't know the specific situation of the ground troops at Hog Base, The risk of rashly sending out the mecha army to fight seems a bit high."

"Secretary-general, are you questioning the combat effectiveness of our mecha regiment of the Ground Service Corps?" Ivanov frowned, "There are nearly 800 soldiers in a mecha regiment, and each soldier is equipped with a machine gun with powerful firepower." A, whether it is individual combat or coordinated combat, it is the strongest ground combat force. A mecha regiment placed on the earth can be as strong as a division."

"General Ivan, I think you have misunderstood," Mi Shaotian said helplessly. "No one here will doubt the combat effectiveness of the mecha army. I just think that without knowing the opponent's military strength and deployment, rashly... "

"Secretary-General Mi, are you worrying too much?" Vice Captain Maxim said. "Since Joseph wants the mecha, let's give it to him and see if he has good teeth."

Tian Xiaoyun frowned and looked at Du Xinmin. Seeing that Du Xinmin was sipping tea by himself, he seemed to have no intention of speaking. Seeing that Mi Shaotian was still about to speak, he spoke first, "Secretary-General, speaking of the Mecha Legion, Everyone here is more familiar with it than General Ivan. In this case, General Ivan should be solely responsible for the command of ground operations."

Tiangong, the combat training cabin of the 1st Mecha Regiment.

Nearly 800 mechas were lined up neatly in the entire combat training cabin, and hundreds of maintenance technicians were conducting final inspections on the mechas.

There are seven people in Fang Mobei's team, and they are each checking the ammunition status on their mechas. Each mecha is 4 to 5 meters high. In the middle of the mecha is a place for soldiers to control. The soldiers stand in it and fix the pedals, wearing Putting on the gloves, every tactical action is transmitted to the mecha at the same time. Whether it is running, jumping or even punching, it is extremely flexible.

The back of the mecha is a power unit, and each mecha can be equipped with different types of weapons according to the needs of the soldiers.

Fang Mobei, Zhang Xiaosi, and Guo Kai are assaulters. The weapons of the mecha are mainly light weapons. They are equipped with 8 cannon rockets on their shoulders. The main weapons of their hands are equipped with 20mm conventional assault automatic rifles. Both sides of the control cabin are equipped with single-handed weapons. Holding a submachine gun, a 2-meter-long alloy sword hung on his waist.

Bella is a supply soldier, and her mecha's weapons are mainly light weapons. Ammunition boxes are fixed on both shoulders and back. Each hand is equipped with a one-hand submachine gun and an ion shield.

Oleg is a machine gunner, responsible for fire suppression. The mecha's weapons are mainly heavy weapons. He is equipped with a cannon on his shoulders. The main weapon of his hands is equipped with a 30mm caliber heavy-duty Gatling machine gun. There are hanging magazines on both sides of the control cabin and hanging magazines on the back. With a 3 meter power hammer axe.

Misa Ozawa is responsible for precision sniping. The mecha's weapons are mainly heavy weapons. It is equipped with an electromagnetic railgun on its shoulders and a single-handed submachine gun in each hand.

Sato Akata is responsible for explosive artillery support. The mecha's weapons are mainly heavy weapons. It is equipped with 100 explosive robots on its shoulders, and its main weapons are equipped with anti-matter howitzers.

Fang Mobei, who had finished checking the mecha, was sitting on the lift platform and resting. The mecha group, which had received the order to conduct the landing operation, was making final preparations.

Fang Mobei took off the dagger from his back. It was a slender white stick with dozens of gray buttons on its surface. Each time one of the buttons was pressed, it would pop out or hook or hook from both ends of the white stick. Nano-weapons in the form of forks, swords, etc. These nano-weapons are made of gold and are extremely sharp.

Gold is extracted from elements in meteorites, so its preciousness is evident. This dagger is a relic of Fang Mobei's mother. Fang Mobei's mother was a B-level physical practitioner and also a C-level mental practitioner. She fell ill and died when Fang Mobei was very young, leaving only This short sword was inherited by Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei's feelings for the dagger seemed to continue his feelings for his mother. Whether he was sleeping or resting, the dagger never left his body for a moment. It was precisely in order to be able to carry a dagger with him that Fang Mobei trained hard in his physical skills. When he was 19 years old, he reached the C-level physical skills level, so he could legitimately carry weapons. C-level physical practitioners and C-level mental power users are recruited by various countries no matter where they are, so ability users also have corresponding privileges.

Fang Mobei gently stroked the dagger. This dagger had a nice name, Bai Yu, and was given by Fang Mobei's mother.

"Captain" While Fang Mobei was playing with Bai Yu, Guo Kai called Fang Mobei and motioned Fang Mobei to look to the left.

Fang Mobei followed Guo Kai's prompts and looked to the left. He saw a group of people walking towards this side under the leadership of Captain Lilia. The leader was the leader of the Second Mecha Regiment, Fang Mobei's Father Fang Weiming.

Fang Weiming, born in the year 2116 on Earth, is now 44 years old. Before he was transferred to the Tiangong Ground Service Corps, he was the division commander of the most elite Class A Corps in the Chinese Alliance. Many people don't understand why Fang Weiming, who will surely become the commander with his ability in a few more years, applied for demotion and was transferred to the Tiangong as the commander of the mecha regiment. Because of this matter, he was called many times by Du Xinmin, an old leader. Asking questions, perhaps only Fang Weiming himself and Du Xinmin knew the reason.

As if someone was looking at him, Fang Weiming turned his head and saw Fang Mobei looking at him. Just when he was about to squeeze out a smile that he thought was kinder, Fang Mobei was already looking elsewhere.

Soon Fang Weiming walked up to Fang Mobei's mecha. Captain Lilia introduced, "This is a small team. Team leader Fang Mobei has rich combat experience and is a C-level physical practitioner."