Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 21: Ex Machina


Fang Mobei didn't move. How could a soldier like him raise his hands and still lie on the ground? This was the greatest insult to a soldier.

"Officer, I have no other intention. Please come and verify my confirmation code." Fang Mobei spread his hands and looked at the police around him with a harmless expression.

The leading human policeman with a Chinese character face looked at Fang Mobei's burly body, young in age, carrying a bag, spreading his hands and smiling bitterly to himself. He looked at the tram behind Fang Mobei, which was obviously from the military. From the district.

The experienced policeman with a Chinese character was confident. He had encountered some cases before where soldiers from military zones were blocked at the gate without a confirmation code.

Guozilian gestured to the policeman behind him, put away his gun and walked towards Fang Mobei. He took out a tablet-like display screen from his arms and asked, "Name? Unit number?"

"Fang Mobei, um... Second Team of the Special Service Brigade," Fang Mobei said obediently.

The Chinese-faced man looked at the information in his hand, then at Fang Mobei, then at the broken limbs lying on the ground, and said, "What's wrong with you? People with abilities can do whatever they want!"

"Would you believe me if I said they were the ones who made the first move?" Fang Mobei said angrily.

"Young people are impulsive! Take out the metal objects behind your back and look at them."

Fang Mobei took out Bai Yu from behind and held it in his hand. He glanced at it and said, "Okay, come with me. I'll take you to get a replacement identity bracelet." He then said in a broken voice, "There are several cases like this of you every month." People forget to wear their ID bracelets.”

"If you destroy a robot, you have to apply to the headquarters again, hey!"

"Hehe" Fang Mobei scratched his head in embarrassment. After all, he was the one who broke it, so he was really embarrassed to have caused trouble to others.

Half an hour later, Mo Bei came out of the police station with a replacement identity bracelet and looked at the various storefronts in the square and the advertisements projected high up.

"Dongda Anorectal Hospital has experienced a century of glorious growth, leading the nation's anorectal..."

Fang Mobei smiled and went to Shu Shu's residence according to the address given by Shu Shu. After scanning his pupils, the door opened. When he entered, he found that it was a two-bedroom room with complete facilities and suitable space.

The living area is divided into basic materials according to each person's level. The so-called basic materials are meals and housing supplies. The lowest-level ordinary citizens have a large piece of bread, a bowl of gruel, and a stack of pickles for breakfast; while the high-level citizens are doctors, Breakfast for teachers is milk, eggs, and sandwiches.

The living conditions are even more different. The accommodation of ordinary citizens only has ten square meters, while the accommodation of a high-level citizen such as a doctor or teacher has twenty to thirty square meters.

If you want to live a better life, it is to earn contribution points. An ordinary citizen can earn 50 contribution points by working 8 hours a day. Different industries earn different points, so some people choose to start a business, such as opening a In cafes, restaurants, small clinics, etc., there are also mechanics who work part-time as maintenance, etc. to use their position to serve more people and earn contribution points.

Some ordinary citizens can earn one or two extra points by delivering food after work.

There are even some talents who have opened some special places where robot lovers can be used for people to have sex (*′?`*).

Fang Mobei looked at Saihu's introduction and couldn't help but sigh, "Human beings are really great! Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes!".

Waiting and waiting, Fang Mobei decided to go find his little brother Ye Ziyang before his sister got off work.

Ziyang's brother is a life and death comrade of Fang Mobei. During another mission, Ziyang's brother was shot in the head by a terrorist sniper in order to save Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei knew that the person his comrade was most worried about before his death was his younger brother Ye Ziyang, and Ye Ziyang worshiped Fang Mobei from the bottom of his heart. One of the purposes of going to the living area this time is to see how Ye Ziyang's life is going. If his life is not good, he still needs to take care of him.

Ye Ziyang is a mechanic, he can be regarded as a ghost.

Talented, he would never starve to death even if he had a serious job.

Fang Mobei looked for Ye Ziyang's address that he had saved before, left a message for the robot butler, then put on his leather jacket and went out.

The living area is designed based on bionics, with day and night, allowing people to live more comfortably.

Ziyang's residence is in a small alley. The environment is not as good as the square. Alleys of all sizes are crisscrossed.

The living area is very lively at night. There are bars, nightclubs, and various foot massage and steaming shops. Fang Mobei shuttles through the alleys, and sometimes he stops to take a look when he sees something interesting.

Some shops are decorated with lights at the door, and several sexy women are leaning or leaning on each other to look at the men coming and going, their eyes full of temptation. Some shops have one or two mechanical girls standing at the door, twisting their enchanting figures, their bodies Emitting red light.

There are one or two tall black bodyguards standing in front of some shops, looking around at the passers-by. I don’t know what is going on inside the shops, which is so mysterious. Occasionally there are two mechanical police patrolling the road, but they can't cover up the 'joyful' atmosphere here.

Fang Mobei looked at the address from time to time, looking for the house number.

"What are you looking for?" The person who spoke was a woman with a sweet voice, walking towards Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei looked at the charming woman wearing a red leather coat in front of him, and looked at her in confusion. Apparently he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

"You can do whatever you want." The charming woman said with a sweet smile, and pulled open her red leather coat, releasing a pair of big white rabbits in front of Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Believe me, little brother" he said and winked at Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei pretended to be calm and smiled and said, "I'm looking for store No. 88." He shifted his gaze from the white rabbit to the woman's face and said, "Do you know where it is?"

The charming woman tilted her head and said with a smile, "Shop No. 88, over there."

"Thank you" he said and walked towards store No. 88 without looking back.

The charming woman took a deep look at Fang Mobei's back, put on her leather coat, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Fang Mobei came to the door of shop No. 88, pushed the door, and it opened. He looked inside and walked in after hearing someone's voice.

He opened the curtain, and an incredibly beautiful woman stared at him and said, "Welcome to store No. 88."

Fang Mobei looked at the woman in front of him. She was wearing a cheongsam. Her perfect figure was fully displayed by the cheongsam. The thighs were slit all the way to the buttocks, which added a bit of sex appeal. Just when Fang Mobei was greatly admiring her.

"It's Ex Machina," Saihu reminded in the headset.

After receiving Sai Hu's reminder, Fang Mobei retracted his blank gaze angrily, secretly thinking that this Ex Machina was too perfect, and had human skin. If Sai Hu hadn't reminded her, he would have really thought that this was a human being.

"Is this your first time here?" Mechanical Girl saw that Fang Mobei was silent and continued.

"Yeah, it's the first time here, is it obvious?" Fang Mobei said with a smile.

Ex Machina looked at Fang Mobei and smiled charmingly, "Fortunately, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's very safe here."

Fang Mobei stared at the Ex Machina and said, "I'm looking for Ye Ziyang. I'm his brother's friend."

Ex Machina looked at Fang Mobei in front of her and led Fang Mobei to a door. After entering a series of passwords, the door opened from both sides.

"He's in there"


Fang Mobei looked inside. It looked like a workshop, a typical mechanic's workshop. There were some broken limbs and some parts scattered on the ground.

A man was wearing an instrument to repair the arm of a mechanical girl lying on the stage. After hearing the noise, the man turned his head and saw Fang Mobei, then put down the arm in his hand with a look of surprise.

The instrument headed towards Fang Mobei.

"Brother Mobei! Long time no see, why are you here?" He said and held hands with Fang Mobei tightly, and then the two of them leaned against each other's shoulders at the same time as a greeting.

"We haven't seen you for two years, you've changed a lot!" Fang Mobei said after looking around.

"Hey! Brother Mobei is laughing at this little brawl."

"Bang" the store door was violently knocked open, and a tall black man stumbled in and shouted, "Ze Yang, come out, come out!".

The black man's left hand was covering his right arm in great pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His right arm was a mechanical arm, neatly cut off from the shoulder, and there were electric sparks coming from the right shoulder.

He saw a tall and thick black man coming in and bumping around like crazy. Before Fang Mobei could take action, the incredibly beautiful Ex Machina who had been talking to Fang Mobei nimbly rushed to the black man's side and hit him with two heavy punches. On the lower abdomen, the black man hunched over and covered his abdomen after feeling pain.

Ex Machina quickly dodged and sat on the black man's shoulders, turning her hands into fists and hitting the black man's ears, causing the black man to fall down.

After getting off the black man, Ex Machina straightened her cheongsam and smiled at Fang Mobei and others.

"Um..." The sudden scene in front of him overwhelmed Fang Mobei's brain circuit. "Are all Ex Machinas so powerful nowadays?"

"Hongchen! I said, don't do anything casually." Ye Ziyang looked at Fang Mobei and didn't know how to explain, and said to Ex Machina.

"I'm sorry, boss," Hongchen said apologetically and showed a charming smile to the two of them.

"Red dust?" Fang Mobei asked curiously.

"Yes, Hongchen" looked at Fang Mobei's unresponsive look, and then sang, "The world of mortals comes, comes, goes, it's all a dream" and then looked at Fang Mobei expectantly.

Fang Mobei:彡(-_-;)彡

"It doesn't matter, the song was written more than a hundred years ago," Ye Ziyang said awkwardly, then looked at the black man who fell to the ground and said, "Isn't this a door panel? Red dust, water."

Hongchen obediently handed over a glass of water. Ye Ziyang took a sip of water, gargled it in his mouth, and then sprayed it on the black man's face.

"Hey~ This operation has a bit of flavor!" Fang Mobei looked at the green vegetable leaf on the black man's face and thought to himself.

"Door panel! Door panel! Wake up!" Ye Ziyang shouted to the black man.

The black man who called the door panel woke up and immediately came out holding his broken arm on his right shoulder. He looked at Ye Ziyang as if he had seen a savior, "Quick, help me, it hurts!".

"My cheapest arm also gets 500 points!" Ye Ziyang said, obviously he knew that this black man named Menpan didn't have many points.

"Didn't I have an arm with 300 points before?" The door panel looked at Ye Ziyang with a look on his face like you were bluffing me.

"The arm I gave you before was the 300-point arm."

The face of the door panel kept changing, sometimes hesitating, sometimes struggling, sometimes sighing, as if he finally made up his mind and said, "I have something here, you see how much it is worth, give me an arm with 500 points, and the remaining points will be returned to me." "As he spoke, he took out a cylindrical glass vessel from his trouser pocket and handed it to Ye Ziyang. There was a stone with a metallic luster in the vessel.

Ye Ziyang took the vessel and put it in front of his eyes and looked at it, then he frowned, and then ran to the workbench in surprise and took an instrument to test it.

"Where did you get this thing?" Ye Ziyang said lightly.

"I picked it up," the door panel said after hesitating.

"This is gold! You told me you picked it up!" Ye Ziyang yelled madly and looked at Hong Chen beside him and said, "Do you believe it?"

Hongchen nodded with his big eyes flashing.

Ye Ziyang: (╬◣д◢)