Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 51: Titan's Lament (Part 2)


The helmets of Fang Mobei and others displayed synchronized messages from the fighter planes. They saw three Titans in the distance attacking the blocking circle where Mars and the others were.

"Is this a Titan?" Mars' surprised voice came. Apparently, the Nanmen ship synchronized the news sent back from Fang Mobei to Mars and others.

"Captain, are we still following the original plan?"

"All fighter planes operate according to the original plan. The laser guns on the fighter planes are useless against these giant beasts, and the laser cannons and electromagnetic guns cannot cause substantial damage to them. After contact, each fighter plane pays attention to avoid harassment and be prepared for the Fox Team to drop bombs. "Mars said in the communicator. Obviously, facing this kind of extraordinary battle, Mars's psychological quality is still excellent.

"20 unmanned combat aircraft will make contact first to test the depth of the enemy."

Following Mars' command, 20 unmanned combat aircraft broke out of the blocking circle and flew towards the three Titans. The laser gun attacks attracted the attention of the Titans, but these Titans did not slow down to deal with these flies. The drone continued to fly towards the location of the Nanmen ship.

"Captain, it seems your harassment is useless," Fox teased Mars through the communicator.

"Their target is the Nanmen Ship," Mars thought. "Fox, let's go up and prepare to drop anti-matter bombs. Since they don't take us seriously, it's dignified to try it."

Amid a burst of laughter, Mars led the Fox Squadron, a total of 8 fighter planes speeding towards the three Titans.

"No, it's a scam." After Fang Mobei reacted, he felt that it was not what Mars and the others thought. By looking at the pictures left on the Zeus, these Titans did not look like mindless beasts.

"Mars and the others were fooled," Gu Yiyi frowned.

Boom, after one of the fighter planes controlled by the Fox Team was destroyed, the three Titans began to attack the next eight fighter planes in unison. After their flexible bodies avoided two anti-matter bombs, they flew towards the other seven fighter planes. .

After the second fighter plane was destroyed, Mars realized that he had been careless and had been plotted by these three beasts.

"Team Fox, be careful to evade, we've been fooled." Mars controlled the fighter plane to avoid the tail flick attack of a Titan and yelled into the communicator, "Don't launch antimatter bombs from a long distance. These creatures are very flexible in the universe. Their thermal energy is very low and their guidance cannot be locked on!"

"Tell the other drones to cover us" the fox shouted.

"It's useless! These beasts can lock on to our next 8 fighter planes," Mars roared angrily.

Although Mars responded promptly, a total of eight fighter planes they flew were destroyed in an instant with the tacit cooperation of the three Titans.

"Captain, there are no more unmanned combat drones on the South Gate ship," Fox said after getting down from the control cabin and watching the last drone flown by Mars being destroyed.

"Then why are you hesitating!" Mars looked at the three Titans on the big screen, ignoring the harassment of other drones and the Red Ghost team, and attacking the South Gate ship. His eyes were red and he shouted, "Follow me!" With that said, he ran towards the deck.

"Inform the deck to load anti-matter bombs on our fighters!" Mars shouted hysterically in the communicator while running.

"Captain Mars, it's up to you whether the Nanmen Ship lives or dies." Xue Gushan's voice sounded in Mars' headset.

"Captain, don't worry, Mars Brigade never deserts."

"Captain Mars, these Titans have a unique sense of smell for anti-matter bombs, so be careful," Fang Mobei reminded.

"Huh?" After thinking for a moment, Mars knew the whole story. "Captain, do you have any good suggestions?" Mars guessed what Fang Mobei saw on the Zeus, otherwise he would not have reported it to the other party immediately. information.

"Captain, I'm here too

There is no better way, but the laser cannon and electromagnetic cannon on the fighter plane can effectively anger the Titans. Perhaps the tactic of hyenas and lions can be used." After discussing with Gu Yiyi, Fang Mobei felt that given the current situation, perhaps he could only fight first Provoke a Titan to discover its weakness.

"Fang, if your method works, I'll treat you to a drink when I come back!" Mars said gratefully.

"Captain, 10 GT-1 mechas have been detected in the supply warehouse." Saihu's magnetic voice sounded in Fang Mobei's headset. "Because the package is complete, there is no damage."

"We found the GT-1 mecha," Fang Mobei said to everyone.

"Captain ∑(っ°Д°;)っ, you're not going to let us wear mechas to kill Titans!" Blake said in surprise.

"Get lost!" Not only Fang Mobei, but also Gu Yiyi, Qi Jingyu and others also gave Blake two middle fingers.

"Saihu, is it possible to activate the mechanical soldiers on the Zeus?" Fang Mobei said, "We lack manpower here."

"Currently, the only ones that can be activated in the wreckage are two mechanical engineers and three mechanical soldiers."

"Let the mechanical engineers and mechanical soldiers find the 10 mechas, then put them into the intact rescue capsule we just found and put them on Tokta," Fang Mobei said to Saihu.

"Decided?" Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei and said.

"No matter what, we have to go there." Fang Mobei looked at Blake and others who were searching ahead and said, "Just to prepare for a rainy day."

Gu Yiyi nodded, "Do you think the Nanmen ship can be saved?".

"Then it depends on whether Mars and the others can destroy those three Titans. I hope no more Titans will come."

"Probably not" Gu Yiyi said solemnly.

Gu Yiyi's mental power has reached the late C level, and she has a strong ability to sense the emotional fluctuations in living creatures. Although the distance between Titan and her is very far, the huge size of Titan makes her emotional fluctuations also increase, just like an ant. Just like humans, the human heartbeat is like a landslide to an ant.

In her induction, the sadness and anger conveyed in the Titan's body once made her heart sway, just like the last roar for her homeland.

"Okay, this is not a drill, it looks like it's going to be real."

"Remos, when you drop the bomb, don't let your hands shake."

"Okay, get in formation and follow me," Mars said over the communicator, "Let them watch a fireworks show."

Eight starfighters loaded with eight anti-matter bombs left the South Gate ship one after another amidst the cheers of the ground crew and sped towards the three approaching Titans. Xue Gushan watched 8 fighter planes flying past the Nanmen ship in the command room. Her heart was full of expectations. The Nanmen ship was the last hope.

"Captain, are there any extra fighter planes? I'm applying for a fighter plane!" Binx looked at the fighter planes that were gradually disappearing. The excitement in his heart made his blood boil. He turned to Xue Gushan and said seriously.

Xue Gushan glanced at Binx, turned and left.

"Okay," Binx murmured after receiving Yuki Gushan's eye roll.

"Following up on the Mars team, I want to know their tactical intentions," Xue Gushan said to the communications officer beside her.

Immediately, a video picture of 8 fighters appeared on the screen in the command room. The 8 fighters were arranged in a triangular formation.

"Command, we saw the target," Mars said.

"Roger, Captain Mars, continue to approach and start the delivery mission," Xue Gushan said, "Looking forward to your success."

As the eight fighter planes gradually approached, Titan seemed to have no reaction at all, ignoring the harassment of the surrounding Red Ghost team and dozens of unmanned fighter planes.

"Why don't they attack us?" asked the fox

"Don't say it too early," Mars replied.

"I have manually locked the target and am ready to drop bombs at any time." Mars looked at the Titan beast getting closer and closer, and his heart was shocked beyond measure. You must know that the Titan seen through the visual screen in the control cabin of the Nanmen ship The inner feeling is different from the real Titan seen through the ion glass at this moment.

Oppression, a feeling of oppression and intimidation from genes similar to that of higher organisms towards lower organisms, made Mars and others feel absent-minded for a moment.

"Not good!" Mars, who reacted immediately, shouted in the communicator, "Be careful and avoid it!"

Although Mars reacted in time, the three Titans moved even faster, and the giant fish on the side of the chest slapped towards Mars' fighter squadron.

"Fox, you are such a crow's mouth"

"Left! Left!"

"Dodge! Dodge!"

"The drone next to me was hit. The fighter behind me was careful to avoid it."

"Two o'clock directions, retreat"

"Maintain defensive formation and use tactical maneuvers," Mars shouted, "Find the right time to drop the bomb!"

"Dive!" Fox shouted, "Red Ghost, let your people protect the fighter plane!"

"Down! Down!"

"Fox No. 4 is manually locked and bombed!"

As one of the fighter planes pressed the launch button, an anti-matter bullet hit the tail of a Titan without deviation. With a huge impact, the Titan's tail exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. Let Mars and others escape in a hurry.

"Command, we hit!" Marshui reported, "But our formation has been disrupted, and we need to re-formulate our offensive strategy."

"The Titan is not dead, be careful!" Before Xue Gushan could breathe a sigh of relief, the bioelectric wave showed that the Titan had not been destroyed, but was seriously injured and still had the ability to fight.

"Damn it!" Mars saw Fox No. 4 being bitten in the mouth by the injured Titan while evading it. "Too fast!"

"Fox 4 starts the self-destruction program, be loyal!" As the communication was interrupted, the Fox 4 fighter plane self-destructed in Titan's mouth. The self-destruction of the fighter plane did not cause fatal damage to Titan, but only made Titan even more angry.

"I saw you! I've locked you! Fox No. 2 dropped the bomb."

The anti-matter bullet grazed the back of a Titan without hitting it. The Titan reacted and smashed the fighter to pieces with a swipe.

"I can't get rid of this beast!" The fox's fighter plane was chased and bitten by the Titan with only the upper half left. "Damn it, help me!"

"Come here"

"Fox No. 5 aimed at the head and dropped the bomb."

After Fox 5 crossed paths with Fox, an anti-matter bomb was projected directly into Titan's mouth. With a wave of impact, Titan's head was instantly destroyed by the anti-matter bomb.

"There are still 2 Titans and 5 anti-matter bombs left. There is still hope," Mars said after avoiding the giant squid's slap. "The Fox Team reorganized the attack."

"Captain, I'm at your twelve o'clock direction"

"Hold still, turn left."

I saw Mars's fighter plane and Fox 1's fighter plane crossing each other in the sky. An anti-matter bomb was projected from the Fox 1 fighter plane and hit the back of a Titan. Mars also escaped from the Titan's back. Liberated in pursuit.

"Don't forget to thank me later!" the fox cheered.

"I want to hug you right now!" Mars smiled. "Victory is right in front of you, everyone!"