Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 4: Find SDS


Fang Mobei's team was groping toward the southwest. What he didn't know was that the strategic focus of the command levels on both sides had changed. Although the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, Fang Mobei and others are like a small boat sailing in a turbulent river. If they are not careful, they will sink into the sea. Maybe there will not be any ripples, but they can still follow the order to go to the G14 area to repair and wait. After the bombing, head to area G16.

When Fang Mobei and others arrived at the place where the distress signal was sent, the battle was over. The broken limbs of mechanical soldiers could be seen everywhere. Blackened pits and ice blocks could be vaguely seen on the ground. The remains of two mechas lay paralyzed on the frozen soil. superior. Fang Mobei and others stepped forward to take a look. The cockpit of the mecha had been penetrated, and the pilot inside was obviously no longer there, leaving only some blood stains hidden under the frost.

Akata and Oleg stood on guard on both sides, while Guo Kai and Zhang Xiaosi walked over from the wreckage of another mecha. "That mecha was very badly destroyed. Judging from the serial number, it should belong to our third company." "

Seeing Fang Mobei's solemn expression, Ozawa reminded him, "Let's leave quickly. There are still 20 minutes until the bombing." She could not help Fang Mobei make better judgments and analysis, but she knew that she should not stay here too long. .

At the same time, Lilia's voice rang in Fang Mobei's headset, "Fang, report the location of your team. We will arrive at area G14 within 20 minutes to meet up." Fang Mobei sent the location to Lilia and conveyed the situation here to Lilia. Ya, Lilia didn't explain the situation too much, she just asked Fang Mobei to quickly reach the G14 area. Fang Mobei suddenly felt that things were not as simple as they had just begun. He felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, like a big hand dragging them into the abyss step by step.

At this time, he knew that he and others could no longer delay. Not to mention the consequences of not arriving at the designated area on time, staying too much in such a dangerous area would undoubtedly put himself and others into greater crisis. He called to the team members and quickly rushed towards the g14 area.

Along the way, Mobei and others did not encounter any obstacles. The brief relaxation allowed them to see a different kind of scenery on Triton. The huge glaciers and permafrost stood tall as if they had been cut off in one piece by a knife. The cracks in the lower parts are bottomless, as if there are huge beasts lurking in the abyss, which are daunting. However, everyone knows that such a beautiful scenery is not suitable for human survival. If you get out of the mecha or combat uniform, your whole body will be frozen into a popsicle in less than a second, and you will never die.

Area g14 is adjacent to area g16 and area g17. The entire first battalion of mecha soldiers arrived in area g14 before 15:30. As the frozen ground on the ground trembled, a rumble resounded through the sky like muffled thunder. All the mecha soldiers lowered their bodies and put their hands in front of their bodies, preparing to resist the incoming air waves in the distance. The mecha soldiers in the front were pushed to the rear by the air waves, leaving deep traces on the frozen soil. Fortunately, the mechas at the back resisted the mechas in front to ensure that the mechas in the front were not blown away. Pushed down by the waves. However, some supplies and ammunition in the open space were blown away by the air waves, fell on the ice rocks high up, and then exploded.

After the air wave passed, each team, under the leadership of the captain, gradually cleaned up the scattered supplies and ammunition.

"Unlucky" Zhang Xiaosi was the more miserable one. Three howitzer shells fell beside him. The impact of the explosion pushed Zhang Xiaosi to the ground. He looked very embarrassed. When he got up, he was laughed at by the team members around him. .

Oleg laughed and said, "Zhang, a man's legs must not be weak." After that, others burst into laughter.

"Get ready, let's head to area G16," Fang Mobei said to Guo Kai and others after receiving Lilia's instructions.

Along with the first battalion, there were one hundred mechanical engineers and six hundred mechanical soldiers. These robots were transported by the air force brigade to assist the first mecha battalion in finding SDS. The mechanical engineers are all orange and silver. Some control transport vehicles, and some are carrying supplies and walking among the mecha soldiers. These six hundred mechanical soldiers are all white, different from the enemy's mechanical soldiers who are all black. These mechanical soldiers are fully armed and follow each squad. Each mecha squad carries 15 mechanical soldiers, and the remaining mechanical soldiers have been used as scouts. Sent to guard around the team.

Fang Mobei's team was walking behind. They were replenishing food. Each person held a brown liquid bag in his hand and swallowed it through a torn small mouth. This was military liquid food. The thick liquid food was rich in human body fluids. Nutrients needed for the day.

"Every time I eat this, I feel like I'm eating shit," Guo Kai said with a depressed face. Obviously, this kind of liquid food doesn't taste good.

Oleg laughed and said, "Kay, how do you know what it feels like to eat shit?" After saying that, Zhang Xiaosi next to him spat out a mouthful of liquid food, which was sticky and brown on the nano glass. It always reminds people of some indecent things, and the pictures are unsightly and disgusting.

Ozawa and Bella rolled their eyes at the same time, and couldn't eat any more of the liquid food left half in their hands.

Guo Kai, who was disliked by everyone, looked depressed and said nothing. When he saw the mechanical soldier walking beside him, he became very angry and pushed the mechanical soldier hard with his hand. Guo Kai staggered the mechanical soldier and knocked him to the ground, confused. He looked at Guo Kai and silently climbed up and followed Guo Kai. Mechanical soldiers have no thoughts, and they can't figure out why they are being attacked.

After seeing what Guo Kai did, Ozawa said, "Get out of it."

Just when Guo Kai was about to have an attack, he saw Bella looking at him, and the fire in his heart was instantly extinguished, and he muttered, "I'm a good man and I don't want to fight with women."

Ozawa didn't pay attention to Guo Kai's muttering, but looked at Fang Mobei from time to time. Seeing that Fang Mobei was silent and minding his own business, he chased after him. Bella from behind looked at Ozawa who was chasing after her with confusion.

"What are you thinking about?" Ozawa asked with concern.


Ozawa took a deep look at Fang Mobei. Mobei rarely spoke after seeing the remains of the two mechas. She guessed that Fang Mobei probably attributed the death of his two comrades to himself. Just as she guessed, Fang Mobei thought that if she had rushed to support as soon as possible after receiving the message, maybe those two comrades would not have died.

"Mobei, don't feel guilty," Ozawa said. "Without your caution, we wouldn't have gotten here." After saying that, he nodded affirmatively to Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei didn't know why, but when he heard Ozawa say this, he felt relieved and smiled a little in response. Seeing Fang Mobei's brows finally relax, Xiao Ze was also very happy. She always felt that the man next to her was very tired, but she didn't know why he was tired. Maybe it was this man who was two years younger than herself who was under tremendous pressure that made her want to take care of him.

She still remembered how Fang Mobei looked when he first joined their team. His young face had a temperament that was very inconsistent with his age. Misa Ozawa, who was supposed to be the captain, saw a young boy parachuted into her team as the captain. Naturally, she was not convinced, so she proposed a competition. What surprised all the team members was that they were slightly inferior in command, marksmanship and intelligence analysis. Misa Ozawa, who was at a disadvantage, was knocked unconscious by Fang Mobei's move during the fighting competition. The other five team members were all knocked unconscious one by one in order to regain the position for the quasi-captain Misa Ozawa. As expected, they were all knocked unconscious one by one. It was later known that Fang Mobei was already a C-level physical practitioner, Guo Kai and others couldn't help but regret why they were so impulsive at that time. It was also because that time Fang Mobei was officially accepted by them.

In a team competition two years ago, Fang Mobei led the team all the way from the bottom of the rankings to the top three and finally won the championship. Fang Mobei's name was also well known to the entire mecha group at that time...

When the first battalion arrived at the G16 area, the sight in front of them made all the mecha warriors stop and watch. The entire area was dead silent. The thick ice no longer existed, leaving only the hard rock and soil exposed and blackened on the surface. . There are piles of debris on the ground, including the broken limbs of mechanical soldiers, the barrels and brackets of artillery, and the remains of the base of anti-aircraft artillery.

While Fang Mobei and others were amazed, they were also glad that their enemies did not have such weapons of mass destruction and anti-matter bombs. The so-called antimatter is a material particle similar to matter particles with opposite electrical properties. Each elementary particle has its corresponding antiparticle. When the elementary particle and its antiparticle meet, they will be annihilated at the same time. The antimatter bomb is the release of this energy, which is the high-energy gamma generated after the collision of matter and antimatter. Rays.

This "clean" anti-matter weapon is far more terrifying than "dirty" nuclear weapons, because anti-matter weapons have been defined by the Earth Federation as conventional weapons of destruction because they have no nuclear residue. One gram of antimatter is equivalent to the equivalent of 40,000 tons of TNT explosives, with a destruction radius of 20 kilometers. Although it is a conventional weapon, it is strictly controlled by the five permanent members of the Security Council due to its excessive lethality.

Soon Fang Mobei discovered a cave under a glacier. At this moment, Lilia's voice also sounded in Fang Mobei's headset, "Fang, our team entered from the cave entrance on the right." It turned out that except for the glacier that Fang Mobei saw, Beyond the cave are three other caves.

The entire first mecha battalion is divided into three companies. Except for Fang Mobei's company that continues to stay in the G16 area for cleaning and reconnaissance, the other two companies are sent to the G17 area and the edge of the G18 area to continue to search for the SDS refinery and reconnaissance. . There were three brigades in a company, two brigades each entered a mine, and the other stayed on the ground to serve as a guard.

At this moment, Fang Mobei's Lilia team had all entered the mine. The lighting facilities in the mine had been artificially destroyed. The cave was pitch black and only the lights on the mecha could be turned on to see the road ahead clearly. The road is not smooth, and many inner walls may have collapsed due to previous bombings, and some small passages have been tightly blocked by ice.

In a relatively flat open space, Lilia summoned three team captains, including Fang Mobei, to discuss the possibility of dividing their forces for search. Before entering the hole, Lilia had already released eight detection balls to scan the approximate structure of the mine, but five detection balls lost contact. Lilia suspected that there might be residual enemy forces in the mine, but in order to determine as soon as possible whether the refinery in the mine contained SDS, Lilia decided to divide her troops into three groups and enter from three forks while searching in the direction of the refinery.

Fang Mobei knew very well that in such a mine with an extremely complex internal structure, it would be a good plan to divide the troops to search. The mechas are huge, and in smaller passages only two mechas can travel in parallel at most. This undoubtedly affects the advantage of the mechas' fire coverage, and also exposes the disadvantage that they cannot look at each other from head to tail.

Fang Mobei led Ozawa and others toward a passage, and everyone observed the situation inside the cave carefully. There were 5 mechanical soldiers walking at the front, and the remaining 10 mechanical soldiers walked at the end.

"Be careful." Guo Kai saw ice cubes falling on Bella's mecha from time to time above his head, and he reached out to cover Bella's body.

"What's behind that?" Bella reminded as she looked at a passage at the rear right.

"It should be a corridor." Ozawa looked at the structure diagram of the mine and responded, "The structure diagram doesn't exist until this corridor."

"Bella, draw a drawing for this structure," Fang Mobei said to Bella, "The entire interior is required."

Bella lowered her body and began to set up the detectors. "If there is anything we want to find here, these two dogs will find it." After that, the six set-up detectors came out from the back of Bella's mecha. fly out.

"Dog?" Guo Kai asked curiously.

"Yes, dog, my dog." Bella said and pressed the start button. Then six detectors called 'dogs' released infrared rays and flew along the passage to both sides. Fang Mobei Everyone watched as the six detectors gradually moved away.

"Start drawing," Bella said, and the drawing process began to appear on her mecha's projection screen. Each channel was clearly displayed, and the location markers of the seven of them also appeared in the picture.

"It's amazing," Guo Kai admired as he looked at the increasingly clear mine structure diagram in Bella's mecha.

Fang Mobei and others continued to explore the depths of the cave.

After reaching a fork, Mobei asked Bella, "Do you have any readings?"

"Yes, the dog said to go this way" and then pointed to the left.

Ozawa carefully inspected the ground and said, "Look," and then everyone looked at the place where Ozawa's searchlight shined. It was a row of conical vessels, with some ores reflecting golden luster piled in the vessels.

"It's SDS raw ore," Bella said, and a previously released detector flew from the far side of the passage. The detector moved to a huge pit next to Fang Mobei and others, and then headed downward toward the depths of the pit. Fall.

"Oh my god" Oleg came to the edge of the pit, looked at the bottom of the pit with his probe, and found that he could only see the red light of the detector getting smaller and smaller.

Bella looked at Oleg and said, "Get ready to go down."

Oleg "…"

When everyone landed at the bottom of the pit through the mecha's reverse propulsion engine, they vaguely heard the sound of running water under their feet. Ozawa looked at the temperature data, "minus 18 degrees" and then said to Bella, "Look at the humidity here."

"So why doesn't the water freeze?" Guo Kai asked.

"That might not be water, but some other liquid, but it's definitely not liquid nitrogen," Akata replied.

Guo Kai responded calmly, "That's your scientific theory."

"Really? 'Biologist'?" Akata teased.

Bella, who reacted immediately, checked the humidity in the cave and praised, "The core of the earth heats the underground water." Fang Mobei, who also reacted, said expectantly, "Yes, look at the oxygen content."

Bella adjusted the detector and said, "The gas outside is very poisonous, inside..." Then she smiled and said, "It's fine inside, you can breathe here." After that, she looked at Fang Mobei.

"The temperature and oxygen content here should have been artificially modified," Fang Mobei thought. After speaking, Fang Mobei opened the control cabin of the mecha.

"What are you doing?" Ozawa looked at Fang Mobei eagerly, "Captain, you are no longer an idiot."

"Stop being paranoid. Something is changing the atmosphere here." Fang Mobei said and looked at Bella, "Bella?"

"You're right, the air here is cleaner than the earth." After Bella said this, she also opened the control cabin.

Guo Kai watched Bella open the hatch and then opened the hatch as well and said, "They want to transform this place into the earth?"

Ozawa looked at Fang Mobei trying to take off his helmet and said urgently, "Please don't..."

"Oze, it's okay." Fang Mobei comforted Ozawa with his eyes, and then prepared to take off his helmet, "Wish me good luck."

Zhang Xiaosi looked at Fang Mobei and said anxiously, "Don't take off the helmet..." Before he could finish speaking, Fang Mobei had already taken off his helmet. Everyone looked nervously at Fang Mobei who took off his helmet.

After Fang Mobei took off his helmet, he felt a chill coming over his face. He felt the flowing air caressing his face, and then took a deep breath. The cold air hits from the nose to the lungs. For people who have not breathed fresh air for a long time, this breath can be said to be a long-awaited relief.

Everyone felt relieved when they saw the captain exhaling mist and enjoying the look on his face. Bella, Guo Kai and others immediately opened the control cabin and took off their helmets.

"Oh!" Oleg and Guo Kai couldn't help laughing excitedly when they felt the relief of breathing.

Ozawa looked at Fang Mobei and smiled and said, "You're crazy." After that, he took off his helmet and took a long deep breath.

Bella looked at the excited people and reminded them to "turn on the oxygen extraction function", and then everyone turned on the mecha's oxygen extraction function to increase oxygen reserves.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed from one side. The first person to see the gun fire was the mechanical soldier next to him. There was a burst of gunfire, and the bullets followed the trajectory of the black shadow. Fang Mobei was the first to react, and then everyone else also raised their guns on alert.

Fang Mobei turned his head and looked at the ground. The body of a mechanical soldier was torn into two pieces.

"God, what the hell is that?" Oleg said angrily as he looked at the mechanical soldier that was torn into two pieces.

Akata used his mecha arm to bring the two stumps closer, took a look and said, "It seems to be a claw wound."

"Claw injury?" Ozawa looked at the two stumps in surprise. "Can Bella locate it?"

"No, we can't locate it," Bella said helplessly.

Oleg looked at the two stumps and couldn't help but said, "I'm so glad we've always been in the mecha."

"Come on, Xiaoze, let's go," Fang Mobei said to Xiaoze. After saying that, he chased towards the place where the black shadow disappeared.

"Whose good idea is this?" Oleg asked helplessly.

"Follow me, hurry up," Ozawa shouted to the others, and then the group of people ran in the direction of Fang Mobei.

Guo Kai saw Fang Mobei squatting on the ground in front of him and asked, "Captain, have you found it?" After that, Guo Kai continued to walk forward.

"Wait..." Fang Mobei stopped Guo Kai who was about to walk forward in time and made a gesture backwards. Ozawa and the others behind them immediately slowed down, raised their weapons, and cautiously moved closer to Fang Mobei.