Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 48: Gaze from the abyss


"Look at that child without a father."

"Bat! He is a bastard!"

"Get out of here, you bastard!"

A group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenagers punched and kicked what they called a bastard and then left holding umbrellas and playing around. The only thing left in the quiet alley was the shivering little boy curled up in the corner.

"It's so cold." The little boy hugged his bent legs tightly and let the rain pour on his body. The soaked single clothes were already clinging to his body, but no matter how cold his body was, he couldn't feel the coldness in his heart.

He seemed to be used to being bullied by those people in the alley. He had thought about resisting, but he didn't know what the meaning of resisting was. At the age of fourteen, he was receiving physical training and could deal with Qi Ba alone. It was not difficult at all to meet his peers, but he didn't do it.

In his opinion, the punches and kicks by his peers did not cause much harm. The real sadness came from their language. After losing his mother, he could not see his father for many years, only the generous allowance that his father sent home every month. It was only then proved that his father was still alive, and he took on the responsibility of taking care of himself and his sister alone.

He was thirteen years old that year, and he had no choice but to bear the responsibility of the family on his weak shoulders.

He looked at the ripples caused by the raindrops falling on the ground. The hustle and bustle gradually fading away in the alley made the world around him quiet down instantly. A feeling of exhaustion spread throughout his body. He really wanted to sleep like this. Maybe only the world in his sleep was warm and there would be a complete home there.

Just when he was about to slowly close his eyes, a shadow enveloped him. He couldn't feel the rain. He raised his head with difficulty and saw a pair of slender legs, and then an orange umbrella. The bright light shines through the orange umbrella and is as warm as the sun on his face.

"Angel" was what the little boy knew in his heart. He smiled and looked at the woman in the light, but he could not see her face clearly. Exhausted, he finally slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Safety lock connected" the voice of artificial intelligence sounded in Gu Yiyi's headset. She stood on the steps of the cabin absentmindedly and looked at the vast starry sky.

Gu Yiyi said to the artificial intelligence on her wrist, "Locate Fang Mobei!" As she said this, she looked around for Fang Mobei.

"Captain Fang Mobei has been located." After a moment, the voice of artificial intelligence sounded in Gu Yiyi's headset.

After Gu Yiyi looked at the direction of Fang Mobei displayed on the helmet, the stone in her heart fell to the ground. "I'll take you home now." After saying that, she jumped up from the steps. The leopard girl's jumping ability was here. It appeared vividly in a moment, and her figure left a series of afterimages in the starry sky, shooting straight at Fang Mobei's place like a sharp arrow.

She looked at Fang Mobei, who was getting closer and closer in the distance, and her blue eyes became extremely determined at this time. The person she loved was right in front of her, getting closer and closer.

"It's him again, that little boy named Fang Mobei, he was bullied again." Gu Yiyi walked in the alley holding an umbrella, looking at the familiar little boy in the distance huddled in the corner and shivering.

The rain slapped on the little boy's thin body, as if it was the last straw. She slowly walked towards him holding an umbrella.

She used an umbrella to protect the boy from the rain. She saw the boy's immature face and his big eyes filled with weakness but hope. Being proficient in mental power, she felt the loneliness and pity deep in the boy's heart. Compared to Due to her own life experience, she had inexplicable emotions towards this little boy.

Maybe somewhere

There is a certain destiny in it. From that moment on, this boy has entered her heart. Until many years later, when he met at the Federation Interstellar Military Academy and then on Triton, fate may have intertwined two unrelated lines like this. together.

Gu Yiyi collided with Fang Mobei tightly before the safety rope reached its limit. After hugging him, Gu Yiyi immediately retracted the safety rope. She looked at Fang Mobei who had lost consciousness in the space suit, and felt anxious in her heart.

After returning to the South Gate ship, Xue Gushan and others were already waiting at the door of the pressure relief cabin. The hatch of the prepared medical bed had been opened. Everyone was watching the return of the hero. It was this soldier named Fang Mobei who used his own His life saved everyone, and almost everyone had tears in their eyes.

After the robotic arm took off Fang Mobei's space suit, Gu Yiyi held him with both hands and put him into the medical bed. Then she looked expectantly at Fang Mobei in the medical bed, expecting the man who often created miracles to come to this moment. Create a miracle again.

The medical bed, which had already been programmed with rescue procedures, began to work quickly after the transparent hatch cover merged.

After the optical scanner scanned Fang Mobei's body, an image of Fang Mobei's vital data was projected on the medical bed. His heartbeat had stopped.

The robotic arm in the medical bed first sprayed disinfection and cell repair agents all over Fang Mobei's body from top to bottom. Then, a high concentration of MAK activator was injected into Fang Mobei's heart, lungs, and kidneys. The voltage machine started Give Mobei an electric shock to revive him on his chest.

A series of measures failed to restore Fang Mobei's vital signs, and some people began to shake their heads in disappointment, sobbing louder and louder.

Gu Yiyi, who was out of control, broke away from the pull of Black and the others. Her eyes turned from black to blue as if she was furious. She opened the transparent hatch of the medical bed with a wave of her hand and looked at Fang Mobei who was very close at hand and still showed no signs of life. , the unwillingness and despair in her heart occupied her reason.


A strong beast roar came from Gu Yiyi's mouth. Xue Gushan and others covered their ears in fright. Blake and others on the side were also surprised to find that Gu Yiyi, who had always been alluring and charming, was now like a lost cub. The female beast roared in despair.

A sound that no human being could make came out of Gu Yiyi's mouth. Before Blake and others could discover this strange phenomenon, an astonishing scene refreshed their world view.

"Hum!" During Gu Yiyi's beastly roar that lasted for several seconds, Fang Mobei was either frightened or his senses were stimulated. He suddenly hummed as if he was suddenly breathing oxygen after suffocating for a long time.

Fang Mobei looked at Gu Yiyi, who was close to turning into a beast in front of him. Before he could react for a moment, he saw that the people around him were looking at his naked body, and they were even more confused and embarrassed, gasping for air.

"Mobei! You're finally alive!" Gu Yiyi was the first to find Fang Mobei who had come back to life. Then Black and others, as well as Xue Gushan, also noticed that Fang Mobei was awake. The entire medical cabin was filled with cheers. sound.

Everyone looked at the two people hugging each other tightly on the medical bed. At Xue Gushan's signal, everyone also wisely gave up the cabin.

Blake and others also left the cabin, but while they were happy, Gu Yiyi's beastly roar left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

"Guess that beast's roar just now..." Blake looked at the others with some confusion and said.

Miyazakigawa still has a ( ̄. ̄) cute expression, and his face is covered.

Qi Jingyu looked up at Blake at a 45-degree angle.

"Blake, knowing too much about some things is not necessarily a good thing, as long as we all know each other

Just trust, isn't it?" Mina finally couldn't stand it anymore and reminded her softly.

Blake: (??ˇ?ˇ??)

As if they sensed something strange behind them, Blake and the others turned around suddenly and found that Xue Gushan, Binx, and Mars had appeared behind them at some point.

Xue Gushan and others: ((′-_-)-_-)-_-)

Blake saw Xue Gushan and others looking solemnly in deep thought, and felt a little nervous. You must know that Xue Gushan, as the chief of staff of the air service regiment, and now the captain of the Nanmen ship, if Gu Yiyi appeared with a beast roar this time, If the same report is reported back to the Tiangong, then according to the principles of the Tiangong's military department, an investigation team will inevitably be dispatched to question Gu Yiyi. If anything is found in the investigation, the consequences will be disastrous.

Blake et al: (?--)

As if seeing the worries of Black and others, Xue Gushan and the others looked at each other and said, "Don't worry, we ordinary people won't say anything about you ability users, and Captain Fang Mobei saved the Nanmen ship, let alone us. Reason to do something detrimental to him and your special team."

After saying that, Binks and Mars also nodded in agreement. After all, this matter has no value for them to report. The matter of ability users cannot be explained clearly. Instead of offending these big guys, It's better to just be a smooth favor and make it easier to deal with him in the future.

Blake received the assurance from Xue Gushan and the others, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

In this incident, Xue Gushan wrote a report and used a laser array to transmit it to the Tiangong. The people who survived the disaster had a big change in their mentality, at least they became more friendly to the people around them.

The South Gate ship also officially left the terminal shock wave and headed towards the Oort cloud at the further edge of the solar system. The planet Tokta is located in the interstellar space zone between the terminal shock wave and the Oort cloud. In the interstellar space, Without the gravitational effect of the sun, the speed of the Nanmen ship has been greatly increased, and it is expected to reach the gravitational range of the Tokta star in one month.

Through the observation mirror of the South Gate ship, Xue Gushan and others carefully observed the dark brown planet in the command room. The mass of Tokta is 150 times that of the Earth, but its gravity is only 70% of the Earth's, that is, It is said that if a person weighs 90kg, then it will be particularly easy for him to walk on the planet Tokta, because he is only 63kg. It is like a person who has been strapping 27kg sandbags to his legs. Decades later When this person takes off the 27kg sandbag, the muscles and strength he has become accustomed to with 90kg suddenly only need to bear 63kg, and the extra part is far more powerful than other people.

In other words, 70% of the earth's gravity is relatively good news for humans. At least in the future, human beings' various skills will be enhanced to a certain extent, but this is also compared to humans before.

Xue Gushan summoned Fang Mobei, Binx and others to attend the regular meeting in the command room as usual, because they were getting closer to Tokta Star.

"Beep... beep..." The radar alarm sounded in the command room.

"What's going on?" Xue Gushan frowned.

"Captain, a large amount of metal debris has been detected in the star field ahead." The adjutant looked at the data displayed in his hand and said, "Preliminary analysis, it should be the debris of the Zeus."

They had reached the gravitational range of Tokta Planet. At this moment, Tokta Planet also discovered the South Gate Ship.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.