Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 40: Fang Mobei VS Gu Yiyi


"In addition, there is a place for individual soldiers to stand on the back of each GT-2 mecha. This design is also specially designed for us ability users." Gu Yiyi pointed to the two folding pedals on the waist of the mecha, and A handle on the shoulder said sternly, "If our own mecha is damaged, we can escape on our companion's mecha."

Fang Mobei calmed down and said to everyone, "GT-2, as a new type of mecha, has many functions that everyone needs to understand. These are life-saving functions on the battlefield. In the next eight months, we will Except when going to the toilet, you must wear the mecha and do what your arm says.”

"Devil!" Blake and others murmured.

Fang Mobei:= ̄ω ̄=

Just after Blake and others started devil training according to Fang Mobei's training program, Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi came to the training ground on the other side.

In Noda's training ground, two black mechas stood opposite each other. This scene made Blake and others on the side glance secretly at this side from time to time.

In the monitoring room of the training ground, Tian Xiaoyun, Fang Weiming, and Jiang Xiaozhu were also watching the two people on the field through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

"I've always heard how amazing the GT-2 mecha is, and today I want to see what's so amazing about it," Fang Weiming said while looking at the mechas in the field.

"Mr. Colonel, please wait and see~" Jiang Xiaozhu said with a smile.

Gu Yiyi floated down on the mecha. Her eyes had already turned from black to blue. She looked at Fang Mobei fifty meters away in front of her. She didn't speak. The blood in her body was running, and a bloodthirsty light flashed from the corner of her eyes. , this is the unique characteristic of Leopard Girl. At this time, she has regarded Fang Mobei as her prey.

In an instant, Gu Yiyi's mental circuit began to operate rapidly, and her mental power spread. Everything around her was known to her, and her breathing and heartbeat were clearly captured by her.

With the changes that Gu Yiyi showed, Fang Mobei clearly felt the suffocating pressure coming from the slender body in front of him. Under the lock of Gu Yiyi's mental power, he felt even more anxious and uneasy. .

Under the stimulation of Gu Yiyi's Qi, Fang Mobei's blood and mental power also began to operate at an extremely fast speed. The gradually stronger Qi not only resisted the power from Gu Yiyi, but also had the tendency to catch up.

Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei confronting her without showing any signs of weakness. She didn't know why she felt a sense of competition in her heart. "It seems that we have never fought before. How about a showdown this time?" After saying this Got into the black mecha.

Fang Mobei, who had already entered the mecha, heard Gu Yiyi's provocation and raised his lips, "That's what I meant. I have long wanted to revive my husband."

Gu Yiyi showed her pointed tiger fangs, "Then let me see if you have a silver pewter spear head." After saying this, the power in his body suddenly erupted.

She had no scruples when it came to fighting Fang Mobei, she only wanted to vent her anger quickly, and her attack at this time had no rules. The huge Qi machine surged towards Fang Mobei overwhelmingly. Gu Yiyi's black mecha was just like her own body, like a cheetah, extremely flexible in moving around.

After getting close to Fang Mobei, Gu Yiyi's right claw went straight towards Fang Mobei's chest and struck her. She was not good at using fists. The Leopard Girl's natural instinct was to use claws, so her mecha's hands also had It has been modified with sharp claws. The claw tips are made of titanium alloy and are extremely sharp.

Seeing Gu Yiyi attacking with all his strength, he had no intention of retreating. The mental energy around his body surged back like thousands of galloping horses.

, resisting Gu Yiyi's mental attack, and also swung out his right fist. As a veteran C-level physical practitioner, he has absolute confidence in his strength.

"Well done!" Fang Mobei's mecha almost just took a step forward. He roared wildly, struck first and then struck first, and his full-strength punch had already met Gu Yiyi's attack.

Fang Mobei's punch came from the Cun Jin move in the ancient Chinese martial arts Bagua Quan. Although it was only a small step forward, the power contained not only the strength of the arms and waist, but also its own weight. As soon as this punch came out, it was already Fang Mobei's full blow. Not only did he want to test whether the mecha could exert its ultimate attack power, he also wanted to test Gu Yiyi's strength.

Fang Mobei's power was obviously stronger than the Qi exuded by Gu Yiyi. As soon as the two Qi came into contact, Gu Yiyi's power seemed to hit an iron wall, but she herself had no intention of defeating Fang Mo in terms of strength. Bei, what she wants is to use her preemptive power to bring herself a mental attack. After all, what she is best at and most familiar with is her own mental power.

The two black mechas were both under the power of high-density energy and spiritual power. Neither of them spared any effort in this attack. When their fists and claws collided, each other felt the strong force of the other at close range. Qi Jin.

With a loud bang, Gu Yiyi's mecha was thrown away, and the huge qi machines kept squeezing her mecha from all directions, but her mecha showed superb defensive resistance at this time, no matter how strong the qi was. No matter how powerful the impact was, no matter how strong Fang Mobei's force was, the mecha could stably protect Gu Yiyi's body from harm, but Gu Yiyi's chest still surged amidst the violent shock.

When Gu Yiyi was knocked away, Fang Mobei also felt uncomfortable. Although he thought that what Gu Yiyi's leopard female physique was good at was definitely not strength, but when the two fists and claws clashed, Fang Mobei clearly felt He felt that his full blow only exerted 70% of its strength due to the interference of Gu Yiyi's mental power. In the violent shock, although he did not retreat to resolve the momentum, the process of resolving it was not as easy as he imagined. , it seems that the power of Leopard Girl cannot be underestimated.

Gu Yiyi's mecha flew backwards. She knew the current situation very well in her heart. Although she was shocked by Fang Mobei's punch and her chest surged, she also knew very well that Fang Mobei's mental power was far away. Not as good as myself, I can still produce effective mental attacks on Fang Mobei, but this kind of attack can only affect and disrupt Fang Mobei's resistance.

Countless bloody battles made Fang Mobei understand the truth, that is, no matter what the circumstances, you must never give the enemy a chance to breathe. Even if you attack, your body will be hurt, and you must give the enemy continuous and effective blows. , completely defeating it in one go.

Under Fang Mobei's urging, the huge Qi machine quickly swept towards Gu Yiyi. Before Gu Yiyi could react, Fang Mobei rose into the air. His eyes were condensed like knives and he rushed towards Gu Yiyi again.

When Gu Yiyi realized that something was wrong, she had just stabilized her body and moved her legs to the side with all her strength. "She is really persistent."

When Fang Mobei saw Gu Yiyi dodge and did not pursue him, he raised the corner of his mouth and said nothing. He just saw where Gu Yiyi landed, raised his right hand and pulled out a titanium serrated knife from behind, waving it at Gu Yiyi.

Seeing Fang Mobei suddenly draw his sword, Gu Yiyi raised her eyebrows and subconsciously crouched down, her spiritual power spreading out towards Fang Mobei with her body as the center.

Fang Mobei felt a powerful force coming towards him. He looked intently at Gu Yiyi's hands and saw ten centimeters of titanium claws extending from Gu Yiyi's hands, and his heart was filled with excitement.

I saw two black bodies in the training ground

The humanoid mechas collided together again, sparks flying everywhere, and each collision aroused strong energy that spread around.

Gu Yiyi grabbed Fang Mobei's titanium serrated knife with her claws and snorted, "Is that all?" As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Yiyi saw Fang Mobei's cunning eyes and thought something bad in her heart.

Fang Mobei moved his wrist, and the serrated knife moved rapidly. The harsh sound of metal friction made the two of them frown.

In the end, Gu Yiyi dodged and retreated. She looked at the broken claws on her hands and then looked up at Fang Mobei. After saying "despicable", she jumped up and pounced on Fang Mobei.

When Fang Mobei saw Gu Yiyi rushing towards him, he moved his sword forward with both hands and waited for Gu Yiyi's arrival. Although his physical skills were far superior to those of ordinary C-level physical practitioners, his speed was still not as fast as Gu Yiyi's, who had the cheetah gene. .

At this time, Blake and others on the other side of the training ground had stopped training. Everyone turned their attention to the two black mechas here. One of them was standing with a sword, constantly resisting the other mecha coming from behind. Attacks from all directions.

The mecha in the middle stands like a pine and holds firm like a rock, while the other mecha attacks like thunder, moving around like flowing clouds and flowing water as pointed by its arms.

"When can we be like them?" Qi Jingyu murmured to himself.

Watching Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi control the black mechas and fight countless times in the field, and separate and dodge countless times, each confrontation struck a chord in the hearts of Blake and the others.

They thought that after a period of familiarity, they would be able to skillfully control these humanoid mechas, but at this moment, after seeing Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi's control, they realized how childish and ridiculous they and others were.

"This is by no means the level of physical skills, but the familiarity with every joint and detail of the mecha." After speaking, Miyazaki, who rarely spoke, turned around and started his training.

Blake, Mina and others looked at Miyazakigawa's leaving figure. They looked at each other in confusion. They could all feel the burning in each other's eyes. This burning was something no one had experienced since the death of former captain Bruce.

The sacrifices of Bruce, Clark and Michelle brought a big blow to them. After the Triton incident, everyone was immersed in the memories of the past, and it was inevitable that they would be a little negative when facing some things. attitude, and the positive atmosphere in the past has also declined.

At this time, they all saw something long-lost in each other's eyes - fighting spirit, a fighting spirit that refused to admit defeat and moved forward courageously...

Gu Yiyi was stunned and said, "No, this is impossible. After my mental attack is amplified by the mecha, let alone your attention on the battle, even if you resist with all your heart, you cannot block it so easily." .

Fang Mobei laughed, and his laughter was full of pride. "Yes, your mental power is indeed very strong. But let me teach you to be good. No matter how strong your mental power is, it has not yet reached B level. And My mental power has reached mental power level C. Generally speaking, we are at the same level. I have gathered all my mental power to guard my heart. No matter how strong your mental power is, I can barely resist your mental power while waiting for work. Attack. And we are in a high-intensity confrontation, and your mental attack is only 70% of the usual strength. In this case, I can naturally block it easily. This is actual combat experience."

"Smelly brother!" Gu Yiyi yelled. The several attacks she had spent a lot of mental energy on turned out to be in vain. The opportunity was lost. Now it was too late to re-formulate the battle plan, not to mention her current mental strength. Most of the strength and stamina have been consumed.