Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 20: Father's Threat (Part 2)


Fang Mobei slowly closed his eyes. Pictures of Ozawa, Akada and others appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Sai Hu, help me connect with Shu Shu." Fang Mobei let out a long sigh, as if he wanted to spit out all the turbid energy in his heart.

"Brother, are you awake?" Fang Shushu's figure appeared in Sai Hu's projection.

"Shu Shu, how are you lately?"

"It's okay, there aren't many things going on in the courtyard." Fang Shushu said, staring at Fang Mobei and said unhappy, "Why didn't you tell me when you were on a mission? You were also injured."

"Um..." Fang Mobei didn't know how to answer, so he immediately asked, "By the way, I'm going to take a period of injury leave and come back to spend the Spring Festival with you."

"Great! Will daddy come back too?" Fang Shushu looked at Fang Mobei expectantly and said.

"He..." Seeing his sister mentioning his father, Fang Mobei's smile froze and he said, "Who knows about him?" Fang Mobei snorted.

"Brother!" Seeing his disgusted expression whenever he mentioned his father, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

Although Fang Shushu knew that their father rarely accompanied them, because she had her brother to take care of her, she was not very dependent on her father. When she grew up, Fang Shushu wanted to ease the relationship between her brother and her father.

"Okay, let's not mention him. The Spring Festival is in 20 days. I should be discharged from the hospital in a few days. I will come to see you then." Fang Mobei said and turned off the video connection.

He endured the pain and sat up and said to Sai Hu, "Please help me connect with Senior Sister."

"What's wrong, little junior brother?"

"I seem to have been transferred to your team..."

"I know"

"I want to take sick leave..."

"Members of the Special Service Brigade do not ask for leave. They are free during normal times and will only receive transfer orders during wartime."

"Huh? Is there such an operation?"

"This is a privilege only available to those with abilities, what do you think!"

"Senior sister, um..." Fang Mobei was hesitating whether to invite senior sister to spend the Spring Festival together. He knew that senior sister had no relatives and she should be the only one on the Tiangong.

"Say something quickly and fart quickly!" Gu Yiyi said impatiently.

"This Spring Festival, you can spend it with us."

After Fang Mobei finished speaking, there was no sound from the senior sister's end. Just when Fang Mobei was feeling anxious, Gu Yiyi finally replied.

"Okay, nothing happens anyway."

"Okay, I'll find you after I'm discharged from the hospital." After saying that, he disconnected the connection.

Tiangong, Office of the Chief of Staff

"Why was Fang Mobei transferred from the Mecha Regiment to the Special Service Brigade?" Fang Weiming said, staring at Tian Xiaoyun in front of him.

"The Special Service Brigade lost three physical practitioners on Triton. Of course, the missing positions can only be filled by ability users," Tian Xiaoyun said calmly.

"My mecha regiment has lost more than two hundred soldiers, and you still want to transfer people from me!" Fang Weiming said, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Tian Xiaoyun turned the screen to Fang Weiming and said, "Fang Mobei is your son. What are your intentions in leaving Fang Mobei in your mecha regiment?"

"It's ridiculous! If I were biased, I wouldn't let him carry out such a dangerous mission. Can't I just leave his brigade at the regiment headquarters?"

"Don't you think Fang Mobei can better let him shine when he joins the Special Service Brigade!"

Fang Weiming was speechless for a moment, sighed and said, "I just hope he is safe!".


Such words actually came out of the mouth of an iron-blooded soldier." Tian Xiaoyun sneered and continued, "Don't forget, you are a soldier, and he is also a soldier! "After speaking, he looked directly at Fang Weiming.

Fang Weiming's eyes twitched slightly, and a surge of momentum rushed out towards Tian Xiaoyun in front of him. "Don't mention this to me. The three generations of soldiers in our Fang family have made so much contribution to the country. I want you to tell me what a soldier is!"

Tian Xiaoyun's office was filled with energy, and countless documents were flying in the air. Tian Xiaoyun was forced to blush by Fang Weiming's strong momentum.

"Be careful! Colonel!" Tian Xiaoyun's eyes narrowed as he said that, and a sharp mental force pierced Fang Weiming's aura and hit his body directly.

Fang Weiming only felt that his mind was empty, his whole body felt weak and weak, and his momentum also dissipated.

The two stared at each other blankly, the sharpness in their eyes exploding in the air like blades. Finally, Fang Weiming calmed down and turned around and said, "If my son has any shortcomings, I will never let you go!" "After that, he walked towards the door.

"The people in my special service team are my darlings, and I will naturally not let them be harmed in any way." After saying that, after watching Fang Weiming disappear from sight, she slumped down on the armchair, gasping for breath. .

There are still 12 days left before the Spring Festival. Fang Mobei has arrived at his new room from the hospital. As a soldier of the special service brigade, each soldier has an independent room. The room is divided into two floors. The first floor is the living room and the second floor. It's a big bed, and outside the solid ion glass is the vast and beautiful outer space.

The facilities in the room are all available, which is not comparable to the group dormitories of the Mecha Regiment. Fang Mobei sighed inwardly. Sure enough, different people have different treatment.

All his personal belongings had been moved to him from the Mecha Regiment's dormitory by the machine butler and had been sorted. He opened the closet and looked at the clothes he hadn't worn for a long time. He couldn't help but sigh that he was used to wearing combat uniforms. , it feels weird looking at these ordinary clothes.

He put on a white T-shirt, a pair of washed white jeans, and a pair of leather boots. He kept looking at himself in front of the mirror. Maybe it was because of the freshness. He stared at himself in the mirror for a long time.

He carried a large travel bag with his change of clothes in it and went out. When he went out, he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Please fasten your seat belt and make sure there are no loose parts." An artificial intelligence voice prompt sounded in the tram.

Fang Mobei looked at the few people sitting empty in the tram. When the others saw Fang Mobei walking in, they all nodded politely. Because everyone was wearing casual clothes and their military rank could not be seen, there was no need to salute. .

"The tram will experience a brief gravity abnormality during operation." An artificial intelligence voice prompt sounded during the operation of the tram.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Mobei felt his body light up, and the seat belts on the empty seats around him floated up.

Looking at the Tiangong from outer space, we can see that the Tiangong is cylindrical. The cylindrical surface is divided into three layers, inside and outside. The outermost layer is the military area with the largest area, and is also the area where soldiers like Fang Mobei stay; the middle layer is for cultivation A variety of crops, livestock and poultry are planted in the area; the inner area is the smallest area, which is the living area, and is home to two-thirds of the humans on the Tiangong.

The central pillar of the Tiangong is the storage area, which stores non-renewable materials that will be used by the hundreds of thousands of people on board the Tiangong for three thousand years.

Fang Mobei went from the outermost military area to the storage area of the central pillar for transit and then to the inner living area.

After about ten minutes of riding, the tram finally arrived at the living area.

As the tram door opened, the artificial intelligence voice prompt in the tram sounded "A7 Grand Plaza has arrived, please all passengers bring their belongings."

This is Fang Mobei’s first time here

Go to the living area and look at the people coming and going in the big square. Most of them are people who want to go from the living area to the cultivation area to work. There are very few people like them who go back and forth between the military area and the living area.

"This is the final notice of the 20:30 bus..." The artificial intelligence voice prompt on the platform next to it sounded, indicating that it was the shuttle bus from the living area to the cultivation area.

Fang Mobei saw three gates in front of him. Each gate was guarded by two mechanical policemen. Fang Mobei walked through one of the gates with his bag on his back. The instrument next to him showed all the information that Fang Mobei had. Metallic items carried.

"Beep... beep... beep..." The red alarm of the access control lighted up.

A robot policeman came over and said, "Hello sir, please show your identification number and hand over the metal object on your back."

"Identity confirmation code?" Fang Mobei patted his head, saying that he felt he forgot to bring something when he went out. It turned out to be his identification code, and the metal object on his back was naturally Bai Yu.

Of course, the identification code is of little use in military areas, and no one wears it at all. But outside of military areas, the identification code is particularly useful. All food, drink, and toilets require the identification code.

"Uh... I forgot to bring it," Fang Mobei said helplessly.

"Hello, sir, please step back and make way for people behind you. Our staff will verify your identity and issue you a new identity confirmation code," the robot policeman said politely.

"It's embarrassing," Fang Mobei murmured.

"Hello sir, please hand over the metal object behind your back"

"Let's wait until your staff arrives," Fang Mobei said after taking two steps back to let the entrance pass pass.

"Hello sir, please cooperate with us"

Fang Mobei had never let Bai Yu leave him, how could he just hand him over like this.

Seeing that Fang Mobei had no intention of cooperating, the mechanical policeman's chest lit up with a red light, "Warning, please cooperate with us, otherwise we will take coercive measures." After that, he pointed the stun gun at Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei was a little impatient because of the mechanical soldiers in front of him. Didn't he say that he would wait until the staff came to verify his identity? Because those with relevant legal abilities can carry weapons with them, he naturally would not Bai Yu handed it over to the mechanical policeman in front of him.

Perhaps because of the long-term emotions accumulated in his heart, Fang Mobei was already a little irritable, and he became even more angry when he saw the robot police pointing a gun at him.

After seeing that Fang Mobei ignored his warning, the mechanical police activated the machine gun, and its action just made Fang Mobei's irritation explode.

Fang Mobei watched as the mechanical policeman activated the stun gun and punched the mechanical policeman's head with lightning speed. Fang Mobei's action caused the heads of all the mechanical soldiers around him to light up with red lights. They are coming here one after another.

The people around him were shocked when they saw Fang Mobei's violent reaction, and they all hid as far away as possible.

Fang Mobei saw more and more mechanical policemen coming toward him, ready to shoot at him. He secretly blamed himself for being impulsive. He pounced on the surrounding mechanical policemen and knocked down a dozen or so mechanical policemen around him with fists or kicks. .

The mechanical police are no better than mechanical soldiers. The role of the mechanical police is to maintain order and not to fight. Therefore, Fang Mobei effortlessly eliminated all the mechanical police around him. At this moment, a red alarm sounded in the A7 Plaza, and more and more people Watching him.

Fang Mobei stared blankly at the open space around him, where the broken limbs of the mechanical policemen were scattered on the ground, and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Not long after, several human policemen arrived here with a dozen mechanical policemen. The human policeman raised his pistol in his hand and said to Fang Mobei, "Put your hands up, lie down on the ground, hurry!".