Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 38: Goodbye Joseph


Tiangonghao Living Area A3 Area

"My job is to kill people, but I never kill people."

Pierre stood in front of the table and looked at the white-haired old man sitting behind the table talking. He knew that this white-haired old man named Andrew was the president of the A3 District Chamber of Commerce and had a very high prestige in the A3 District. Even the top administrator of the A3 District They all gave him three points of courtesy.

"I'm only responsible for taking orders, collecting money, and reflecting customer opinions." Andrew looked at the blue and white porcelain in his hand and said to himself, "I know the best guys in this industry. They are accurate, clean, and talk less." He looked up. Pierre, who was standing not far from the table, said "It's also very dangerous" and then continued to appreciate the blue and white porcelain in his hand.

Pierre didn't speak, just looked at the old man in front of him quietly.

"What you can do is not dangerous. One thing is good. No refunds, no returns, no need to greet you with a smile, no need to ask why, and you can earn more." As he said this, Andrew slowly picked up the handkerchief on the table and gently Gently wiping the blue and white porcelain in his hand, "I have many regular customers, all of whom are glamorous people. I have also dealt with some glamorous people for them."

"You should know that I don't care about the balance, the pile of points, it's disgusting," Pierre said.

Andrew raised his head and looked at Pierre, "Repay the balance? You even killed the customer, and you still ask me for the balance." Andrew put down the blue and white porcelain in his hand and continued, "What's wrong with him? Is it the revenge of killing his father or the hatred of taking his wife? I I still have to clean it up for you.”

"He saw me killing people."

"People pay for murder. If he has any complaints, he can't go to the police if he comes to me," Andrew said with a sigh.

"Have you had any A-level or higher missions lately?"

"I'm sorry, I'm deaf, please speak louder"

"I said there are no missions above A level."

"You, take a rest for a while first," Andrew said, lowering his head and tidying up the table.

Pierre stepped forward and leaned on the table, staring at the old man in front of him. His powerful energy suddenly released, "Andrew!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two gun-wielding bodyguards rushed in from the door and aimed at Pierre. As long as Pierre made another excessive move, the bullets in the guns would shoot Pierre's head mercilessly.

"Threat me!" Andrew raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Pierre and said solemnly, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, what do you think, Joseph!".

"!!!" Pierre could no longer answer with shock. He never dreamed that his true identity would be known to the Andrew in front of him. He knew very well what the exposure of his true identity meant. He and the Tiangong No. It's a blood feud.

Andrew felt the murderous aura emanating from Pierre and said calmly, "Although you have changed your appearance, don't forget that it was the organization that rescued you from Triton."

Indeed, on Triton, after Joseph killed the traitor, he thought he would be buried on Triton. Unexpectedly, an unmanned tow plane landed in front of Joseph and rescued Joseph to the Tiangong.

In the tractor-trailer, the leader of the organization, 'His Royal Highness', personally had a brief voice call with Joseph, asking Joseph to hide in the A3 living area and wait for the next instructions.

While waiting, Joseph occasionally did some robbery work in order to avoid being exposed. Later, by chance, he was spotted by Andrew's men for his extraordinary skills. After re-establishing his identity information, Joseph became the killer of Andrew's killer group.

Andrew looked at the shocked Pierre, waved to the bodyguard behind him to signal the bodyguard to go out, and then said calmly, "I will contact His Highness directly on your line. Joseph has died on Triton, so you can Don't worry." After saying that, Andrew took a deep look at Pierre.

After Pier heard that it was His Highness's arrangement, he immediately calmed down and said, "What instructions does Your Highness have?"

"The failure of Triton made His Highness very angry. Fortunately, His Highness had other arrangements." With that said, Andrew picked up a thumb-sized metal ball from the table and threw it at Pierre.

After Pierre took the metal ball, the metal ball instantly decomposed into particles the size of gravel and formed a black ring around Pierre's middle finger.

"For the sake of safety, we will use it to communicate in the future. Some strange faces have come to the living area recently." Andrew sighed and said, "Those guys from the White Faction can't calm down now."

I'm so angry that the commotion is so loud that even the people in the outer circle are alarmed."

Pierre knew that the people in the outer circle that Andrew mentioned were obviously Captain Du Xinmin in the military zone.

"You know Fang Mobei, right?" Andrew turned around and looked at the huge oil painting on the wall and said.

Pier snorted coldly, "My defeated general is a C-level physical practitioner."

"I heard that he is now assigned to the second team of the Special Service as the captain." Andrew said lightly, "An excellent young man."

"Next time I see him, I will kill him." Pierre's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"No, no, no," Andrew turned around and looked at Pierre and said, "You can't kill him now. He is now the person that the White Faction is paying close attention to. If you kill him, those people from the White Faction will have an excuse to attack us. This We won’t suffer any loss.”

"Are our black faction so weak here?" Pierre looked at Andrew's timid tone and was speechless. "On Earth, people from the white faction would not dare to be so arrogant in front of us."

Andrew looked at Pierre, smiled and said, "There is a saying that the first bird is shot. Do you think the people in the outer circle are all vegetarians?" As he said, Andrew turned around and continued to admire the oil painting. "Wait a minute, Bai Pai." Those people are like grasshoppers after autumn, they can’t jump around for more than a few days.”

"Dip-" Andrew looked at the flashing red light on the bracelet, turned around and said to Pierre, "You are a senator of the organization on Earth, but on the Tiangong, you are not. Please remember your identity." After that, he waved his hand to signal Pierre to go out.

Pierre sighed, "Understood, Mr. Andrew" and walked out of the room.

After Andrew saw Pierre leaving, he slid his bracelet regularly, and a figure was projected in the middle of the room.

"Andrew, you're still alive." A hoarse voice came from the figure.

"Dear Austin, you're not dead yet, how could I die first?" Andrew laughed wildly.

Austin sighed, "Old Andrew, my A5 area has been made a mess by those guys from the White Faction. I think if this continues, the garrison should intervene."

"Oh?" Andrew pondered, "Is it already so serious in Area A5 now?"

"Can I still lie to you? There are rallies, marches, and strikes every day." Austin paused and then said, "Old Andrew, you have some friendship with those guys from the White Faction. Why don't you come forward to negotiate?"

Andrew smiled and said, "Old friend, you really think highly of me. Those people from the White Faction have been thinking about how to squeeze us Black Faction out of the circle of power all day long. Who will listen to the nagging of an old guy like me?"

"The White Faction people have been too arrogant recently. I heard that they have extended their tentacles into the outer circle."

"I got news that they are paying attention to a newcomer, who is now the captain of the outer circle special service team, a C-level physical practitioner," Andrew said while touching his chin.

"Is it the one named Fang Mobei?" Austin said in surprise.

"You know him?"

"There was news from an informant that Hughes was paying close attention to him." Austin hesitated and said, "I sent someone to contact him."

"Contact?" Andrew sneered, "An assassination attempt?"

Austin was silent. He originally planned to recruit the black dragons in Area A7, but Hughes from the White faction got there first. In order to retaliate, he sent Medusa to assassinate Fang Mobei. Medusa, as a humanoid weapon, had assassinated many C-class bodies. The magician never thought that he would make a mistake when assassinating Fang Mobei.

"Isn't there a guy named Pierre under you? He's very powerful and mysterious. He should be a C-level physical practitioner." Austin said solemnly, "Fang Mobei is a scourge and should be eliminated as soon as possible."

Andrew shook his head, "Old friend, didn't your informant tell you that Fang Mobei has surpassed the average C-level physical practitioner?" He paused and then said, "Nowadays, people are in the outer circle and are strong. How can it be?" You kill him as you say, without the strength of a B-level physical practitioner, how can you kill him?"

Austin frowned, "As you said, why don't we kill him as soon as possible, lest he grow up in the future and become the hawk of the white faction, and our black faction will have no foothold."

"Here, it is not a foregone conclusion that Butler White is strong and Butler Black is weak. Now that the White faction is trying to cause trouble, the one in the outer circle will not ignore it. The people of China have a strong sense of mission.

"Andrew smiled and said, "We black faction should take it easy and push the white faction people to the forefront, and we will wait and see what happens."

"Then what if the White Party succeeds?" Austin worried.

"Old friend, even if the White Faction really succeeds, they will not attack us." Andrew looked at Austin and said firmly, "We are the foundation of the Black Butler, and he will not let those guys from the White Faction touch us. , Besides, His Highness doesn’t want to see Butler Bai’s family being the only one in the family.”

Austin thought for a while and smiled, "You are really an old fox."

"Long live Skull and Bones"

"Long live Skull and Bones"

After meeting Andrew, Pierre did not return to his residence. He walked through the streets and entered an izakaya on the corner of the street.

The izakaya was small and there were not many people inside. As soon as Pierre entered, everyone inside looked at him sideways.

Pierre ignored the gazes of others and walked straight towards the bar.

"Mr. Pierre, I haven't been here for a while." The waiter poured a glass of water and handed it to Pierre behind the bar.

"Is Mr. Kurosawa here?" Pierre ignored the water the boy handed him.

The waiter's expression changed, his little eyes looked around calmly, and he said softly, "Mr. Pierre, Mr. Kurosawa is meeting a guest, please wait a moment."

Pierre was about to find a corner to sit down when he saw the small door behind the bar open, and a tall white man walked out. Pierre's keen intuition told him that this tall white man was a soldier.

People in the outer circle? This is the doubt in Pierre's mind.

As if he was aware of the gaze, the tall white man looked in the direction of Pierre. He looked closely and found nothing, and then hurriedly walked out of the izakaya.

When the waiter noticed that Pierre was staring at the white man's back, he stepped forward and said softly, "Mr. Pierre, Mr. Kurosawa invites you."

Pierre turned and walked towards the small door behind the bar. The waiter glanced at the tall white man's leaving figure and followed Pierre into the small door.

"Mr. Peel" Kurosawa stood by the wine cabinet and poured himself a glass of brandy.

Pierre sat across from Kurosawa unceremoniously, "I want information about someone."

"Let me guess who is capable of getting Mr. Peel interested."

"You'd better not guess"

"I'm not stupid." Kurosawa curled his lips. "In our line of work, we want to know everything, but we can't know anything."

"Fang Mobei, I want all his information." Pier stared at Kurosawa and said solemnly, "And his whereabouts. I want you to notify me as soon as possible after he arrives in the living area."

"He's very dangerous." Kurosawa shook his head. "But you are also dangerous. It's hard for me to do that."

"Make a price"

"I want the names of three Skull and Bones Senators"

Pierre stared at Kurosawa, slightly surprised, "What do you want this for?"

"What can I do?" Kurosawa smiled. "All the gods from all walks of life have gathered on the Tiangong. It's really lively. This kind of nervous feeling is just like on the earth."

Pierre tapped his fingers on the armrest, rapidly considering the pros and cons in his mind.

He knew very well the consequences of betraying the Skull and Bones Society, but it was not as bad as the failure that Fang Mobei had brought to him. If Fang Mobei hadn't discovered the conspiracy of the anti-matter bomb, he would have returned to Earth to report on his duties, and he would have been the next Black Butler. As the most powerful candidate, his originally perfect plan was disrupted by Fang Mobei, and he was forced to wander around in the A3 area as a killer, and he had to act based on people's faces. The culprit of all this was Fang Mobei, this enemy. He must retaliate.

"Ten days, I will give you what you want in ten days." Pierre stood up, "I will get what I want by then." After that, he walked out of the room without looking back.

Kurosawa looked at Pierre's leaving back and raised the corner of his mouth. He returned behind the table and drew a few regular strokes on the lower right corner of the table with his hand. He saw a small cylinder rising slowly from the table.

He tapped his fingers regularly on the cylinder, obviously he was using the ancient Morse code to transmit messages...