Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 6: critical


Fang Mobei and others came to Guo Xiaoqing, and everyone was attracted by the werewolf in Guo Xiaoqing.

"Hiss" Guo Kai, Zhang Xiaosi, and Oleg gasped after seeing the werewolf's body.

"Oh my God, what the hell is this?" Oleg fiddled with the werewolf's body with his gun, curious and disgusted.

"Cyborg..." Ozawa stared blankly at the werewolf's body and said in disbelief.

Fang Mobei looked at Misa Ozawa who hesitated to speak and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Ozawa sighed and recalled, "Five years ago when I was serving in the Yamato Imperial Army, I heard a teacher say that the genetically modified humans that the Empire has been researching have made a major breakthrough." After finishing speaking, Ozawa looked at Fang Mo. Bei continued, "But I heard from the teacher that genetic modification is intended to be used in medicine to benefit all mankind."

"As far as I know, it was indeed intended to be used in medicine at the beginning." Akada paused and continued, "Later, the entire research team was taken over by the imperial military, and all research results were classified as top secrets by the empire."

"How do you know?" Ozawa looked at Akata suspiciously and asked.

"That secret operation..." Akata frowned, "I participated..."

When Bella saw Ozawa and Akata finish talking, the atmosphere was a little awkward and she quickly changed the topic and said, "Is the thing we were chasing just now this werewolf?"

"It should be fine." Fang Mobei looked at the mess around him with a solemn expression, and the blood stains on the remains of several mechas were still vaguely visible.

"Cough cough cough" A violent coughing sound attracted the attention of Fang Mobei and others.

"There is someone under the body!" Ozawa said in fear.

Zhang Xiaosi: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Guo Kai: Σ(дlll)

Guo Kai and Zhang Xiaosi quickly pulled Guo Xiaoqing out from under the werewolf's body. Guo Xiaoqing looked at several mechas surrounding him and didn't recover for a while, and then saw Fang Mobei walking from a distance.

Seeing her comrades from the same brigade coming to support, Guo Xiaoqing could finally relax. She was well aware of Fang Mobei's ability, the only C-level physical practitioner in the entire mecha battalion.

When facing the werewolf, Guo Xiaoqing admitted that the mecha warrior could not handle it at all, otherwise his mecha team would not have been wiped out. Perhaps only people with abilities like Fang Mobei could match it.

"Xiaoqing, are you okay?" Fang Mobei looked at Guo Xiaoqing with concern, and then looked at Bella who was treating Guo Xiaoqing's injuries.

"Don't worry, you won't die." After saying that, Guo Xiaoqing sat up with relief.

"I gave the second lieutenant a preliminary check. Except for a slight scratch on his leg, everything else is fine," Bella said.

Guo Xiaoqing picked up the anti-matter bomb in his hand and carefully placed it in front of everyone.

"What is this?" Ozawa and others looked at the fist-shaped metal ball and looked at Guo Xiaoqing in confusion.

"Antimatter bomb?" Fang Mobei said solemnly as he looked at the metal ball in front of him.

When Ozawa and others heard Fang Mobei say 'anti-matter bomb', they subconsciously took two steps back. They were full of fear of anti-matter bombs. Such a powerful weapon was lying peacefully in Guo Xiaoqing's hands. It is hard for them to imagine that an antimatter bullet that can cause such a wide range of damage is only the size of a fist.

"Not bad," Guo Xiaoqing stared at the anti-matter bomb in front of him and continued, "I led the team and discovered that the enemy here is connecting the detonation device of the anti-matter bomb."

"Do they want to destroy the SDS here?" Ozawa looked at the mountains of SDS energy storage boxes piled up in the distance and asked in surprise.

"No, they want to destroy the entire G16 area." Guo Xiaoqing looked at Fang Mobei, who was frowning, and then said, "You may have guessed it."

"They used SDS as bait to attract our mecha warriors to the two mining areas of G16 and G17 before detonating the anti-matter bombs." After listening to Fang Mobei's words, Ozawa and others found themselves covered in shock. Cold sweat.

"It seems that the enemy wants to play a big game of chess," Fang Mobei said while looking at Guo Xiaoqing.

"Doesn't it mean that there is an anti-matter bomb in G17 area?" Ozawa guessed after reacting. At this time, she hoped that her guess was just a wild guess.

"It should be so. I have informed Lieutenant Lilia and Captain Benjamin of the news. They must have notified the mecha company in area G17." Guo Xiaoqing looked at Fang Mobei and others, then raised the anti-matter bomb and continued. "This anti-matter bomb is handed over to you. You have also seen genetically modified werewolves here. The enemy may have more werewolves."

Fang Mobei carefully took the anti-matter bomb and looked at Guo Xiaoqing and asked, "You said there are more werewolves?"

"Yes, at least two have died here." Guo Xiaoqing paused and looked at the remains of several mechas next to him, his eyes full of sadness.

"Oh my god, is this the genetic modification base moved to Triton!" Oleg sighed, "Mecha warriors can't stand up to these werewolves?"

Seeing Guo Xiaoqing's sad face, Ozawa hit Oleg with his mecha. Oleg reacted angrily and said, "That's what I asked, and that's what you heard."

Guo Xiaoqing turned to look at Fang Mobei and said, "Mobei, you are the only one in the entire battalion who has reached the C-level physical arts level. You should know this."

Fang Mobei remained silent and did not speak. Guo Xiaoqing then affirmed, "Only you can protect this anti-matter bomb!"

"Xiaoqing, don't worry." Fang Mobei looked at Guo Xiaoqing firmly and replied, raising the anti-matter bomb, "Our entire team will safely send this thing back to the regiment headquarters."

Then, from Guo Xiaoqing's description of fighting werewolves, Fang Mobei and others were able to determine that the attack methods adopted by the two werewolves were specifically aimed at the weaknesses of the mecha: the lack of armor coverage in the control compartment and the two shortcomings of sensitivity. It is said that these reformers came prepared.

But there is no absolute perfection in this world. Werewolves have rapid speed and powerful strength, but their physical defense is still unable to withstand bullets shot by large-caliber machine guns.

But now they don't have time to think about this. Their attention is focused on the SDS energy accumulated in the distance.

After a series of previous battles, mountains of SDS storage boxes had been scattered all over the place. Fortunately, the storage boxes were inherently explosion-proof. Although some were damaged, most of the storage boxes were intact.

Fang Mobei opened one of the half-person-high storage boxes and found 16 SDS raw material sticks glowing with a faint blue light.

This is not the first time he has come into contact with SDS raw materials. In a mission two years ago, it was the special brigade led by Fang Mobei who was responsible for escorting a batch of SDS raw materials back to the Kunlun Mountain base.

At this time, Fang Mobei finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the SDS raw material stick in his hand and the piles of SDS storage boxes next to him.

Their task at this moment is to guard the SDS raw materials here and wait for the arrival of support troops.

G16 underground mine

In a wide cave, the remains of mechanical soldiers and collapsed ice rocks were everywhere, making the place look like a mess.

Lilia was sitting on the mecha's arm, smoking a Cuban cigar. The mecha's arm rested on the ice rock beside it, forming a 'bridge'.

"Damn mechanical soldiers, as many as bugs!" Lilia looked at squad leader Pino leading his team members to clean up the battlefield.

"Dear Lilia, don't forget the bet you just made," Pino reminded him when he heard Lilia sitting aside grumbling.

Just before, Lilia and her team were besieged by dozens of enemy mechanical soldiers here. At first, everyone was still able to rely on the firepower of the mechas to confront each other. But after a confrontation for a while, when the ammunition on the mecha was almost exhausted, Lilia gave the order to stop shooting. All the mecha warriors hid behind the bunker and were suppressed by the opponent's firepower, unable to raise their heads.

The enemy mechanical soldiers guessed that the opponent might have no ammunition and rushed towards Lilia. But as soon as they rushed closer, they saw Lilia holding a two-meter-long alloy sword and shouting "Come on, little bastards". Cut down. Seeing Lilia stepping forward to fight in hand-to-hand combat, the other mecha warriors raised knives, hammers, or axes and swung them at the opponent's mechanical soldiers.

At this moment, Pino looked at Lilia and said, "Lieutenant, we are competing to see who can cut down more people. I win. Give me the Brasilia cigar you saved."

"Dear Pino, if I win, I want your cigar."

After hearing what Lilia said, Pino, who was cutting a mechanical soldier in two, was about to kneel down and thank God for having the eyes to finally let him, a devout believer, feel God's grace, when Lilia's voice rang in his ears again.

"I will stomp your cigar hard on the ground and leave a mark." After saying that, Pino felt a chill in his lower body. The moment he stood there, he was almost hit by a mechanical soldier with a cannon in the cockpit.

Pinault: (;Д`)

After receiving the message from Guo Xiaoqing, Lilia shouted excitedly to the others, "Xiaoqing has found the SDS raw materials, let's go meet up quickly." After saying that, she threw the remaining cigar to Pino and turned it in. The mecha cockpit.

Pino carefully took the cigar thrown by Lilia, pecked it hard a few times, and ran towards his mecha.

Area G10, Mecha Regiment Temporary Headquarters

Fang Weiming was watching through the holographic projection the scene where the Second Battalion led by Gu Wei was attacking the G18 area where Hogg Base was located.

"Captain, a large amount of SDS reserves were found in area G16," the staff report said.

"Inform the air crew to go to the G16 area to take over." Fang Weiming pointed at the G16 area of the projection clock and saw that the enlarged G16 area displayed the coordinate mark of the 1st Battalion. "Which company discovered it? It should be recorded as the first achievement." Fang Weiming smiled road.

"It was reported by Captain Benjamin of the Third Company of the First Battalion. It was discovered by Second Lieutenant Guo Xiaoqing of the First Team of the Third Company. It is now guarded by Second Lieutenant Fang Mobei." The staff officer looked at Fang Weiming and reported truthfully.

Fang Weiming was stunned when he heard the words Fang Mobei, raised the corner of his mouth and muttered, "Not bad."

"What?" The staff officer asked subconsciously, not hearing what Fan Weiming said clearly.

"Nothing..." Fang Weiming touched the corner of his mouth and said seriously.

"Captain, there is another news..." Immediately, the staff officer reported to Fang Weiming the possible conspiracy discovered by Guo Xiaoqing and Fang Mobei.

"Are you sure?" Fang Weiming couldn't hold back the turbulence in his heart and asked eagerly after hearing the anti-matter bomb. At this time, Fang Weiming stared at the staff officer. He understood that the anti-matter bomb was a big killer. Once it detonated, the entire area would be in ruins. , if it detonates in the mine, I am afraid that the entire area will collapse on a large scale, and none of the soldiers in the mine will survive.

"Already confirmed"

"Where's the antimatter bomb?"

"In the hands of Second Lieutenant Fang Mobei"

When he heard that the antimatter bomb in the G16 area was in Fang Mobei's hand, Fang Weiming's heart finally calmed down a little. After calming down, he suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. Fang Weiming who reacted quickly said to the staff, "Tell Major Anthony, Let the Second Company withdraw from the G17 area immediately!" After thinking about it, he quickly asked, "Who is in charge of the mining area in the G17 area now?"

"Captain Zhao Jie," the staff officer replied.

"Pick up Zhao Jie from the 1st Battalion and 2nd Company, quickly!" Fang Weiming turned to the communication station and yelled at the correspondent.

Underground mine in area G16.

Fang Mobei and others were guarding the mountains of SDS raw materials and waiting for the arrival of support troops. After Fang Mobei stored the anti-matter bombs in the mecha, he saw Guo Xiaoqing sitting beside him in a daze.

"They have genetically modified people, and we have no power to fight back." Guo Xiaoqing looked at Fang Mobei who was walking over and said, "Our mecha warriors have lost their advantage."

"Stop blaming yourself." Fang Mobei patted Guo Xiaoqing's shoulder and comforted him, "The support team will arrive in an hour, and we can go back soon."

"I am confident that my team can defeat any enemy," Guo Xiaoqing choked, "but we encountered a genetically modified person, damn it!" After speaking, Guo Xiaoqing stood up angrily and kicked away the remains of the mechanical soldier at his feet. "I lost six brothers. ! Six good brothers!" After saying that, she looked at Fang Mobei with tears on her face.

"They will all fight to the death for you," Fang Mobei said firmly, holding Guo Xiaoqing's shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"Have you ever lost a brother?"

"Yes" Fang Mobei replied without hesitation. During his previous mission on Earth, he had witnessed the scenes of his comrades around him having their heads smashed by violent terrorists.

"You are not the first, nor the last." He looked at Guo Xiaoqing in front of him and said gently and firmly, "Stop blaming yourself, do you understand?"

Guo Xiaoqing looked at Fang Mobei in front of him and nodded slowly.

"Now our task is to wait here for the arrival of the support troops. You can leave or stay, I don't care." Fang Mobei paused and then said, "But I hope you can stay and complete the task of guarding SDS energy with us." .

"Captain, the heat source sensor sensed something coming towards us," Bella said while looking at the mark on the detector in the mecha.

"Are they Lieutenant Lilia and the others?" Ozawa asked.

"No, it's not a mecha, it's a mechanical soldier!" Bella affirmed, "They are not in the same communication channel as us! And they move very fast. They will arrive here in 5 minutes." After that, she looked at Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei felt something was wrong when he heard Bella say, 'It's not a mecha.' The person in the cave at this time was either a mecha or an enemy.

"It's the enemy! Everyone enter the mecha cockpit! Hurry!" Fang Mobei shouted loudly to Ozawa and others, and he himself jumped into the cockpit "Akata, place booby traps in the passage behind!" Oleg prepares firepower to suppress the hole in front!"

Ozawa immediately ran to Bella, bent down and pointed the electromagnetic railgun behind him at the passage in front. Bella deployed the ion shield to protect herself and Ozawa behind the shield.

Zhang Xiaosi and Guo Kai found bunkers on both sides and raised their assault rifles and pointed them at the hole.

"Xiao Qing, command the mechanical soldiers to support you from the side." After releasing the distress signal, Fang Mobei dropped the assault rifle beside Oleg and pulled out the alloy sword hanging from his waist.

"One minute left" Bella yelled.

Everyone stared solemnly at the hole in front. Everyone's breathing could not help but become heavier, and the hand holding the gun couldn't help but tighten.

"5 seconds left"

"Fire!" As a C-level physical practitioner, Fang Mobei's various physical abilities have been developed, and his long-sightedness has also been improved accordingly. Fang Mobei, who can see further than ordinary people, saw clearly that there was a figure appearing deep in the cave entrance. When the wolf was in shadow, he loudly gave the firing order to the others.

Following Fang Mobei's order, the bullets from everyone's guns poured towards the hole at the same time, and the heavy Gatling in Oleg's hand spurted out blue tongues of fire.

The enemies in the passage did not expect that Fang Mobei and others here had been prepared, and all the bullets were pouring towards them. Their true trump card was revealed after paying the price of two werewolves dying and a dozen mechanical soldiers being shot into a sieve.

As a deafening beast roar sounded, the expressions of Fang Mobei and others changed. Just as they were stunned, a bear-man nearly three meters tall ran out of the cave. All the bullets were not fired. Cause substantial damage to the bear.

After the bears rushed out, they rushed directly towards Oleg. After most of the firepower was blocked by the bears, the mechanical soldiers at the entrance of the cave began to fight back one after another.

At this moment, Fang Mobei saw three black figures emerging from the corner of the cave entrance. When he took a closer look, he saw clearly that the three black figures were the werewolves who had given Guo Xiaoqing nightmares before. The three werewolves had different coat colors and body shapes, but what they had in common was the pair of dark eyes staring bloodthirstly at Fang Mobei, and Fang Mobei was also staring at them.

When Oleg saw that the Ursine was about to pounce, the cannon on his shoulder fired instantly, and the shell hit the Ursine directly in the chest.

"Boom" a huge explosion sounded.

"Hit!" Just as Oleg cheered loudly because of the hit, the bear man rushed out of the fire and smoke of the explosion and threw himself directly on the face of Oleg's mecha. Due to Oleg's machine The armor is a heavy-armored mecha. The bearman's impact only deformed Oleg's mecha but did not penetrate it.

The powerful impact caused Oleg, the heavy mecha, to be thrown to the ground by the Ursine. The Ursus stood up straight with blood flowing from his charred chest. The huge bear paw slapped the cockpit of Oleg mecha fiercely. This strong visual impact made Oleg seem to see the scythe of death swinging towards him, and Oleg subconsciously closed his eyes.

"Boom" the blue beam instantly hit the bear man's chest, and with an explosion, the bear man's body exploded with blood and flesh flying everywhere. It’s Ozawa’s electromagnetic rail gun!

The violent explosion attracted everyone's attention, including the three werewolves on the opposite side.

"Ozawa's artillery is so powerful!" Guo Kai and Zhang Xiaosi said forcefully.

"Damn it!" Oleg didn't have time to feel the coldness in his lower body and his heart was chilling... He picked up Fang Mobei's assault rifle with humiliation and fired a bunch of bullets at the large number of mechanical soldiers that had rushed in.

"Be careful!" Fang Mobei shouted loudly at Guo Kai and Zhang Xiaosi after watching the two werewolves rush towards them.

When Fang Mobei was about to run towards the two of them, the largest werewolf in the middle rushed towards Fang Mobei at the same time.

The werewolf jumped down from the entrance of the cave. The huge werewolf opened its bloody mouth and hit Fang Mobei like a cannonball. Fang Mobei drove the mecha towards the werewolf at full speed, holding a two-meter-long weapon in his right hand. The alloy sword glowed with a cold metallic luster.